rails polymorphic nested comments - cant delete them - ruby-on-rails-3

here my git https://gist.github.com/774510
the problem is if I'm using method:destroy in the _comments.html.erb I get sent to articles/1/comments, where no route matches, furthermore the comment doesn't get deleted
if I use method:delete, I get routed to the right page articles/1, but instead of deleting the comment, my app creates a new one :/

I believe you need to tell rails that the comment is nested under articles OR just delete the comment in the comments controller:
# routes.rb
resources :articles do
resources :comments
# _comments.html.erb
<%= link_to 'delete' comment, :method => :delete %>


Controller can't see def new/create for rails 3.2.8 engine

We are testing a customerx engine under spec/dummy. Index page of the engine customerx can be displayed without any error. Here is the link:
<li><%= link_to 'Customers', customerx.customer_status_categories_path %></li>
However there is routing error uninitialized constant CustomerStatusCategoriesController for new customer link as below:
<li><%= link_to 'New Customer', customerx.new_customer_status_category_path %></li>
The rake routes does show the right new customer route:
Routes for Customerx::Engine:
customer_status_categories_index GET /customer_status_categories/index(.:format) customer_status_categories#index
customer_status_categories_new GET /customer_status_categories/new(.:format) customer_status_categories#new
customer_status_categories_create GET /customer_status_categories/create(.:format) customer_status_categories#create
customer_status_categories_edit GET /customer_status_categories/edit(.:format) customer_status_categories#edit
customer_status_categories_update GET /customer_status_categories/update(.:format) customer_status_categories#update
customer_status_categories GET /customer_status_categories(.:format) customerx/customer_status_categories#index
POST /customer_status_categories(.:format) customerx/customer_status_categories#create
new_customer_status_category GET /customer_status_categories/new(.:format) customerx/customer_status_categories#new
edit_customer_status_category GET /customer_status_categories/:id/edit(.:format) customerx/customer_status_categories#edit
customer_status_category PUT /customer_status_categories/:id(.:format) customerx/customer_status_categories#update
In routes.rb for engine customerx, the resources is declared as:
resources :customer_status_categories, :only => [:index, :new, :create, :edit, :update]
There is no routing error with edit/index. The rspec cases for new/create all passes. The problem seems that the action for new is not found (the error is the same after deleting def of new and create).
What could be wrong in code causing the error? Thanks for help.
The problem was solved by commenting out get "customer_status_categories/new" in routes.rb for engine customerx:
Customerx::Engine.routes.draw do
get "customer_status_categories/index"
#get "customer_status_categories/new"
get "customer_status_categories/create"
get "customer_status_categories/edit"
get "customer_status_categories/update"
resources :customer_status_categories
root :to => 'customer_status_categories#index'
The get ...new in routes.rb was inserted by rails generate automatically when creating new controller. We don't know why this line causes uninitialized constant error (but not on others such as index and edit). Can Someone shed the light on the cause of the issue?

nested resources and parameters to form_for

I'm currently reading Beginning Rails 3. The tutorial creates a blog. There Users can post Articles as well as Comments to the Articles. An Article has_many Comments and a Comment belongs_to an Article. Inside routes.rb we have:
resources :articles do
resources :comments
Now in the 'comments/new.html.erb' file the first line looks like this:
<%= form_for([#article, #article.comments.new]) do |f| %>
Can someone explain to me why two parameters are needed in the array? What is the second parameter's relationship with a form and especially why is a new instance of a comment being created?
This is the syntax for nested routes. You're creating a new comments object to hold the input from the user. See here for the full explanation.

