How to manipulate TEXT, NTEXT data from sql server trigger - sql-server-2005

i hard that TEXT, NTEXT data can not be manipulated from sql server trigger. is it true. if not then please explain how could i manipulate TEXT, NTEXT data from sql server trigger.

Don't use text or ntext. Use nvarchar(max) or varchar(max)
Harsh, but they have been deprecated for a reason...
Edit, just remembered. You may be able to use INSTEAD OF triggers


Storing 30k-char strings, should I use NVARCHAR(max)?

From what I fond on internet, I should be using NVARCHAR(max) to store some strings that contain up to 30k characters. I don't need to search through the strings, only store and retrieve it. The type TEXT seems obsolete, and VARCHAR isn't as friendly as NVARCHAR about Unicode, so I should be using NVARCHAR(max), right ?
Secondly, for now I'm using some sql database of a free webhosting service, i'm creating the structure via the phpmyadmin, and when creating columns it doesn't suggest NVARCHAR, only VARCHAR and other types. Is NVARCHAR still available, maybe with a DDL command ? The sql version is 5.5.32
Thanks and sorry if my questions are unclear, i'm kind of a newb

SQL: Alternative to text and ntext data type?

I'm currently designing a MS SQL table for use in a project. The problem I'm currently facing is that the data types of "Transact SQL " are pointing to the deprecation of the types "text" and "ntext", which I always used for big texts.
Char, nchar, varchar and nvarchar may only be 8000 bytes big, this just isn't enough for a user input text, e. g. if he's writing a big article.
Is there any alternative to the obsolete data type text/ntext?
Using nvarchar(MAX) will allow you to store up to 2 GB of data. The same goes for varchar(MAX) too.
varchar(MAX) and nvarchar(MAX). Try 'em; you'll like 'em.
If you finished reading the paragraph on the MSDN page you linked, which explained that they were being removed, you would have found your answer:
ntext , text, and image data types will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using these data types in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use them. Use nvarchar(max), varchar(max), and varbinary(max) instead.
If you're using SQL 2005+, you could use n / varchar(max) instead. nvarchar will use unicode, and varchar will use ascii. If this is used to store blog text, then I would go with nvarchar(max)

Use varbinary(max) to store HTML? SQL Server 2008

I am trying to figureout the best solution to store html data in some of my tables and track the history of changes made to that HTML. I read that text, ntext, etc are no longer supported for AFTER Triggers so I was thinking of using the varbinary(max) instead. Has anyone used varbinary to store HTML? I was planning on tracking the changes using a trigger to write off the history when the HTML is updated.
As always I greatly appreciate the input....the feedback I get is always great.
using varchar(max) would be more logical - it is made for textual data and you can us string processing functions with it.
Why not varchar(max) or nvarchar(max) instead?

SQL converting nvchar to ntext

What I have is a staging table that is all nvarchar (so i can load it easily). In my live table i have a bunch of ntext items. I have the following:
obviously this isnt the whole query:
[AARIssue] = convert(ntext, st.[AARIssue]),
[AttachmentIDs] = convert (ntext, st.[AttachmentIDs])
I get this error returned:
types ntext and nvarchar are incompatible in the equal to operator.
ANy idea how to fix this?
Do you want to replace the text or add to it?
INthe first case you don't need to convert at all, just set the filed to the value of the filed inthe other table. INthe second case you need to use UPDATE text.
However, you have a problem in that ntext is deprecated, you should consider converting these fields to nvarchar(max) as soon as possible unless you are still running SQL Server 2000.
Is this a repeat of this: How to update a text or ntext field in SQL Server 2000
The live table should use UPDATETEXT?

Data Type Mapping

I need to store XML data to database(MS SQL Server). The data type defined in the column is text.
I need to know the the equalent datatype for text. I have tried with adLongVarChar but it does not works. Also I tried with adLongVarWChar(nText). But both are not working.
Need help.
In case your are using SQL Server 2005 or higher then you might prefer going for the XML data type. Read more of it here
Also going forward avoid using ntext and text data types as they would be removed from future versions of SQL Server. Instead go for nvarchar(max) or varchar(max). Read on this here
TSQL datatype for a string is varchar or nvarchar (unicode). To specify the length of the string, varchar(50).
Also note there is an XML datatype in SS 2008 (2005?).