MySQL: Multi-column join on several tables - sql

I have several tables that I am joining that I need to add another table to and I can't seem to get the right query. Here is what I have now -
Table 1
carid, catid, makeid, modelid, caryear
Table 2
makeid, makename
Table 3
modelid, modelname
Table 4
catid, catname
The query I am using to join these is:
SELECT * FROM table1 a
JOIN table2 b on a.makeid=b.makeid
JOIN table3 c on a.modelid=c.modelid
JOIN table4 d on a.catid=d.catid
WHERE a.carid = $carid;
Now I need to add a 5th table that I am getting from a 3rd party that I am having a hard time adding to my existing query. The new table has these fields -
Table 5
id, year, make, model, citympg, hwympg
I need the citympg and hwympg based on caryear from table 1, makename from table 2, and modelname from table 3. I know I can do a second query with those values, but I would prefer to do a single query and have all of the data in a single row. Can this be done in a single query? If so, how?

it's possible to have more than condition in a join.
does this work?
SELECT a.*, e.citympg, e.hwympg
FROM table1 a
JOIN table2 b on a.makeid=b.makeid
JOIN table3 c on a.modelid=c.modelid
JOIN table4 d on a.catid=d.catid
Join table5 e on b.makename = e.make
and c.modelname = e.model
and a.caryear = e.year
WHERE a.carid = $carid;
...though your question is not clear. Did you only want to join table5 to the others, or was there something else you wanted to do with table5?

Without indexes, It won't be efficient, but you can do
LEFT JOIN table5 ON (table2.make = table5.make AND table3.model = table5.model AND table1.caryear = table5.caryear)
This also assumes the make and models and years strings match exactly.


Multiple table combined PIVOT table using SQL

I have multiple tables in my data set. I need two columns from one table to be pivoted against one column in a different table.
From Master_Table
Inner Join table1
On Master_Table.ID_SEQNO = table1.ID_SEQNO
Inner Join table2
On table1.table1_ID_SEQNO = table2.table1_ID_SEQNO
Inner Join table3
On table2.ID_SEQNO = table3.ID_SEQNO
Inner Join table4
On table3.ID_SEQNO = table4.ID_SEQNO
Left Outer Join table5
Left Outer Join table6
On table5.ID_SEQNO = table6.ID_SEQNO
Output I need:
What I have now :
Master_Table : Has names , Date, Time of ownership etc
table1 has info on each name , adress phone number email etc
table2 has info like cars insurance etc so on... I have used id_seqno to join statements without which the code doesn't work.
Each table has a id_seqno with which I map it to every other table... I am modifying an existing code so pretty new to this.

How to use SQL Joins and Selects to get results from a third table that matches the first two?

I have a Join statement on two tables(Table 1 and 2), which returns the City and State. I have another table(Table 3) which contains columns like Name, City, State, Country. I want to fetch all the rows from Table 3 whose City and State Columns matches with the rows of the Join result.
Select * from 3rdTable where City='' AND State='';
Result from Join is like
- City | State
- A | B
- C | D
- E | F
Example Result if only 1 row of the 3rd table matches
- C | D
How can this be done?
You can use the joined table as a sub table in 3rdTable to create a where clause as follows;
select *
from 3rdTable
where City+'|'+State= (select a.City+'|'+b.State
from a
inner join b
on a.x=b.y)
Buy concatenating the fields, you can create a single equality to the joined subquery
Be sure about the joins, we have inner join, Left join, right join and outer join; maybe knowing the difference can help you to answer your question.
and also the code is not clear :)
Just join in the 3rd table...
IF we assume table1 has both city and state in it...
SELECT A.City, A.State
FROM Table1 A
on A.PK = B.A_FK
on A.City = C.City
and A.State = C.State
This is the nature of an inner join: Include all rows from all tables where the joined data matches.
If you use an OUTER join (left, right, full outer) then you get all records from one table and only those that match in the others, or full outer all records from all tables aligned where they match.
FROM table3 t3
FROM table1 T1
JOIN table2 t2
ON = a1
ON =
AND t3.state = a1.state
I think this could help you:
table_1_2_join T12 /* replace this placeholder table with the select statement that joins your 2 tables */
JOIN table_3 T3 ON T3.City = AND T3.state = T12.state
Let me know if you need more details.

