Intellij Idea does not display javac compiler warnings of referencing proprietary API - intellij-idea

I'm working with Intellij Idea 10 and Java 6 JDK Update 7. When I run Build --> Rebuild Project command, the javac compilation (using parameter -Xlint:all) displays warnings, but for some reason does not include warnings about the source code referencing Sun proprietary API classes.
When I run javac (yes, the same version that is referenced from Idea) manually from the command line, I can see those warnings all right. And I would like to see the same information in Idea as well. How do I achieve this?

It seems to be a bug. Could be that IDEA doesn't support some of the warning types and doesn't report them. Please submit an issue with the sample project attached.


IntelliJ says 'Project JDK is Misconfigured', but it isn't, how can this be fixed?

I'm running IntelliJ Ultimate 2022.2.2. For quite some time (and versions) it has been complaining that the Project JDK is misconfigured and giving red lines under basically everything. This wasn't much of a problem aside from being very annoying, because the build configurations and Maven tasks still worked, but now it appears that breakpoints don't work anymore, which is a bit of an issue.
The exact issue is that in the POM, the Java version is set to 11. The JDK is also set to 11, as is the language level. IntelliJ, however, will only remove the warning (and red lines) if the JDK is set to 8 instead. Of course, doing that causes compilation and Maven tasks to fail, because the POM specifies that Java 11 must be used.
As stated above, I tried following IntelliJ's suggestion of changing the JDK to Java 8, which removed the editor warnings and errors, but caused compilation and Maven jobs to fail. Leaving it at 11 compiles and runs just fine, but the editor is filled with errors and warnings and breakpoints don't function.
I've also tried a clean checkout with invalidated caches, but that resulted in the exact same situation.
Why, then, does IntelliJ claim the project JDK is misconfigured, and how can I convince it that it really isn't?

IntelliJ IDEA is not finding Play Twirl templates (sometimes)

I'm developing a Play Java 2.4.x application that's pretty much following all the Play conventions.
When viewing the project in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, the Twirl templates are usually marked as "cannot resolve symbol" in the import statements. Sometimes and inexplicably (to me), they will show up ok.
I can ctrl-click on any of the templates and IDEA will show me the compiled Scala file. Even if they are marked as "cannot resolve"
For instance, this screenshot shows a few templates as ok, but others not:
The templates are in /app/views/**.scala.html
Twirl compiles them to /target/scala-2.11/twirl/main/views/html/**.template.scala
And Scala compiles them to /target/scala-2.11/classes/views/html/**.class
I am running IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2016.3.4 with Playframework support plugin version 1.0
sbt run works perfectly fine on this project and has never complained about the missing templates.
Here is my sources configuration (most of that seems to be autogenerated, I've tried cleaning it up, but something keeps adding all the ones in red back in)
There is an open bug which looks like your problem:
SCL-10578 2012.2: Cannot resolve symbol on twirl template import

How to enable and configure decompilation feature in Intellij 14?

IJ 14 advertised as having automatic decompilation. But that feature is not working for me (IJ ultimate 14.0.2)
Also - presuming that the decompilation not working can be fixed - I presume there were a way to optionally decompile classes? Maybe not every class do we want to have automatically decompiled.
Update the screenshot shows the Java Bytecode decompiler is enabled.
Maybe you have an old decompiler installed as well? I had the JD-IntelliJ plugin installed (it shows up in the plugin list as "Java Decompiler IntelliJ Plugin"), and did not get any files decompiled after I upgraded from IDEA 13. Once I deactivated JD-IntelliJ, however, the decompilation started working again. I guess the two decompilers got in each other's way.

How can I check the build command for my JavafX app in IntelliJ IDEA

Im creating a JavaFX application in IntelliJ IDEA, and I am new to IntelliJ.
I would like to be able to compile my JavaFX application on a Raspberry Pi, but my app is quite complex and relies on 3rd party libraries, etc.
I would like to be able to see what exactly is going on in IntelliJ when I run "Make Project"
Is there a command line output screen that Im simply missing? I want the exact command that IntelliJ uses to compile the application.
Essentially, on the Pi, I want to get the code from my repo, run the compilation command and produce an executable JAR on demand.
I have of course read the doco on how to compile a JavaFX application, but if I could see what IntelliJ does, that would be fantastic.
So far I haven't found such an option but the process is most likely some sort of flow based on IntelliJ plugins and the documentation seems to support this theory.
Perhaps you'd consider using a software management and build tool such as maven or ant or something similar. This should give you (almost) unlimited options to configure your desired build sequence and 3rd party dependencies.

IntelliJ 12 + Gradle 1.3 - Basic Gradle syntax seems non-functional

I am attempting to play around with Gradle integration in IntelliJ Idea (Ultimate) v12.
It seems even if $GRADLE_HOME is configured properly, basic syntax such as 'apply', 'dependencies', etc. is not recognized.
I would seem like the solution should be something simple. Any help is appreciated.
IntelliJ IDEA doesn't currently offer syntax completion for Gradle build scripts. All you get is the standard Groovy support.
I was having the same problem until this morning. I did the following steps and it solved itself:
added the root build.gradle file (we have several) to the JetGradle tab and refreshed
updated to IDEA 12.0.1 (it restarts and reindexes)
I think doing the first one and restarting may be enough, but I'm not sure.
I'm using Intellij 13 and have had similar problems. What I noticed was, creating a new Project from Intellij (i.e. new Groovy Project or Gradle project), I get the syntax error markers. I also have noticed it didn't do a good job pulling in Gradle dependencies.
On the other hand, if I Import a Project through an already created build.gradle file, the syntax error markings go away and the dependencies seem to play more nicely. Not sure if this works for you.
With Intellij 14 and Gradle 2.3 I found that adding {$GRADLE_HOME}/lib and {$GRADLE_HOME}/lib/plugins as libraries in my project settings got rid of all the warnings like "dependencies cannot be applied to groovy.lang.Closure".