I would like to pull stories from Agile Zen using their REST API.
I read:
Also, I got this to work: http://groovy.codehaus.org/HTTP+Builder
How would one combine the above in order to get Groovy client code to access AgileZen stories?
Here is the code sample which makes one story with id of 1 show up for a specific project whose id is 16854:
import groovyx.net.http.HTTPBuilder
import static groovyx.net.http.Method.GET
import static groovyx.net.http.ContentType.JSON
public class StoryGetter {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new StoryGetter().getStories()
void getStories() {
// http://agilezen.com/project/16854/story/4
// /api/v1/project/16854/story/2
def http = new HTTPBuilder( 'http://agilezen.com' )
http.request( GET, JSON ) {
uri.path = '/api/v1/project/16854/story/1'
headers.'X-Zen-ApiKey' = 'PUT YOUR OWN API KEY HERE'
response.success = { resp, json ->
println "json size is " + json.size()
println json.toString()
I had to put in a fake API key in this post since I should not share my API key.
(By the way, this is not using SSL. A follow up question in regards to doing this for a SSL enabled project may come soon.)
If I pass a string (either in English or Arabic) as an input to the Google Translate API, it should translate it into the corresponding other language and give the translated string to me.
I read the same case in a forum but it was very hard to implement for me.
I need the translator without any buttons and if I give the input string it should automatically translate the value and give the output.
Can you help out?
You can use google script which has FREE translate API. All you need is a common google account and do these THREE EASY STEPS.
1) Create new script with such code on google script:
var mock = {
function doGet(e) {
e = e || mock;
var sourceText = ''
if (e.parameter.q){
sourceText = e.parameter.q;
var sourceLang = '';
if (e.parameter.source){
sourceLang = e.parameter.source;
var targetLang = 'en';
if (e.parameter.target){
targetLang = e.parameter.target;
var translatedText = LanguageApp.translate(sourceText, sourceLang, targetLang, {contentType: 'html'});
return ContentService.createTextOutput(translatedText).setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.JSON);
2) Click Publish -> Deploy as webapp -> Who has access to the app: Anyone even anonymous -> Deploy. And then copy your web app url, you will need it for calling translate API.
3) Use this java code for testing your API:
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
public class Translator {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
String text = "Hello world!";
//Translated text: Hallo Welt!
System.out.println("Translated text: " + translate("en", "de", text));
private static String translate(String langFrom, String langTo, String text) throws IOException {
String urlStr = "https://your.google.script.url" +
"?q=" + URLEncoder.encode(text, "UTF-8") +
"&target=" + langTo +
"&source=" + langFrom;
URL url = new URL(urlStr);
StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
con.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0");
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
return response.toString();
As it is free, there are QUATA LIMITS: https://docs.google.com/macros/dashboard
Use java-google-translate-text-to-speech instead of Google Translate API v2 Java.
About java-google-translate-text-to-speech
Api unofficial with the main features of Google Translate in Java.
Easy to use!
It also provide text to speech api. If you want to translate the text "Hello!" in Romanian just write:
Translator translate = Translator.getInstance();
String text = translate.translate("Hello!", Language.ENGLISH, Language.ROMANIAN);
System.out.println(text); // "Bună ziua!"
It's free!
As #r0ast3d correctly said:
Important: Google Translate API v2 is now available as a paid service. The courtesy limit for existing Translate API v2 projects created prior to August 24, 2011 will be reduced to zero on December 1, 2011. In addition, the number of requests your application can make per day will be limited.
This is correct: just see the official page:
Google Translate API is available as a paid service. See the Pricing and FAQ pages for details.
BUT, java-google-translate-text-to-speech is FREE!
I've created a sample application that demonstrates that this works. Try it here: https://github.com/IonicaBizau/text-to-speech
Generate your own API key here. Check out the documentation here.
You may need to set up a billing account when you try to enable the Google Cloud Translation API in your account.
