I'm trying order a Linq to NHibernate query.
var clients = (from c in session.QueryOver<Clients>()
orderby c.Nom
select c
It doesn't work : List() isn't an existing method.
It works if I write that :
var clients2 = (from c in session.QueryOver<Clients>()
orderby c.Nom
select c
var clients3 = clients2.Asc.List();
There is a difference if orderby is used or not.
In the previous code, the clients2 type is NHibernate.Criterion.Lambda.IQueryOverOrderBuilder.
var clients4 = (from c in session.QueryOver<Clients>()
select c
In this case clients4's type is NHibernate.Criterion.QueryOver.
Does someone know this issue ?
QueryOver is not the LINQ API. You should use the Query extension method instead.
var clients = (from c in session.Query<Clients>()
orderby c.Nom
select c
using NHibernate.Linq;
I´m trying do something like this :
Select * from A where id in (Select id_a from B)
But in LINQ
db.A().Join(db.B(), a => a.id, b => b.id_a, (a , b) => new { a, b}).....
I can do a JOIN. Is the best way? Or i have another options?.
I´m using Entity Framework
From my SQL to LINQ recipe:
For translating SQL to LINQ query comprehension:
Translate subselects as separately declared variables.
Translate IN to .Contains() and NOT IN to !...Contains(), using literal arrays or array variables for constant lists.
SELECT * must be replaced with select range_variable or for joins, an anonymous object containing all the range variables.
So, for your SQL,
var id_aInB = from b in db.B select b.id_a;
var ans = from a in db.A where id_aInB.Contains(a.id) select a;
Using subquery in LINQ lambda
var q = db.A.Where(a=> db.B.Select(b=>b.id_a).toList().Contains(a.Id)).Select(a=>a);
In Linq there are many ways to express that. That SQL can also be expressed in different ways and probably the best is to use an EXISTS query instead, like:
Select * from A
where EXISTS (Select * from B where A.id = B.id_a)
That could be written in Linq as:
db.A.Where( a => db.B.Any( b => a.Id == b.Id_a ) );
Maybe you need this:
var result=db.A.Select(c=>new {c,listId=db.B.Select(s=>s.id_a)}).Where(w=>w.listId.Contains( w.c.id)).Select(c=>c.c);
Or you can use LINQ like this
from a in db.A
let listId = from b in db.B
select b.id_a
where listId.Contains(a.id)
select a
By the way, use LINQPad,you can get the right lamda by LINQ search
I'm trying to translate a sql query in linq sintax, but I'm having big trouble
This is my query in SQL
select * FROM dbo.ITEM item inner join
select SUM([QTA_PRIMARY]) QtaTotale,
from [dbo].[LOTTI]
on item.TRADE_NUM = TotQtaLottiGroupByToi.TRADE_NUM
and item.ORDER_NUM = TotQtaLottiGroupByToi.ORDER_NUM
and item.ITEM_NUM = TotQtaLottiGroupByToi.ITEM_NUM
where item.PRIMARY_QTA > TotQtaLottiGroupByToi.QtaTotale
and item.FLAG_ATTIVO=1
How can I translate into linq sintax?
This approach doesn't work
var res= from i in context.ITEM
join d in
from l in context.LOTTI
group l by new { l.TRADE_NUM, l.ORDER_NUM, l.ITEM_NUM } into g
select new TotQtaByTOI()
TradeNum = g.Key.TRADE_NUM,
OrderNum = g.Key.ORDER_NUM,
ItemNum = g.Key.ITEM_NUM,
QtaTotale = g.Sum(oi => oi.QTA_PRIMARY)
on new { i.TRADE_NUM, i.ORDER_NUM, i.ITEM_NUM} equals new { d.TradeNum, d.OrderNum, d.ItemNum }
I get this error
The type of one of the expressions in the join cluase is incorrect. Type inference failed in the call to 'Join'
Can you help me with this query?
Thank you!
The problem is Anonymous Type comparison. You need to specify matching property names for your two anonymous type's properties (e.g. first, second, third)
I tried it out, here's an example: http://pastebin.com/hRj0CMzs
I have used too much time (days) on this and I really hope someone can help me out.
I found a good article on describing my problem in a generic way so let's stick to it.
