Do .. While Loop/Textfile/Operation Problem - arraylist

Hi I have a problem with the following code:
int skp = 1;
}while(skp <= 10);
The Textfile has the following:
What I want this programming to do is start from reading the second number which it does, then skip one read next, skip one read the next etc. etc. what it's doing is read the second number which is good, then reads it again for 2 times, then read the next number for 3 times and the next for 3 times. So the output i receive from the above textfile is
Can any one help me please!
Thank you!

That's because your lines are separated by line feeds (actually CR and LF). Also, file >> s will skip leading white space, so you end up with
All of which result in s being 1.
The same is repeated for 2, 3 and so on.
Forget yout seekp() and simply use
while (file.good()) {
file >> s; // skip line
if (!file.good()) break;
file >> s;
cout << s;


Tcl formatting :how to display multiple rows and columns with formatting

I need to print the following based on the variable n.
Example: if n=2
I need to print:
1. -3 0
2. 3 0
3. 0 -3
4. 0 3
If n=3
I need to print:
1. -3 0 0
2. 3 0 0
3. 0 -3 0
4. 0 3 0
5. 0 0 -3
6. 0 0 3
If n=4, I need to print:
1. -3 0 0 0
2. 3 0 0 0
3. 0 -3 0 0
4. 0 3 0 0
5. 0 0 -3 0
6. 0 0 3 0
7. 0 0 0 -3
8. 0 0 0 3
The key thing you need here is format. It's great for producing output in fixed-width text form. Now, writing the format-items for a format string is an art (very closely related to doing the same for sprintf() in C) that quite a few people lack nowadays, but something like this is what you want were you just doing the n == 4 case:
puts [format "%d. %2d %2d %2d" $count $c1 $c2 $c3]
In this case, however, you've got a more complex problem because you have a variable number of fields. That makes things trickier; you're probably best building things up piecemeal with the help of a procedure to do the formatting of a single line:
proc generateLine {n i} {
set line [format "%d." $i]
for {set x 1} {$x <= $n} {incr x} {
# Double-ternary conditional operator
set v [expr {$i == $x*2-1 ? -3 : $i == $x*2 ? 3 : 0}]
append line [format " %2d" $v]
return $line
Now that we have that, the rest of the program is simple enough:
# Assume that the n variable has been set already
for {set i 1} {$i <= $n*2} {incr i} {
puts [generateLine $n $i]
Very often in programming, it's easiest if you split a program into several pieces with sensible boundaries between. Knowing where to split is something that you get better at with experience, but very often the split is in the right place if you can give a sensible name to the split out piece. For example, above I saw that I wanted to do some work for each line and some work to iterate over all the lines needed; that was the obvious place to break things apart and make a procedure, generateLine. The outer part is also quite nameable (perhaps generateListOfLines?) but that isn't so important here.

Indentation of boxes in Format.fprintf

Please consider the function f:
open Format
let rec f i = match i with
| x when x <= 0 -> ()
| i ->
pp_open_hovbox std_formatter 2;
printf "This is line %d#." i;
f (i-1);
printf "This is line %d#." i;
close_box ();
It recursively opens hovboxes and prints something, followed by a newline hint (#.). When I call the f 3, i obtain the following output:
This is line 3
This is line 2
This is line 1
This is line 1
This is line 2
This is line 3
but I expected:
This is line 3
This is line 2
This is line 1
This is line 1
This is line 2
This is line 3
Can you explain why I obtain the first output and what I need to change to obtain the second one?
#. is not a newline hint, it is equivalent to print_newline which calls print_flush which closes all opened boxes and follows by a new line.
If you want to print line by line with Format you should open a vertical box with open_vbox and use print_cut ("#,") whenever you want to output a new line.
Instead of using #. you should use #\n specificator. The former, will flush the formatter and output a hard newline, actually breaking your pretty printing. It is intended to be used at the end of document, and, since it is not actually composable, I would warn against using it at all.
With #\n, you will get an output that is much closer to what you're expecting:
This is line 3
This is line 2
This is line 1
This is line 1
This is line 2
This is line 3
The same output, by the way, can be obtained by using vbox and emitting #; good break hints, that is better.

