SQL Metadata Search via SharePoint - sql

Is it possible to search the metadata of SQL Databases (example: extended properties) via SharePoint? maybe using FAST?

You can use SharePoint Business Connectivity Services (BCS) to define the structure of your remote sql database and then you can crawl it with search. An intro to this is here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/taj/archive/2010/08/24/searching-external-systems-using-sharepoint-2010-business-connectivity-services-bcs-within-throttling-limits.aspx


How does authorization and authentication work in Azure SQL server?

I see a couple of different options for access control in Azure SQL server. There is a panel on Azure called access control (IAM) where roles like contributor/reader can be assigned to users.
The second place is the SQL server security artifacts which can be viewed in SSMS. Understanding how one of these policies works is straightforward, but how do these two policies work in tandem?
According your comment, please look at this Azure SQL database document: An overview of Azure SQL Database security capabilities:
This article outlines the basics of securing the data tier of an application using Azure SQL Database. The security strategy described follows the layered defense-in-depth approach as shown in the picture below, and moves from the outside in:
It will help you learn from the Azure SQL database security. To know more about the access control and Authorization.
Azure also gives the security best practices to teach you how to use these them.
Reference: Azure SQL Database security best practices playbook. This document provides guidance on how to solve common security requirements for new or existing applications using Azure SQL Database.
Hope this helps.

API for Azure Database for MySQL

Azure Database for MySQL server is still in preview, though we can created database instance on it.
I wonder do we have any API to retrieve the databases that we created on Azure Database for MySQL server? API for metrics of those databases?
Same questions for Azure Database for PostgreSQL server. Thanks!
Related Azure portal screenshot
We have just released the REST API spec today. You can find it here - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/mysql/
Here's the REST API reference to list all the databases under a server: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/mysql/databases#Databases_ListByServer
well, they obviously exist, but they are not publicly available yet. I don't see anything reasonable on the REST API reference page.
You may figure this out using the Azure portal + fiddler combo ;)
What do you mean retrieve the databases? You can connect to them in Visual Studio with your SQL server object explorer and entering the server name Azure gave you as the server. I don't know if I am understanding your question right? You can connect to the database just like any other SQL database using a SqlConnection.
I looked into it a little more:
Essentially what I was saying. Provided you have successfully connected your SQL db to Azure you just access it like any other database. For PostgresSql, look into using NpgsqlConnection instead of SqlConnection. They have very similar functionality.

How can I store large binary objects in azure sql db?

I have a local ASP.NET web site (database contains some pictures as binary objects) that I want deploy to Azure web services. How can I store pictures in Azure SQL DB?
I'm trying this query, but..
Is there another way to keep large binary object in Azure DB? Thanks for any replies!
you can use other way to do that. You can use SqlStream class written in C# code.
because bulk insert is not permit in sql database.
check these link, that have a way to do that:

How to get/set information in an SQL database via internet connection

I'm currently creating an SQL database that will eventually be accessed by web applications, both mobile and desktop platforms.
Setting up the SQL database is easy.
What I'm currently having trouble with is how I'm going to allow clients to access to information in the database without having direct access to the database, for security purposes.
For example, let's say I have a list of employees, and I'm creating employee profiles for a mobile application. I would like for the mobile application to be able to use a function such as get(employee_name), which will call the database and retrieve the information about the employee in the form of a JSON.
How would I go about doing this?
To see a very nice solution on using JSON on sql server tables please look at Phil Factors article Consuming JSON Strings in SQL Server at:

Business Connectivity Services for a large scale database having several stored procedures

I am working on a project having a large scale database with several stored procedures and I need to use the data in SharePoint 2013, the database is in SQL Server 2008 R2
According to my understanding I have two options:
1) is to create a Web service, using entity framework to interact with the database and most probably will use WebAPI. My logic will be in Stored procedures or DAL layer.
2) Secondly, I did a little research and got to know about the Business connectivity services provided by the SharePoint 2010/2013 as I am working with 2013 so I will be using visual studio 2012. Now learning more about the BCS I understood that I can map each table as a content type and then somehow define relationship. Anwyay, implementing BCS is a separate issue which I think I will somehow manage.
My question is how am I going to import/include my stored procedures? and if not stored procedures then where will I write my queries to get the data from the BCS?
Please direct me to right direction. Thank you.
Using a custom BCS connector you implement the way you want to retrieve the data from the DB (directly in C#), so you can query directly the table, or stored procedures.
If you want to try a BCS connector to create an external content type to use in SharePoint, take a look at my blog. My example is related to indexing sql data for the search, but the way it's done in SharePoint is creating an external content type, and this content type is the one that you index. So you'll find useful information on how to create that BCS connector.