Importing Data from .txt file to SQL Server 2005 Express - sql

I have a tab separated .txt (Very Small file with just 10 to 15 datasets) and this file is having some columns as PrdName, PrdSize, PrdWeight, PrdCode and so on.
Now I want to import the two columns which are PrdSize and PrdCode and import it in the columns of my Database table.
I have created the columns but how do I create import clause and transfer data from .txt file to SQL Server? Thanks

Take a look at this post: Import/Export data with SQL Server 2005 Express, there are multiple options that you can use.

Since you have the express edition you'll need to either use BCP or write a program with something else.

If you have a large amount of data, or need to automate the process, definitely look into BCP as mentioned already. However, I often use excel to load one-time data sources (a few hundred to a few thousand) rows of data from odd sources into SQL Server by doing the following:
Get the data into excel (that's usually easy), assuming you get column A with 'Prdsize' and column B with PrdCode, in column C put the formula:
(in other words create syntactically correct SQL using an Excel formula - you may need to add quotes around string values etc)
and then paste that formula all the way down the column C. Then copy/paste the resultant sql insert statements into SQL Management Studio, or any other tool that can execute SQL and execute it.
Defintely a 'manual' effort, but for one-time data loads it words great.
PS: You'll need to verify the XL formula and the resultant sql syntax - my example is close, but I didn't test it.


How to use a SQL Select statement with Power Query against an Access database?

I've got a query that joins 4 tables that I need to run against 4 different Access .mdb files (all have the same schema) so I can compare the results in Excel. Instead of creating 16 Power Queries and joining them into 4 queries (20 total query objects) I want to write a SQL statement that joins the tables and run it against each of the 4 different data sources. There's a chance that the SQL statement may need to be updated, so having it stored in one place will make future maintenance easier.
I could not find examples of this online and the way that Power Query writes M for an Access connection is based on one table at a time. I did not want a solution that used VBA.
Poking around with the various Power Query connectors I found that I can use the ODBC connector to connect to an Access database. I was able to adjust the parameters and pass it a standard SQL statement.
I put the SQL statement in a cell (C16 in the image) and named that range Package_SQL. I also have 4 cells where I put the path and filename of the 4 Access .mdb files I want to query. I name those ranges Database1 through Database4.
This is the configuration screen to set the database paths and set the SQL statement
// Get the Access database to work with.
dbPath = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Database1"]}[Content]{0}[Column1],
// Get the SQL statement from the named range
SQL = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Package_SQL"]}[Content]{0}[Column1],
Source = Odbc.Query("dbq=" & dbPath & "; defaultdir=C:\Temp;driverid=25;
fil=MS Access;maxbuffersize=2048;pagetimeout=5;dsn=MS Access Database", SQL),
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,
{{"Issue_Date", type date}, {"Revision_Issue_Date", type date}})
#"Changed Type"
As you can see the magic is done in the following line. I didn't want the defaultdir to be hard coded to a folder that everyone may not have so I set it to C:\Temp. You may need to change it or even remove it and see if it makes a difference.
Source = Odbc.Query("dbq=" & dbPath & "; defaultdir=C:\Temp; driverid=25;
fil=MS Access;maxbuffersize=2048; pagetimeout=5; dsn=MS Access Database", SQL),
I made 4 instances of that query and created another query to combine the results. The query runs as fast as most any other Access query. I am very satisfied with this solution. The query can be altered and/or repurposed from the Excel sheet without digging through the Power Query scripts.
Note that this solution does not use any VBA.

Best Method to Query SQL using Variable Excel Values

There's an SQL database that I would like to query through excel without having to pull the entire SQL database into excel (5Million + rows). I have established the connection in excel. The values that I will be using to query the SQL Database are variable (typically around 150-200 cells).
End Result: The variable cells in excel are all in column A, I would like to query the Column A SQL values to retrieve the Column B SQL value and pull them back into excel. I know I could download the whole SQL database into excel and do a vlookup but my excel file will undoubtedly crash with all the SQL data.
Does anyone know where I should start? Would this best be resolved through VBA code or the advanced editor directly in excel?
Brandon M
You can include "?" in the query text of your connection. The first time you run the query, Excel will ask you what each of the "?" references. You can then change the values in those cells, and refresh the connection to use those new values.
Your situation is a bit unclear to me.
Do you want to perform "Select * from table where column in (Cell A)"? and then to print into Cell B?
If yes, you can use VBA code to build your SQL query and select the data.
If you don't want to use VBA, you can use some cell concatenation to build the query and can pass the query to SQL.

