WCF Streaming: Last byte is lost - wcf

I have a WCF service which has one method returning a stream.
public interface IService1
MyMessage Test();
Now, MyMessage is defined like this:
public class MyMessage
public MyMessage(string file)
this.Stream = File.OpenRead(file);
this.Length = Stream.Length;
public long Length;
public Stream Stream;
The service has a streamed response, using basicHttpBinding. This is the binding configuration:
<binding name="BasicStreaming"
maxReceivedMessageSize="67108864" maxBufferSize="65536" transferMode="StreamedResponse" />
Now this is where things start to get interesting. When calling this service, the last byte is lost if i read the stream in a particular way. Here is the code illustrating the two different approaches:
Service1Client client = new Service1Client();
//this way the last byte is lost
Stream stream1;
var length = client.Test(out stream1);
var buffer1 = new byte[length];
stream1.Read(buffer1, 0, (int)length);
File.WriteAllBytes("test1.txt", buffer1);
//here i receive all bytes
Stream stream2;
length = client.Test(out stream2);
var buffer2 = new byte[length];
int c = 0, b;
while ((b = stream2.ReadByte()) != -1)
buffer2[c++] = (byte)b;
File.WriteAllBytes("test2.txt", buffer2);
I am sure I'm missing something, but can anyone point out to me exactly why this is happening? The biggest problem is that in another service, whichever way i read the stream, i lose the last byte, but maybe by identifying the problem here I can solve that one too.
Technical details:
IIS 7.0
.NET 3.5
Basic HTTP Binding
Streamed response mode
Note: I have uploaded the project isolating the problem, so anyone can try it out: mediafire

I don't have an exact answer as to why this works (my brain isn't fully engaged at the moment), however this DOES work:
var buffer1 = new byte[length+2];
stream1.Read(buffer1, 0, buffer1.Length);
(and, yes, you end up with a buffer that's too large. It's just a starting point for further thinking)
In testing I found +1 isn't large enough, but +2 is.

Why passing a count of (length + 1)? It should be length, otherwise you are attempting to read one more byte than what is available.


Upload an image byte by byte while reading the stream

i'm not sure if the title is understandable or not. But all i want to ask is, i want to upload a jpeg file from my WindowsPhone 8 client app. to a WCF web service. But i dont want direct upload, i want to handle the stream.So i wrote a script for reading image. Here it is:`
byte[] buffer = new byte[32*1024];
int read;
using (MemoryStream ms=new MemoryStream())
while ((read = Fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
ms.Write(buffer, 0, read);
Fs is myImage's reader.( FileStream Fs = new FileStream("FİLE", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); )
For now everthing seems ok. But while i'm reading the image file i want to upload byte array of it. And server-side Wcf service will join the array and after joining i'll push it to my Azure Storage account(blob).
You can say: You dont need to this. Use Phone.Storage and push it to your blob. But i want to show progressing level of uploading.
ms.Write(buffer, 0, read);
after this , Wcf method have to work but how? How can i handle this situation? if it is possible and want to write this Wcf with async methods.
Thanks for your answers and sorry about my bad expression.
Well, here's a sample about the WCF part. Let me know if you need something else.
<binding name="ExampleBinding" transferMode="Streaming"/>
public interface IStreamedService
void Upload(Stream data);

resuming files when uploading to a server using wcf

I'm using WCF and I am trying to resume my upload with next code on the server app:
class DataUploader : IDataUploader
public void Upload(UploadMessage msg)
int speed = msg.AvgSpeed * 1024; // convert to KB
Stream stream= msg.DataStream;
string name = msg.VirtualPath;
int seekPoint; // this is get reading the partial uploaded file
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(#"C:\savedfile.dat, FileMode.Append))
int bufferSize = 4 * 1024; // 4KB buffer
byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
int bytes;
while ((bytes = stream.Read(buffer, startPoint, bufferSize)) > 0)
fs.Write(buffer, 0, bytes);
I'm trying to begin to read the stream from a specified point (startPoint) cause the first bytes have already been uploaded. So I could append only remaining bytes to the file partially uploaded. By this way i get an error with the buffersize and can't use seeking because a method not supported exception so I think maybe this approach is not right. Help!!
My service contract:
interface IDataUploader
void Upload(UploadMessage msg);
My message contract:
public class UploadMessage
[MessageHeader(MustUnderstand = true)]
public string VirtualPath { get; set; }
[MessageHeader(MustUnderstand = true)]
public int AvgSpeed { get; set; }
[MessageBodyMember(Order = 1)]
public Stream DataStream { get; set; }
It seems like you are using a standard soap message rather than the streaming binding. Check out the this link
If you don't want to use WCF's streaming api, which is proprietary to WCF, I would considering creating a 'chunking' method from the client if the client is uploading the file. Similar to how FTP can resume, I would query the server to see the current offset, send up a block or set of blocks, write them to my persistance (memory, db, file, etc), and then continue with multiple calls from the client sending smaller blocks (be careful of serialization as that can introduce unnecessary delays). This technique be something you want to investigate since it sounds like the client is 'streaming' to the server.
Btw, you may want to look at the following article to determine if your use of MessageContract is appropriate, as opposed to a DataContract.
If you want resume functionality you cannot do it this way. Your client must send the file in chunks and it must maintain the id of last successfully updated chunk. The service must process chunks and append them to storage.
If the most basic implementation it means that your client must divide file into chunks of well known size and call the upload operation for each chunk. The message must also contains the chunk Id and probably also chunk size (or something identifying the last chunk). This can be also combined with reliable session to allow automatic resend of lost chunks and to enforce in order delivery.
There is also example of channel implementation which does chunking internally.