Below is a quick start example which translates two English strings to Spanish:
import java.io.IOException;
import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import com.google.api.client.googleapis.javanet.GoogleNetHttpTransport;
import com.google.api.client.json.gson.GsonFactory;
import com.google.api.services.translate.Translate;
import com.google.api.services.translate.model.TranslationsListResponse;
import com.google.api.services.translate.model.TranslationsResource;
public class QuickstartSample
public static void main(String[] arguments) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException
Translate t = new Translate.Builder(
, GsonFactory.getDefaultInstance(), null)
// Set your application name
Translate.Translations.List list = t.new Translations().list(
// Pass in list of strings to be translated
"Hello World",
"How to use Google Translate from Java"),
// Target language
// TODO: Set your API-Key from https://console.developers.google.com/
TranslationsListResponse response = list.execute();
for (TranslationsResource translationsResource : response.getTranslations())
Required maven dependencies for the code snippet:
I’m tired of looking for free translators and the best option for me was Selenium (more precisely selenide and webdrivermanager) and https://translate.google.com
import io.github.bonigarcia.wdm.ChromeDriverManager;
import com.codeborne.selenide.Configuration;
import io.github.bonigarcia.wdm.DriverManagerType;
import static com.codeborne.selenide.Selenide.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ParseException {
Configuration.startMaximized = true;
String[] strings = /some strings to translate
for (String data: strings) {
String translation = $x("//span[#class='tlid-translation translation']").getText();
You can use Google Translate API v2 Java. It has a core module that you can call from your Java code and also a command line interface module.
I am using below code to get the latest measurement API details for specific device but its not returning the data in descending order:
import com.cumulocity.sdk.client.measurement.MeasurementFilter;
import com.cumulocity.sdk.client.Platform;
import com.cumulocity.rest.representation.measurement.MeasurementRepresentation;
private Platform platform;
MeasurementFilter filter = new MeasurementFilter().byType("type").bySource("deviceId").byDate(fromDate,dateTo);
Iterable<MeasurementRepresentation> mRep = platform.getMeasurementApi().getMeasurementsByFilter(filter).get().elements(1);
List<MeasurementRepresentation> mRepList = StreamSupport.stream(mRep.spliterator(), false).collect(Collectors.toList());
MeasurementFilter api
we can get the latest data using 'revert=true' in Http REST url call..
How we can use 'revert=true' or other way to get measurement details in order using Cumulocity Java SDK? appreciate your help here.
The SDK currently has no out-of-the-box QueryParam for revert parameter so you have to create it yourself:
import com.cumulocity.sdk.client.Param;
public class RevertParam implements Param {
public String getName() {
return "revert";
And then you can combine it with your query. Therefore you to include your Query Param when you use the get() on the MeasurementCollection. You are currently not passing anything but you can pass pageSize and an arbitrary number of QueryParam.
private Iterable<MeasurementRepresentation> getMeasurementByFilterAndQuery(int pageSize, MeasurementFilter filter, QueryParam... queryParam) {
MeasurementCollection collection = measurementApi.getMeasurementByFilter(filter);
Iterable<MeasurementRepresentation> iterable = collection.get(pageSize, queryParam).allPages();
return iterable;
private Optional<MeasurementRepresentation> getLastMeasurement(GId source) {
QueryParam revertQueryParam = new QueryParam(new RevertParam(), "true");
MeasurementFilter filter = new MeasurementFilter()
.byFromDate(new DateTime(0).toDate());
Iterable<MeasurementRepresentation> iterable = measurementRepository.getMeasurementByFilterAndQuery(1, filter, revertQueryParam);
if (iterable.iterator().hasNext()) {
return Optional.of(iterable.iterator().next());
} else {
return Optional.absent();
Extending your code it could look like this:
QueryParam revertQueryParam = new QueryParam(new RevertParam(), "true");
MeasurementFilter filter = new MeasurementFilter().byType("type").bySource("deviceId").byDate(fromDate,dateTo);
Iterable<MeasurementRepresentation> mRep = platform.getMeasurementApi().getMeasurementsByFilter(filter).get(1, revertQueryParam);
List<MeasurementRepresentation> mRepList = StreamSupport.stream(mRep.spliterator(), false).collect(Collectors.toList());
What you did with elements is not incorrect but it is not limiting the API call to just return one value. It would query with defaultPageSize (=5) and then on Iterable level limit it to only return one. The elements() function is more for usage when you need more elements than the maxPageSize (=2000). Then it will handle automatic requesting for additional pages and you can just loop through the Iterable.