I am trying to build this query but NHibernate fails to build the correct sql and returns a sql query exception.
Column vSagsAendring.Id is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause. It could not execute the following query:
viewsagsae0_.Id as Id155_,
viewsagsae0_.SagId as SagId155_,
viewsagsae0_.JournalNr as JournalNr155_,
viewsagsae0_.LbfNr as LbfNr155_,
viewsagsae0_.OrgNr as OrgNr155_,
viewsagsae0_.OrgNavn as OrgNavn155_,
viewsagsae0_.AfdNavn as AfdNavn155_,
viewsagsae0_.SagsType as SagsType155_,
viewsagsae0_.Status as Status155_,
viewsagsae0_.SagsbehandlerInit as Sagsbeh10_155_,
viewsagsae0_.Dato as Dato155_,
viewsagsae0_.JournalAktionType as Journal12_155_,
viewsagsae0_.Beskrivelse as Beskriv13_155_,
viewsagsae0_.Ekstern as Ekstern155_
from vSagsAendring viewsagsae0_
group by viewsagsae0_.SagId
var query = from p in _session.Query<ViewSagsAendring>()
group p by p.SagId
into grp
select grp.OrderByDescending(g => g.Dato).First();
This is another version also took from the article:
var query = from p in _session.Query<ViewSagsAendring>()
group p by p.SagId
into grp
let maxDato = grp.Max(g => g.Dato)
from p in grp
where p.Dato == maxDato
select p;
It's have been a long journey, but now it's over. I hope that I can help someone else in the same situation by answering my own question.
var aendring = from sagsAendring in _session.Query<ViewSagsAendring>()
where sagsAendring.Dato ==
from innersagsAendring in _session.Query<ViewSagsAendring>()
where innersagsAendring.SagId == sagsAendring.SagId
select innersagsAendring.Dato
select sagsAendring;
var result = aendring.ToList();
And because you can chain linq statements you can build a linq filter like this
if(Filters.VisInterneAendringer == false)
query = query.Where(x => x.Ekstern == true);
if (Filters.VisKunNyesteAendringer)
query = query.Where(sagsAendring => sagsAendring.Dato ==
from innerSagsAendring in Session.Query<ViewSagsAendring>() where innerSagsAendring.SagId == sagsAendring.SagId
select innerSagsAendring.Dato
return query;
Your queries seem legit for LINQ in EntityFramework.
I'm not sure about hibernate, you might try to use QueryOver API instead of Query
I am trying to work out how to covert the script below from SQL in to LINQ. Any help would be welcome.
[MyDate] IN
I can't find an equivalent for the "IN" clause section. There are existing questions on this forum but none that cover selecting a DateTime.
Thanks in advance.
You can use the ".Contains(..)" function:
var itemQuery = from cartItems in db.SalesOrderDetails
where cartItems.SalesOrderID == 75144
select cartItems.ProductID;
var myProducts = from p in db.Products
where itemQuery.Contains(p.ProductID)
select p;
Although it looks like 2 round trips, as the LINQ only constructs the query when the IEnumerable is tripped, you should get reasonable performance.
I think Any() is what you are looking for:
var result = tableName.Where(x =>
(from t in tableName
group t by t.MyID into g
where g.Max(y => y.MyDate) == x.MyDate
select 1).Any())
Hope that someone can answer this.
I know that I can do the following using hql (pseudo code below)
var hql = "from objectA l where size(l.ChildCollection) > 0";
var data = Session.CreateQuery(hql)
Is there a wondering if you could do something similar using QueryOver. Without resorting to using a sub query.I have a session filter on ChildCollection.
var query = QueryOver.Of<ObjectA>()
.WhereRestrictionOn(x => x.ChildCollection).IsNotEmpty();
Where as the Hql produces,
[ChildCollection] childcollection1_
and childcollection1_.DTCreated between #p0 and #p1
var query = QueryOver.Of<ObjectA>().WhereRestrictionOn(x => x.ChildCollection).IsNotEmpty();
Both queries will generate similar sql:
SELECT this_.Id
FROM [ObjectA] this_
WHERE exists(select 1 from [ChildObjectB] where this_.Id = [key])
Is this what you were trying to achieve?