Rails 3 create new child for a specific parent

Hey all! Just joined up on stack overflow, as it has been a helpful resource while starting to learn about Ruby on Rails 3.
I can't seem to find one particular answer though, and maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree for all I know, but hopefully you folks can sort me out here. First some info on what I'm working with:
- In my web app I have 2 models: Projects and Tasks in a one-to-many relationship.
- Projects has many Tasks, and Tasks belong to Project
- Tasks IS NOT a nested resource, as users need to be able to see all current tasks, regardless of which project they are for.
- routes.rb therefore looks like this right now:
resources :projects
resources :tasks
In the project show view I display a list of tasks associated with that project. below that there is a link_to for creating a new task that looks like <%= link_to 'New Task', new_task_path, :class => "new-btn" %>. The link_to takes user to the new view for creating a new task. The rendered _form view starts with: <%= form_for(#task) do |f| %>.
Now, I think I need to pass the project id from the project show view, to the new task view: but, this is where I am getting lost and possibly, a bit mixed up.
Could someone please point me in the right direction: maybe to a resource outlining all steps involved in doing this, or maybe even provide an outline of the steps involved in the process here.
Many thanks!
You may create nested routes and still be able to show all tasks regardless of the project. Just make sure you have task resource defined later, like
resources :projects do |p|
resources :tasks
resources :tasks
Now in projects index or show view you can create link like
link_to 'New Task', new_project_task_path(project)
The task index view may be a little bit tricky. All depends on how you sort these tasks. If, for example, you show them sorted by project then you can create a link like
link_to 'New Task', new_project_task_path(task.project)
As for forms. In new action you have to get the id from params and put it into task object
if (params[:project_id])
#task.project_id = params[:project_id]
In form view you may create hidden field that will save this value
f.hidden :project_id
This will make it work, but you will not be able to go to the new task without providing project. Better solution it would be to create a select field with all projects. To accomplish that you should do the following:
in models/project.rb
def getProjectsList
projects = Project.all
projects.map do |p|
[project.name, project_id]
in controllers/application_controller.rb
def find_projects
#projects = Project.new.getProjectsList
in controllers/tasks_controller.rb at the begining
before_filter :find_projects, :only => [:new, :edit, :update, :create]
in views/tasks/_form
f.select :project_id, #projects
This way you can always select project and in case there is one given in params it will be already selected
If current_user returns User object then you should be able to call
to get all user's projects.
Defining a relation between user and task may be working (though I am not sure this one).
has_many :projects
has_many :tasks, :through => :projects
In this case simply
should return user's tasks
There are many ways to do it. An easy one may be to add a parameter to you link and use it in the controller:
In your view:
<%= link_to 'New Task', new_task_path(:project_id => #project.id), :class => "new-btn" %>
In your tasks controller:
def new
#task = Task.new(:project_id => params[:project_id])
One way to pass the project ID from the project page to the New Task page is to add it to the query string on your url. Example HTML would look like this:
New Task
To get Rails to generate that HTML, you can do this in your ERB:
<%= link_to 'New Task', new_task_path(:project_id=>#project.id), :class => "new-btn" %>
Next, you need to pass the project ID from New Task page to the action that actually creates the Task. One way to do that would be to make a hidden input inside your form that contains the project ID so that it will be passed along with the other parameters when the form is submitted. The HTML would look like:
<input type="hidden" name="project_id" value="<%= params[:project_id] %>" />
To do this the Rails way, you can set the project ID in the new task action in the TasksController:
#task.project_id = params[:project_id]
and then do something like this in your view inside the form_for block (I'm not 100% sure on the syntax):
<%= f.hidden_field(:project_id) %>
Wow! Thanks for all the great info guys! I definitely learned a few neat tricks going through this.
Here is what I have working now:
resources :projects do |p|
resources :tasks
resources :tasks
I'm really happy to learn that that part is possible. Now I can enjoy the benefits of nested resource, but use the original non-nested routes for tasks, as well.
the link_to in show project view
<%= link_to 'New Task', new_project_task_path(#project), :class => "new-btn" %>
tasks_controller.rb new action
if (params[:project_id])
#task.project_id = params[:project_id]
new task form hidden field
<%= f.hidden_field :project_id %>
That all works great for adding new tasks to projects: but, showing a list of all tasks, related to all projects, that are related to the current user was a little bit trickier, and I wonder if there might be a better way than what I came up with:
tasks_controller.rb in the index action
#projects = Project.find_all_by_user_id(current_user)
#tasks = Array.new
#projects.each do |p|
p.tasks.each do |t|
#tasks << t
I'm using the "devise" and "cancan" gems for user management(both have been great!). The "current_user" above is simply what you would expect: the currently logged in user. Is this a reasonable solution, or is there a better way of getting all tasks for a user?
Just in case:
User has_many Projects, and Project has_many Tasks

Rails 3 how to add a custom method to controller

I'm using the http://guides.rubyonrails.org/getting_started.html as an example to help me create my own application. I create the blog and comments modules just fine. When I add a method to the comments or blog controllers I cannot get a link_to action to work calling the new function. Everything points to a problem in the routes.rb but I've tried all the new syntax I've seen and nothing is working for me.
What I'm trying to do is create a simple execute method in the controller to run a ruby script and save the output to the database. Everything works according to the tutorial but when I try to extend the comment controller with a custom function called execute I cant get that to run.
comments_controller.rb #Same as destroy
def execute
#post = Post.find(params[:post_id])
#comment = #post.comments.find(params[:id])
redirect_to post_path(#post)
<%= link_to 'Execute Comment', [comment.post, comment],
:method => :execute %>
resources :posts do
resources :comments do
get :execute, :on => :member
rake routes |grep execute
execute_post_comment GET /posts/:post_id/comments/:id/execute(.:format) {:action=>"execute", :controller=>"comments"}
Error when I click Execute comment link:
No route matches "/posts/3/comments/6"
run rake routes and see if there are any routes pointing to your controller action. If not you'll need to create one either as a "member action" or with a match rule.
If you do see the route, you can name it by passing an :as => route_name parameter to the routing rule. Doing so will enable the route_name_path() and route_name_url() helpers for your link_to
RailsCasts has a good quick rundown of the rails 3 routing syntax here
based on the code examples, try this :
<%= link_to 'Execute Comment', execute_post_comment_path(comment.post, comment) %>
According to the docs here the :method option can only contain valid http verbs (get, put, post, delete). The link_to helper can't puzzle out which action you want to hit with a custom member action, so you have to use the named route as above.

Does anybody have any tips for managing polymorphic nested resources in Rails 3?

