converting Epoch timestamp to sql server(human readable format) - sql

I have a problem in converting the Unix timestamp to sql server timestamp.
I have a data in excel sheet and I will import that data through a tool. So I am looking for a code or syntax which can convert that Epoch timestamp to sql server timestamp.
I have 3 different columns with the same format. How can I change the values in those columns.
For Example:
Epoch timestamp ---1291388960
sql server timestamp--- 2010-12-03 15:09:20.000

I have 3 different columns with the same format. How can I change the values in those columns.
To update 3 columns in a table, you can pair DATEADD seconds to the epoch (1 Jan 1970) with the column name, i.e.
update tbl set
datetimecol1 = dateadd(s, epochcol1, '19700101'),
datetimecol2 = dateadd(s, epochcol2, '19700101'),
datetimecol3 = dateadd(s, epochcol3, '19700101')
You can't update in place since a bigint column cannot also be a datetime column. You have to update them into 3 other columns.

Use the DATEADD function:
SELECT DATEADD(ss, 1291388960, '19700101')
...specifying a date of January 1st, 1970. In this example, it was provided in the YYYYMMDD format.
DATEADD will return a DATETIME data type, so if you have a table & column established -- you can use the function to INSERT/UPDATE depending on your needs. Provide details, and I'll clarify. Once you have a DATETIME to work with, you can use CAST or CONVERT to format the date in TSQL.


SQL Server table's Column has date time value but in unrecognizable format

I am using SQL Server 2016 and have a table with one of the column datatype as BIGINT but its value is 1586862000000
This is not directly recognizable as DateTime value as datatype is also BIGINT, but the name of the column is PREV_EXEC_TIME which gives a hint that value is in DateTime but somewhat in encrypted form plus my guess is 15 stands for 3 pm as I had executed query at 15:00
So my concern is how can I convert this value to a standard DateTime format whenever I query (SELECT)on it
Is there some function like cast or convert to get expected output?
This looks like a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. If you are content with second-level precision, you can use:
select dateadd(second, 1586862000000 / 1000, '1970-01-01')
Unfortunately, SQL Server doesn't support dateadd_big(), but you can add the milliseconds separately if those are needed:
select dateadd(millisecond, 1586862000000 % 1000, dateadd(second, 1586862000000 / 1000, '1970-01-01'))

SQL Server date conversion not is formatting the output

My SQL statement is supposed to add 5 days to the date column and reformat the output to MM/DD/YYYY.
The calculation is working, but the format won't change, no matter what value I use.
The date column is defined as varchar(128) (I've used datetime and varchar(128) in the convert statement).
What am I doing wrong?
12/12/2015 2015-12-17
SQL Server will convert mm/dd/yyyy to a date, so, you just need the dateadd() and then convert back to your desired format.
Remove the final convert(...,101) if you want a natural date.
Select FSI_Date
,NewDay = convert(varchar(10),DateAdd(DAY,5,#FSI_Date),101)
From DB_Test
FSI_Date NewDay
12/12/2015 12/17/2015

Convert TEXT to Date in SQL Server 2012

I have a TEXT in this format 31/10/15.
How do I convert this into a DATE format?
As I need to let the user search from data using a date range.
example: From 15/7/13 to 31/10/15
Or is there a way to so without converting to date?
You can use CONVERT() for this:
DECLARE #d VARCHAR(50) = '31/10/50'
Note that with a 2-digit year SQL Server will make the year start with '19' for 50 and up, and 49 and below will be '20'
Storing as a DATE field will allow easier comparisons, otherwise you'll have to perform this conversion at each step.
Use CONVERT; example:
SELECT [Date] = CONVERT(date, '31/10/15', 3);
And yes, it's possible to search dates in the same format as the examples you provide, but don't do that – use the proper data types in both your queries and your table columns.

How to cast the DateTime to Time

I am casting DateTime field to Time by using CAST Syntax.
select CAST([time] as time) as [CSTTime]
2015-03-19 00:00:00.000
Present Output : Time
I need only HH:MM:SS and not Milliseconds or 0000's
How to filter or Cast it to exact HH:MM:SS Format.
Time is not stored with its display format in SQL Server.
Therefore, from the user perspective, you can say that it has no format.
Of course, that's not completely accurate since it does have a storage format, but as an average user you can't really use it.
This is true for all date and time data types:
Date, DateTimeOffset, DateTime2, SmallDateTime, DateTime and Time.
If you need a format then you don't need to cast to time but to a char. Use Convert to get the char you need:
SELECT CONVERT(char(10), [time], 108) as CSTTime
Here is some background data if you're interested:
In this article published in 2000 the writer explains in depth how SQL Server treats dates and times. I doubt if anything significant changed between 2000 and 2015 in the way SQL Server stores date, time and datetime values internally.
Here are the relevant quotes, if you don't want to read all of it:
So how does SQL Server internally store the dates? It uses 8 bytes to store a datetime value—the first 4 for the date and the second 4 for the time. SQL Server can interpret both sets of 4 bytes as integers.
SQL Server stores the second integer for the time as the number of clock ticks after midnight. A second contains 300 ticks, so a tick equals 3.3 milliseconds (ms).
since time is actually stored as a 4 byte integer, it really doesn't have a format as an integral part of the data type.
You might also want to check out this article for a more detailed explanation with code samples.
You can achieve it with CAST just simple use TIME(0) datatype in following:
SELECT CAST('2015-03-19 01:05:06.289' AS TIME(0))
SQL Server 2008:
select cast(MyDate as time) [time] from yourtable
Earlier versions:
select convert(char(5), MyDate , 108) [time] from yourtable
Other Options:
The simplest way to get the time from datetime without millisecond stack is:
Hour and Minute
SELECT substring(CONVERT(VARCHAR, GETDATE(), 108),0,6) AS Time

Convert Data from yyyy-dd-mm to mm/dd/yyyy Issue

I have a column in my table with Dates in the format yyyy-mm-dd I want to convert all the dates in that column to the format mm/dd/yyyy
I am using the below query
UPDATE Test.dbo.Status
SET DateIn = CONVERT(DATE,DateIn ,101)
The DateIn column is defined as Date in my table (DateIn DATE NULL)
The query does no change to the data. am I doing some thing wrong here?
You can change the default format in which SQL Server displays a date, but you can't alter the way a DATE value is stored via CONVERT(). You can format a date however you want if you store it as a string, but you lose functionality when you do that and it's not advisable. If you are hell-bent on storing a formatted version, you might want to create a new VARCHAR() field so you can preserve your DATE version.
You're better off formatting the date at the application level.
The reason your query does nothing is that the actual DATE values are equivalent. Notice when you take any valid date format and CAST() it as DATE the resulting format is the same regardless of the input:
SELECT CAST('2004-05-10' AS DATE)
SELECT CAST('May 10, 2004' AS DATE)
All return: 2004-05-10 on my instance of SQL Server.