timeout on query against small table - sql

I'm trying to do a query that gets all the ids from a table where the column document(varbinary(max)) is null.
The query always timesout, and I'm running it against a 5000-row table.
select ID from Invoice where Document is null
Im using SQL Express 2008 R2 and Sql Management Studio. Is this the right way? Am I missing something? Even if I add top 1 the query time out

Sometimes the tables gets locked. Try clicking away from the selected Table in your interface.
What RDBMS are you using? SQLserver? Sybase? or..
Does it still time out when you do:?
from Invoice where Document is null

Do it this way, for a read-only look
select ID from Invoice (nolock) where Document is null

If connecting on localhost Then
If connecting from Management Studio Then
Try restarting SQL Server services...could be locks.
Try restarting machine...could be locks.
ElseIf connecting from remote app code Then
Check if SQL Server is setup for remote connections.
Check connection strings.
Check seccurity privleges.
Check log file.
End If
Check if SQL Server is setup for remote connections
Check connection strings.
Check seccurity privledges.
End If


Updating multiple tables data from different databases having same column name

I have 11 databases in which I'm having tables contains User Details i.e. all employee details. There I have a column "Status"(which is 1 for Active and 0 for Inactive). I have a regular tasks for updating "Status" column value 0 or 1 for mentioned employees and for that, I have to go through all the databases then User table then I have to update. The same task i have to do for all the database and it consumes a lot of time.
If I will get a short Query or Procedure that I have to run once and will do all updation at once then, it would be a great help.
I see a couple of possible options.
You could build an SSIS package to connect to each database and do the necessary updates provided the criteria of which employees to update and what to update them to could be found within the database or some external source such as a text file.
Alternatively, you could use SQLCMD mode in SQL Server Management Studio and then within your SQL script use CONNECT command to switch to each server and database something like this...
:CONNECT Server1
USE Database1
--put your update SQL script
:CONNECT Server2
USE Database2
--put your update SQL script
These links provide some further information on using SQLCMD mode...
Connecting to multiple servers in a Query Window using SQLCMD
SQL Server SQLCMD Basics
As you mentioned, you have 11 databases.
Problem : First, you are using very bad approach for database design,
What really Happens : When you are using multiple databases and you need to check in every database, then the server needs to connect to different database again and again, which takes very more time compared to switching into the tables, because of connection handling.
Solution : In your case, you have only one option to connect different databases in loops and then run the query in the loop for every DB.
Suggestion : you should keep all the data in the same database, you can use an extra column in tables to keep track your data to different entities.

For a Front end access user interface connected to a backend SQL server, do I create new queries for tables in the SQL server or Access frontend?

I am a new database intern working with a access front end and SQL server backend database. The database was custom made for the company. One of my assignments is to take scripts and apply them to make four new tables. I am aware that I need to make a new query for each new table but I don't know if I should make the query in SQL server management studio or the frontend access program. I have tried copying and pasting the given scripts into a new query in access but I get an error message "invalid SQL statement expected 'DELETE', 'INSERT'...". I decided to try to break done the program a little bit and tested the first line
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id =OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo] .[FK_tblInstrumentInterfaceLog_tlkpInstrument]') AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[tblInstrumentInterfaceLog]'))
but the same error message keeps popping up. I even tried just SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys, and I got the error message "could not find file...". I am very much a beginner and any guidance would be appreciated.Basically am I supposed to be applying these scripts the server SQL database or on the front end access program?
Are you using a pass-through query? i.e. not just a select query. Access needs to know where to send the query and since you are using TSQL not Access SQL this needs to be executed on the server.
Normally when you query a linked table the information of how to get the data (the connection string) is tied to the table. But for this kind of query you'll probably need to tell Access explicitly. Unless you are using an ADP/ADE, then the connection info travels with the program not the table.
As a general rule, you use SQL management studio (SSMS) to create and run those scripts. So the general accepted approach here is such scripts will not be placed in the front end. As noted such scripts if for some reason must be placed in the front end, then you have to create them as pass-though, but EVEN in this case you want to use the SSMS to create such quires.
So the answer here is you create the new scripts and make table queries in the back end, or in this case using the SQL server management studio.
The syntax checking, query editor etc. in recent versions of SSMS now has auto-complete etc. and you can test/write/update those scripts in SQL server. Once you have such a query or even several of them, then the resulting “several” statements can be pasted into a front end query that been created as pass-though. If you do not use a pass-though query, then you are creating and using and assuming client side SQL (JET (now called ACE)).
The client side has it own version of SQL syntax, and it is NOT 100% compatible with the SERVER SIDE. If you writing SQL in the client that is NOT pass though, then you using a linked table to SQL server. These linked tables thus will use local (JET/ACE) based SQL queries. The ODBC driver thus translates this SQL into server side compatible syntax. However the JET/ACE sql syntax is very limited when compared to SQL server and no server side commands exist in this SQL syntax for the client data engine (JET/ACE)
So for many quires, you will and can simply build such queries using the Access query builder.
However for SQL that needs to run 100% server side then such quires has to be setup as pass-though and are in most cased built + tested using SSMS.

