Methods best practice - VB.NET -

I have a program that is getting pretty big and it is a pain to find everything through all the functions and classes.
I am trying to break it up into other files based on their method.
Some of these functions have calls to others in the main class. I changed most my functions from private to public to access this. I had problems calling certain code created windows so importing mainwindow helped that.
My last problem is editing the mainwindow ui from one of the module files. I want to make sure im on the right page before i continue breaking it up. My only guess is that anything they updates the ui should be left on the main class.

The only code in your form class should be code that talks to other classes and updates the UI based on data from other classes.
Depending on your application, the form class might handle change events from other classes to update the UI or pass user input to other classes in Change or Click events.

A couple options:
Use callbacks into the your main window.
Create events for when you need the form updated. Your program logic raises the events, and your main window class can consume them.


Can't Programmatically Minimize Window

I'm trying to create a custom TitleBar for my game, i got everything else to work like i wanted but i can't get it to minimize without using the windows buttons from the windows frame.
I have a Game class with these in the constructor :
'Having this here or in the constructor doesn't make any difference
Public AsWindow As Windows.Forms.Form = CType(Windows.Forms.Form.FromHandle(Me.Window.Handle), Windows.Forms.Form)
Public Sub New()
Window.AllowUserResizing = False
Window.IsBorderless = True
end sub
Public Sub Minimize()
AsWindow.WindowState = System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Minimized
End Sub
Calling Minimize cause a "System.NullReferenceException" on AsWindow, regardless of if i define AsWindow on runtime or during the initiation.
Note that i have added "System.Windows.Forms" as a reference.
Things i've tried:
This is where i got the initial code for the AsWindow field.
And here i tried to send a Message to minimize the window.
The problem you're facing is that the MonoGame API (which is exactly like XNA) doesn't expose a direct way of controlling the window. This kinda makes sense, because MonoGame supports platforms that don't have a concept of a "window" so to speak.
However, it's usually possible to get access to the underlying platform specific code and workaround these issues. It's important to keep in mind however that this approach will be platform specific and might break if MonoGame changes under the hood.
Last I checked, under the hood MonoGame uses SDL on the Windows desktop platform. This may not be true anymore, but I do have some code in an old project that gives the general idea. My code is in C# but it should point you in the right direction.
The first step is to import the method you want from the SDL.dll. This not managed code do you can't reference it like you normally would in .NET project.
[DllImport("SDL2.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern void SDL_MaximizeWindow(IntPtr window);
Once you have access to the method you can call it by passing in the window handle.
Obviously, this is code to maximize the window (that's the only code I had handy) but I'm sure you can figure out how to do the minimize version yourself.

Xcode 7+ Is there a way to Preserve App State after Recompiling

My application has deep navigational chains of 8+ screens deep (Wizard-style). When i'm editing a View Controller, and i want to make a quick visual change and re-test, As a tester, I have to go through the full flow to end up where I was before recompiling, in the same Data state. Is there a way that Xcode can somehow preserve the application state, and re-run the same view controller?
If there was an automated way to detect the last launched screen, and re-display it after the recompile, that would save a lot of developers a lot of time.
I realize something like this can be built custom. Something like:
IF A Certain Debug Flag is ON:
- Retrieve from NSUserDefaults the Class Name of the last controller used, and redisplay it.
The problem with this is: Data State and Navigation State will not be preserved. Also, all other object state which invokes and depends on your controller will not be included. That's why I need a more universal solution.
IF A Certain Debug Flag is ON: - Retrieve from NSUserDefaults the Class Name of the last controller used, and redisplay it.
The problem with this is: Data State and Navigation State will not be preserved.
But this is exactly the problem that the built-in state saving and restoration mechanism is intended to solve, is it not?
I recommend you use a User Interface target and then create an XCTestCase that works on your view controller and exercise it. Use the new record button in Xcode 7 to get you started with the test case. Familiarize yourself with some of the new queries it uses for some of the dynamic information you may be creating.
Another option would be to inject your test case's UI state into the application delegate in the setup function of an XCTestCase. Then it will need custom logic to navigate to the correct view controller. Then your test case could focus on just that ViewController once the Application delegate has navigated to it.
Of course you can use the debugger and breakpoints in the Test Case and your View Controller while UI Testing. By "scripting" this you do significantly less manual clicking on a device to test a ViewCOntroller
Also you've now got a Test! Hopefully worth something to you down the road when you change something

How does a Qt GUI application runs

how does a gui application in qt5 runs, what is the ui pointers role in it. I'm new to qt pls help me,Why we will pass this in the constructor like, Ui->setup(this).Thanks in advance.
Long story short: the uic parses the xml that Qt Designer generates (from form you create into the designer) and creates C++ code from that xml, and you need to use that code into your window class, there are many ways you can use that code, see the documentation and using that ui pointer is one of those ways (actually that is a pointer to an instance of a class from the generated code) as for how setupUi actually works you can see into the generated code - short answer is: it creates the form's layouts and widgets as children of this.

