I have this partial that renders a line containing three peaces of data contained in a span, and between the spans there is a hyphen. Since the hyphen is a haml keyword (or whatever you call that) you can't just put it between the spans, or haml would go looking for a function or variable. So I've got this
%span{ :class => 'client'}= "#{ won_or_lost['object']['deal']['client'] }"
= "-"
%span{ :class => 'value'}= "#{ won_or_lost['object']['deal']['value'] }"
= "- Thanks to"
%span{ :class => 'owner'}= "#{ won_or_lost['object']['deal']['owner'] }
You probably agree with me that
= "-"
is rather ugly. It's not a real problem, but is there a clean way to do this?
%span.client= won_or_lost['object']['deal']['client']
%span.value= won_or_lost['object']['deal']['value']
\- Thanks to
%span.owner= won_or_lost['object']['deal']['owner']
I sometimes prefer to use an Em-dash, which I think looks better typographically:
%span.client= won_or_lost['object']['deal']['client']
%span.value= won_or_lost['object']['deal']['value']
— Thanks to
%span.owner= won_or_lost['object']['deal']['owner']
The following is being properly generated into HTML code
<%= content_tag(:span, (t 'hints.h'), :class => "has-tip", :title => (t 'hints.s') ) %>
But I am trying to generate
<span data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip" title="title bla bla">translated h</span>
and have found no way to generate these span attributes data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" They cannot be part of the options hash given one has only a name... and the second one has a dash which impedes from defining it as a symbol :aria-haspopup
I suggest that you use the following:
content_tag(:span, t('hints.h'), :class => 'has-tip', :title => t('hints.s'), :'aria-haspopup' => true, :'data-tooltip' => '')
Note that you can use the dash character in symbols if you enclose them in quotes.
The data attribute you could also specify as nested hash like :data => {:tooltip => ''} instead of :'data-tooltip' => '', use whatever you prefer.
As for the boolean attribute data-tooltip, setting the value to an empty string is as good as omitting it (and your best option with Rails 3 ;)). See also:
Here is my simple rails 3 code :
<%= link_to "link", gateway_index_url(developer:#item.developer.api_key, tracker:"email", url:#product.url) %>
And the result is :
<a href="/gateway?developer=abcde&tracker=email&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bla.fr%2FproductA" >link</a>
The problem is that & are rewritten in &. I can't figure how to prevent escaping, as :escape => false doesn't exist in Rails 3
Update: So here's the source
def link_to(*args, &block)
if block_given?
options = args.first || {}
html_options = args.second
link_to(capture(&block), options, html_options)
name = args[0]
options = args[1] || {}
html_options = args[2]
html_options = convert_options_to_data_attributes(options, html_options)
url = url_for(options)
href = html_options['href']
tag_options = tag_options(html_options)
href_attr = "href=\"#{ERB::Util.html_escape(url)}\"" unless href
"<a #{href_attr}#{tag_options}>#{ERB::Util.html_escape(name || url)}</a>".html_safe
As we can see, from the source, this behavior is by design.
You can try one of two solutions, I haven't tried them but they should work
1.) Try placing the call to gateway inside of a call to #raw:
<%= link_to "link", raw(gateway_index_url(developer: #item.developer.api_key, tracker:"email", url:#product.url)) %>
That may solve your specific problem, an the second approach, while a bit more brute-force should also work...
2.) If you want to convert it (the whole href) back you can... use CGI::unescape_html:
<%= CGI::unescape_html(link_to "link", gateway_index_url(developer: #item.developer.api_key, tracker:"email", url:#product.url)) %>
Good luck, hopefully this helps.
Update 2: Fixed call to cgi unescape, was using "." when it should be "::" and formatting fix. Forgot to indent example for #1
Rory O'Kane is spot on. The answer to "Why are ampersands escaped when generating url with link_to?" is that is the correct way to separate params in a url.
Is there a problem with the url the way it is?
If so, could you elaborate on the problem?
You may be able to prevent escaping the url by using raw on the entire url like so:
<%= link_to "link", raw(gateway_index_url(developer:#item.developer.api_key, tracker:"email", url:#product.url)) %>
This question has been asked but the answers have not worked. The problem I am having is this hamlc code:
.UI_feed_item.deletable.clearfix{ :class => #feed.fav_post ? 'favorited' : '', feed_id: "#{#feed.id}", id: "feed_item_#{#feed.id}" }
*a lot more haml that doesn't have to do with this question*
the indentation is correct - it shows up weird on here
I want an extra class added to say favorited if feed.fav_post is true. for some reason it added a class 'true' or 'false' instead. I have also tried this:
.UI_feed_item.deletable.clearfix{ :class => (#feed.fav_post ? 'favorited' : ''), feed_id: "#{#feed.id}", id: "feed_item_#{#feed.id}" }
same result
I cannot do an if/else thing because there is no end in haml and I would have to rewrite a hundred lines of indented code. please help! none of the other solutions on the web have worked
Your second shot should work fine. The first variant returns true/false because the hash rocket wins over the ternary operator in terms of precedence - but shouldn't it break on syntax error after that?
You can do if-else in haml.
- if true
some stuff here
- else
some other stuff here
Indentation is used instead of end.
HAMLC doesn't support the ?/: ternary operators, but you can still achieve what you want using inline if/then/else. Try this:
.UI_feed_item.deletable.clearfix{ :class => "#{ if #feed.fav_post then 'favorited' else '' }", feed_id: "#{#feed.id}", id: "feed_item_#{#feed.id}" }
I want to print text to HTML. I'm using simple_format, however everything seems to be right except that what is inside "< >" is not printed.
You can pass in a :sanitize option to tell it not to sanitize your tags:
<%= simple_text(my_string, nil, :sanitize => false) %>
I recently transfered my app from Rails2 to Rails3.
The code in 'app/views/distribution/index.html.erb' is like :-
<div style="padding-bottom:10px; padding-left:0px;float:left;display:<%= (!session[:album][#artist.id.to_s].empty? && !session[:album][#artist.id.to_s].nil?)?'block' : 'none' %>" id = "make_payment_enabled">
<%= link_to 'Make Payments',{:action => 'pay', :album=>#album.id}, :class => "button" %>
It's giving me TemplateError on line :-
<div style="padding-bottom:10px; padding-left:0px;float:left;display:<%= (!session[:album][#artist.id.to_s].empty? && !session[:album][#artist.id.to_s].nil?)?'block' : 'none' %>" id = "make_payment_enabled">
How to resolve the problem ?
Solution 1: In the ERB tag, try putting spaces around the 'or' question mark, i.e. ....nil?) ? 'block....
Solution Better: Do step one, then put that code in a helper. Will really help to clean up your views.
A few other tips: you will want to switch the order of the conditions, because you will want to see if the value is nil before checking if it's an empty string.
Calling obj.blank? is the equivalent of calling obj.nil? && obj.empty?, so that could make the code a bit shorter. Even better, obj.present? is the same as !obj.blank?.
Therefore, that line could be simplified to:
session[:album][#artist.id.to_s].present? ? 'block' : 'none'
Happy Rails-ing!