What tool to capture values passed into SQL Server procedure - sql

I have a DLL, for which I do not have the source code. It is making calls to a stored procedure in a SQL Server 2005 database. I need to know what values it is passing in as the parameters of the call.
Is there a free tool, or one that comes with SQL Server that is able to monitor and record the calls into a database?

You can use for this SQL Server Profiler which comes with SQL Server.
If you have an access to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, you find it by clicking Tools → SQL Server Profiler.
When it starts, click Connect. On Trace properties dialog, click Run. It then collects every call to the SQL Server and displays the summary at the top, and the query with its parameters at the bottom of the window.
You can also:
Pause or stop the profiler (icons in the toolbar),
Clear the current trace.
Do not forget to clear the trace before launching the action which will call the stored procedure and do not forget to pause/stop the profiling after you get the results to avoid getting too much information to analyze.
As pointed in the comments, if you are using SQL Server Express, the profiler may be missing. You may want to install a third party profiler for SQL Express instead.

Check the [Tools] menu in SQL Server Management Studio:
If you don't see this option, you most likely have SQL Server EXPRESS which does not come with Profiler.


Is there a way to Debug a Store Procedure(SQL server) in real time while running a backend console project?

I'm trying to find a bug on a store procedure(SQL server) that gets executed from a console application coded in C#. Is there a way I can do some sort of breakpoints into the Store Procedure scripts and find how the data gets processed into the store procedure in real-time?
I know that you can debug a simply Stored procedure on Visual Studio. But what I want to do it's to debug it in real-time with the console application.
Dependent on which version of SQL Server you are using you will want to use either SQL Server Profiler or Extended Events, see Quick Start: Extended events in SQL Server and SSMS XEvent Profiler.

SQL Server Profiler not available in Sql Server Management Studio tools

SQL Server Profiler is not available in Sql Server Management Studio tools for a few users.
They can run Profiler as a seperate application but can't find this app in SSMS. Do you know what can be a reason?
Considering that profile is deprecated, and has been for quite some time, wouldn't they be better off using Extended Events anyway?
Otherwise, I suspect they have (in error) removed it. You can readd the link in the Customize menu.
Right click the toolbar and select Customize:
Select the Commands Pane, and then change the Menu bar drop down to Tools. Then find the point you want to add the Command (by default above Database Engine Tuning Advisor) and then select "Add Command" and add SQL Server Profiler:

See queries that hit SQL

Is there a way using sql 2008 Management Studio to look at the queries that hit the server? I'm trying to debug a program and I get messages like "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AND'". Since the queries are being dynamically generated it's a hassle to figure out what is going to the server.
Any help is appreciated!
There is a tool called Profiler that will tell you all information that you'll need. MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187929.aspx
I'm not aware of any method to do this using SQL Server Management Studio, but if you installed SSMS then you probably also installed the SQL Profiler. If you fire that up and run the TSQL_SPs profiler template, you can see every statement that's hitting the database.
Since the queries are being dynamically generated it's a hassle to figure out what is going to the server.
Why not just put the query that's generated into a message box, or print it to the console, or webpage, etc. ??
Trying to catch it at the DB server seems to be the long-way-around to debugging some simple ad-hoc queries.
Go to Management...Activity Monitor in the object explorer.
It's not live though, you will have to refresh it manually.
start up profiler from SSMS (Tools-->SQL Server Profiler), run a trace and select the T-SQL events
One option is to use SQL Server Profiler to run a trace. However, in some shops SQL Server permissions are set so only DBAs can run traces.
If you don't have sufficient rights to run a trace, then another option is to view the network traffic between the application that generates the SQL and box SQL Server is running on. WireShark works great for that.

Is there a way to track all the queries that has been executed by the server?

I want to be able to see all the queries that has been executed on the server last 2 days etc.
see the script, date of execution, sender etc.
is there any way?
I am using SQL X 2005.
I don't believe it's possible without SQL Server Profiler running.
Yes you can use SQL-Trace to log each command submitted to the server. It's the same mechanism used by the profiler, but you do not have to have the profiler or any other tool to use it.
There are two modes in which SQL Trace can run - in-memory buffer and disk file. The former is only used by profiler, is not documented and should not be used. Use the disk-file mode. The file can later on be opened on the same or different machine and even loaded into a table for analysis.
To learn more go to this page: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191511.aspx and search for section titled "To perform monitoring tasks with SQL Trace by using Transact-SQL stored procedures"
Here is a free, open-source Profiler tool that might help.
Profiler for Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008 Express Edition

Debugging stored procedures in SQL Server Management Studio

Is there a way to step into the stored procedure code in SQL Server Management Studio? I know this is possible with Visual Studio, but I am looking for a dependable debugging solution from within Management Studio
Only with SQL 2008 and SSMS 2008. Select from menu 'Debug\Start Debugging' or press Alt+F5 and will launch the step by step T-SQL debugger.
On 2005 the only way is to attach Profiler and monitor for the SP:StmtCompleted event, which is not exactly debugger step-by-step, but at least you'll see the execution flow. Not to be done on a production machine, obviously.
I have written a pretty detailed blog post about it here:
Basically the gist of it is that you enter your sql query to execute your stored procedure, and instead of pressing F5 or hitting the exclamation, you hit the play button and use F10 and F11 to step through and step into your stored procs.
This is very handy but no one seems to use it.
From SSMS 17 onwards version, You can not debug any SQL.
The ability to debug sprocs, which was in Query Analyzer in SQL Server 2000 was not put into SQL Server 2005. Microsoft realized this mistake and put the functionality back in in SQL Server 2008.
In SSMS 2008 you can start the debugger by either clicking the debug button on the toolbar or pressing ALT+F5.
Unfortunately, running SSMS 2008 against a 2005 database will not allow you to debug, so
you'll have to stick with Visual Studio.
Watch out for debugging stored procedures using Visual Studio. The way that this is implemented is to use an incredible amount of locking so that you should never do this on a production system.
Yes, in SSMS 2008 you can definitely step into T-SQL code (code block, stored func, stored proc) and debug it.
See this excellent article Management Studio Improvements in SQL Server 2008 for details - it also deals with debugging (towards the end of the article).