As part of Selenium Web-driver learning I came across a scenario. Please let me know the professional approach to proceed.
I am testing a eCommerce application where while I click on Mobile link all mobile phones are getting displayed.I want to check whether they are sorted based on name and price. So basically I need to get Name & price of all elements in the result page.
So My Question is there any way I can map html elements to java value objects ? Any API already available for doing this mapping for me ? Something similar to gson api for converting java objects to their corresponding Json representation ?
Deepu Nair
//Get all the mobile phones links into a list before sorting
List<WebElement> mobilelinks=driver.findElements(("locator"));
Map maps = new LinkedHashMap();//use linked hash map as it preserves the insertion order
for(int i=0;i<mobilelinks.size();i++){
//store the name and price as key value pair in map
maps.put("mobilelinks.get(i).getAttribute('name')","mobilelinks.get(i).getAttribute('price')" );
/*sort the map based on keys(names) store it in a separate list
sort the map based on values(prices) store it in a separate list
/* Using webdriver click the sort by name and compare it with the list which we got after sorting
and also click sort by prices and compare it with the list*/
To catch an assertion and continue with the test after assertion failures override the Assertion class and create your own CustomAssertion or use SoftAssertions
public class CustomAssertions extends Assertion {
private Map<AssertionError, IAssert> m_errors = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
public void executeAssert(IAssert a) {
try {
} catch(AssertionError ex) {
onAssertFailure(a, ex);
m_errors.put(ex, a);
public void assertAll() {
if (! m_errors.isEmpty()) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("The following asserts failed:\n");
boolean first = true;
for (Map.Entry<AssertionError, IAssert> ae : m_errors.entrySet()) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
sb.append(", ");
throw new AssertionError(sb.toString());
Instead of using Assertions class to verify the tests use CustomAssertions class
//create an object of CustomAssertions class
CustomAssertions custom_assert=new CustomAssertions();
cust_assert.assertEquals("test", "testing");
//and finally after finishing the test in aftersuite method call
Hope this helps you if you have any doubts kindly get back...
I am having a simple problem, my Java XMLRPC Client cant seem to properly speak to the XMLRPC Server that is written in TCL
(Using TCL XMLRPC SERVER OPEN SOURCE implementation)
Summary: XMLRPC Clients in TCL/Python etc, can/do send/receive messages to the TCL XMLRPC Server, but my Java XMLRPC client doenst seem to work.
Java Client Side Code:
* try's, catches, comments removed to show code-flow w/ out mess.
* host/port/target all same as whats set in Python
//show imports / package used, this is using apache's xmlrpc v3.1.3
import org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcClient;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcClientConfigImpl;
//... host and port are the same as whats used in working tcl/python clients. (remoteHostName / 5555)
//... method is the same as well, 'fooBar123', and args is just 1 string passed to it.
XmlRpcClientConfigImpl config = new XmlRpcClientConfigImpl();
target = "RPC2";
String targetUrl = "http://"+host+":"+port+"/" + target;
config.setServerURL(new URL(targetUrl));
XmlRpcClient client = new XmlRpcClient();
String result = null;
* This Result Never Returns from TCL XMLRPC Server
result = (String) client.execute(command, params);
TCL Server's Debug ERROR Response to Java:
//(notice unlike Python example below, no proper Header, Content-Type, etc)
TCL Server Side of the Java Error
in serveOnce: addr:
in serveOnce: port: 64522
Unknown type: fooBar123</value></param></params>
bgerror failed to handle background error.
Original error:
Error in bgerror: can't read "xmlcall": no such variable**
Python example works, however, also note I print out the XML-debug to look at successful requests:
However, If I attempt to use the TCL client, or even a simple Python XMLRPC client, it works.
