Obj-C using #selector on a static method from a static method in the same class? - objective-c

I have two static methods/selectors in the same class, one passes the other as a callback to an external method. However, how I have it coded I get an error. This worked when both the methods were instance methods, and I've read it can work when the first method is an instance method using [self class]. However, I haven't found information when both are static, and I haven't got it to work.
+(void)Validate {
Callback *managerCallback = [[[Callback alloc] initWithTarget:self Action:#selector(Parse:)] autorelease];
+(void)Parse:(Callback *)managerCallback {

Callback *managerCallback = [[[Callback alloc] initWithTarget:self Action:#selector(Parse:)] autorelease];
That line of code is setup to call the instance method Parse:, not a class method as you have it defined.
Objective-C does not have static methods. It has class methods and instance methods.
As well, your methods should start with lowercase letters.
Herp-da-derp. Dave is right.
Given this:
+(void)Validate {
Callback *managerCallback = [[[Callback alloc] initWithTarget:self Action:#selector(Parse:)] autorelease];
+(void)Parse:(Callback *)managerCallback {
Some comments:
methods should start with lowercase letters
it is exceedingly odd to use a class in such a role; even if you really only ever need one of 'em, use an instance. At the least, the instance is a convenient bucket to toss state in and it'll make refactoring in the future much easier if you ever need two.
The above pattern makes the assumption (and I ASSumed) that the instance of Callback is retained. For callbacks, timers, and some other patterns, this is typical; retain the target until the target is called for the last time. Then release (or autorelease). However, notification centers do not do this. Nor are delegates retained, typically.

Turns out the code is written correctly to do what I wanted to, but because callback was set to autorelease, the object was getting released before the callback was being processed.


Is there a way to turn a weak reference into a strong one?

I have an object that is set as the delegate of another object, whose delegate property is weak.
- (YYService *)service
XXHandler *handler = [[XXHandler alloc] init];
// YYService's "delegate" property is weak
return [[YYService alloc] initWithDelegate:handler];
// The XXHandler is deallocated because there are no strong references to it
Since nothing else references the delegate it ends up getting deallocated, but I want it to live for as long as the parent object does as if the parent had a strong reference to its delegate. Is there a simple way to accomplish this?
The easy why to "solve" that problem is to subclass YYService, giving the subclass an additional strong property and set that one in -initWithDelegate:.
But this "solution" would deepen a problem in your design instead of solving that.
Let's have a look, why delegates are usually hold weakly:
The delegating class has a general – or no – behavior which might not fit in the class' user's case, i. e. if something happens. (An operation completes, an error occurs, $whatever) So the delegating class gives you the opportunity to customize the behavior including running custom code. Delegating is in competition with subclassing, but in difference to subclassing is on a per instance basis (instead of a per class basis) and at run time (instead of compile time).
Because it works on per instance basis, the instance creating the delegate typically holds the delegating instance strongly. This code knows the customization that should apply to the delegating instance:
self.delegating = [Delegating new]; // I create and hold the instance strongly
delegating.delegate = self; // I customize it
Then the delegating instance cannot hold the delegate strongly, because this would be a retain cycle.
In your snippet that does not work, because -service returns the newly created delegating instance. And even it would be possible to return both instances, I wouldn't like it, because creating the delegating object and installing the delegate would be a two-step operation, even it is semantically a one-stepper. So If you do not have self as the delegate, you should do the whole installation process in one method:
self.handler = [[XXHandler alloc] init]; // Hold the handler strongly
self.service = [[YYService alloc] initWithDelegate:handler];
If you do not know the concrete instance object acting as delegate, pass it as argument:
self.delegate = delegate;
self.service = [[YYService alloc] initWithDelegate:delegate];
[self installServiceWithDelegate:[YourConcreteClass new]];
But you should not try to turn things upside down or inside out.

