Objective C - one button with multiple sequential outcomes - objective-c

I am new to programing so any help is appreciated. I am trying to find the method for the following. I need one button that will, when executed, perform a different task in a sequence when activated. For example the first time that the button is pressed, I would like it to act as if the user is confirming the information in the title of the button (i.e. confirms that the user is older than 45). The second time that the user presses the button it confirms the response in the negative (i.e. confirms the user is NOT older than 45). The third time the user presses the button the field is reset and no value has been assigned (i.e. it is as if the user never answered the question).
For real-estate purposes I would like the information in question to be the title of the button and update appropriately once the action has been captured. For example, if the action is positive the display is shown with a circle around the title. If the action results in a negative response, the title is shown with a line through it.
I have done quite a bit or reading to try to get a solution but no dice so far. I have tried overlaying a button on a label with the text of the label changing, but so far I am not having any luck
I can't imaging that this is a unique issue and any help is appreciated. Much thanks in advance.

On the event just have some code like this
- (IBAction)buttonPressed:(id)sender{
static int counter;
if (counter == 0){
// do stuff for first time Example [sender setTitle:#"45"];
}else if (counter == 1){
// do stuff for second time Example [sender setTitle:#"-45"];
}else if (counter == 2){
// do stuff for the third time
counter += 1;
if (counter > 2){
// restart the counter
counter = 0;


I'm looking for a solution for a loop with a array of images

so what i'm trying to do is to change the images that's stored in a array that contains 16 imgs, it's basically a animation for when you play a game (press forward character moves[moving imgs], release button character stops[stoped img]). The thing is that after the array reaches it's length max and the key is still being pressed it needs to reset the array to 15 (so this loop will give the illusion of the constant movement), but i think i'm not finding the right synthax or something.
Thanks in advance.
PImage p1;
PImage[] zeroArray = new PImage [16];
void setup() {
for(int i = 0; i < zeroArray.length; i++){
zeroArray[i] = loadImage (i + ".png");
void draw() {
if(keyPressed) {
} else if (i > zeroArray.length) {
zeroArray[] = zeroArray[15]; // <--this ain't right, how should i declare this??
image(zeroArray[i], 300, 300, 800, 800);
I think you're mixing a few ideas into one if statement. Let's take a look at this section of your code:
else if (i > zeroArray.length){
zeroArray[] = zeroArray[15];
Run through this line-by-line and really think about what it's doing. If a key is pressed, it increments the i variable. If a key is not pressed, then it checks whether i is greater than the length of the zeroArray array variable. If it is, it attempts to reset the array, which is not valid syntax.
Take a step back and think about what you're trying to do. Forget about code for a second. Write down exactly what you're trying to do, in English. My guess is you're trying to do something like this:
Change the image being drawn whenever the key is pressed.
If we reach the end of the images, then start over at the first image.
When you have something like that written out, that's an algorithm that you can start thinking about implementing with code. Break your problem down into smaller steps and take those steps on one at a time.
For example, step 1 is to change the image whenver the key is pressed. You basically have that already:
Then, step 1 is to reset the i variable whenever it reaches the end of the array. You might do that using an if statement like this:
if(i >= zeroArray.length){
i = 0;
Putting it all together, it would look like this:
if(i >= zeroArray.length){
i = 0;
Now this code checks if a key is being pressed, and if so it increments the i variable. It then checks whether the i variable has gone past the end of the array, and if so it reset it back to the beginning.
If that's not exactly what you're looking for, then the process of solving your problem is still the same: you need to write down, in English, exactly what you're trying to do. You need to do that before you start hammering away at the code.
Are you sure you want to reset the array to 15? That's the last element. However, in general, the solution would be to change the line:
zeroArray[] = zeroArray[15];} // <--this ain't right, how should i declare this??
i = 15; //Just change the index pointer to 15 (or whichever frame you want to reset to)
Thank you all for the answers, they really gave me some light.
To Kevin Workman.
Writing down the path that i intended to take really helped out, your thinking was almost on point. Using your method i came up with this
1)Change character sprites if key is being pressed
2) Reset movement to a certain point in case it exceeded the animation sprites, and the key is still being pressed
3)Set to fist sprite if the key is released or not being pressed at all
To Sahil Jain
You were right about changing the index to [15], it didn't work so well
Here is the revised code:
PImage p1;
PImage[] zeroArray = new PImage [16];
void setup(){
for(int i = 0; i < zeroArray.length; i++){
zeroArray[i] = loadImage (i + ".png");
void draw(){
if (keyCode == RIGHT){
} else {
i = 0;
if (i >= zeroArray.length){
i = 4;}
image(zeroArray[i], 300, 300, 800, 800);
Have you tried switching your else if to your main argument in the last If...Then statement? Also, don't forget to reset your variable i to 0 so it resets too and doesn't continue to always try to reset and end up in an infinite loop of sorts :)
As it is in your code in the question, it does the increment first and will never follow through to read into the second choice (the one you want it to do).

