How to implement a permissions system like highrise or facebook - sql

Hey I am looking to implement a permissions system like in highrise or facebook.
The issue with such an problem is that permissions have to defined on a instance of the object(visibility). Off the top of my head i can think of saving user_ids, or group_ids in a hash for every record. Is that the best way to do it?
I am using mongodb so that should make it easier. Although we can switch to sql also (highrise probably does it with sql).
Edit: I ended up writing a gem that works with mongoid, you can read more about it here

#Abhishiv: given this task, I would implement some form of convention for setting access by field.
Given an object like the following:
name : "me",
user : "me01234",
salary : "100",
address : "123 Nowhere drive"
I would add permissions by doing something like this:
name : "me",
user : "me01234",
salary : "100",
address : "123 Nowhere drive"
p_salary : [ 'g/accounting', 'g/management', 'u/owner' ]
p_address : [ 'g/accounting', 'g/hr', 'u/me' ]
With conventions like this, you can maintain document-level access permissions. And it's pretty easy to see how to program such a thing.
Now typically you want access permissions on both the object and the collection itself. This keeps the whole process much more DRY. For such a thing, I would simply build a "permissions" collection that contains default permissions for each other collection in the DB.
Off the top of my head, I don't know of any framework that does this "out of the box". I would look at Mongoid and MongoMapper and see if this type of detail isn't appropriate for a plug-in.

Look into Cancan:

Have you tried declarative authorization?


REST GET mehod: Can return a list of enriched resources?

I have a doubt when I'm designing a REST API.
Consider I have a Resource "Customer" with two elements in my server, like this:
name : "Mary",
description : "An imaginary woman very tall."
name : "John",
description : "Just a guy."
And I want to make an endpoint, that will accept a GET request with a query. The query will provide a parameter with a value that will make an algorithm count how many occurrences for this text are there in all of its parameters.
So if we throw this request:
GET {baseURL}/customers?letters=ry
I should get something like
name : "Mary",
description : "An imaginary woman very tall.",
count : 3
name : "John",
description : "Just a guy.",
count : 0
Count parameter can not be included in the resource scheme as will depend on the value provided in the query, so the response objects have to be enriched.
I'm not getting a list of my resource but a modified resource.
Although it keeps the idempotent condition for GET Method, I see it escapes from the REST architecture concept (even the REST beyond CRUD).
Is it still a valid endpoint in a RESTful API? or should I create something like a new resource called "ratedCustomer"?
REST GET mehod: Can return a list of enriched resources?
TL;DR: yes.
Longer answer...
A successful GET request returns a representation of a single resource, identified by the request-target.
The fact that the information used to create the representation of the resource comes from multiple entities in your domain model, or multiple rows in your database, or from reports produced by other services... these are all implementation details. The HTTP transfer of documents over a network application doesn't care.
That also means that we can have multiple resources that include the same information in their representations. Think "pages in wikipedia" that duplicate each others' information.
Resource identifiers on the web are semantically opaque. All three of these identifiers are understood to be different resources
We human beings looking at these identifiers might expect /A?enriched to be semantically closer to /A than /B, but the machines don't make that assumption.
It's perfectly reasonable for /A?enriched to produce representations using a different schema, or even a different content-type (as far as the HTTP application is concerned, it's perfectly reasonable that /A be an HTML document and /A?enriched be an image).
Because the machines don't care, you've got additional degrees of freedom in how you design both you resources and your resource identifiers, which you can use to enjoy additional benefits, including designing a model that's easy to implement, or easy to document, or easy to interface with, or easy to monitor, or ....
Design is what we do to get more of what we want than we would get by just doing it.

How can I access columns.roles in Power BI development?

Could not find this answer online, so decided to post the question then the answer.
I created a table in the capabilities.json file:
"dataRoles": [
"displayName": "Stakeholders",
"name": "roleIwant",
"kind": "GroupingOrMeasure"
"dataViewMappings": [
"table": {
"rows": {
"select": [
"for": {
"in": "roleIwant"
I realized that I could not simply set, for instance, legend data from the first category, because the first category comes from the first piece of data the user drags in, regardless of position. So if they set a bunch of different pieces of data in Power BI online, for instance, then remove one, the orders of everything get messed up. I thought the best way to settle this would be to identify the role of each column and go from there.
When you click on show Dataview, the hierarchy clearly shows:
...table->columns[0]->roles: { "roleIwant": true }
So I thought I could access it like:
but that is not the case. I was compiling using pbiviz start from the command prompt, which gives me an error:
error TYPESCRIPT /src/visual.ts : (56,50) Property 'roleIwant' does not exist on type '{ [name: string]: boolean; }'.
Why can I not access this in this way? I was thinking because natively, roles does not contain the property roleIwant, which is true, but that shouldn't matter...
The solution is actually pretty simple. I got no 'dot' help (typing a dot after roles for suggestions), but you can use regular object properties for roles. The command for this case would be:
And the functional code portion:
columns.forEach((column) =>{
roleIwantData = dataview.categorical.categories[columns.indexOf(column)].values;
If it has the property, it belongs to that role. From here, the data saved will contain the actual values of that role! The only thing I would add on here is that if a column is used for multiple roles, depending on how you code, you may want to do multiple if's to check for the different roles belonging to a column instead of if else's.
If anyone has any further advice on the topic, or a better way to do it, by all means. I searched for the error, all over for ways to access columns' roles, and got nothing, so hopefully this topic helps someone else. And sorry for the wordiness - I tend to talk a lot.

How to update old data with new data in Firebase?

