A function that will convert input string to the actual object - vb.net

I am unsure how to describe what I am looking for, so hopefully the situation will make it somewhat clear.
I have an object with a number of properties (let's say object.one, object.two, object.three). There are about 30 of these properties and they all hold a string ("Pass" or "Fail").
Right now the existing code checks whether the property has value "Pass" or "Fail" and then runs some code that prints stuff out. That is, the same snippet of code is duplicated 30 times, one for each of these properties.
The code looks something like this
If (object.one = ... )
End if
If (object.two = ... )
End if
If (object.three = ... )
End if
I want to use a loop to clean this mess up (each block is huge), but am not sure how to do it. I was thinking perhaps there was a way such that I might be able to construct a string like "object.one" and run some function that will tell the compiler that this is actually an object's property?
That way I could create an array containing the object's name like my array = {"object.one", "object.two", "object.three"} and then do something like, in pseudocode
For each string in my array
If (some_function(string) = ...)
End If
Essentially, it would take those massive blocks of duplicated code and reduce it to just one block. Is there such a some_function that I am looking for?
This is in VB.net.

I'm not sure i've understand but you can use reflection and get object properties runtime ?
With reflection you can access public object properties, use PropertyFiled.GetValue() to get one, two, etc. and build an array (i suppose that one, two, etc are object Properties, true?)
Here you can find more information: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.reflection.aspx
Sorry for my bad english, i'm italian.

You seem to be describing serialization, which is the act of converting object state to a format that can be stored/transmitted and deserialization, which is the opposite.
The .NET framework has several different serializers that can work with text - either XML or JSON - the DataContractSerializer for XML and the DataContractJsonSerizlizer for JSON amongst them.


Design patterns on initializing an object?

What's the recommended way to handle an object that may not be fully initialized?
e.g. taking the following code (off the top of my head in ruby):
class News
attr_accessor :number
def initialize(site)
#site = site
def setup(number)
#number = number
def list
puts news_items(#site, #number)
Clearly if I do something like:
news = News.new("siteA")
I'm going to run into problems. I'd need to do news.setup(3) before news.list.
But, are there any design patterns around this that I should be aware of?
Should I be creating default values? Or using fixed numbers of arguments to ensure objects are correctly initialized?
Or am I simply worrying too much about the small stuff here.
Should I be creating default values?
Does it make sense to set a default? If so this is a perfectly valid approach IMHO
Or using fixed numbers of arguments to ensure objects are correctly initialized?
You should ensure that your objects cannot be constructed in an invalid state, this will make your's and other users of your code much simpler.
in your example not initializing number in some way is a problem, and this method is an example of temporal coupling. You should avoid this, and the two ways you suggested are ways to do this. Alternatively you can have another object or static method responsible for building your object in a valid state instead
If you do have an object which in not fully initialised then any invalid methods should produce appropriate and descriptive exceptions which let the users know that they are using the code incorrectly, and gives examples of the correct usage patterns.
In c# InvalidStateException is usually appropriate and similar exceptions exist in Java. Ruby is beyond my pay grade unfortunately :)

A list of modules or classes ( in VB 2010 Express)