Difference creating Singleton by class method and instance method

What are the implications of creating a singleton class with:
+ (id)sharedCoordinator {
static MyCoordinator *sharedCoordinator = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
sharedCoordinator = [[self alloc] init];
or as an instance method in the Application Delegate with class method:
- (CoreDataHelper *)cdh {
if (!_coreDataHelper) {
static dispatch_once_t predicate;
dispatch_once(&predicate, ^{
_coreDataHelper = [CoreDataHelper new];
[_coreDataHelper setupCoreData];
return _coreDataHelper;
I have seen them both used, and would like to learn how they affect performance, simple code, debugging, etc.
The main difference is that the second code snippet has an error: when cdh is accessed concurrently from multiple threads, there is a possibility of [_coreDataHelper setupCoreData] being called twice.
This would happen if multiple threads arrived at cdh at the time when _coreDataHelper is nil. Only one of these threads would proceed to make the [CoreDataHelper new] call, yet all threads would end up in the setupCoreData method.
The proper way of doing initialization is to place the setup call into the block, and make the call unconditional:
- (CoreDataHelper *)cdh {
static dispatch_once_t predicate;
dispatch_once(&predicate, ^{
_coreDataHelper = [CoreDataHelper new];
[_coreDataHelper setupCoreData];
return _coreDataHelper;
Now the two snippets look almost identical. The only difference is that the first snippet uses a method-static variable to store the singleton, while the updated second snippet "piggybacks" on the instance of app delegate.
This does not create any performance differences worth discussing. The biggest difference is that the first snippet lets you access the singleton without creating an additional dependency on the app delegate, which is a good thing: this avoids "polluting" your app delegate with code that is not directly relevant to the application state.
The first allows the Singleton class to be re-used in other places.
The second makes the single instance private to the app delegate.
Generally the first option is better (IMHO.) It allows you to reuse the single instance in a structured way anywhere in your code.
The second option can provide a guarantee of being a single instance, privately accessible in one place. That is probably useful in some circumstances, but it isn't really a Singleton. You could make this a public property on the AppDelegate, but then why not use a Singleton class?
As for performance considerations, they should be negliable. The only one I can think of is the slight extra overhead in the runtime caused by having an extra class object in your code.

Objective C class initialization

+ (id)packetWithType:(PacketType)packetType
return [[[self class] alloc] initWithType:packetType];
- (id)initWithType:(PacketType)packetType
if ((self = [super init]))
// code
return self;
Why do we need first class method, isn't second one just enough for initialization ??
There are two reasons for having convenience constructor class methods. The first one is, that the idiom of [[Thing alloc] initWithFoo: xyz] is really common but inconvenient to have to type anywhere. So, [Thing thingWithFoo: xzy] is a common abbreviation.
A deeper reason has to do with reference counting. Methods starting with init are supposed to return a reference of the instance, ownership of which is transferred to the caller. Wheras the convenience class methods usually return autoreleased references:
+ (id)packetWithType:(PacketType)packetType
return [[[[self class] alloc] initWithType:packetType] autorelease];
This is important to know in order to avoid dangling references and/or memory leaks:
Thing* thing = [[Thing alloc] initWithFoo: xyz];
// Now, *I* own the reference and *I* am responsible for releasing
// it, when I no longer need it.
[thing release]
On the other hand, the reference returned by
Thing* thing = [Thing thingWithFoo: xyz];
is owned by the "nearest" NSAutoreleasePool. The caller is not responsible for releasing it (in fact, that would be wrong!). If the reference is to be kept around, the caller must actually retain it here:
self->myMember = [thing retain];
You should know about these conventions even when using ARC, as the underlying rules are still in effect, even if (under ARC) it's the compiler, who generates the code to obey them. The NARC acronym is a nice way to remember, which method name prefixes come with certain responsibilities. This answer has the details.
Convenience constructors have their place in the language for some reasons. Of course using them is usually shorter but there are other advantages as well:
The object is not yet allocated when they are called so the method can decide which class to allocate. Class clusters might use this to find the proper class depending on the parameters of the constructor.
The method might also decide to return an already existing object from a shared cache.
The return value can be statically typed.
Note that your convenience constructor would typically be:
+ (Packet *)packetWithType:(PacketType)packetType
return [[self alloc] initWithType:packetType];
Now the return type is statically typed and we don't send the (redundant) class message to the class object. With recent compiler versions one could use instancetype as the return type.

Is it safe to call initializers multiple times on the same 'alloc'ed object?