In config/routes.rb:
resources :posts do
resources :comments
resources :pictures do
resources :comments
I would like to allow for more things to be commented on as well.
I'm currently using mongoid (mongomapper isn't as compatible with Rails 3 yet as I would like), and comments are an embedded resource (mongoid can't yet handle polymorphic relational resources), which means that I do need the parent resource in order to find the comment.
Are there any elegant ways to handle some of the following problems:
In my controller, I need to find the parent before finding the comment:
if params[:post_id]
parent = Post.find(params[:post_id]
else if params[:picture_id]
parent = Picture.find(params[:picture_id]
which is going to get messy if I start adding more things to be commentable.
Also url_for([comment.parent, comment]) doesn't work, so I'm going to have to define something in my Comment model, but I think I'm also going to need to define an index route in the Comment model as well as potentially an edit and new route definition.
There might be more issues that I have to deal with as I get further.
I can't imagine I'm the first person to try and solve this problem, are there any solutions out there to make this more manageable?
I had to do something similar in an app of mine. I took what I came up with and changed it around a bit, but I haven't tested it, so use with care. It's not pretty, but it's better than anything else I was able to think of.
In routes.rb:
resources :posts, :pictures
controller :comments do
get '*path/edit' => :edit, :as => :edit_comment
get '*path' => :show, :as => :comment
# etc. The order of these is important. If #show came first, it would direct /edit to #show and simply tack on '/edit' to the path param.
In comment.rb:
embedded_in :commentable, :inverse_of => :comments
def to_param
[commentable.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize, commentable.id, 'comments', id].join '/'
In a before filter in comments_controller.rb:
parent_type, parent_id, scrap, id = params[:path].split '/'
# Security: Make sure people can't just pass in whatever models they feel like
raise "Uh-oh!" unless %w(posts pictures).include? parent_type
#parent = parent_type.singularize.capitalize.constantize.find(parent_id)
#comment = #parent.comments.find(id)
Ok, ugliness over. Now you can add comments to whatever models you want, and simply do:
edit_comment_path #comment
url_for #comment
redirect_to #comment
And so on.
Edit: I didn't implement any other paths in my own app, because all I needed was edit and update, but I'd imagine they'd look something like:
controller :comments do
get '*path/edit' => :edit, :as => :edit_comment
get '*path' => :show, :as => :comment
put '*path' => :update
delete '*path' => :destroy
The other actions will be trickier. You'll probably need to do something like:
get ':parent_type/:parent_id/comments' => :index, :as => :comments
post ':parent_type/:parent_id/comments' => :create
get ':parent_type/:parent_id/comments/new' => :new, :as => :new_comment
You'd then access the parent model in the controller using params[:parent_type] and params[:parent_id]. You'd also need to pass the proper parameters to the url helpers:
comments_path('pictures', 7)
Ryan Bates covered polymorphic associations in Railscasts #154, but the example was for Rails 2 and Active Record. I managed to get his example working using Rails 3 and Mongoid by making a few changes.
In the Post and Picture models, add the following line:
embeds_many :comments, :as => :commentable
According to the Mongoid associations documentation, all embedded_in associations are polymorphic. You don't need the commentable_id and commentable_type columns mentioned in the Railscast when using Mongoid, because the comment is a child of the commentable. In the Comment model, add the following line:
embedded_in :commentable, :inverse_of => :comment
Setup the routes in config/routes.rb like this:
resources posts do
resources comments
resources pictures do
resources comments
Add the following method to your comments controller as a private method. This is identical to Ryan's method:
def find_commentable
params.each do |name, value|
if name =~ /(.+)_id$/
return $1.classify.constantize.find(value)
In each of your comments controller actions where you need to find the comment, call the find_commentable method first to get the parent. Once the parent has been found, you can find the comment by ID, by searching through the commentable's comments. For example, in the edit action the code to find the comment would look like this:
#commentable = find_commentable
#comment = #commentable.comments.find(params[:id])
To reduce the repetition of calling find_commentable at the start of every action, you could put a before filter at the top of the controller like this:
class CommentsController < ApplicationController
before_filter :find_commentable
And then change the return call in the find_commentable method to:
return #commentable = $1.classify.constantize.find(value)
I haven't encountered any problems using this method, but if you come across any issues please point them out.
Drawing on Uriptical's answer, I found the relationships to work but named routes still did not.
I'm still pretty new at rails 3 but I found a simple solution using eval.
For instance, in my project, the polymorphic parents (represented in my app as the mongoid objects Product and Category) are defined as #imagable using a modification of find_comentable and the child being edited is referred to as #image.
a url such as product_image_path(#imagable, #image) which does
GET => products/:product_id/images/ can be replaced with:
send("#{#imagable.class.name.downcase}_image_url", #imagable, image )
This works for all named paths. For instance:
link_to 'Edit', send("edit_#{#imagable.class.name.downcase}_image_path", #imagable, image )
link_to 'Destroy', send("#{#imagable.class.name.downcase}_image_url", #imagable, image), :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete
The downside to this is it leaves sends all over your views and in controllers wherever you have redirects.
Is there a more elegant solution to do this via routes?
*replaced eval with send