Tips for designing a serialization file format that will permit easy merging - serialization

Say I'm building a UML modeling tool. There's some hierarchical organization to the data, and model elements need to be able to refer to others. I need some way to save model files to disk. If multiple people might be working on the files simultaneously, the time will come to merge these model files. Also, it would be nice to compare two revisions in source control and see what has changed. This seems like it would be a common problem across many domains
For this to work well using existing difference and merge tools, the file format should be text, separated onto multiple lines.
What are some existing serialization formats that do a good job (or poor job) addressing such problems? Or, if designing a custom file format, what are some tips / guidelines / pitfalls?
Bonus question: Any additional guidance if I want to eventually split the model up into multiple files, each separately source controlled?

I solved that problem long ago for octave/matlab, now I need something for C#.
The task was to merge two octave-structs to one. I found no merge tool and no fitting serializer, so I had to think about something.
The most important concept decision was to split the struct-tree into lines with the complete path and the content of the leave.
The basic Idea was
Serialize the Struct to Lines, where each line represents a basic Variable (Matrix, string, float,...)
An array or matrix of struct will have the index in the path.
concatenate the two resulting text files, sort the lines
detect collisions and do collision-handling (very easy, because the same Properties will be positioned directly unde each other after the line sorting)
do deserialize
>> s1
s1 =
scalar structure containing the fields:
b =
2x2 struct array containing the fields:
t = Textstring
f = 3.1416
s =
scalar structure containing the fields:
a = 3
b = 4
will be serialized to
root.b(1,1).bruch=txt2base('isfloat|[ [ 0, 4 ] ; [ 1, 0 ] ; ]');
root.b(1,2).bruch=txt2base('isfloat|[ [ 1, 6 ] ; [ 1, 0 ] ; ]');
root.b(2,1).bruch=txt2base('isfloat|[ [ 2, 7 ] ; [ 1, 0 ] ; ]');
root.b(2,2).bruch=txt2base('isfloat|[ [ 7 ] ; [ 1 ] ; ]');
The advantage of this method is, that it is very easy to implement and it is human readable. First you have to write the two functions base2txt and txt2base, wich convert basic types to strings and back. Then you just go recursively through the tree and write for each struct property the path to the property (here seperated by ".") and the content to one line.
The big disadvantage is, that at least my implementation of this is very slow.
The answer to the second question: Is there already something like this out there? I dont know... but I searched for a while, so I don't think so.

Some guidelines:
The format should be designed so that when only one thing has changed in a model, there is only one corresponding change in the file. Some counterexamples:
It's no good if the file format uses arbitrary reference IDs that change every time you edit and save the model.
It's no good if array items are stored with their indices listed explicitly, since inserting items into the middle of an array will cause all the following indices to get shuffled down. That will cause those items to show up in a 'diff' unnecessarily.
Regarding references: if IDs are created serially, then two people editing the same revision of the model could end up creating new elements with the same ID. This will become a problem when merging.


Large list literals in Kotlin stalling/crashing compiler

I'm using val globalList = listOf("a1" to "b1", "a2" to "b2") to create a large list of Pairs of strings.
All is fine until you try to put more than 1000 Pairs into a List. The compiler either takes > 5 minutes or just crashes (Both in IntelliJ and Android Studio).
Same happens if you use simple lists of Strings instead of Pairs.
Is there a better way / best practice to include large lists in your source code without resorting to a database?
You can replace a listOf(...) expression with a list created using a constructor or a factory function and adding the items to it:
val globalList: List<Pair<String, String>> = mutableListOf().apply {
add("a1" to "b1")
add("a2" to "b2")
// ...
This is definitely a simpler construct for the compiler to analyze.
If you need something quick and dirty instead of data files, one workaround is to use a large string, then split and map it into a list. Here's an example mapping into a list of Ints.
val onCommaWhitespace = "[\\s,]+".toRegex() // in this example split on commas w/ whitespace
val bigListOfNumbers: List<Int> = """
0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
8187, 8188, 8189, 8190, 8191
.map { it.toInt() }
Of course for splitting into a list of Strings, you'd have to choose an appropriate delimiter and regex that don't interfere with the actual data set.
There's no good way to do what you want; for something that size, reading the values from a data file (or calculating them, if that were possible) is a far better solution all round — more maintainable, much faster to compile and run, easier to read and edit, less likely to cause trouble with build tools and frameworks…
If you let the compiler finish, its output will tell you the problem.  (‘Always read the error messages’ should be one of the cardinal rules of development!)
I tried hotkey's version using apply(), and it eventually gave this error:
Caused by: Method too large: TestKt.main ()V
There's the problem: MethodTooLargeException.  The JVM allows only 65535 bytes of bytecode within a single method; see this answer.  That's the limit you're coming up against here: once you have too many entries, its code would exceed that limit, and so it can't be compiled.
If you were a real masochist, you could probably work around this to an extent by splitting the initialisation across many methods, keeping each one's code just under the limit.  But please don't!  For the sake of your colleagues, for the sake of your compiler, and for the sake of your own mental health…

SHOW KEYS in Aerospike?