I have a set of modules, e.g., itemOne, itemTwo, ... , itemTen, which have similar methods and sub-classes within themselves. I have used "Delegate" and "Enum" to keep track of these methods, and have a systematic way of calling them in a for loop. HOWEVER, I am not sure how to make a collection or array of the modules, with the goal of being able to loop through them.
End goal below, in pseudo code
For Num = One to Ten
With item<Num> % This could be itemOne, or itemTwo, etc. I do NOT know how to do this
% Call function with the help of for loops. I know how to do this
End With
End For
It would help if there is a way to use a array of strings, and execute them as code during runtime. Something like -- Call String2Code("ItemOne").Something.SomeMethod(), where SomeMethod is a subroutine.
It doesn't necessarily have to be a String2Code type of implementation. In general, I am looking for a way to keep track of an array of "delegates to modules". Of course, "Delegate" only works for Sub/Function in VB, and I have been unable to find a technique to handle modules in a similar fashion. If the address pointers of these modules are stored in an array, I should be able to loop through them.
I will be grateful for any advice. Thank you.
In retrospect this might be simpler. You should be making them classes in my opinion not modules...
Please note that I have used One, Two, and Three below to represent an object of your different types.
Dim col as List(Of Object)
For i as integer = 0 to col.Count -1
If typeof col(i) is [ModuleType1] Then
CTYPE(col(i), ModuleType1).SubClass.Method()
Else If TypeOf col(i) is ModuleType2 Then
CTYPE(col(i), ModuleType2.SubClass2.Method2()
End If
Optionally, you can just make col an array of Objects.
Dim col() as Object = {One, Two, Three}
Ideally you would avoid using Object and instead all of your modules would use inheritance to group like methods together. They instead of Object you could use the ParentObject which would maintain the like functionality instead of casting all of the time.
Is this clear as mud?

How do I set up Protobuf for my VB.net application?

So, this may seem very elementary for you guys but I am officially stumped. I am trying to save some data in my application to a file using protobuf (suggested to me by some peers) but I can't seem to find any documentation for it and what I can find always gives me some weird error. I have an array declared as follows:
Private Terrain(,,) As TiledTerrain
The TiledTerrain class looks like this:
Public Class TiledTerrain
Public X As Integer
Public Y As Integer
Public Texture_X As Integer
Public Texture_Y As Integer
End Class
Pretty dog-on simple right? Well, I can't seem to figure out how to save my Terrain array to a file using Protobuf?
The Terrain array is just a simple 3 dimensional array (about 100x100x2). Each cell of the array may or may not actually contain a value (TiledTerrain) and if it doesn't it will contain "Nothing".
Can anybody explain to me in full on how I should go about doing this? I've currently referenced protobuf-net.dll and protobuf-net.Extensions.dll because I don't really know which to use...
Thanks for any help!
-A Moron Among Geniuses :)
first read Getting Started which describes the simplest scenario, using attributes. VB has slightly different syntax for attributes, which you are probably more familiar with than me - but the concept is the same.
There are alternatives, note:
in v2 the model can be configured entirey at runtime if you want, without the need for any attributes
if the type looks like an obvious "tuple" (including, importantly, a constructor that takes a parameter that matches every public member), it will use the constructor order to infer a contract
There is a problem though; protobuf-net does not currently support multi-dimensional arrays. It can of course be added, but as with all features: it doesn't exist until it gets written. The reason this isn't supported directly is that the underlying protobuf specification (by Google) does not support this. It would work if flattened into a vector (1-dimensional zero-based array). If you want help with an example, let me know.