I'm developing a chat app. In my app there are 4 nodes called User, Recent, Message, Group. I'm using Objective-C My message object looks like,
"createdAt" : 1.486618017521277E9,
"groupId" : "-KcWKeXXQ9tjYsYfCknx",
"objectId" : "-KcWKftK8GiMxxAnarL5",
"senderId" : "828949592937598976",
"senderImage" : "",
"senderName" : "John Doee",
"status" : "Seen",
"text" : "Hi all",
"type" : "text",
"updatedAt" : 1.486622011467733E9
When I'm updating a User, all message's senderName should be updated accordingly. Is there are way to do this via the code or Do I need to write a rule. I'm a newbie to the firebase. Please suggest me a way to do that. If It's possible to do with the rules, Please guide me on this.
It's not possible to do this via rules, so you have to manually iterate over all your data and update the senderName.
Anyways, I think you would probably be better off with saving {senderID: $someUserID} instead - like you would do in a relational database. The userID is static, so can change the user without having to update all the instances where you use it.

Permissions on a rest API implementing HATEOAS

I'm trying to figure out the right way to handle permissions in a single page app that talks directly to several RESTful APIs, that implement HATEOAS.
As an example:
"As a user of my application I can view, start and pause jobs but not stop them."
The underlying rest API has the following resource:
Which accepts GET and PUT. The GET returns a job model and the PUT accepts a job model as a request body in the form:
"_links" : {
"self" : "/jobs/12345678"
"id" : 12345678,
"description" : "foo job",
"state" : "STOPPED"
Accepted job states can be: dormant | running | paused | stopped.
The requirement says that on the UI I must have the buttons:
... and only display based on the logged in user's permissions.
From the API perspective everything works as the underlying logic on the server makes sure that the user cannot update the state to a STOPPED state when a request is made (a 401 is returned maybe).
What is the best way to inform the app / UI of the user's permissions, so it can hide any buttons that the user has no permission to action?
Should the API provide a list of permissions, maybe something like :
"_links" : {
"self" : "/permissions",
"jobs" : "/jobs"
"permissions" : {
"job" : ["UPDATE", "DELETE"],
"job-updates" : ["START", "PAUSE"]
OR should the API change so that the permissions are reflected in the HATEOS links maybe something like :
"_links" : {
"self" : "/jobs/12345678",
"start" : "/jobs/12345678/state?to=RUNNING",
"pause" : "/jobs/12345678/state?to=PAUSED",
"id" : 12345678,
"description" : "foo job",
"state" : "DORMANT"
Or should it be done in a completely different way?
I've found the following article which suggests an answer:
I would go with the latter: Imply permissions based on which links are present.
If the link isn't there, the user can't access the resource/perform the action. If it is, they can. That's what I'd do, because it's simple and clean and leaves little to the discretion of the front-end code. Decoupling, yo.
Alternatively, if you do want to include all the links in each response but explicitly specify which are allowed and which aren't, if you use a format such as HAL to write your links, you could extend it with a flag on each link like so:
"_links" : {
"self" : {
"start" : {
"pause" : {
"id" : 12345678,
"description" : "foo job",
"state" : "DORMANT"
I would go with the latter. The reason I don't like the former is because you are creating extra work for the client by requiring it to figure out the mapping between permissions and the resources they permit access to. If you use hateoas and check for the presence of relation types, this mapping is done for you by the server. It also means the uris can change without breaking the client.
I recently wrote a blog post on this area:
You should be using forms, not links, to provide state transition hypermedia.
If you cannot provide forms in your media type, provide links to URIs which use another media type that supports forms, such as XHTML.
IANA has link relations for create-form, edit-form and delete-form for this purpose.
Also, please do not use start and pause as real link relations. If you define them yourself, they must be URIs (preferably HTTP URLs, but any URI under your control will suffice). start has a completely different meaning to what you're using it for, and pause is not defined.

Arbitrarily nesting some attributes in rabl

I'm designing a new API for my project, and I want to return objects that have nested children as json. For that purpose i've decided to use RABL.
I want the client side to be able to understand whether the object is valid, and if not which fields are missing in order to save it correctly.
The design I thought of should include some fields as optional, under an optional hash, and the rest are required. The required fields should appear right under the root of the json.
So the output I try to describe should look something like this:
"name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"optional": {
"address": "Beverly Hills 90210",
"phones":[{"number":"123456","name":"work"}, {"number":"654321","name":"mobile"}]
The above output example describes the required fields name and last name, and the not required address and phones (which is associated in a belongs_to-has_many relationship to the object). name, last_name and address are User's DB fields.
Playing with RABL I didn't manage so far to create this kind of structure.
Any suggestions? I'm looking for a DRY way to implement this for all my models.
RABL is really good in creating JSON structures on the fly, so I don't see why you couldn't achieve your goal. Did you try testing if a field is set to null-able in the schema, and thus presenting it as optional? It seems a good approach for me. For the nested children, just do the same, but extend the template for the children.
For example, in your father/show.rabl display a custom node :optional with all the properties that can be null.
Then, create a child/show.rabl with the same logic. Finally, go back to father/show.rabl and add a child node, extending the child/show.rabl template. This way you could achieve unlimited levels of "optionals".
Hope it helped you.
In this case I'd use the free form option.
There can also be odd cases where the root-level of the response
doesn't map directly to any object.
In those cases, object can be assigned to 'false'
and nodes can be constructed free-form.
object false
node(:some_count) { |m| #user.posts.count }
child(#user) { attribute :name }