How to read the body of a Message object when implementing IDispatchMessageFormatter for custom (de)serialization of a WCF REST service?

I am extending WebHttpBehavior to expose a WCF REST service with customized serialization and deserialization (plus a certain number of other features that are not relevant to the problem).
The new behavior uses an implementation of IDispatchMessageFormatter to perform custom serialization and deserialization of POCOs served by the service and sent to it thanks to the SerializeReply and DeserializeRequest methods.
I can serve XML and JSON exactly how I need them in SerializeReply.
I can deserialize XML without a problem, however I can't seem to find the way to deserialize a JSON message because I can't obtain the plain text contained in the Message parameter of DeserializeRequest.
This is what the code in DeserializeRequest looks like right now:
if (format == System.ServiceModel.Web.WebMessageFormat.Json)
var data = ""; // TODO obtain plain text from Message object
var json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(data, paramType, new IsoDateTimeConverter(), new StringEnumConverter());
parameters[paramIndex] = json;
var serializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(paramType, string.Empty);
var reader = message.GetReaderAtBodyContents();
parameters[paramIndex] = serializer.Deserialize(reader);
I'm using Json.NET for JSON (de)serialization.
Any suggestions on how to obtain plain text from the Message object in order to deserialize it would be greatly appreciated.
If you think there's something wrong in my approach I'd also like to hear of it in the comments.
You need to make sure that the WebMessageFormat of the Message is set to Raw, otherwise WCF will use a the JsonMessageEncoder in order to create the Message which in turn won't allow you to get to the raw message content.
You do that by implementing a custom WebContentTypeMapper:
public class RawMapper : WebContentTypeMapper
public override WebContentFormat GetMessageFormatForContentType(string contentType)
return WebContentFormat.Raw;
...which needs to be applied to the WebHttpBinding:
webHttpBinding.ContentTypeMapper = new RawMapper();
..or via configuration:
<binding contentTypeMapper="Samples.RawMapper, MyContentTypeMapperAssembly, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"/>
With that in place, you can then retrieve the request body as a String like that:
public void DeserializeRequest(Message message, object[] parameters)
var bodyReader = message.GetReaderAtBodyContents();
byte[] rawBody = bodyReader.ReadContentAsBase64();
string messageAsString;
using (var reader = new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(rawBody)))
messageAsString = reader.ReadToEnd();
object jsonObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(messageAsString);
parameters[0] = jsonObj;
Even if you are using WebMessageFormat.Json you can convert your message to string and then deserialize it to object inside DeserializeRequest method.
MemoryStream mss = new MemoryStream();
XmlDictionaryWriter writer = JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonWriter(mss);
string messageBody = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(mss.ToArray());
var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(messageBody, operation.Messages[0].Body.Parts[0].Type);
parameters[0] = obj;

WCF 4.0 REST Upload MS-Excel File

I am trying to upload MS-Excel file through WCF-REST Service.
I used the solution given in below post:-
RESTful WCF service image upload problem
My POST Method is declared as:
[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", UriTemplate = "/RFQ")]
void UploadRFQDoc(Stream fileContents);
When I debug, stream content is fine till the call goes, and when I attach service to debug, Stream fileContents parameter becomes null , and service returns with [Bad Request]. I am not sending large file (it is just 50 KB). I am using HttpClient to call the Post.
Here are the client code(RestClient is HttpClient).
protected void Post(string uri, Stream stream, int length)
var content = HttpContent.Create(output => CopyToStream(stream, output, length), "application/octet-stream", length);
Uri relativeUri = new Uri(uri, UriKind.Relative);
var resp = RestClient.Post(relativeUri, content);
void CopyToStream(Stream input, Stream output, int length)
var buffer = new byte[length];
var read = input.Read(buffer, 0, Convert.ToInt32 (length));
output.Write(buffer, 0, read);
Any clue what else can go wrong.
Many Thanks.
[WebContentType("application/octet-stream")] attribute was unnecessary here. I commented it out, and all worked fine :).

Silverlight changes the io.Stream to byte[]

I have created a WCF service for uploading images , which accepts System.IO.Stream as input parameter and am using streaming. When I added the service reference in Silverlight project then it automatically changed the parameter of my WCF method from System.IO.Stream to byte[]. Can anyone suggest if there is a way around this so that I can get System.IO.Stream type rather than byte[].
Thanks in advance
Silverlight does not support transfer mode streamed: http://forums.silverlight.net/forums/t/119340.aspx
So I think that you are stuck with getting a byte array.
Can you verify that you're not hitting one of the reader quotas in the service? You can try increasing all of them to see if this solves your problem.
I think you should set the transferMode property of your basicHttpBinding to the correct value, as described in this article. And then add the service reference to your Silverlight application again.
Even I was struggling with the same issue. At last I got a solution by myself. All you can do is:
declare the accepting parameter as string array in the WCF Service.
convert the byte array into string array at client place.
After Sending the converted byte array as string array again convert back it into byte array.
eg. at the WCF side:
Class FileInfo
string filename;
string[] StrArr;
the receiving function:
public void uploadFile(FileInfo fi)
int len=fi.StrArr.len;
byte[] myFileByte=new byte[len];
for(int i=0;i<len;i++)
//your uploaded File buffer is ready as myFileByte
//proceeding operations are most welcome here......
At Client Side:
public void UploadMyFile()
//Take the InputStream from the selected File as iStream;
int len=(int)iStream.length;
byte[] buffer=new byte[len];
string[] MyStrArr=new string[len];
for(int i=0;i<len;i++)
//Here your string array is ready to send to the WCF Service....
//I m confident this code will work perfectly with some file limitation consideartions.