nhibernate lazy loading - nhibernate

I've a problem of session when I use lazy loading in the UI layer.
My piece of code (in the DAO layer)
public List<Visites> GetVisitesClientQuery(string idClient)
using (ISession session = Repository.TSession())
var results = (from v in session.Query<Visites>()
where v.Clients.Idclient == idClient
select v);
return results.ToList<Visites>();
I call it in the UI layer :
var visites = VisiteManager.Instance.GetVisitesClientQuery(lstClients.SelectedValue.ToString());
foreach (Visites v in visites)
foreach (Factures f in v.Factures)
v.Factures is a collection.
If I call it in the using it works (the session is opened) but in this case it doesn't work and I've this error.
failed to lazily initialize a collection of role:
NHibernateTest.BusinessObjects.Visites.Factures, no session or session was closed
Is it possible to handle a lazy loading call in the UI layer ?

The problem here, is that you handle your session management inside your repository (DAO layer), which isn't a good idea.
An ISession implementation in NHibernate represents a 'Unit Of Work'. A Unit Of Work needs to know the 'context' of the 'use-case' to be able to use this concept successfully.
Your repository however has no notion of the 'context' of the use case in which it (the repository) is used.
Therefore, it is not your DAO layer that should decide when to open an ISession, but it is your 'application layer' (or even your UI layer, if you do not have an Application Layer) which should do that , since that will be the layer that knows your context.
By doing so, you can indeed effectively use the Session as a UnitofWork. In order to save an entity, you'll have to use the same session to save the entity, as the session that you've used to load that entity. (Otherwise, you'll need to 'lock' the entity into the session).
Next to that, it will also solve your lazy loading problem. :)

You should eager load the collections you know you will be using with
That will load all Visites with the Factures.


Deteaching and attaching proxies in the Nhibernate

I'm using lazy property in the object.
1) I need to load object without that property, detach it from the session.
2) Then I need to reattach this object to newly created session and load that property.
So, I am fetching data from the database (1) :
return session
Than I'm trying to reattach it and fulfill (2):
using (ISession session = GetSessionFactory().OpenSession())
In case if laziness was on one-to-many link - all works ok. (1) step returns my real object, with a proxy set to that property, and after (2) step it become real object.
But in case when I need laziness on the property, it seems that NHibernate cannot handle that with real object. Instead of that it returns proxy after step (1). Than in the step (2) it throw MappingException: No persister for: Castle.Proxies.DataResourceProxy on the .Update() line. Somehow it cannot recognise its own proxy.
You can unproxy the object before detach from the session.
To unproxy see the link
NHibernate Get objects without proxy

How can I encapsulate the session/transaction acquisition into the lazy-init of relations in Squeryl?

I am trying to implement a One-To-Many relation using Squeryl, and following the instructions on their site.
The documentation gives the following example:
object SchoolDb extends Schema {
val courses = table[Course]
val subjects = table[Subject]
val subjectToCourses =
oneToManyRelation(subjects, courses).
via((s,c) => s.id === c.subjectId)
class Course(val subjectId: Long) extends SchoolDb2Object {
lazy val subject: ManyToOne[Subject] = SchoolDb.subjectToCourses.right(this)
class Subject(val name: String) extends SchoolDb2Object {
lazy val courses: OneToMany[Course] = SchoolDb.subjectToCourses.left(this)
I find that any calls to Course.subject or Subject.courses needs to be wrapped in a transaction. However, One of my goals in using an ORM is to hide these details from callers. As such, I don't want the calling code to have to wrap a call to these fields in a transaction.
It seems that if I modify the example to wrap the lazy init function in a transaction, like so:
class Subject(val name: String) extends SchoolDb2Object {
lazy val courses: OneToMany[Course] = {
inTransaction {
I get the following exception:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: no session is bound to current thread, a session must be created via Session.create
and bound to the thread via 'work' or 'bindToCurrentThread'
at scala.Predef$.error(Predef.scala:58)
at org.squeryl.Session$$anonfun$currentSession$1.apply(Session.scala:111)
at org.squeryl.Session$$anonfun$currentSession$1.apply(Session.scala:111)
at scala.Option.getOrElse(Option.scala:104)
at org.squeryl.Session$.currentSession(Session.scala:110)
at org.squeryl.dsl.AbstractQuery.org$squeryl$dsl$AbstractQuery$$_dbAdapter(AbstractQuery.scala:116)
at org.squeryl.dsl.AbstractQuery$$anon$1.<init>(AbstractQuery.scala:120)
at org.squeryl.dsl.AbstractQuery.iterator(AbstractQuery.scala:118)
at org.squeryl.dsl.DelegateQuery.iterator(DelegateQuery.scala:9)
But, like I said, if I wrap the caller in a transaction, then everything works.
So, how can I encapsulate the fact that this object is backed by a database in the object itself?
I assume you get this error in calls on the courses object?
I don't know very much about how Squeryl works, but I believe that the OneToMany[Course] is a live object. That means that the calls on the courses object need a session since any call may lazily go to the database to fetch data.
How you organise this depends on what type of application you use. In a web application it often makes sense to add a filter (first point of entry) to start and stop the transaction. In a GUI client, say a swing application, it's a good solution to start the transaction at the point where you receive the user interaction. That way you get transactions that are not to long and also stretches over calls which you expect to be performed atomically (either fully or not at all).

