Rewrite map without access to htdocs - apache

I'm on a virtual server so I don't have access to Apache's htdocs; all I have is .htaccess. Is it still possible to do a rewrite map? What kind of workarounds are there?

If you read the documentation you will see that, in the doc field named 'Context', the RewriteMap directive may be used in the server config or in the virtual host config. It is not permitted in directory or .htaccess - to be clear, the answer is No, it is not still possible to do a rewrite map if all you have access to is .htaccess.
The only 'workaround' would be to define a RewriteCond and RewriteRule for every mapping that you need. These can be defined in .htaccess.
This question was already answered in
use RewriteMap in htaccess file


How can I transparently rewrite an old host url to a new host url?

I have two apache virtual hosts within the same domain (and on same physical system):
I'd like to be able to transparently rewrite or map certain old url's to new. Example:
A request for would actually result in a request for
I want the http client (browser) to be unaware of the other words, I'm not looking to redirect. And, I only want to rewrite specific url's.
What can I add to either the virtual host or htaccess file(s) to accomplish this?
I guess you could set up your virtual hosts via mod_rewrite and then simply add those rewriting steps to the configuration.
If, however, all you are trying to do is to re-use some things you have in the file system, without any magic in your config files, I would use symbolic links instead. (I have no idea if there are any equivalents for windows servers, though.)
I found the answer here: in the section titled Dynamic Mirror. I added this to my htaccess on :
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^foo [P]
The feature flag P tells the rule to use Proxy Throughput.

rewritemap for SEO and pretty URLs

I am attempting to redirect & rewrite some dynamic PHP URL's to pretty and SEO friendly URLs. I have manged to do this successfully through .htaccess with the following code:
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^somevar=green&nodescription=([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)$
RewriteRule (.*) /green\/%1\/? [L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^green/([^/]*)/$ /script.php?somevar=green&nodescription=$1&rewrite=on [L]
This creates a somewhat pretty URL as follows:
As I say, this works absolutley fine. Apart from one thing. The parameter nodescription contains a non-descriptive random set of letters, numbers and other characters.
I would like to rewrite the nodescription parameter to a more descriptive one. I understand that I can do this with a rewritemap through Apache. However, I have no experience at doing soemthing like this, and I'm not entirely sure where to start.
Normally I would simply alter script.php so that it contains more descriptive parameters, but this time I have no control over the script; I am pulling it from another site using cURL.
Can anybody give me an example of how to pull this off?
Well, to answer my own question, to pull this off you need access httpd.conf file on your apache server. My shared hosting company didn't allow access to this file (I doubt any would allow you access).
So I bit the bullet and purchased a VPS. I will post the steps I took here in order to set the rewritemap up in the hope that it will help a lost soul :) Ok, here goes...
My VPS has WHM installed, so in WHM I went to:
Server Configuration >> Apache Configuration >> Include Editor
Pre Virtual Host Include >> All Versions
This feature takes any text you put in and includes it in your httpd.conf file without worrying that it will be overwritten at a later stage. If you don't have WHM on your server then you can add the text directly to your httpd.conf file; make sure it is outside and before any virtual hosts.
OK, so I included the following map declaration and rewrite rule:
#Map to redirect (swaps key and value)
RewriteMap rwmap txt:/home/*/public_html/rdmap.txt
<Directory /home/*/public_html/test>
Options All -Indexes
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^url/([^/]*)/$ /script.php?foo=${rwmap:$1|$1}&rewrite=on [L]
The actual map is a simple text file containing key/value pairs - you need to place this file in the directory declared in RewriteMap rwmap txt:/home/*/public_html/rdmap.txt.
And there you go. Apache now rewrites my URLs for me and I now have some nice and pretty SEO optimized links thanks to my rewrite map! Hoorah!
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^green/([^/]*)/(.*)$ /script.php?somevar=green&nodescription=$1&rewrite=on [L]
This rewrite will allow you to pass "arbitrary text" that has nothing to do with the rewrite. For example:
Will still reroute correctly to script.php; the latter part will simply be ignored by the rewrite.

