Uploads by Date - file-upload

I need to manage files uploaded by people according to date, and make these files available for download. I need to keep only files for upto one month as there will be heavy files clean up is necessary. Can someone provide me a code snippet to guide me in the correct direction. I have not decided on a back end language yet so ASP or JSP will do.

Here's a pseudo:
for each file
if file is more than one month old
delete file
Run this as hourly background job or something. Since you're not language-specific, I can't give a language-specific answer. I will however note that such a job doesn't belong in the view side (ASP/JSP), but rather in the backend (C#/Java).


Automatically add database entry after ftp upload

Sorry if this seems stupid but I wonder if it's possible to add a database entry after an ftp upload.
To be more clear, thanks to winSCP I have several folders sending everything I put in there automatically to my server.
However, I would like to create a mysql entry for each uploaded files and once again, automatically. Is it possible to do that? How?
To gives the full details of what I need to do, you can read the following.
I have several folders with pictures and each folders are uploaded automatically.
Each of those folders belong to one user and the goal is to give them an account and allow them to see and download those files through a web interface. Since one account = one folder, that's kinda easy.
And I think a simple .htaccess can simply secure things so one user can only see and download the file in his own repository, no?
However if I want them to be able to see what's new (=something they didn't download or simply mark as read) I think I need a table to manage those files.
Something like id | file (string) | read (bool).
If you think this way to proceed is bad, they I'm open to change how to do things, but to be clear uploading the file need to work this way. Not using any kind of formulary.
Thanks for reading that, sorry for my english.
Your problem contains three steps:
Folders/Files been automatically uploaded to your server directory, as you say, this been efficiently handled by winSCP.
You need to update your database with all the files and folders present in your server directory.
You need to update whether or not it is been read/downloaded by the user.
Since your first step is in place, we don't need anything there. For second step, you should write a script and schedule that script to run at a fixed time interval using CRON (if using LINUX or UNIX, or WINDOWS). The script would be responsible to create a list of file(s) present in the directory, and simply insert the file(s) information that are not present in your database.
This edit is to describe how your script file should work. As I explained, the cron jobs would simply help you run your script file in fixed set of interval (which can be every minute, or every hour, or every day, and so on). Lets say your database table has following columns:
fileid (varchar[20])
filepath (varchar[20])
status (boolean)
Your script file should do following things:
Create a list of existing filepaths in your server directory
Run a select query, create a list of existing filepaths from database table.
Compare list1 with list2, and find the ones that doesn't exist in list2 (This would give you a list of filepath that needs to be inserted into table)
Just insert the list of file paths you got above, and set there status to be false (which means the file is not read/downloaded yet)
NOTE: Please keep in mind that I am not advising right now that how your database table should look like. It can be what you have proposed or can even differ depending on your will or requirements.
For the third step, simply keep the status of your file to be unread when creating entries in your table from the second step, and then when user click on the file link in your application whether to view or download it, send a POST request to your server updating the file status to be marked as read.
Let me know if this helps!

In Ektron, Load Last Active Location

Anyone know what setting in my user profile will make Ektron always load the last active work area location? If not, is there a way to load a specific folder every time?
Already Tried:
"Set smart desktop as the start location in the workarea." doesn't seem to do anything.
I'm primarily a designer, so I'm usually just replacing files in the library and leaving the content area to the developers. It's kind of annoying that the content area always loads first because the folder structure looks the same and many times I actually navigate to the content folder instead of the library folder. This is a waste of time because Ektron is so slow. It would be really helpful to load the last active location in the area or at least the library files first.
The short answer is no. At least, not in any way that would be supported by Ektron or be upgrade-safe (upgrades would likely destroy changes made to include this functionality).
The long answer is that the Workarea code source is available and a .NET developer who wanted to parse through it and figure it out would probably be able to do so. It would require adding a user property / cookie to store their last activity (at the desired level of specificity) and then update any and all related code files that would automatically take them to any given recorded location. It would be inadvisable due to the effort required and for the upgrade-related reasoning above.
THAT BEING SAID - Ektron's Workarea uses Frames and you may be able to bookmark one of those internal frames or else create your own set of frames in your own HTML that would load up the view that you want. Depends on whether it's important enough to you to put in the effort to figure those things out by inspecting enough of the client-side code.

What's a best approach to create a filestore

This is an open ended question. I have noob understanding of databases but willing to learn whatever is required. Though I believe my problem could be done without learning a lot.
So, here goes the question:
I have large amount of files getting generated in mt projects(depending on the builds) and I need to archive them and also need to reproduce them according to buildNumber if requested by users. I don't expect these requests to be a lot. May be 1-2 requests a day.
For eg: 16GB data per build every week. Most of the files in weekly builds are duplicate. And I don't want to archive them again and again. I prefer to store them only once. There is one caveat that it can happen that the files relative location can change, even though content hasn't changed.
My approach is as follow: Create a hash from each file. Create the key-value pair as fileHash-actual file and store it. Store this information in some kind of manifest file for each build. So, I should be able to create the builds back with correct files/paths etc.
Can it ever happen that 2 different files will ever have the same hash? Can some database help to do it efficiently? I am currently thinking of dumping all files in one folder.

Get a list of files on S3 that have changed since X

I have about 40,000 images up on S3 and I've downloaded into my application/database then sent them out to another site (like ebay or magento)
This is to support a client that sells his products on a few sites. Sites which really you'd rather keep a copy of the product image on their site. (so they can resize it and such)
My issue right now is that I want to poke S3 every once and a while looking for new files, or modified files.
I don't much like the idea of targeting each file one at a time. Nor do I like the idea of bringing down all the file names and dates and then comparing them with dates I've stored. Both seem to be quite wasteful especially if I want to run this every day (or every hour).
What I had hoped for, and what I'm looking for is a way to say "give me the names of all the files that have changed since 2013-10-14 13:10:30. This would let me store just one value, and if nothings changed, then I'd get back nothing (or something that indicated nothing).
Is there a way to get a list of changed files since X date?
I'm language agnostic.. though Ruby/Rails would be cool.
Note: I've tried to figure it out with the WSDL, but it doesn't quite seem to help as much as I'd hope.
Unfortunately S3 does not offer any support for this.
Currently your only options are to either list all the objects in the S3 bucket and check for changes or to keep track of the changed objects separate from S3 (record the last changed timestamp in some data store when you change the objects).

Finding which files were "FIXED"and how many times between two specific date by using Trac?

I need to find out that how many times and which files are fixed or changed due to a bug between two specific dates in an open source project which uses Trac. I selected Webkit project for that purpose. (https://trac.webkit.org/) However, it can be any open source project.
What can I do for that? How do I start? Do i have to use version control systems like svn or git for intergration? I am kinda newbie for these bug-tracking and issue-tracking systems.
I'm not certain I exactly understand your question, but...
If you browse to the directory containing the files you care about in the Trac site, then click on Revision Log, you will get a list of changesets that affected that directory. You can select the revisions that span the timeframe of interest and then View changes and you will get a summary of the changes, and depending on the size of the changes and the particular Trac configuration, you may get the diffs on that page as well.
Now, that won't tell you how many times those files were changed, just the net changes.
It also won't tell you which bugs those changes were for.
If you really need to filter on what bug, you'll have to determine how that information is tracked by the particular project; and some might not track it directly. The project might include a #123 in the commit message. If you can rely on that, you could use svn log --xml {2009-11-01}:{2009-12-01} ... to get an xml version of the commit log which you could then parse and filter based on the presence of the bug's ticket number in the commit message. From that, you should have a list of the revisions that you care about.