I'm new to Aerospike and am probably missing something fundamental, but I'm trying to see an enumeration of the Keys in a Set (I'm purposefully avoiding the word "list" because it's a datatype).
For example,
To see all the Namespaces, the docs say to use SHOW NAMESPACES
To see all the Sets, we can use SHOW SETS
If I want to see all the unique Keys in a Set ... what command can I use?
It seems like one can use client.scan() ... but that seems like a super heavy way to get just the key (since it fetches all the bin data as well).
Any recommendations are appreciated! As of right now, I'm thinking of inserting (deleting) into (from) a meta-record.
Thank you #pgupta for pointing me in the right direction.
This actually has two parts:
In order to retrieve original keys from the server, one must -- during put() calls -- set policy to save the key value server-side (otherwise, it seems only a digest/hash is stored?).
Here's an example in Python:
aerospike_client.put(key, {'bin': 'value'}, policy={'key': aerospike.POLICY_KEY_SEND})
Then (modified Aerospike's own documentation), you perform a scan and set the policy to not return the bin data. From this, you can extract the keys:
keys = []
scan = client.scan('namespace', 'set')
scan_opts = { 'concurrent': True, 'nobins': True, 'priority': aerospike.SCAN_PRIORITY_MEDIUM }
for x in (scan.results(policy=scan_opts)): keys.append(x[0][2])
The need to iterate over the result still seems a little clunky to me; I still think that using a 'master-key' Record to store a list of all the other keys will be more performant, in my case -- in this way, I can simply make one get() call to the Aerospike server to retrieve the list.
You can choose not bring the data back by setting includeBinData in ScanPolicy to false.

Referencing nested arrays in awk

I'm creating a bunch of mappings that can be indexed into using 3 keys such as below:
split( "10,13,19,49", mappings["foo"]["bar"]["blah"] )
I can then index into the nested array using for example
But this is a bit long-winded when I need to refer to the same nested array several times, so in other languages I'd create a reference to the inner array:
However, I can't seem to get this to work in awk (gawk 4.1.3).
I can only find one link over google, that suggests this is impossible in previous versions of awk, and a loop setting the keys and values one-by-one is the only solution. Is this still the case or does anyone have a suggestions for a better solution?
In response to comments a bit more background on what I'm trying to do. If there is a better approach, I'm all for using it!
I have set of CSV files that I'm feeding into AWK. The idea is to calculate a checksum based on specific columns after applying filtering to the rows.
The columns to checksum on, and the filtering to apply, are derivived from runtime parameters sent into the script.
The runtime parameters are a triple of (product,format,version), hence my use of a 3-nested assoicative array.
Another approach would be to use triple as a single key, rather than nesting, but gawk doesn't seem to natively support this, so I'd end-up concatenating the values as string. This felt a bit less structured to me, but if I'm wrong, happy to change my mind on this apporach.
Anyway, it is these parameters that are used to index into the array to structure to retrieve the column numbers, etc.
You can then build-up a tree-like structure, for example, the below shows 2 formats for product foo on version blah, and so on...:
split( "10,13,19,49", mappings["product-foo"]["format-bar"]["version-blah"] )
split( "55,23,14,6", mappings["product-foo"]["format-moo"]["version-blah"] )
The magic happens like this, you can see how long-winded the mappings indexing becomes without referencing:
(FNR>1 && (format!="some-format" ||
(version=="some-version" && $1=="some-filter") ||
(version=="some-other-version" && $8=="some-other-filter"))) {
# Loop over each supplied field summing an absolute tally for each
for (i=1; i <= length(mappings[product][format][version]); i++) {
sumarr[i] += ( $mappings[product][format][version][i] < 0 ? -$mappings[product][format][version][i]:$mappings[product][format][version][i] )
The comment from #ed-morton simplifies this as originally requested, but interested if their is a simpler approach.
The right answer is from #ed-morton above (thanks!).
Ed - if you write it out as an answer I'll accept it, otherwise I'll accept this quote in a few days for good housekeeping.
Right, there is no array copy functionality in awk and there are no pointers/references so you can't create a pointer to an array. You can of course create function map(i) { return mappings[product][format][version][i]}