use RewriteMap in htaccess file

How can i use RewriteMap directive in htaccess file?
When i put it there i get "RewriteMap not allowed here" error.
I know this error will disappear when put it in httpd.conf or virtualhost configuration file.
But i want to know is it possible to put it in htaccess or not?
From the documentation:
Context: server config, virtual host
so the answer is "no", I'm afraid.
As far as I know it cannot be used in htaccess.
Maybe you could check this out as an alternative:

mod_rewrite to absolute path in .htaccess - turning up 404

I want to map a number of directories in a URL:
to directories outside the web root.
My web root is
the manual I want to redirect to is in
In mod_alias, this would be equal to
Alias /manual /www/customer/some_other_dir/manual
but as I have access only to .htaccess, I can't use Alias, so I have to use mod_rewrite.
What I have got right now after this question is the following:
RewriteRule ^manual(/(.*))?$ /www/htdocs/customername/manual/$2 [L]
this works in the sense that requests are recognized and redirected properly, but I get a 404 that looks like this (note the absolute path):
The requested URL /www/htdocs/customername/manual/resourcename.htm
was not found on this server.
However, I have checked with PHP: echo file_exists(...) and that file definitely exists.
why would this be? According to the mod_rewrite docs, this is possible, even in a .htaccess file. I understand that when doing mod_rewrite in .htaccess, there will be an automated prefix, but not to absolute paths, will it?
It shouldn't be a rights problem either: It's not in the web root, but within the FTP tree to which only one user, the main FTP account, has access.
I can change the web root in the control panel anytime, but I want this to work the way I described.
This is shared hosting, so I have no access to the error logs.
I just checked, this is not a wrongful 301 redirection, just an internal rewrite.
In .htaccess, you cannot rewrite to files outside the wwwroot.
You need to have a symbolic link within the webroot that points to the location of the manual.
Then in your .htaccess you need the line:
Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
or maybe a little more blindly
Options +FollowSymlinks
Then you can
RewriteRule ^manual(/(.*))?$ /www/htdocs/customername/site/manual/$2 [L]
where manual under site is a link to /www/customer/some_other_dir/manual
You create the symlink on the command line with:
ln -s /www/htdocs/customername/site/manual /www/customer/some_other_dir/manual
But I imagine you're on shared hosting without shell access, so look into creating symbolic links within CPanel,Webmin, or whatever your admin interface is. There are php/cgi scripts that do it as well. Of course, you're still limited to the permissions that the host has given you. If they don't allow you to follow symlinks as a policy, you cannot override that within your .htaccess.
AFAIK mod_rewrite works at the 'protocol' level (meaning on the wire HTTP). So I suspect you are getting HTTP 302 with your directory path in the location.
So I'm afraid you might be stuck unless.. your hosting lets you follow symbolic links; so you can link to that location (assuming you have shell access or this is possible using FTP or your control panel) under your current document root.
Edit: It actually mentions URL-file phase hook in the docs so now I suspect the directory directives aren't allowing enough permissions.
This tells you what you need to know.
The requested URL /www/htdocs/customername/manual/resourcename.htm
was not found on this server.
It interprets RewriteRule ^manual(/(.*))?$ /www/htdocs/customername/manual/$2 [L] to mean rewrite as if it were
RewriteRule ^manual(/(.*))?$ /customername/manual/$2 [L]

Mod Rewrite: How do you rewrite out of the URL's home directory?

I have a directory structure on our VPS like this:
And going to brings you to /www/site_one/ on the server. I'd like to use mod_rewrite to point a request for to the directory /www/site_two/thing.
I've tried a basic rewrite like:
RewriteRule ^page.html$ /www/site_two/new_page.html
but / refers to /www/site_one/
Is there a way to get it to serve the page from the directory I'd like?
To answer the questions below:
#Ignacio I'm not sure if I left anything important out. Brand new to mod_rewrite.
#outis: Yes both sites are virutal hosts. is mapped to /www/site_one/ and is mapped ot /www/site_two
Give a full URL, which implicitly redirects:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} (.*\.)site_one\.com$
RewriteRule ^/?(thing(/.*)?)$1
To achieve this without redirection, the documents in /www/site_two must be accessible via URLs in the domain; a symlink from /www/site_one/site_two to /www/site_two might do it.