glassfish with jruby on rails: Modifing "glassfish is loading your application" page - glassfish

I'm running glassfish gem with jruby on rails. I would like to modify "glassfish is loading your application" page with our startup page.
Is that possible for glassfish gem?
EDIT: Is that possible (and how) glassfish server?

Is this for glassfish application server, or glassfish gem? I know that it is possible with the latter.
At any rate, to do this on glassfish gem, you'd have to hack one of the jars that the gem ships. Basically, that startup page is hard coded in grizzly (I believe) somewhere, and that file resides in that jar. It's not a pretty process, and it is very brittle. For the minimal gain that you get for showing a customized page, which is shown for a very brief time, it is too much trouble to endure, in my opinion.
I'm sure this is possible with glassfish the server, and it might be similar, but I have not tried it myself.


How to integrate bootsfaces and jsf on glassfish server?

The boots faces won't show when i run the xhtml page. I just added the jars from the website to libraries, am I missing something? Should I change some XML file or something. I know it works on Tomee but i have to use Glassfish for this.
There are nasty bugs in the Glassfish implementation. Maybe you've run into one of them. Have a look at this article of mine describing how to run BootsFaces on a Glassfish server.

Trying to find out why a server is accessing

I have a server on which there is evidence of accesses to Nobody has installed struts on it, but Tomcat 7.0 is certainly installed. Is is possible that Tomcat is performing those accesses? In case struts is included as part of Tomcat installation, how can I determine the struts' version. Thanks in advance!.
That is an example of a TagLib (or TLD, tag library definition) from Tomcat 7.0. I would assume something during Tomcat's course of TagLib scanning it would accessing struts. Hard to tell based on the info provided.

Railo, XAMPP: Where is the apache.ctl or apache2.ctl?

In a weeks long futile attempt to conjure up a basic. PHP application, I've decided that perhaps I'll try this CFML thing.
I already have XAMPP installed and figured I would only need to install Railo on my system. At one point, the GUI installer asks for /usr/sbin/apache.ctl to be confirmed for its use but no such file exists on my system, hidden or otherwise.
Does XAMPP not need/have that file by default? Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Railo and can do this but Railo has a nice portable all encompassing download that uses Jetty.
Railo Express:
Which is the best way to get up to speed on the CFML or cfscript version of coldfusion.
If you are on windows you can click the start.bat file. This will start the service where you can the navigate to localhost:8888 and you should.see you admin screen.
Railo and Coldfusion are a language and a server (service).
Behind the scenes there is a file structure you can follow and put your files that you are testing with. The link above should give you the basics to get started.
I would first test the wwwroot is picking up your files by making a simple index.html file and navigate to it through your browser.
The add a index.cfm with a simple Coldfusion hello world.
The you can dig in and get a database configured through the admin section and make some pages that do some database calls.
Oh...and welcome to the Coldfusion programming language where you can do a hell of a lot more in less time, make good pay and generally enjoy your projects more.

Is GlassFish redeploy supposed to work?

This is with GF 3.1.1 build 12.
I have a JSF 2 web application that uses EclipseLink 2.3.0 as the back end JPA provider. You can see the deployment here.
When I use the admin console to redeploy, it uploads the WAR file just fine, then all hell breaks loose. As soon as someone accesses a page the log fills with exceptions usually related to attempting to do operations on a closed EntityManager. If I let it go on, GlassFish degenerates and pretty much crashes -- I can't get any response anymore on the admin port.
If I do a reload, then it seems to work OK. So my question is, what kind of application can do a redeploy without a reload? Is there something I can do to my application to let do a smooth transition from one version to the next?

Strut Framework

Recently i have completed my first project using strut framework. And i want to run the project in my web space ( instead of running it as http://localhost . How do i run it in my website? Can someone guide me please.
First, you need an application server, if your application only uses Servlet API (you don't have EJB's) I recommend you that install tomcat or jetty servers.
Second, you must package your application in a WAR file; depending on the build tool you are using, it probably offers you some facilites to do that
Third, deploy the WAR file in the application server