I even use Python to print out the XMLRPC request:
(from Python client, nothing fancy, )
import xmlrpclib
server_url = "http://remoteHostName:5555";
server = xmlrpclib.Server(server_url, verbose=True);
result = server.hello('hello world')
send: "POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: remoteHostName:5555\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip\r\nUser-Agent: xmlrpclib.py/1.0.1 (by www.pythonware.com)\r\nContent-Type: text/xml\r\nContent-Length: 160\r\n\r\n<?xml version='1.0'?>\n<methodCall>\n<methodName>hello</methodName>\n<params>\n<param>\n<value><string>hello world</string></value>\n</param>\n</params>\n</methodCall>\n"
reply: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n'
header: Content-Type: text/xml
header: Content-length: 162
body: '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<methodResponse>\n\t<params>\n\t\t<param>\n\t\t\t<value> <string>hello(hello world) yaaaah?!</string></value>\n\t\t</param>\n\t</params>\n</methodResponse>\n'
TCL Server's Debug/Response to Python, before pushing back proper response:
send: "POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.1
Host: remoteHostName:5555
Accept-Encoding: gzip
User-Agent: xmlrpclib.py/1.0.1 (by www.pythonware.com)
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 156
here's the TCL XMLRPC Server code for hello( arg ), works for tcl, python, not java. (java client configuration issue probably)
#using the TCL XMLRPC Server ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/xmlrpctcl/ )
package require xmlrpc
xmlrpc::serv 5555
proc hello { world } {
set res "hello(${world}) yaaaah?!"
return [list string $res]
vwait forever
I appreciate any pointers, I've gone so far to attempt to use Java or Python with embedded TCL interpretters to avoid this, but because of the large amount of TCL that this application has to use, source, and share, I have to get a TCL XMLRPC server up and working.
I've also attempted to use the webservices httpd with XMLRPC, but did not have much sucess even with getting it to work with tcl/python clients.
Killed a whole weekend on this already.
Thanks for reading, and any pointers/help.
the problem boils down to the XML of the old tcl xmlrpc server not including on the data types. They're implied, so in order to get apache's XMLRPC client to send the implied data types around strings, just implement the 'custom data type' to put the tag back.
import java.net.URL;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcClient;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcClientConfigImpl;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.common.TypeFactoryImpl;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.common.XmlRpcController;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.common.XmlRpcStreamConfig;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.serializer.StringSerializer;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.serializer.TypeSerializer;
import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
public class XMLRPCClient {
public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception {
XmlRpcClientConfigImpl config = new XmlRpcClientConfigImpl();
config.setServerURL(new URL(""));
XmlRpcClient client = new XmlRpcClient();
client.setTypeFactory(new MyTypeFactoryImpl(client));
Object[] params = new Object[] {
new String[] { "http://www.google.com" }
String result = (String)client.execute("aria2.addUri", params);
static private class MyStringSerializer extends StringSerializer {
public void write(ContentHandler pHandler, Object pObject)
throws SAXException {
// Write <string> tag explicitly
write(pHandler, STRING_TAG, pObject.toString());
static private class MyTypeFactoryImpl extends TypeFactoryImpl {
public MyTypeFactoryImpl(XmlRpcController pController) {
public TypeSerializer getSerializer(XmlRpcStreamConfig pConfig, Object pObject) throws SAXException {
if(pObject instanceof String) {
return new MyStringSerializer();
} else {
return super.getSerializer(pConfig, pObject);
The problem boils down to the XML of the old tcl XMLRPC server not including on the data types. They're implied, so in order to get Apache's XMLRPC client to send the implied data types around strings just implement the 'custom data type' to put the tag back.
import java.net.URL;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcClient;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcClientConfigImpl;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.common.TypeFactoryImpl;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.common.XmlRpcController;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.common.XmlRpcStreamConfig;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.serializer.StringSerializer;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.serializer.TypeSerializer;
import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
public class XMLRPCClient {
public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception {
XmlRpcClientConfigImpl config = new XmlRpcClientConfigImpl();
config.setServerURL(new URL(""));
XmlRpcClient client = new XmlRpcClient();
client.setTypeFactory(new MyTypeFactoryImpl(client));
Object[] params = new Object[] {
new String[] { "http://www.google.com" }
String result = (String)client.execute("aria2.addUri", params);
static private class MyStringSerializer extends StringSerializer {
public void write(ContentHandler pHandler, Object pObject)
throws SAXException {
// Write <string> tag explicitly
write(pHandler, STRING_TAG, pObject.toString());
static private class MyTypeFactoryImpl extends TypeFactoryImpl {
public MyTypeFactoryImpl(XmlRpcController pController) {
public TypeSerializer getSerializer(XmlRpcStreamConfig pConfig, Object pObject) throws SAXException {
if(pObject instanceof String) {
return new MyStringSerializer();
} else {
return super.getSerializer(pConfig, pObject);
As explained in these questions I'm trying to build an application that consists of a host and multiple task processing clients. With some help I have figured out how to discover and serialize part definitions so that I could store those definitions without having to have the actual runtime type loaded.