Header and repeating time information removal from a GPS TEC rinex file

I have a rinex file and is shown image showing the first part of rinex file
The data (AOPR Rinex file) is downloaded from the site after entering a year and a day.
I want to open this file as a matrix in matlab for further processing..After the end of header at the 42nd line the time information is on 43 rd line. Then data starts. But time information is coming again after some rows say 64 the line, which should be discarded. Header should also be discarded. Also the last column is coming below the first column as a second row which should be transferred to the last column. Totally there are 55700 rows. Kindly help me with this.
I suspect the last column appearing on the line below it is just an artifact of how large the window of your text reader is...
For the rest, I think a trial-and-error loop is in place here:
fid = fopen('test.txt','r');
C = {};
while ~feof(fid)
% read lines with dictated format.
D = textscan(fid, '%d %d %d %d');
% this will fail on headerlines, empty lines, etc.
if isempty(D{1})
% in those cases, advance the file pointer by one line
% if that's not the case, save the lines thus read
C = [C;D]; %#ok
% Post-process: concatenate all sub-arrays into one
C = arrayfun(#(ii) cat(1, C{:,ii}), 1:size(C,2), 'UniformOutput', false);
This works, at least with my test.txt:
1 2 3 4
4 5 6 7
4 6 7 8
more random garbage
2 5 6 7
5 6 7 8
8 6 3 7
I suspect the last column appearing on the line below it is just an artifact of how large >the window of your text reader is...
For the rest, I think a trial-and-error loop is in place here
Dear Rody I don't have any matlab background and just a beginner. It is actually a Rinex file..with 2780 epochs and 6 observables with 30 satellite values..Decoding it in matlab is tough. That is the problem. You can read a sample code at
But the problem is that the observables are six and there only 5 in the m-file which also is not in the correct order. I need C1 P2 L1 L2 S1 S2...but the code at the link gives L1 L2 C1 P1 P2. :( Can you just correct that..Then it will be a great help..

How to load 2D array from a text(csv) file into Octave?

Consider the following text(csv) file:
1, Some text
2, More text
3, Text with comma, more text
How to load the data into a 2D array in Octave? The number can go into the first column, and all text to the right of the first comma (including other commas) goes into the second text column.
If necessary, I can replace the first comma with a different delimiter character.
AFAIK you cannot put stings of different size into an array. You need to create a so called cell array.
A possible way to read the data from your question stored in a file Test.txt into a cell array is
t1 = textread("Test.txt", "%s", "delimiter", "\n");
for i = 1:length(t1)
j = findstr(t1{i}, ",")(1);
T{i,1} = t1{i}(1:j - 1);
T{i,2} = strtrim(t1{i}(j + 1:end));
T{3,1} gives you 3 and
T{3,2} gives you Text with comma, more text.
After many long hours of searching and debugging, here's how I got it to work on Octave 3.2.4. Using | as the delimiter (instead of comma).
The data file now looks like:
1|Some text
2|More text
3|Text with comma, more text
Here's how to call it: data = load_data('data/data_file.csv', NUMBER_OF_LINES);
Limitation: You need to know how many lines you want to get. If you want to get all, then you will need to write a function to count the number of lines in the file in order to initialize the cell_array. It's all very clunky and primitive. So much for "high level languages like Octave".
Note: After the unpleasant exercise of getting this to work, it seems that Octave is not very useful unless you enjoy wasting your time writing code to do the simplest things. Better choices seems to be R, Python, or C#/Java with a Machine Learning or Matrix library.
function all_messages = load_data(filename, NUMBER_OF_LINES)
fid = fopen(filename, "r");
all_messages = cell (NUMBER_OF_LINES, 2 );
counter = 1;
line = fgetl(fid);
while line != -1
separator_index = index(line, '|');
all_messages {counter, 1} = substr(line, 1, separator_index - 1); % Up to the separator
all_messages {counter, 2} = substr(line, separator_index + 1, length(line) - separator_index); % After the separator
line = fgetl(fid);
fprintf("Processed %i lines.\n", counter -1);

Formula in gawk

I have a problem that I’m trying to work out in gawk. This should be so simple, but my attempts ended up with a divide by zero error.
What I trying to accomplish is as follows –
maxlines = 22 (fixed value)
maxnumber = > max lines (unknown value)
My output should look like the following:
print lines:
print lines:
print lines:
46 (remainder of 60 (maxnumber))
It's not clear what you're asking, but I assume you want to loop through input lines and print a new header (page header?) after every 22 lines. Using a simple counter and check for
count % 22 == 1
which tells you it's time to print the next page.
Or you could keep two counters, one for the absolute line number and another for the line number within the current page. When the second counter exceeds 22, reset it to zero and print the next page heading.
Worked out gawk precedence with some help and this works -
maxlines = 22
maxnumber = 60
for (i = 1; i <= maxnumber; i++){
if ( ! ( (i-1) % maxlines) ){
print "\nprint lines:"
print i