EventToCommand binding with parameters in portable view models

I am implementing a view model that is shared by applications on multiple platforms. I am using MvvmCross v3 that has its own MvxEventToCommand class, but I believe the challenge is the same for other frameworks like MVVM Light. As long as the event is used without parameters, the implementation is straightworward, and this is the case for simple interactions like tapping the control.
But when the command needs to handle event arguments things become more complicated. For example, the view model needs to act on certain scroll bar changes (and load more items in the associated list view). Here is the example of XAML:
Command="{Binding ScrollChanged}"
CommandParameter="{Binding EventArgs}" />
(MvvmCross uses MvxEventToCommand, but the principle is the same).
Then in my model I can have the following command handler:
public ICommand ScrollChanged
return new RelayCommand<ScrollChangedEventArgs>(e =>
(MvxCommand in MvvmCross).
The problem is that ScrollChangedEventArgs is platform specific and this code simply will not compile in a portable class library. This is a general problem with any command that needs not only a push when an event was fired but requires more specific event details. Moving this code in platform-specific part is silly because it more or less kills the concept of portable view models and code-behind-free views. I tried to search for projects that share view models between different platforms, but they all use simple events like "Tap" with no attached event details.
UPDATE 1 I agree with Stuart's remark that view models should only deal with higher level abstractions, so I will rephrase the original concern: how to map results of low-level interactions to a platform-neutral event that triggers a business logic command? Consider the example above: the business logic command is "load more items in a list", i.e. we deal with a list virtualization where a limited number of items from a large collection are loaded initially, and scrolling down to a bottom of a list should cause additional items to be loaded.
WinRT can take care of list virtualization by using observable collections that support ISupportIncrementalLoading interface. The runtime detects this capability and automatically requests extra items from a respective service when the user scrolls down the list. On other platforms this feature should be implemented manually and I can't find any other way than reacting on ScrollViewer ScrollChanged event. I can see then two further options:
Place OnScrollChanged handler in a code-behind file and call the portable view model higher level event (such as "OnItemsRequested");
Avoid code-behind stuff and struggle to wire the ScrollChanged event directly to a view model, then we will need to remap the platform-specific event first.
As long as there is no support for second option, putting event handler in code-behind file is OK as long as it is done for the sole purpose of event mapping. But I would like to investigate what can be done using the second option. MvvmCross has MapCommandParameter class which seems to be able to help, so I wonder if I should exploit that one.
UPDATE 2 I tried MapCommandParameter approach, and it worked allowing me to insert a platform-specific adapter that would map low-level events to view model-specific commands. So the second option worked without any struggle. Stuart also suggested listview-subclassing so there is no need to care about scrolling events. I plan to play with it later.
I agree that viewmodel commands should normally be expressed in terms of viewmodel concepts - so it would be 'strange' to send the viewmodel a command about the scrollbar value changing, but it might be ok to send the viewmodel a command about the user selecting certain list elements to be visible (which she does via scrolling)
One example where I've done this type of thing previously is in list selection.
I originally did this across multiple platforms using a cross-platform eventargs object -
this was then used on WindowsPhone (for example) via an EventToCommand class like
However... I have to admit that this code hasn't been used much... For list selection we have instead mainly used selecteditem binding, and there simply haven't been any apps that have needed more complex parameterized commands (so far) - you might even need to go back to very old v1 mvvmcross code to find any samples that use it.

What is the AlertOverride class used for in WebDriver?

In Selenium 2.0 there is a class I've seen used with WebDriverCommandProcessor called AlertOveride. Unfortunately I cannot seem to find any documentation around this class, does anyone have any knowledge of what the class is meant to be used for?
Looking at the JavaScript in the file it seems that this class is responsible for overriding the alert and confirm boxes that we would typically see when invoked in the application under test. The way selenium works it was unable to interact with those modal boxes, hence the need to override their defaults. I don't see a way to override that functionality (although it might be doable with a DesiredCapability).
I'm guessing that one of the first things the WebDriver instance does upon loading a page is invoking the methods in the AlertOverride class, so that we can get a handle on alerts/confirmations as soon as possible. This would also make sense as to why we can't get a handle on confirmation boxes that are created on the onload functions.