I'm using Cuke4Duke to run my Cucumber tests. I'm using Geb (Geb Manual) to control the browser.
Does anyone know how to configure Cucumber/Geb so that the $ function (Geb $ Function) is available to Cucumber tests?
browser.$() seems to work fine. would be nice not to have to type browser though.
I am trying to setup a test project that uses serenity and jbehave
I am noticing that all examples use serenity.properties that define a browser in it
I would like to structure my tests in a way so that same test can be executed in IE/firefox/chrome etc
How do I do this?
You can pass in properties as command line properties, so you can rerun the same tests with different browsers by passing in different settings for webdriver.driver, e.g.
$ mvn verify -Dwebdriver.driver=firefox
$ mvn verify -Dwebdriver.driver=chrome
I think you are able to get this to work by creating multiple Junit test classes with each its own driver and execute them all in a single run.
Every test class should be able to assign a specific 'managed' driver (e.g. PhantomJS, Chrome, Firefox). This is documented here: http://www.thucydides.info/docs/serenity/#_serenity_webdriver_support_in_junit
I don't know what the impact this would have on the generated report, hopefully you are still able to identify the feature/driver combination.
Where I can get javascript file "webdriver.js" from
So I can test and use it. Has anyone have done it..
webdriver.js can be built from the selenium sources. You need java and svn to take the following steps:
Get the selenium sources:
svn checkout http://selenium.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ selenium-read-only
Change to trunk:
cd selenium-read-only/trunk
Build webdriver.js:
./go webdriverjs
This step generates a single javascript file in build/javascript/webdriver/webdriver.js. You can then go ahead and use this file as described in selenium's wiki.
Currently I am working on selenium IDE, now I need to switch to selenium RC. I have downloaded selenium server.But I really don't know how to proceed further. Even I am not able to start server from command prompt. I have used C:\Selenium RC\selenium-server\jave -jar selenium-server.jar, but it struck in between and not proceeding further..
I am looking for language java or PHP.
Let me know how should I move further for successful execution of scripts by using selenium RC
First of all: save a test suite in Selenium IDE (File > Save Test Suite). You should generate test suite - it will contain information about test cases (which, of course, should also be saved (File > Save Test Case)).
Then you are ready for testing with Selenium RC.
Try it with below command:
java -jar path/to/selenium-server-standalone.jar -htmlsuite "*firefox" "http://google.com" "path/to/your/testsuite1" "path/to/result.html"
result.html - this file will be generated during/after execution.
Be sure that name of browser, URL and paths to test suite and result file are in the quotation marks.
I am using Selenium with PHPUnit. I have got class called, lets say, somethingTest (test classes must have 'Test' at the end of their names) and extended PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase. This class contains several test cases as methods (e.g. function testSomeMethod1() - 'test' at the beginning).
And I run it by command:
phpunit somethingTest.php
As to the second thing:
Unknown command: gotoIf
You should load gotoif extension by adding to the execution command something like: -userExtensions path/to/extension-file
This indicates a JavaScript file that will be loaded into Selenium.
If you choose Java to write code, a better approach would be using an IDE like Eclipse. Once you link the JARs and import them in your Java classes you can write your code quickly and efficiently. On top of that, Ecplise has lot of plugins for testing software like Junit, TestNG's to help you create better test suites. Not to mention a Java IDE is always helpful in debugging test code. Here is a tutorial on how to setup Eclipse with Selenium: http://selftechy.com/2011/05/31/setting-up-selenium-with-eclipse
Hope it helps.
we are considering to use FitNesse/Slim.
But is there a way to start all written Tests without browsing the webpage and starting each manually ?
It would be sufficient if there is a one-start-all kind of button somewhere to click.
So either starting all tests from command line (with a report of course) or with on button from the webpage.
Is this doable ?
Thanks in advance
There is a very easy way to do that. You can run FitNesse tests from the command line. You do this by using the following command line:
java -jar lib/fitnesse.jar -c "FrontPage?suite&format=text"
This will run all tests under the FrontPage and show the results as they happen in a command line friendly format. If you change FrontPage to FrontPage.MainSuite, it will run only the tests under that page.
If you have tests that are in different states. Maybe some of them are started but are not done yet. You can add a Suite Tag to the tests that must run, then you can filter the tests that are run. that would look like the following:
java -jar lib/fitnesse.jar -c "FrontPage?suite&suiteFilter=MustBeGreen&format=text"
This is also possible to do using an ANT java task.
Assuming you have a current version of fitnesse and have it running on port 8080, the following link will take you to a page with more details: http://localhost:8080/FitNesse.UserGuide.ControllingFitnesseFromTheCommandLine
Dan has it correct; but the User Guide is also posted online at:
Is there a way to invoke the Selenium IDE From the Linux command line. I would really like to have a command that when run would cause the Selenium IDE to run the current test. (This way I can hook it into gvim's save hook and never take my hands off the keyboard)
I know how to get PHP unit or the like to run selenium. That works great for running tests, the problem is that right now what I am trying to do is use the selenium IDE as a macro. IE to load my app and navigate me to the part I am working on. That does not work well from phpunit because it reloads the page as soon as the test ends.
You cannot run IDE directly from the command line, however you can use Selenium RC to run scripts recorded in Selenese (i.e. recorded by Selenium IDE) without converting them to a different language.
Run Selenese Directly Within the
Server Using -htmlSuite
You can run Selenese html files
directly within the Selenium Server by
passing the html file to the server’s
command line. For instance:
java -jar selenium-server.jar
-htmlSuite "*firefox" "http://www.google.com"
This will automatically launch your
HTML suite, run all the tests and save
a nice HTML report with the results.
When using this option, the server
will start the tests and wait for a
specified number of seconds for the
test to complete; if the test doesn’t
complete within that amount of time,
the command will exit with a non-zero
exit code and no results file will be
This command line is very long so be
careful when you type it. Note this
requires you to pass in an HTML
Selenese suite, not a single test.
Also be aware the -htmlSuite option is
incompatible with -interactive You
cannot run both at the same time.
The above is taken from http://seleniumhq.org/docs/05_selenium_rc.html
What I found you can do is use the unix command line tool "xdotool" to generate the click event on the button, which will run the script. Exactly what I wanted to do. This is the command line I run. (Its in a shell script)
xdotool search --name "Selenium IDE" mousemove --window %1 153 65 click 1
For the Selenium IDE I don't know a solution. Selenium IDE is the user frontend for the Selenium Core.
But to run a set of working test scripts, you can use Selenium Remote Control (RC). This is an API for the Selenium Core. It is available for Java, Ruby, Python, .Net/C#, Perl, PHP.
You can record a macro with Selenium IDE. Then you can export the macro to each of the supported programming languages. I used it successfully for Java:
Exported the script to Java
Wrapped the Java code with a JUnit test case
Used a simple main method in a Java class to parse some command line arguments and to call the JUnit runner
Started the Selenium Server from the command line
Called the Java class from the command line
It should work in an analogous way for other programming languages. Compile Java or C# to an executable or directly call the Python/Ruby/Perl script.
The wrapping as a JUnit test case is optional. The advantage is that you can execute the Selenium macro also with any other JUnit runner, e.g. in Eclipse or with the JUnit Ant task.