I can construct a UIImageView object with myImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:image];
Following application activity affecting the display, if I want to change the image on the UIImageView. I can do so by reassigning it with myImageView.image = someNewImage. However this doesn't seem to update the frame dimensions. I can modify those manually, but I have observed in practice that calling [myImageView initWithImage:someNewImage] does that for me, and has the advantage of being terser.
However I not sure if it is officially a breach of protocol in Objective C to make multiple calls to init methods on an object constructed by a single alloc. I wouldn't use it unless it was safe (guaranteed not to crash or cause leaks). Is there evidence that it is unsafe?
My research so far...
This article gives general detail about 'alloc' and 'init' on objects
This is related SO question
Why are alloc and init called separately in Objective-C?
This blog article warns suppliers of objects that their init methods may be called multiple times as an effect of the initialization process.
-init is written assuming that it is only called once. For example, -initWithImage quoted in Apple's documentation you quoted is implemented as
- (id)initWithImage:(NSImage *)anImage {
if (self) {
image = [anImage retain];
return self;
This assumes that the ivar image doesn't point to a retained object. If called twice, it leaks image.
Call -init... only once per alloc, and call -init... immediately after alloc by combining them as usual:
SomeClass* foo=[[SomeClass alloc] init...: ... ];
You should never separate them, because [anAllocedObject init...] might return something different from anAllocedObject.
No, init (or one of it's variants) should only be called once on any object, as Yuji explained. As far as your UIImageView issue goes, I believe you can just call [imageView sizeToFit] after assigning your new image, and it will automatically resize it for you.

Cocoa without Interface Builder, initialize an instance of app controller?

I don't plan to write applications without IB, I'm just in the process of trying to learn more about programming.
How can I get a single instance of my AppController class at startup? (It's normally loaded from the nib.) And can you clear up the use of +initialize and -init? If I understand, +initialize is called on all classes at startup. How can I use this to create an instance of my AppController with instance variables that make up my interface?
Hope that makes sense, and thanks for any help.
+initalize is sent to a class the first time it or one of its subclasses receives a message for the first time. So, when you do:
instance = [[[YourClass alloc] init] autorelease];
That alloc message triggers initialize.
If you do the same thing with a subclass:
instance = [[[SubclassOfYourClass alloc] init] autorelease];
That alloc message will trigger +[YourClass initialize] the same way the other one did (prior to also triggering +[SubclassOfYourClass initialize]. But only one of these will do it—each class's initialize never gets called more than once. (Unless you call it yourself with [super initialize] or [SomeClass initialize]—so don't do that, because the method won't be expecting it.)
-init, on the other hand, initializes a new instance. In the expression [[YourClass alloc] init], you are personally sending the message directly to the instance. You may also call it indirectly, through another initializer ([[YourClass alloc] initWithSomethingElse:bar]) or a convenience factory ([YourClass instance]).
Unlike initialize, you should always send init (or another initializer, if appropriate) to your superclass. Most init methods look roughly like this:
- (id) init {
if ((self = [super init])) {
framistan = [[Framistan alloc] init];
return self;
Details differ (this method or the superclass's or both may take arguments, and some people prefer self = [super init] on its own line, and Wil Shipley doesn't assign to self at all), but the basic idea is the same: call [super init[WithSomething:…]], make sure it didn't return nil, set up the instance if it didn't, and return whatever the superclass returned.
This implies that you can return nil from init, and indeed you can. If you do this, you should [self release], so that you don't leak the failed object. (For detecting invalid argument values, an alternative is NSParameterAssert, which throws an exception if the assertion fails. The relative merits of each are beyond the scope of this question.)
How can I use this to create an instance of my AppController with instance variables that make up my interface?
The best way is to do it all in main:
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
AppController *controller = [[[AppController alloc] init] autorelease];
[[NSApplication sharedApplication] setDelegate:controller]; //Assuming you want it as your app delegate, which is likely
int status = NSApplicationMain(argc, argv);
[pool drain];
return status;
You'll do any other set-up in your application delegate methods in AppController.
You already know this, but for anyone else who reads this: Nibs are your friend. Interface Builder is your friend. Don't fight the framework—work with it, and build your interface graphically, and your application will be better for it.
Another solution to the problem of launching an app without a nib.
Instead of allocing your own controller, just use the extra parameters in the NSApplicationMain() method:
int retVal = NSApplicationMain(argc, argv, #"UIApplication", #"MyAppDelegate");
This takes care of all the proper linking one would need.
Then, the only other thing you'd need to remember is to make your own window and set it to visible.
A set of NIBs seem to be an unsatisfactory answer, even when represented in XML (as a XIB), because there's no easy way to compare or merge them with any standard subversion or SCM-style tool. The encoded information is fragile and not intended to be edited by mere humans. How would changes be represented by a GUI? Would I step through each attribute of each control and visually check them?
If the app's behavior is written in code, however, there is a chance that I can figure out what's going in, even if I have to keep lots of details close at hand at the same time.
A proposed solution: use a top-level NIB that the main architect coded up, but then code the rest of the app explicitly.
Anybody got a better idea?