Can't paste data from SQL into Excel

I created code in SQL to get specific data.
However, when I try to paste the results into Excel, I get an error message that says
"Microsoft Excel cannot paste the data."
Has anyone experienced this? If so, do you know what the solution is?
I modified the code to only extract data from one department (instead of 4), to reduce the number of rows from just under 1 million to 153,671 rows, but I still get the same error message. The data has 12 columns.
Your help would greatly be appreciated!
If you are using the keyboard shortcut (ctrl+C, ctrl+V), I guess it's previsible that It can't work, because event if the interface can look like excel, the data is different.
you can do the same using automatic tools that will do the query for you and put the result in a csv / excel document.
If you are using MSSQL, you can look on other MS tools such as SSDT, which is very simple to use and have tools to exchange excel data to (or from) SQL databases
another way is to connect your excel sheet to your database. this is explained on MSDN here
You can't copy and paste that many rows at a time due to cache restraints. Your best bet is export the query result to a csv file and open it in excel. Here's how to do it:
Open SQL Server Management Studio
Go to Tools > Options > Query Results > SQL Server > Results To Text
On the far right, there is a drop down box called Output Format
Choose Comma Delimited and click OK
From here it'll show your query results as comma-delimited text.
To save the results of your query to a file: Ctrl + Shift + F

Easier Way to Format Excel Data For SQL query

I often receive requests to query a SQL Server database based on data that is sent to me in an Excel spreadsheet.
I am looking for a more efficient way of completing these types of requests than my current setup:
Currently in order to complete the request I do the following:
Copy the Excel column containing the data that will eventually be placed in a WHERE clause.
Paste the data as text only into Microsoft Word.
Do a find for each paragraph marker and replace it with ', '
Then surround the entire clause with parenthesis to enter into an IN clause.
Does anyone have a suggestion for a more efficient way of accomplishing the same task?
Here are a couple of ways:
Query the excel spreadsheet directly:
FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', 'Excel 12.0;Database=C:\excelfile.xls', [Sheet1$])
Use excel to format the data:
In next empty column = A1 & "," then copy-down, or ="'"&A1&"',"
You could save the excell as a CSV comma delimited file and go from there but if this is a regular thing i would probably set up an SSIS process to do it all for you

Combining data from Excel with database

This is probably a simple question, but I really don't know what I'm doing in Excel, so hopefully someone can help me out.
I've been given an Excel spreadsheet that has two relevant columns to my task. The first column is an "External ID", and the second column is an "Internal ID". I need to select a bunch of data out of our databases (with various joins) using the Internal ID as the key, but then all of this data needs to be linked back to the External ID, and the only link between Internal/External is this spreadsheet.
For example, say a row of the spreadsheet looks like this:
AB1234 2
I need to select all the data relevant to the item with ID #2 in our database, but I have no way to get "AB1234" from the database, so I need to somehow relate this data back to "AB1234" using the spreadsheet.
What's the easiest way to accomplish this? The version of Excel is Excel 2007, and the database is Oracle, if that's relevant.
Note that I only have read permission to the production databases, so creating tables and importing the spreadsheet data to do a join is not an option.
Edited based on a comment
1 - Use MS Access to import the Excel sheet as a table.
2 - Link to your database table, also from within MS Access
External Data tab->other data sources->ODBC connection->choose yours->pick the table(s) you want
3 - Write an Access query to compare the values you want
Create->Query Design->Drop the tables you want, drag lines between them for relationships, click Run
Usually I use copy-paste and a good column-mode editor with macros to accomplish such tasks. It works fine if you only have a couple of Excel files.
Alot depends on how familiar you are with the tools you have available to you.
DO you have a tool you are familiar with that would make it easy to use the IntID to find those records? If so, can you do the query and paste the results back into the original spreadsheet in the column to the right of the column with the IntID?
If so, you will have what you want, a spreadsheet with the following columns:
ExtID (original)
IntID (original)
IntID (from Oracle)
Col1 (from Oracle)
Col2 (from Oracle) etc....
I'm not familiar with Oracle, but I know a lot of databases let you prepend a table name with # or something like that and create a temp table. Others have a temporary database where you can create things. Sometimes you can create a temp table even if you can't do anything else but select.
If you have access to do that, I would do the function as JosephStyons suggests (#2), insert your records into the temp table, and do a query based on that.
With Excel and VBA, you can use ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) as a high level way of using the OLE DB provider for a particular database. This lets you read the data from the database and you can then query that data and store the results in the spreadsheet.
Oracle OLE DB provider
ADO Guide