Find a suitable vocabulary database to build a C structure

Let's begin with the question final purpose: my aim is to build a word-based neural network which should take a basic sentence and select for each individual word the meaning it is supposed to yield in the sentence itself. It is then going to learn something about the language (for example the possible correlation between two given words, what is the probability to find both in a single sentence and so on) and at the final stage (after the learning phase) try to build some very simple sentences of its own according to some input.
In order to do this I need some kind of database representing a vocabulary of a given language from which I could extract some information such as word list, definitions, synonyms et cetera. The database should be structured in a way such that I can build C data structures containing the needed information such as
typedef struct _dictEntry DictionaryEntry;
typedef struct _dict Dictionary;
struct _dictEntry {
const char *word; // Word string
const char **definitions; // Array of definition strings
DictionaryEntry **synonyms; // Array of pointers to synonym words
Dictionary *dictionary; // Pointer to parent dictionary
struct _dict {
const char *language; // Language identification string
int count; // Number of elements in the dictionary
float **correlations; // Correlation matrix between i-th and j-th entries
DictionaryEntry *entries; // Array of dictionary entries
or equivalent Obj-C objects.
I know (from Searching the Mac OSX system dictionaries?) that apple provided dictionaries are licensed so I cannot use them to create my data structures.
Basically what I want to do is the following: given an arbitrary word A I want to fetch all the dictionary entries which have a definition containing A and select such definition only. I will then implement some kind of intersection procedure to select the most appropriate definition and synonyms based on the rest of the sentence and build a correlation matrix.
Let me give a little example: let us suppose I type a sentence containing "play"; I want to fetch all the entries (such as "game", "instrument", "actor", etc.) the word "play" can be correlated to and for each of them select the corresponding definition (I don't want for example to extract the "instrument" definition which corresponds to the "tool" meaning since you cannot "play a tool"). I will then select the most appropriate of these definitions looking at the rest of the sentence: if it contains also the word "actor" then I will assign to "play" the meaning "drama" or another suitable definition.
The most basic way to do this is scanning every definition in the dictionary searching for the word "play" so I will need to access all definitions without restrictions and as I understand this cannot be done using the dictionaries located under /Library/Dictionaries. Sadly this work MUST be done offline.
Is there any available resource I can download which allows me to get my hands on all the definitions and fetch my info? Currently I'm not interested in any particular file format (could be a database or an xml or anything else) but it must be something I can decompose and put in a data structure. I tried to google it but, whatever the keywords I use, if I include the word "vocabulary" or "dictionary" I (pretty obviously) only get pages about the other words definitions on some online dictionary site! I guess this is not the best thing to search for...
I hope the question is clear... If it is not I'll try to explain it in a different way! Anyway, thanks in advance to all of you for any helpful information.
Probably an ontology which is free, like would help you. In the university sector there are severals available.

SBJSON append new data into existing JSON file without parsing it first

I am making an app that lets the user draw on the screen in different colors and brush sizes. I am storing the info about each drawn path in a JSON file once it has been drawn to keep it out of memory. Right now I have it parsing all existing paths, then adding the new one in and writing it all back out again. I want it to simply append the new data into the JSON file without having to read it in and parse it first, that will make it so only one path is ever in memory at a time.
I am using SBJSON, the JSONWriter has a few append functions but I think you need to have the JSON string to append it to first, not the file, meaning I would have to read in the file anyway. Is there a way to do this without reading in the file at all? I know exactly how the data is structured.
It's possible, but you have to cheat a little. You can just create a stand-alone JSON document per path, and append that to the file. So you'll have something like this in your file:
{"name":"path1", "from": [0,3], "to":[3, 9]}
{"name":"path2", "from": [0,3], "to":[3, 9]}
{"name":"path3", "from": [0,3], "to":[3, 9]}
Note that this is not ONE JSON document but THREE. Handily, however, SBJsonStreamParser supports reading multiple JSON documents in one go. Set the supportMultipleDocuments property and plug it into a SBJsonStreamParserAdapter, and off you go. This also has the benefit that if you have many, many paths in your file as you can start drawing before you're finished reading the whole file. (Because you get a callback for each path.)
You can see some information on the use case here.
I'm pretty sure its not possible...what I ended up doing was reading in the JSON file as a string then instead of wasting memory changing all that into Dictionaries and Arrays, I just looked for an instance of part of the string (ex: i wanted to insert something before the string "], "texts"" showed up) where I wanted to insert data and inserted it there and wrote it back out to file.
As far as I can tell this is the best solution.