SQL Server : removing duplicate column while joining tables

I have 4 tables with one column is common on all tables. Is there a way to create a view where I can join all tables by same column where I see the common column only once.
Let's say I have table1
Cust ID | Order ID | Product_Name
Cust_ID | Cust_Name | Cust_Address
Cust_ID | Cust_Acc | Acc_Type
Cust_ID | Contact_Phone | Cust_Total_Ord
Here is the code I use to join tables;
FROM table1
LEFT JOIN table2 ON table1.Cust_ID = table2.Cust_ID
LEFT JOIN table3 ON table2.Cust_ID = table3.Cust_ID
LEFT JOIN table4 ON table3.Cust_ID = table4.Cust_ID
I get all tables joined by I see Cust_ID from each table as below;
Cust ID| Order ID|Product_Name| Cust_ID| Cust_Name|Cust_Address| Cust_ID| Cust_Acc| Acc_Type|Cust_ID|Contact_Phone|Cust_Total_Ord
Is there a way to remove duplicate Cust_ID columns or do I need to write each column name in the SELECT? I have more than 50 columns in total so will be difficult to write all.
Sorry if it is a really dumb question, I have checked previous similar questions but couldn't figure out and thanks for help.
you have common columns on all tables so could use using(common_column) to remove duplicated columns.
FROM table1
LEFT JOIN table2 using(Cust_ID)
LEFT JOIN table3 using(Cust_ID)
LEFT JOIN table4 using(Cust_ID)
I hop that useful.
you need to select columns from three tables first and then make inner join like below
t1.cust_id, t1.col1, t1.col2,
t2.col1_table2, t2.col2_table2,
t3.col1_table3, t3.col2_table3
table1 t1
inner join
table2 t2 on t1.cust_id = t2.cust_id
join table3 t3 on t1.cust_id = t3.cust_id
Result as shown in below image
No, you cannot easily do what you want in SQL Server. In other databases, you can use the using clause.
One thing you can do is select the columns explicitly from all but the first table:
SELECT t1.*, . . .
FROM table1 t1 LEFT JOIN
table2 t2
ON t1.Cust_ID = t2.Cust_ID LEFT JOIN
ON t1.Cust_ID = table3.Cust_ID LEFT JOIN
ON t1.Cust_ID = table4.Cust_ID;
Perhaps more important than the column issue, I changed the join conditions. You are using LEFT JOIN, so the first table is the "driving" table. When you say t2.Cust_ID = t3.Cust_Id, this returns true only when there was a match to table2. In general, you want to use the columns from table1, because it is the first one in the chain of LEFT JOINs.

Optimizing SQL Query - Joining 4 tables

I am trying to join 4 tables. Currently I've achieved it by doing this.
SELECT columns
FROM tableA
LEFT OUTER JOIN tableB ON tableB.address_id = tableA.address_id
INNER JOIN tableC ON tableC.company_id = tableA.company_id AND tableC.client_id = ?
SELECT columns
FROM tableA
LEFT OUTER JOIN tableB ON tableB.address_id = tableA.gaddress_id
INNER JOIN tableD ON tableD.company_id = tableA.company_id AND tableD.branch_id = ?
The structure of tableC and tableD is very similar. Let's say that tableC contains data for clients. And tableD contains data for client's branch. tableA are companies and tableB are addresses My goal is to get data from tableA that are joined to table B (All companies that has addresses) and all the data from tableD and also from tableC.
This wroks nice, but I am afraid that is would be very slow.
I think you can trick it like this:
First UNION between C,D and only the join to the rest of the query, it should improve the query significantly :
SELECT columns
LEFT OUTER JOIN tableB ON tableB.address_id = tableA.address_id
INNER JOIN(SELECT Columns,'1' as ind_where FROM tableC
SELECT Columns,'2' FROM TableD) joined_Table
ON (joined_Table.company_id = tableA.company_id AND joined_Table.New_Col_ID= ?)
The New_Col_ID -> just select both branch_id and client_id in the same column and alias it as New_Col_ID or what ever
In addition you can index the tables(if not exists yet) :
Why should that be slow? You select client adresses and branch addresses and show the complete result. That seems straight-forward.
You join on IDs and this should be fast (as there should be indexes available accordingly). You may want to introduce composite indexes on
create index idx_c on tableC(client_id, company_id)
create index idx_d on tableD(branch_id, company_id)
However: UNION is a lot of work for the DBMS, because it has to look for and eliminate duplicates. Can there even be any? Otherwise use UNION ALL.
Try CTE so that you don't have to go through TableA and TableB twice for the union.
; WITH TempTable (Column1, Column2, ...)
AS ( SELECT columns
FROM tableA
ON tableB.address_id = tableA.gaddress_id
SELECT Columns
FROM TempTable
ON tableC.company_id = tableA.company_id AND tableC.client_id = ?
SELECT Columns
FROM TempTable
INNER JOIN tableD ON tableD.company_id = tableA.company_id AND tableD.branch_id = ?

Join SQL Tables with Unique Data (Not same number of columns!)

How can I join three or four SQL tables that DO NOT have an equal amount of rows while ensuring that there are no duplicates of a primary/foreign key?
Table1: id, first_name, last_name, email
Table2: id (independent of id in table 1), name, location, table1_id, table2_id
Table3: id, name, location
I want all of the data from table 1, then all of the data from table 2 corresponding with the table1_id without duplicates.
Kind of tricky for a new guy...
Not sure what do you want to do with Table3.
A LEFT JOIN returns all records from the LEFT table, and the matched records from the right table. If there is no match (from the right side), then the result is NULL.
So per example:
LEFT JOIN Table2 AS tt
ON =
The LEFT table refers to the table statement before the LEFT JOIN, and the RIGHT table refers to the table statement after the LEFT JOIN. If you want to add in Table3 as well, use the same logic:
LEFT JOIN Table2 AS tt
ON =
LEFT JOIN Table3 AS ttt
ON =
Note, that I use alias names for the tables (by using AS), so that I can more easily refer to a specific table. For example, t refers to Table1, tt refers to Table2, and ttt refers to Table3.
Joins are often used in SQL, therefore it is useful to look into: INNER JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, FULL JOIN, and SELF JOIN, as well.
Hope this helps.
Good luck with learning!
You will want to use an LEFT JOIN
SELECT * FROM table1 LEFT JOIN table2 ON Table1.ID = Table2.table1_id