Can I create a view that will query a table from another sql server on another server but same domain

I need to query a table from another SQL Server on a different server but same domain, but I am not sure how I will be able to do it.
I tried solution given in this answer Can I create view in my database server from another database server but it doesn't work for me as I got SQL Server 2000 (please don't hate :-) ).
When I try solution given then i get this error,
Line 23: Incorrect syntax near '-'.
which is because command is not compatible with SQL Server 2000.
SELECT * FROM AnotherServer.AnotherServerDatabase.Server.Table1
you can link the servers and run cross server queries as long as you put the server name before the DB your running the query on.
For example
SELECT * FROM "linkedserver".dbo.aTable
(without "" marks )
bear in mind different server versions though. I run cross server queries from 2008 to 2000 servers and its a pain adapting :)

How to retrieve records from server database into local database

I have a little problem. I want to create a query in my local database (tijdsregistratie.mdf) to retrieve rows from my server database (IT Solutions Develop.dbo) on server itshou-dev03\sql2008.
But I don't know how to connect to the server database. I tried it like this :
select TOP 10 * from [IT Solutions Develop].dbo.[IT Solutions BVBA$Planning]
.. but it gives me this error :
Invalid object name 'IT Solutions Develop.dbo.IT Solutions
One way is to link the servers:
You can also define linked servers by using SQL Server Management
Studio. In the Object Explorer, right-click Server Objects, select
New, and select Linked Server. You can delete a linked server
definition by right-clicking the linked server name and selecting
This is the process by which you tell SQL Server where another server is and how to connect to it. You can do this in SQL Server Management Studio or in T-SQL. You can then refer to the linked server by a four part name (similar to what is in your question):

LINKED Server does not return all rows

This is a little strange for me. I have script like following
SELECT #maxCustId = MAX(CustomerId) FROM Customers
SELECT * INTO #temp FROM linkserver.DB.dbo.Customers where CustomerId > #maxCustId
-- Copy records to local db Custome table
But sometimes #temp does not fetch all records from linked sever.
Like I had Max CustomerId = 1138 in my local db and when I run above script my temp table (which fetch records from linked server) misses CustoemrIds 1140, 1141. Linked server has customers upto 1160. #temp table has records upto 1160 but misses two records i.e. 1140, 1141
I run that script again and again and on 4th attempt the record 1141 added in #temp table but record 1140 was still missing.
I then put following query on local server to check record in linked server
SELECT * FROM linkserver.DB.dbo.Customers where CustomerId = 1140
Above query return no records.
To verify this I went to linked server and wrote same query on server from where I have created LINKED server.
-- This is the server which I am using as linked server in my local server
SELECT * FROM Customers where CustomerId = 1140
Custoemr 1140 was in db, which I was sure that it would be there but I run above script to verify it.
I come back to my local server and run this query
SELECT * FROM linkserver.DB.dbo.Customers where CustomerId = 1140
This time my linked server returns customer 1140 which it was not returning earlier.
I run the whole query again and now my #temp table has all records.
I am so confused that why first time linked server did not return all records.
This is sample from a long procedure which copy records from linked server to local server and because of this reason my local db has less records than linked server db.
Linked server: SQL Server 2005 Standard with SP2
Local Server: SQL Server 2008 Web Edition with SP2
Provider: SQL Native Client 10
Linked server security options:
Be made using the securing context
Remote Login
With Passowrd
login user details:
Server Roles: public and sysadmin
User Mappings: sa is not mapped with
db I query.
Linked server db updated frequently
No NOLOCK at any point in query
Any help.
I have seen similar behaviour with linked servers (although usually Oracle not SQL Server) and the problem was traced to the driver being used for the linked server.
I see you have SQL Native Client 10 as the provider, could you try using Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server instead and seeing if it makes a difference?
Also would be curious to know if you have the same problem when you use OpenQuery instead of the four-part naming convention:
SELECT * FROM OpenQuery(linkserver,'SELECT * FROM Customers where CustomerId = 1140')
IIRC, that should be faster, anyway... I believe that would force it to take care of the "where" part on the linked server and only return the appropriate values as opposed to returning the whole dataset and doing the filterin' on the destination side. Of course, I'm also pretty sure I saw a UFO at my Granny's house when I was eight, so take my wisdom with a grain of salt.