Update current page number after pageviewcontroller animation is completed

Problem having is that it start updating current page number after you turn 3 or 4 pages over then it start updating current page number starting from 1, 2, 3, 4,..... which is wrong. and if you start in reverse order turning page over lets suppose from 12 then it shows 13 and then from next page it starts updating current pagenumber in reverse order.
- (void)pageViewController:(UIPageViewController *)pageViewController didFinishAnimating:(BOOL)finished previousViewControllers:(NSArray *)previousViewControllers transitionCompleted:(BOOL)completed{
if (!completed) {
if (currentIndex<totalPages -1 ){
[self displaycurrentIndex:currentIndex + 1];
}else if (currentIndex>totalPages + 1){
[self displaycurrentIndex:currentIndex - 1];
- (void) displaycurrentIndex:(NSUInteger)currentIndex {
self.navigationItem.title = [NSString stringWithFormat:
#"Page %i of %i",
currentIndex + 1,
Please help in how to fix this updating current page number from the beginning and also when going in reverse order.
After removing
if (!completed) {
Now it is Updating after turning first page over but now updates current page number from 0 of 20 and then 1 of 20 and so on but still when turning page over in reverse order it still updates current pagenumber in forward and then in reverse order.
Thanks for help.
From my experience (and also it is confirmed in the past WWDC session videos dedicated to this class) the best way to manage the page numbers in a UIPageViewController is to store as a property the page number information directly in the page view controller (that is in the view controller that contains the single page you want to show).
Then if you want to show a general purpose status bar with the page number, you simply fetch the viewControllers property of the UIPageViewController, which returns one or two view controllers depending on the UIPageViewController setup.
So in pseudo-code when the page view controller asks its data source which are the new view controllers to display your code:
- will get the current view controller(s)
- will fetch from it (them) the page number
- will calculate the next or prev page number(s) (depends on the page curl/swipe direction)
- will ask to the data source for the new calculated page numbers view controllers and will assign to their page number property the new value
In this way you are protected from strange animation behaviours and you don't need to keep in memory a global "currentIndex" which may lead to issues, as you experienced.

how can i give multiple actions to button on iPhone

I have two buttons,if the first button is clicked two textfields will come and the second button dimension will change to next to the textfields.Now if i click the second button one textfield will appear.I did all those things.Now my question is if we click the second button,textfield will appear with what ever the dimensions we have given,but if we click the second button after clicking the first button also dimensions should change.Can any one help to do this.
Thank You
you can add multiple selectors on a single button for different control states
Your question is vaguely phrased. If I understood correctly, when the second button is pressed, you want two different actions done depending on whether the first button has previously been pressed or not. If that's the case, the solution is to define a boolean flag, which will be set to YES when the first button is pressed, and will be set to NO (if needed) after the second button's action is completed.
In your header file:
#interface yourViewController: UIViewController {
BOOL firstButtonFlag;
And in yourViewController.m file:
-(void)viewDidLoad {
firstButtonFlag = NO; // technically redundant line, just to show the concept
-(IBAction)firstButtonPressed {
firstButtonFlag = YES;
// whatever action you want done
-(IBAction)secondButtonPressed {
if (firstButtonFlag) {
// whatever action if first button had been pressed before
firstButtonFlag = NO; // resetting the flag for next round
else {
// whatever action if first button had NOT been pressed before

Determining which button the user pressed

I would like to have three buttons or images in my view, that each represent a "weapon". How can I know which button has been selected by the user, and use this information?
I thought I would use one function to collect the information about the weapon selected, its damage, etc., but I'm used to creating one function for each button in the view. I'm wondering now how to determine the difference between those buttons, depending on which one has been selected.
You should create action methods that take one argument, the sender:
- (IBAction)weaponPressed:(id)sender;
You can then check the sender against instance variables pertaining to the buttons:
if (sender == gunWeaponButton)
// Do something
else if (sender == mineWeaponButton)
// Do something
// Do something else
Also, you can assign a tag to the buttons, which is simply an integer value:
gunWeaponButton.tag = 0;
Then you can check for the sender's tag:
if (sender.tag == gunWeaponButton.tag)
// Do something

Using of RaiseCanExecuteChanged

I make two methodes like this:
private void Next(string argument)
Current = Clients[Clients.IndexOf(Current) + 1];
private void Previous(string argument)
Current = Clients[Clients.IndexOf(Current) - 1];
and bind to the xaml:
Every thing work fine. And the next button becomes inactive/grey out when it hits the last post.
The problem is it (the Next button) still inactive when I click the Previous button. The Next button becomes inactive all the time.
My question is how I could make the Next button active again? Thank for all help.
I assume you are talking about a WPF Application.
There are several reasons your button could become / stay inactive:
Your CanExecute implementation is faulty and returns false even if it should return true
You didnt implement CanExecute or didnt hook it up correctly
The CommandManager didn't realize it's time to requery the commands
You've got a problem with the Focus on your Window / Control
You need to show more of the code so it gives us a broader picture of what you are trying to do.