MSBuild: Task to embedding a file before compilation - msbuild

I have the following need:
I'll have to create an MSBuild task that will produce an xml file, which I then need to embed as a resource to one of the projects being built. How do I change my MSBuild proj to accomplish that? Is there a built-in task I can use for embedding the file, or do I need to create one? If the latter, any direction on that would be great.
Thanks in advance!
Update: based on the suggestions given, I've ended up adding an empty xml file to the project as a resource, creating a simple MSBuild custom task ( that writes content to that file as I need it, and running that task as a "BeforeBuild" target. Works like a charm. Note that I've had to "exclude the file from source control", so it won't get checked out every time I build the project, and I've also added some code to the task to make sure the file isn't read-only (

If you don't need to create the whole Xml file from scratch and could add a stubb file to your project you could use the XmlPoke Task to update this file in the BeforeBuild Target (see Sergios answer).

You can use builtin in your .csproj/.vbproj file target BeforeBuild (not forget to uncomment it) and call required MSBuild task in BeforeTarget. In that project add that resource as embedded. That's all.


How to deploy multiple database on Team build

I tried the following in MSBuild Arguments but this didn't work out.
/t:Build;Publish /p:SqlPublishProfilePath=McMData1.local.publish.xml
/p:SqlPublishProfilePath McMData1.local.publish.xml
You can only specify one SqlPublishProfilePath value. You can create another msbuild command task to publish another database project separately or create another build definition.
Also, you could make the database properties inside the xml file command line driven , but you can still only specify one .xml file and have one deployment.

Run msbuild task before ccnet generates the label

The exact sequence of ccnet operations(taken from here):
1) Wait for the triggers to awaken.
2) Ask the source control system for a list of the modifications since the last build.
3) If any modifications were found or if the triggers said "force the build":
3.1) Generate a label for the build.
3.2) Run the prebuild tasks in the order specified, failing the build in case of error.
3.3) Get the source code from the source control system.
3.4) Run the build tasks in the order specified, failing the build in case of error.
3.5) If the repository should be labeled:
3.5.1) Let the source control system apply the label.
3.6) Run the publisher tasks.
4) Go to 1.
Is there a way to run some msbuild task before step 3.1 is executed in ccnet.
Problem Statement:
I am using "fileLabeller" to display the content of a file in ccnet label. If the file exists this works good. But lets say by any chance the file doesn't exist, then i want to call a msbuild task which creates this file and sets up some dummy text.
I called this msbuild task in prebuild event but to my dismay this didn't work out as label generation happens before prebuild.
Is there a way to call this msbuild task before label generation takes place? will log all output to a file with a specific label. This means that a label has to be determined before anything else happens.
If you need to run Msbuild to build a label, you might need to write your own labeller.

Synchronize folders using MSBUILD

How can I use MSBuildExtensionPack 's Sync task to replace all files that exist in folder A with copies in folder B? (but skip any files that only exist in B?)
Do you have to use extension pack? If that is not a requirement, you can just do it using xcopy:
<Exec Command="xcopy /yu $(SourceFolder) $(DestinationFolder)" />
Make sure $(DestinationFolder) already exists before executing this, otherwise xcopy will be displaying a prompt to create one, which is not useful for the automated build system.
The solution is simple
Use "Exclude" and "!Exists" when defining the list of files to be copied

TFS 2010: Perform different builds and command line task in sequence?

my build process with TFS 2010 should perform different task one after the other like:
Build 1st project in solution
Execute MSBuild via command line (to publish the project)
Execute a 3rd party tool via command line (to obfuscate the binaries)
Build a 2nd project in the solution (an InstallShield project)
How can I achieve this? I can define several project in the Build Definition but how can I invoke several command line task between these build steps? And the MSBuildArguments in the Build Definition: Are these arguments for every msbuild call for each project/solution?
At first, you need to add in your build definition the distinct *.*proj instead of one big *.sln - or (even better) construct more than one *.sln & order them to get build in the build definition. So you could organize a Project1.sln, Project2.sln etc that are only used from the Build.
In addition to that, you would have to make changes in the build process template to get this.By default you get something like that, that executes each set project/solution within a bigger foreach:
A good way would be to enhance this as a sequence, where all your custom action are set as InvokeProcess activities:
Obviously, you would have to insert here a flow control, so that Publish & Dotfuscator execute the first time (where Project1.sln gets build), while ISDEV executes the second time (where Project2.sln gets build). In the sample below I used a switch & packed Publish & Dotfuscator in a new Sequence.
Finally, you would have to have a counter of some sort. The most immediate option is to set a new Int32 Variable with default == 1 and increase it by hand during execution. In the sample below this is done in the lower Assign:
This final override of Complie the Project, along with a changed Build Definition should get what you 're after.
The team build definition takes a list of sln's and msbuild project files. You can put simply split your InstallShield project out into it's own solution ( most developers won't have a copy of InstallShield anyways likely ) and write an msbuild targets file for steps 2 and 3. Then just tell your build definition to build solution 1, the targets file and solution 2.
You could also choose to put the stuff in the targets file in a postbuild event for one of the projects in solution 1.
I wouldn't do this in workflow.

Create MSBuild task that recursively copies a folder to several projects in my solution

I'm new to MSBuild and I tried reading up on several sources on the net but I'm missing somet things..
Here's what I want:
A build task that on execution recursively copies a directory structure from a (hardcoded/configured) path on my machine to a set of projects in the solution
Then compiles (release/debug, I guess I can make two sets of them)
Preferably this process would be called when I press f5 in VS and is selectable from the release/debug dropdown (with a different name off course).
What I don't get yet:
Where do I place my .proj file? In my root (where my sln file is)?
How can I make VS pick it up (bind it to f5).
Look at the Copy Task examples on how to copy a file structure recursively.