I'm attempting to make a ripple tank such as this in VB 2010. I'm not trying to make it as complicated as that, at the moment I am making each wavefront from an e.graphics.DrawEllipse. The problem I am having at the moment is making the ellipse expand properly. I'm using a timer to add one the the ellipse's radius on every tick. Another problem following that is how to make it continuously fire wavefronts so that more than one is on the form at a time.
Can anybody help?
Just in case you're thinking of pushing pixels around, that's not going to work. You need to make a mathematical model of the wave propagation first. Ten-thousand feet view is a class Ripple that can model the propagation of a wave. Then a List(Of Ripple) that stores the state of the box. Every time the timer ticks, update the state of the ripples. And draw the image to go with that.
Key point is that the image gets recreated from scratch on each tick. One important reason why the web site's image is so small.
I'm using Blender 2.8 and I just have 2 objects: hand and gun and I want to create animations for them. So, for instance, I want to create a simple firing animation. What I do:
1. I create animation for gun
2. I create animation for hand
But if I switch somehow incorrectly I "lose" the first animation I've created. I tried creating fake users and stuff. I just don't get why I select the armature for which I've just created the animation, it plays, but there are no keyframes.
Here's the vid, here's the file.
Ask me questions if you have any.
The movement may be cached in Blender, you may need to reset the movement cache.
Alternatively, you should look at both the Track Controller and Dopesheet(action editor) - the animation may be stored in both.
The movement could be related to parenting ( to an object that is moving )
The movement could also be caused by physics simulation of a rigid body.
Hopefully with the help of the above, you find the problem.
I had the same problem. In the Animation mode (horizontal tabs across the top of the window), click on the object to animate.
The keyframes will appear.
If the object is not selected, the keyframes disappear.
Just leaving this here so that nobody spends 30 minutes trying to work this out, like i just did.
thanks again in advance for any time spent helping me.
Thankfully, I have been able to import TMX to libgdx game without much of a problem, however this is now the first time of using Object Layer, for which at this moment in time I only want to include Platforms as the object (ie. I have 1x Tile Layer showing my background image and 1x Object Layer above). Now I've seen that I can just draw lines and/or boxes, circles etc to create 'zones' which I can pull into my code (goodness only knows how atm but I'll figure that later/soon )
But I see in Tiled that the button - Insert Tile (T) - exists.
I'm trying to use it but when the tile im using as a platform is placed it goes exactly where the mouse is pressed and I can't move it other than delete it. I'd just like to copy-paste a whole row of them for now and Level1 can just be 50 tiles in a flat line just so I can get it all working. It seems weird to me that Tiled can't do this but Ive spent ages looking for a way and can't find it.
Am I missing something or is this just not possible? And if the latter, how does an experienced tiled user (who's making a 2d platformer) go about creating such a simple example above in the Tiled environment?
What a noob - I answered my own question. The option I needed was in the 'View' dropdown menu -> 'Snap To grid' LOL
Now I could be wrong about this but after testing it all day, I have discovered...
When adding a widget and setting the z-index, the value "0" seems to be the magic depth.
If a widget's Z is at 0, it will be drawn on top of everything that's not at 0, Z wise.
It doesn't matter if a widget has a z-index of 99, -999, 10, -2 or what ever... It will not appear on top of a widget who's z-index is set to 0.
It gets more strange though...
Any index less than -2 or greater than 2 seems to create an "index out of range" error. Funny thing is...when I was working with a background and sprite widget, the background's Z was set to 999 and no errors. When I added another sprite widget, that's when the -2 to 2 z-index limitation appeared.
Yeah I know...sounds whacked!
My question is, am I right about "0" being the magic Z value?
If so, creating a simple 23D effect like making a sprite move being a big rock will take some unwanted code.
Since you can only set Z when adding,a widget, one must remove and immediately add back, with the new Z value...a widget.
You'll have to do this with the moving sprite and the overlapping object in question. Hell, I already have that code practically written but I want to find out from Kivy pros, is there a way to set z-index without removing and adding a widget.
If not, I'll have to settle for the painful way.
My version of Kivy is 1.9.0
What do you mean by z-order? Drawing order is determined entirely by order of widgets being added to the parent, and the index argument to add_widget is just a list index at which the widget will be inserted. The correct way to change drawing order amongs widgets is to remove and add them (actually you can mess with the canvases manually but this is the same thing just lower level, and not a better idea).
I found a working solution using basic logic based on the fact widgets have to be removed and added again in order to control depth/draw order.
I knew the Main Character widget had to be removed along with the object in question...so I created a Main Character Parent widget, which defines and control the Main Character, apart from its Graphic widget.
My test involves the Main Character walking in front of a large rock, then behind it...creating a 23D effect.
I simply used the "y-" theory along with widget attach and detach code to create the desired effect.
The only thing that caught me off guard was the fact my Graphic widget for my Actor was loading textures. That was a big no no because the fps died.
Simple fix, moved the texture loading to the Main Character Parent widget and the loading is done once for all-time.
PS, if anyone knows how to hide the scrollbars and wish to share that knowledge, it'll be much appreciated. I haven't looked for an API solution for it yet but I will soon.
Right now I'm just trying to make sure I can do the basic operations necessary for creating a commercial 23D game (handhelds).
I'm a graphic artist and web developer so coming up with lovely visuals won't be an issue. I'm more concerned with what'll be "under the hood" so to say. Hopefully enough, lol.
I have a queston about movment of object in app (game) I am creating. I tried move ImageView with timer. So every 0.01 second object move for 1px. But movement is not smooth. So i also tried with animations. But there is problem, that if I close app and run it again (app was stil opened in background), there are problems, that picture of View stays on the end of animation. And also I want to check every 0.01 second if moving object and my character did colide, so animation is not the best option. Is there a way to move my object smooth with local time on phone? Or there is some other way to move object?
It sounds like you're not using SpriteKit or any game engine for that matter. Any game engine will come with an update loop that does all of this.
You can learn about SpriteKit here... http://www.raywenderlich.com/42699/spritekit-tutorial-for-beginners
I am new to surface programming and stumbled upon this Image which I understand is a slider control on a tag visualization (in this case a card). This slider is
curved as opposed to conventional straight track
has a bigger thumb which displays the current position (thus eliminating the need of a separate label)
has a glowing feel (I understand this is due to overlapping controls with different blur radius)
Can anyone help with how to make such control.
This is a custom-built control rather than a standard SurfaceSlider. It's not build using TagVisualizer either but that's only because the app that this picture shows was built ~2 years prior to TagVisualizer existing.
Now you should certainly use TagVisualizer to streamline an implementation of this but you'll still have to create a custom slider control - SurfaceSlider will not be a good fit because it assumes that the user is moving their finger linearly.
Within your custom arching slider control, you can use SurfaceThumb (which SurfaceSlider itself uses) to get the big glowing thumb... then just needs to listen to the Delta events on the thumb and move it along the constrained path as appropriate.