NHibernate does not delete entity

In the TestFixtureTearDown-part of an NUnit test I try to delete some test-entities created in the TestFixtureSetUp-part. I use the following code
sessionFactory = NHibernateHelper.CreateSessionFactory(cssc["DefaultTestConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
uow = new NHibernateUnitOfWork(sessionFactory);
var g = reposGebruiker.GetByName(gebruiker.GebruikerNaam);
var k = reposKlant.GetByName(klant.Naam);
// Commit changes to persistant storage
However, after the commit, the two entities were still in the database. After searching on I came across this page on SO and so I added:
However, still the entities remain in the DB. Does anyone have an idea as to why this is?
I've never used the UoW class you're using, but my projects are implemented using ISession.BeginTransaction and ISession.Transaction.Commit in a helper like this:
public void CreateContext(Action logic)
And then:
CreateContext(() =>
This should work.
I want to mention that this is an example, and you'd want to make some abstractions.
How are the repositories created? In for the delete to succeed, the objects must be loaded in the same UoW (ISession) in which the Delete command is issued. The Delete method makes the objects non-persistent and marks them for deletion.

Why is a session.Clear() needed to reflect the changes in the db in the this example?

I have the following code:
public class A
private ISessionFactory _sf;
A(ISessionFactory sf)
_sf = sf;
public void SomeFunc()
using (var session = _sf.OpenSession())
using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
// query for a object
// change its properties
// save the object
Its used as follows in a unit test
_session.CreateCriteria ... // some setting up values for this test
var objectA = new A(_sessionFactory);
// _session.Clear();
var someVal = _session.CreateCriteria ... // retrieve value from db to
//check if it was set to the
//proper value
//it uses a restriction on a property
//and a uniqueresult to get the object.
//it doesnt use get or load.
Assert.That(someVal, Is.EqualTo(someOtherValue)); // this is false as long
//as the _session.Clear() is commented.
//If uncommented, the test passes
I am testing against a sqlite file database. In my tests I make some changes to the db to setup it up properly. I then call SomeFunc(). It makes the required modifications. Once I am back in my test, the session however doesnt get the updated values. It still returns the value as was before calling SomeFunc(). I have to execute _session.Clear() to have the changes reflect in my assertion in the test.
Why is this needed?
Edit: cache.use_second_level_cache and cache.use_query_cache are both set to false
Edit2: Read the following statements in the NH Documentation.
From time to time the ISession will
execute the SQL statements needed to
synchronize the ADO.NET connection's
state with the state of objects held
in memory. This process, flush, occurs
by default at the following points
* from some invocations of Find() or Enumerable()
* from NHibernate.ITransaction.Commit()
* from ISession.Flush()
And in section 10.1 it says,
Ensure you understand the semantics of
Flush(). Flushing synchronizes the
persistent store with in-memory
changes but not vice-versa.
So, how do I get the in memory objects to get updated? I understand that objects are cached per session. But executing a UniqueResult() or a List() should sync with the db and invalidate the cache, right?
What I cannot understand is why is the session reporting stale data?
It depens on what king of operations do you make. NHibernate has first level cache by default. It uses cache to get entities by ID and so on.
The in memory view of objects (the level 1 cache) is per session.
A takes an ISessionFactory and opens its own session with its own transaction scope.
Even if the contents of the ISession used in SomeFunc are flushed to the database, _session will not see those changes until its level 1 cache is cleared.
You have two sessions. One is in A.SomeFunc, and the other is in your unit test. Each session has it's own instance of the entities in the session-cache (1st level cache). The sessions do not communicate or coordinate with each other. When one session writes its changes, the other session isn't notified. It still has it's own outdated instance in its session cache.
When you call _session.Clear(), you make the session "forget" everything by clearing the session cache. When you re-query, you are reading fresh data from the database, which includes the changes from the other session.

Flushing in NHibernate

This question is a bit of a dupe, but I still don't understand the best way to handle flushing.
I am migrating an existing code base, which contains a lot of code like the following:
private void btnSave_Click()
private void SaveForm()
var foo = FooRepository.Get(_editingFooId);
foo.Name = txtName.Text;
private void ReloadList()
fooRepeater.DataSource = FooRepository.LoadAll();
Now that I am changing the FooRepository to Nhibernate, what should I use for the FooRepository.Save method? Should the FooRepository always flush the session when the entity is saved?
I'm not sure if I understand your question, but here is what I think:
Think in "putting objects to the session" instead of "getting and storing data". NH will store all new and changed objects in the session without any special call to it.
Consider this scenarios:
Data change:
Get data from the database with any query. The entities are now in the NH session
Change entities by just changing property values
Commit the transaction. Changes are flushed and stored to the database.
Create a new object:
Call a constructor to create a new object
Store it to the database by calling "Save". It is in the session now.
You still can change the object after Save
Commit the changes. The latest state will be stored to the database.
If you work with detached entities, you also need Update or SaveOrUpdate to put detached entities to the session.
Of course you can configure NH to behave differently. But it works best if you follow this default behaviour.
It doesn't matter whether or not you explicitly flush the session between modifying a Foo entity and loading all Foos from the repository. NHibernate is smart enough to auto-flush itself if you have made changes in the session that may affect the results of the query you are trying to run.
Ideally I try to use one session per "unit of work". This means one cohesive piece of work which may involve several smaller steps. If you feel that you do not have a seam in your architecture where you can achieve this, then managing the session inside the repository will also work. Just be aware that you are missing out on some of the power that NHibernate provides you.
I'd vote up Stefan Moser's answer if I could - I'm still getting to grips with Nh myself but I think it's nice to be able to write code like this:
private void SaveForm()
using (var unitofwork = UnitOfWork.Start())
var foo = FooRepository.Get(_editingFooId);
var bar = BarRepository.Get(_barId);
foo.Name = txtName.Text;
bar.SomeOtherProperty = txtBlah.Text;
so this way either the whole action succeeds or it fails and rolls back, keeping flushing/transaction management outside of the Repositories.