Proto-buf serialization with Obfuscation

I am looking for some guidance as to what is going on when using proto-buf net with obfuscation (Dotfuscator). One half of the project is a DLL and the other is an EXE elsewhere and using proto-buf NET they exchange data flawlessly. Until I obfuscate the DLL.
At that point P-BN fails without raising an exception, returning variously a 0 length byte array or a foreshortened one depending on what I have fiddled with. The class is fairly simple (VB):
<ProtoContract(Name:="DMailer")> _
Friend Class DMailer
Private _Lic As Cert
Private _Sys As Sys
Private _LList As List(Of LItem)
End Class
There are 3 props all decorated with ProtoMember to get/set the constituent class objects. Snipped for brevity.
Again, it works GREAT until I obfuscate the DLL. Then, Dotfuscator renames each of these to null, apparently since they are all Friend, and that seems to choke proto-buff. If I exempt the class from renaming (just the class name, not props/members), it seems to work again. It makes sense that P-BN would only be able to act on objects with a proper name, though when asked to serialize a null named object, it seems like an exception might be in order.
On the other hand, much of the charm of PB-N is supposed to be serialization independent of .NET names working from attributes - at least as I understand it. Yet in this case it only seems to work with classes with names. I tried using the Name qualifier or argument as shown above, to no avail - it apparently doesnt do what I thought it might.
So, I am curious if:
a) ...I have basically surmised the problem correctly
b) ...There is some other attribute or flag that might facilitate serializing
a null named object
c) ...if there are any other insights that would help.
If I exempt all 3 or 4 classes from Dotfuscator renaming (LList is not actually implemented yet, leaving DMailer, Cert and Sys), the DLL seems to work again - at least the output is the correct size. I can live with that, though obscured names would be better: Dotfuscator (CE) either exempts them or sets the names to Null - I cant seem to find a way to force them to be renamed.
Rather than exempt 3 or 4 classes from renaming, one alternative I am considering is to simply store the Serializer output for Cert and Sys as byte arrays or Base64 strings in DMailer instead of classes. Then have the receiver Deserialize each object individually. It is kind of nice to be able to unpack just one thing and have your toys right there as if by magic though.
Interesting. I confess I have never tried this scenario, but if you can walk me through your process (or better: maybe provide a basic repro example with "run this, then this, then this: boom") I'll happily investigate.
Note: the Name on ProtoContract is mainly intended for GetProto() usage; it is not needed by the core serializer, and can be omitted to reduce your exposure. Also, protobuf-net isn't interested in fields unless those fields are decorated with the attributes, so that shouldn't be an issue.
However! there's probably a workaround here that should work now; you can pre-generate a static serialization dll; for example in a separate console exe (just as a tool; I really need to wrap this in a standalone utility!)
So if you create a console exe that references your unobfuscated library and protobuf-net.dll:
var model = RuntimeTypeModel.Create();
model.Add(typeof(DMailer), true); // true means "use the attributes etc"
// and other types needed, etc
model.Compile("MailSerializer", "MailSerializer.dll");
this should write MailSerializer.dll, which you can then reference from your main code (in addition to protobuf-net), and use:
var ser = new MailSerializer(); // our pre-genereated serializer
ser.Serialize(...); // etc
Then include MailSerializer.dll in your obfuscation payload.
(this is all v2 specific, btw)
If this doesn't work, I'll need to investigate the main issue, but I'm not an obfuscation expert so could do with your repro steps.
Since there were a few upticks of interest, here is what looks like will work:
a) No form of reflection will be able to get the list of properties for an obfuscated type.
I tried walking thru all the types to find the ones with ProtoContract on it, I could find them
but the property names are all changed to a,m, b, j, g.
I also tried Me.GetType.GetProperties with the same result.
You could implement a map from the output to indicate that Employee.FirstName is now a0.j, but distributing this defeats the purpose of obfuscation.
b) What does work to a degree is to exempt the class NAME from obfuscation. Since PB-N looks for the ProtoMember attributes to get the data, you CAN obfuscate the Property/Member names, just not the CLASS/type name. If the name is something like FederalReserveLogIn, your class/type has a bullseye on it.
I have had initial success doing the following:
1) Build a simple class to store a Property Token and value. Store everything as string using ConvertFromInvariantString. Taking a tip from PBN, I used an integer for the token:
Property Foo As String
An enum helps tie everything together later. Store these in a Dictionary(Of T, NameValuePair)
2) add some accessors. these can perform the type conversions for you:
Public Sub Add(ByVal Key As T, ByVal value As Object)
If _col.ContainsKey(Key) Then
End If
_col.Add(Key, New TValue(value))
End Sub
Public Function GetTItem(Of TT)(key As T) As TT
If _col.ContainsKey(key) Then
Return CType(_col(key).TValue, TT)
Return Nothing
End If
End Function
T is whatever key type you wish to use. Integer results in the smallest output and still allows the subscribing code to use an Enum. But it could be String.
TT is the original type:
myFoo = props.GetTItem(Of Long)(propsEnum.Foo)
3) Expose the innerlist (dictionary) to PBN and bingo, all done.
Its also very easy to add converters for Point, Rectangle, Font, Size, Color and even bitmap.

