How to view tables in sql? - sql

Hai i am a beginner of Database,
i have a .sql file which contains some tables of data, i want to know how to import them and how to view the list of tables.
presently im using the following:-
software or editor : navicat lite
server : localhost.
databse file format: .sql

Maybe you can try to execute the script in sql server, then type
select * from [database_name].information_schema.tables
to view tables and relevant information.

Remember that a sql file is not really a database, it is a script. You can run the script from any tool, but I'd use command line. This is navicat connected to mysql?
mysql -u username -p databasename < script.sql
password: **
And then the results can be seen using navicat or any other tool

If the .sql file has statements such as "CREATE TABLE..." and then later on "INSERT INTO..." then the script is possibly creating the tables and inserting the data.
To allow that to happen, the tables need to not exist in the database. You can then run the script and it will create the tables and fill in the data.
If the tables do exist, you can always either delete them, or change the CREATE to an ALTER and the script should then run.
Hope that helps.


Set up the database structure and populate it using the SQL dump given

How can i set up the database structure and populate it using the SQL dump file given or is there a way to import the tables into migrations that i got in phpmyadmin by writing the sql commands ?
If you have sql file you can import it into your database using the below command
1.Create a database
2.Open XAMPP shell
Enter this commands
#1->mysql -u root
#2.use your_database_name
#3.source path_to_sql_file (without double quotes)
#4.hit enter button.

choosing where to save sqlite database

This is probably a simple question, but I could use some help. I am trying to build a small database for an application that will only be run on my computer so I want to create a local database.
To do this I am trying to use sqlite. I can use the command prompt to make what seems to be a database by using the sqlite3 databaseName; functionality, but I do not know where it is being stored.
I need to be able to find the database to access it through the application I am experimenting with. I already know all of the basic sql and such for creating the database tables and data, but I cannot figure out how to simply make the database connection.
is there a way to specify where the database .db file will be stored, and why can I not find the file it seems to be making?
Using sqlite3 shell? Some help using sqlite3 -help:
Usage: sqlite3 [OPTIONS] FILENAME [SQL]
If FILENAME is not supplied, shell uses an temporary database.
If you start shell without supplying a filename, you may save temporary database at any time using:
sqlite> .backup MAIN "folder\your_file.extension"
Or you can ATTACH an existing database an use SQL methods:
sqlite> ATTACH DATABASE "path\stored.db" AS other;
sqlite> INSERT OR REPLACE INTO other.table1 SELECT * FROM this_table1;
sqlite> DETACH other;
For doing such things , you can use Sqlite Manager , you'll get it as a Firefox addon. It's excellent in creating / Managing Sqlite database.
Thanks everyone for answering, but it turns out my issue was much simpler than I thought.
I was trying to name the database after already starting the shell.
I was supposed to create the database from command line by doing sqlite3 name.db
But I was trying to use that command within the sqlite shell so nothing was being created.

Moving data from Excel to SQL Server table

I have a very Simple excel sheet:
I am wanting to put this data into a table in SQL Server. I also wanted to add a field that contains a date.
what is the best way to do this?
Create a table in SQL server with the same number of fields that you have in the spreadsheet.
In SQL Server Management Studio Object Explorer you can right click the table you created and select "Edit top 200 rows". Highlight the data you want to copy in Excel and right click -> copy. Right click the space to the left of the first row in the SSMS edit tabe widow and paste.
After the import check the SQL table to make sure it has the same amount of rows as the spreadsheet.
You can add the date column to the SQL table after you do the data import. Or add it in the spreadsheet before you do the import.
You can first create the table in SQL Server with the added field and then use the import wizard in the Mangement Studio for importing the excel file. Or you create the table during the import task, and you add the new field later.
Option 1:
Read the data in an IDataReader, and then call a stored procedure to insert the data.
I use the above when I have ~~alot~~ of rows to import and I want to validate them outside of the database.
Option 2:
or search for:
Option N:
There are other options out there.
It depends what you like, how much time you want to put into it, is it a "one off" or you gotta do it for 333 files every day.
My solution was to convert .xlsx to .csv and then use this site to convert .csv to .sql. I then ran the sql file in sql server and generated my tables.
It can be also be done by creating a batch file.
For this you already need to have a table created on server with the same data structure as you have in excel.
Now using BCP you can import that data from the excel file and insert it into sql table.
BCP utility function
sqlcmd -S IP -d databasename -U username -P passwd -Q "SQL query mostly it should be truncate query to truncate the created table"
bcp databasename.dbo.tablename in "Excel file path from where you need to input the data" -c -t, -S Server_IP -U Username -P passwd -b provide batch size
You can refer to the link below for more options on the bcp utility:
Open your SQL server interface software, add the date field to the table.
Go to excel, add the date column, copy the excel data.
Go to your SQL server interface software and use the functionality to import the data from the clipboard. (SQL server interface software that has this is for example, but if you have another package with the functionality then use that.)
Alternatively use VBA with DOA or ADO to interact with the SQL server database and use SQL statements to add the field and copy the data into your table

Export records from SQL Server 2005 express edition

I have a little problem. My friend has a database with over 10 tables and each table has over 90-100 records.
I can't find a workaround to export the records (to put in a SQL file something like this: INSERT INTO .... VALUES ... for each existing records) from his tables to import in my database.
How to do that ?
I tried: right click on a table -> Script Table as -> INSERT TO -> File ...
but it only generate the INSERT statement.
There are a solution ? or this feature is only for commercial version ?
You can use BCP command with command prompt like this
For export: bcp ADatabase.dbo.OneTable out d:\test\OneTable.bcp -c -Usa -Ppassword
For import: bcp ADatabase.dbo.OneTable in d:\test\OneTable.bcp -c -Usa -Ppassword
these commands will create a BCP file which contains records for specified table. You can import using existing BCP file into another database
If you use remote database then:
bcp ADatabaseRemote.dbo.OneTableRemote out d:\test\OneTableRemote.bcp -Slocalhost/SQLExpress -Usa -Ppassword
Instead of localhost/SQLExpress, you can use localhost or other server name...
Probably the simplest way to do this would be to run a SELECT statement that outputs to a file. Then you can import that data into your database.
For simple moves, I have also done a copy/paste manually. Sometimes it is better to use Excel as a staging platform before pasting it into the new database. You may need to create a temporary table in your new database that matches up exactly with the data you are pasting over. For example, I usually don't put a PK on the temp table at first and make the PK field just an INT. That way the copy will go smoother.
In the corporate world, you would use SSIS to move this data around.
a couple of ways you could do this. One,select everything from each table and save the results as a csv or delimited file (you can do this from sql management studio). You can also script the tables as create and copy the scripts over to the new database, assuming it is a sql server also. Then for import use the load infile statement. You may have to google the syntax for sql server but I know this works in mysql and oracle. haven't tried it in sql server yet.
SET id = NULL;
Or if you are going to another sql server use the sql export import wizard.

reload a .sql schema without restarting mysqld

Is it possible to reload a schema file without having to restart mysqld? I am working in just one db in a sea of many and would like to have my changes refreshed without doing a cold-restart.
When you say "reload a schema file", I assume you're referring to a file that has all the SQL statements defining your database schema? i.e. creating tables, views, stored procecures, etc.?
The solution is fairly simple - keep a file with all the SQL that creates the tables, etc. in a file, and before all the CREATE statements, add a DELETE/DROP statement to remove what's already there. Then when you want to do a reload, just do:
cat myschemafile.sql | mysql -u userid -p databasename