The next step I want to achieve (or next two steps really) is that I want to split the composition of parts from the actual creation and connection of the objects (represented by those parts). So if I have a set of parts then I would like to be able to do the following thing (in pseudo-code):
public sealed class Host
public CreationScript Compose()
CreationScript result;
var container = new DelayLoadCompositionContainer(
s => result = s);
return script;
public static void Main()
var script = Compose();
// Send the script to the client application
// Lives inside other application
public sealed class Client
public void Load(CreationScript script)
var container = new ScriptLoader(script);
public static void Main(string scriptText)
var script = new CreationScript(scriptText);
So that way I can compose the parts in the host application, but actually load the code and execute it in the client application. The goal is to put all the smarts of deciding what to load in one location (the host) while the actual work can be done anywhere (by the clients).
Essentially what I'm looking for is some way of getting the ComposablePart graph that MEF implicitly creates.
Now my question is if there are any bits in MEF that would allow me to implement this kind of behaviour? I suspect that the provider model may help me with this but that is a rather large and complex part of MEF so any guidelines would be helpful.
From lots of investigation it seems that is not possible to separate the composition process from the instantiation process in MEF so I have had to create my own approach for this problem. The solution assumes that the scanning of plugins results in having the type, import and export data stored somehow.
In order to compose parts you need to keep track of each part instance and how it is connected to other part instances. The simplest way to do this is to make use of a graph data structure that keeps track of which import is connected to which export.
public sealed class CompositionCollection
private readonly Dictionary<PartId, PartDefinition> m_Parts;
private readonly Graph<PartId, PartEdge> m_PartConnections;
public PartId Add(PartDefinition definition)
var id = new PartId();
m_Parts.Add(id, definition);
return id;
public void Connect(
PartId importingPart,
MyImportDefinition import,
PartId exportingPart,
MyExportDefinition export)
// Assume that edges point from the export to the import
new PartEdge(
Note that before connecting two parts it is necessary to check if the import can be connected to the export. In other cases MEF does that but in this case we'll need to do that ourselves. An example of how to approach that is:
public bool Accepts(
MyImportDefinition importDefinition,
MyExportDefinition exportDefinition)
if (!string.Equals(
return false;
// Determine what the actual type is we're importing. MEF provides us with
// that information through the RequiredTypeIdentity property. We'll
// get the type identity first (e.g. System.String)
var importRequiredType = importDefinition.RequiredTypeIdentity;
// Once we have the type identity we need to get the type information
// (still in serialized format of course)
var importRequiredTypeDef =
// Now find the type we're exporting
var exportType = ExportedType(exportDefinition);
if (AvailableTypeMatchesRequiredType(importRequiredType, exportType))
return true;
// The import and export can't directly be mapped so maybe the import is a
// special case. Try those
Func<TypeIdentity, TypeDefinition> toDefinition =
t => m_Repository.TypeByIdentity(t);
if (ImportIsCollection(importRequiredTypeDef, toDefinition)
&& ExportMatchesCollectionImport(
return true;
if (ImportIsLazy(importRequiredTypeDef, toDefinition)
&& ExportMatchesLazyImport(importRequiredType, exportType))
return true;
if (ImportIsFunc(importRequiredTypeDef, toDefinition)
&& ExportMatchesFuncImport(
return true;
if (ImportIsAction(importRequiredTypeDef, toDefinition)
&& ExportMatchesActionImport(importRequiredType, exportDefinition))
return true;
return false;
Note that the special cases (like IEnumerable<T>, Lazy<T> etc.) require determining if the importing type is based on a generic type which can be a bit tricky.
Once all the composition information is stored it is possible to do the instantiation of the parts at any point in time because all the required information is available. Instantiation requires a generous helping of reflection combined with the use of the trusty Activator class and will be left as an exercise to the reader.