Newbie question: how do I create a class to hold data in Visual Basic Studio?

I'm really sorry. This must seem like an incredibly stupid question, but unless I ask I'll never figure it out. I'm trying to write a program to read in a csv file in Visual Basic (tried and gave up on C#) and I asked a friend of mine who is much better at programming than I am. He said I should create a class to hold the data that I read in.
The problem is, I've never created a class before, not in VB, Java, or anything. I know all the terms associated with classes, I understand at a high level how classes work no problem. But I suck at the actual details of making one.
So here's what I did:
Public Class TsvData
Property fullDataSet() As Array
Return ?????
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Array)
End Set
End Property
End Class
I got as far as the question marks and I'm stuck.
The class is going to hold a lot of data, so I made it an array. That could be a bad move. I don't know. All i know is that it can't be a String and it certainly can't be an Integer or a Float.
As for the Getter and Setter, the reason I put the question marks in is because I want to return the whole array there. The class will eventually have other properties which are basically permutations of the same data, but this is the full set that I will use when I want to save it out or something. Now I want to return the whole Array, but typing "Return fullDataSet()" doesn't seem like a good idea. I mean, the name of the property is "fullDataSet()." It will just make some kind of loop. But there is no other data to return.
Should I Dim yet another array inside the property, which already is an array, and return that instead?
Instead of writing your own class, you could get yourself familiar with the pre-defined class System.Data.DataTable and then use that for holding CSV data.
In the last few years that I've been programming, I've never actually used a multi-dimensional array, and I'd advise you not to use them, either. There's usually ways of achieving the same with a better data structure. For example, consider creating a class (let's call it CsvRecord) that holds only one record; that is, only one line from the CSV file. Then use any of the standard collection types from the System.Collections.Generic namespace (e.g. List(Of CsvRecord)) to hold the entire data (ie. all lines) in the CSV file. This effectively reduces the problem to, "How do I read in one line of CSV data?"
If you want to take suggestion #2 even further, do as cHao says and don't simply lay out the information you've read as a CsvRecord; instead, create an object that reflects the actual content. For example, if your CSV file contains product–price information, call your CSV record class ProductInfo or something more fitting.
If, however, you want to go on with your current approach, you will need a backing field for the property, as demonstrated by Philipp's answer. Your property then becomes a "façade" that only delegates to this backing field. This is not absolutely necessary: You could simply make the backing field Public and let the user of your class access it directly, though that is not considered a good practice.
Ideally, you ought to have a class representing the specific data you want to read in. Setting an entire array at once is asking for trouble; some programs that read {C,T}SV files will freak out if all rows don't have the same number of columns, which is exceedingly easy to do if you can set the data to be an array of arbitrary length.
If you're trying to represent arbitrary data, frankly, you'd do just as well to use a List(Of String). If it's meant to be a table, you could instead read in the first line and make it a list as above (let's call it "headers"), and then make each row a Dictionary(Of String, String). (Let's call each row "row", and the collection (a list of these dictionary objects) "rows".) Just read in the line, split it like you did the first, and say something like row(headers(column number)) = value for each column, and then stuff it into 'rows'.
Or, you could use the data classes (System.Data.DataTable and System.Data.DataSet would do wonders here).
Usually you use a private member to store the actual data:
Public Class TsvData
Private _fullDataSet As String()
Public Property FullDataSet() As String()
Return _fullDataSet
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String())
_fullDataSet = value
End Set
End Property
Note that this is an instance of bad design since it couples a concept to a concrete representation and allows the clients of the class to modify the internals without any error checking. Returning a ReadOnlyCollection or some dedicated container would be better.