How to transparent UIImage gradually? - objective-c

I have a small UIImage, I want to make it become solid at the center, and transparent gradually forward to the border ? Anyone has a good idea on this?
Thanks so much !

At least two of the ways you could accomplish this are:
Create a series of images with the varying opacity in them. Then animate the UIImage by showing them in sequence.
Use a similar technique but use mask images. This involves using a series of images as a mask for your original image. Then animate the UIImage by redrawing it repeatedly using a different mask image each time to achieve the effect you want. See CALayer mask.
The second may be preferred because it will work with any image and allows you to change the image without having to generate the animation for it or load the image dynamically.


can I use a Gradient color in Launch screen xcode

I want to know if it's possible to use gradient colors in the launchscreen.storyboards if so where can I edit it. I'm not looking to add images because it can make the app to heavy but maybe a transition to change the gradient from a-colors to b-colors.
thanks in advance.
If you want to render gradients programmatically in a storyboard, you can generally define a UIView subclass to do that, but you cannot use custom classes in the launch screen. You’ll have to use an image.
If your gradient is a simple vertical or horizontal gradient, and you’re really concerned about asset size, you can define a very narrow image and then add an image view with “scale to fill” content mode.
But these images are so small anyway, the amount of space saved will be negligible, so I’m not sure it’s worth worrying about.

How to save UIView with subviews without losing quality?

I am trying to save the view with its subview, but the saved image is little bit blurry (especially the label's text)
I tried all the solutions given in stackoverflow - no use.
Can anyone help me on the same?
I am using the below code
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(view.bounds.size, NO, 0);
[view drawViewHierarchyInRect:view.bounds afterScreenUpdates:YES];
UIImage *newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
And getting the blurred text, also the picture quality is low.
You could try a higher resolution image. It should be fine if you compress a high resolution image to down, but scaling up a low resolution image to a larger size will generally blur the image contents, as it stretches everything.
The preferred approach is [UIView snapshotViewAfterScreenUpdates:]. You should only use drawViewHierarchyInRect:afterScreenUpdates: if you plan to apply additional effects.
That said, there are several likely causes, depending on how you're manipulating or saving the image. For example, saving text in JPEG format will cause blurriness. Rotating or scaling the image without great care can make the text blurry. Drawing the image incorrectly (for instance, failing to pixel-align it) can make the text blurry. You should simplify your problem if you're making multiple steps, and validate the quality at each step. To discuss it further on StackOverflow, you need to provide details on how you're manipulating and displaying the image, not just how you generate it.
Text is extremely susceptible to artifacts. If you must take pictures of it (something you generally should avoid if at all possible), you should make sure to manipulate it as little as possible. It is always better to manipulate the text before it's drawn rather than after.

Masking overlapping PNGs with each other in Objective C

I have a collection of UIImageViews, made from PNGs with transparency.
I want to be able to overlap these images on top of each other, but only show where they overlap, not the entire image. So image B is placed over image A, but I only want to display image B where image A is not transparent.
The UIImageViews also move around.
So effectively I want to use one PNG to mask another PNG, using Objective C.
Can this be done?
I don't know if this is the ideal way to accomplish this, but you could do this by using a combination of masking and cropping.
So, for example, you check to see if Image A is transparent, if it is, perform some masking on the two images. Masking Tutorial Here
After you've masked the images, perform a cropping operation based on the intersecting coordinates. Check the Second Answer Here
In the event that that Image A is not transparent, just perform the cropping operation without masking the object. Not sure if this will help, but I figure it will give you a start!

Create an irregular shaped frame

I've created a canvas within which I display an image that is clipped when it goes over the edges. I can do this fine with a square shaped frame, however the frame I want to use is the one below. Is there any way I can clip the image inside the frame without having to add a non transparent square border around the image, i.e. just using the black line that I've already drawn? (on iPad)
You'll need to use Core Graphics and Quartz to handle this sort of clipping/graphics manipulation.
If you're using UIBezierPath, you may be able to achieve the clipping you're after using the following process
Convert your UIBezierPath to a CGPath
Get your image into a CGContext
Add your CGPath to the context via CGContextAddPath
Clip your context using CGContextClip
Alternatively, if you don't want to be messing with paths (and depending on whether this technique is suitable for your situation, your description of the issue makes it hard to tell), it might be worth using image masking to achieve the effect you're after. See the first link and look under "Bitmap Images and Image Masks".

How to add a shadow to an UIImageView which fits the shape of the image content but with some rotation and shift effect

I have been looking for the solution on the web for a long time. Most tutorials are fairly simple about adding shadow to a UIView. I also noticed that if we add a shadow to an UIImageView. The shadow shape could perfectly fit the shape of the content image if the image itself has alpha channel in it. Say for example, if the image is an animal with transparent background, the shadow shape is also the same as that animal (not a rectangle shadow as same as UIImageView frame).
But these are not enough. What I need to do is to add some changes to the shadow so it may have some rotation angle and compressed (squeezed or shift) effect so that looks like the sunlight comes from a certain spot.
To demonstrate what I need, I upload 2 images below, which I captured from the Google Map App created by Apple. You can imagine the Annotation Pin is an image which has the Pin shape, so the shadow is also "pin shaped", but it is not simply "offset" with a CGSize, you can see the top of the shadow is shifted right about 35 degrees and slightly squeezed the height.
When we tap and hold and pin, the shadow is also animated away from the pin, so I believe that such shadow can be made programmably.
The best shadow tutorial I can found so far is But unfortunately, that cannot make this effect.
If anyone know the answer or know any better words to search for, please let me know. Thank you.
(Please note that the shape of the image is dynamic in the App, so using any tool like Photoshop to pre-render the shadow is not an option.)
In order to create dynamic effects like this, you have to use Core Graphics. It's incredibly powerful once you know how to use it. Basically you need to set a skew transform on the context, set up a shadow and draw the image. You will probably have to use transparency layers as well.
It doesn't sound like you can use CALayer shadows, since that is meant to solve a specific use-case. The approach Apple takes with the pin marks on the map is to have two separate images that are created ahead of time (e.g. in Photoshop) and they position them within the map relative to a reference point.
If you really do need to do this at run-time, it should still be possible by using either Core Graphics or ImageKit. To get a blurred shadow appearance, you can use the kCICategoryBlur CIFilter. You can then convert the image to grayscale. And to get that compressed look you just need to resize and skew the image.
Once you have two separate images, you can either take the CGImageRef for the shadow image and can set that as the content of another sublayer, or you can add it as a separate view.
If you know what all the shapes are, you could just render a shadow image in Photoshop or something.