Is NHibernate LINQ stable and do all NHibernate bolt on projects allow it - nhibernate

I have been a long time user of Subsonic due to its ease of use and LINQ integration.
I now have to use something else because I need to be able to use Oracle.
I have 2 databases with the same schema therefore I want to have 1 set of POCO's and then change a connection string to switch between SQL & Oracle depending on the requirements.
Is this possible firstly, is LINQ fully functioning and stable in NHibernate and do Castle ActiveRecord and Fluent Hibernate allow the LINQ querying?

It is stable.
It is not fully functioning, and it is not planned to be fully functioning. I don't think there exists linq providers supporting 100% everything. The question should be: "Is it fully function for the queries you need to execute?" (The answer to that question would be yes in 99% of the cases)
You can find reported bugs/missing features in Jira
Fluent NHhibernate doesn't do any querying, just mapping. Castle active record doesn't query either. The linq namespace does not have a reference to active record or fluent and vise versa.

I wouldn't classify the NHibernate LINQ implementation as stable yet. The LINQ provider is still fairly young, so chance of hitting an unsupported query scneario still may be considerable in my opinion. However, other NHibernate query options are plentiful to workaround any issues the LINQ provider might throw up.


Is NHibernate 3.0 built-in Linq provider stable?

Can i depend on NHibernate 3.0 built-in Linq provider to perform complex queries contain aggregate functions such as Max and Min and contains string operations such as Contains, StartsWith, or EndsWith ??
The noticeable problems I found is:
.OfType() method is not implemented that can be a problem with inheritance hierarchies.
Left joins are not supported
Non-trivial group by operations do not work (even something as simple as sorting by group count).
Fetch() must be the last method in the query which can make paging with associated collections difficult.
However, it is definitely an improvement from the NHContrib provider.
The operations you listed are supported just fine in the usual scenarios.
There has been much debate on the nhusers list as there are quite a few issues still outstanding.
I would look on the nhusers group and
read some of the posts and make your
own mind up. See here for posts.
Personally I have found that queryover does all that I need so I for one would wait until the Linq provider becomes more stable over time.
I would recommned in joining the nhusers group to get a better feel.
The LINQ provider is far more stable and advanced than the one written by Ayende. (not dising what he wrote it was because of what he wrote that i picked up NH again)
I think the only issue I've come across with NH Query is composite types. You can do them in EF/L2S, and NH3 seems to generate the correct sql but fails to get to executing it.
Personally I like QueryOver, it reads better to me.

SQLce DAL, Linq-to-Sql or EntityFramework

I'm learning databases, using SqlCe, and need business object to database mapping.
Currently I try to decide if to use Linq to Sql, or EntityFramework. (I understand a bit L2S, but haven't familiarized with EF yet)
The program will only be developed and used by myself, so I have good control of the priorities:
I don't need to consider potential change of database type or data storage type, as I'm quite certain SQLce will stay sufficient.
I DO expect continued development and changes to the data scheme while the program is in active use; change business object properties (Hence database columns), and possibly overall table scheme. So old data must be transported to new scheme.
I also want to keep a decent degree of layer separation DAL/BLL, although this may not be necessary, it is good for me to learn these principles.
My question is: With these priorities, would I have any benefit by choosing either Linq2Sql vs. EntityFramwork? (and please explain why)
Btw, the project involves very simple table scheme and relations with only ~4 tables total.
u can use Linq to sql for this,actually linq to sql is the subset of adoentity framnework.
as per ur need its better to use linq to sql becoz ur database is not complicated as well it just have some tables. linq to sql is easy to use in respect to adoentitiesframeowrk
Keep in mind that Linq2Sql only works with MS SQL Server out of the box, not with SqlCe.
As it seems, there are some tricks to get it to work, but I never tried it idea if it works as well as with the "real" SQL Server.
So I guess Entity Framework would be the safer choice.

Help me choose between linq to sql and nhibernate based on the following

Struggling between choosing linq2sql and nhibernate.
Let me give you some insight in the application in point form:
this is a mvc application
it will have lots of tables, maybe 50-60 (sql server 2008)
i would want all the basic crud logic done for me (which I think nhiberate + repository pattern can give me)
i don't have too complicated mappings, my tables will look something like:
User(userID, username)
UserProfile(userID, ...)
Content(contentID, title, body, date)
Content_User(contentID, userID)
So in general, I will have a PK table, then lots of other tables that reference that PK (i.e. FK tables).
I will also have lots of mapping tables, that will contain PK, FK pairs.
Entity wise, I want User.cs, UserProfile.cs and then a way to load each object.
I am not looking for a User class that has a UserProfile property, and a Content Collection property (there will be maybe 10-20 tables that will related to the user, I just like to keep things linear if that makes sense).
The one thing that makes me learn towards nhibernate is: cross db potential, and the repository pattern that will give me basic db operations accross all my main tables almost instantly!
Since you seem to have a quite straight forward mapping from class to table in mind Linq to SQL should do the trick, without any difficulties. That would let you get started very quickly, without the initial work of mapping the domain manually to the database.
An alternative could be using NHibernate + Fluent NHibernate and its AutoMapping feature, but keep in mind that the Fluent NHibernate AutoMapping is still quite young.
I'm not quite sure I understand what you want your entities to look like, but with Linq to SQL you will get a big generated mess, which you then could extend by using partial classes. NHibernate lets you design you classes however you want and doesn't generate anything for you out of the box. You could kind of use POCO classes with Linq to SQL but that would take away all the benefits of using Linq to SQL rather than NHibernate.
Concerning the repository pattern, and the use of a generic repository, that can be done quite nicely with Linq to SQL as well, and not only with NHibernate. In my opinion that is one of the nice things about Linq to SQL.
If you probably will need support for other databases than SQL Server, NHibernate is the only choice. However, if it probably won't be an issue I would recommend not using that as the primary factor when choosing. The other factors will probably influence your project more.
All in all, I would recomment Linq to SQL, in this case, since it would let you get started quickly and is sufficient for your needs. The precondition for that is that you don't have a problem with the thought of having generated, messy code in your domain, and that you are quite sure there will not be any need to support other databases in the future. Otherwise I would recommend NHibernate, since it is truly an awesome ORM.
linq2sql really wants you to work with 1 table per class mapping. So if you have a UserMaster and a UserDetail table, you are looking at two objects when using default linq object generation. You can get around that by mapping linq entities to business entities (see Rob Conery's storefront screencasts), but then you are back to writing object mapping code or using something like Automapper.
If you want to be able to split your classes across multiple tables, then I'd say go with NHibernate. If not, then linq has a lower learning curve.
The only way I'd ever use nHibernate in through Castle Project's ActiveRecord library. Otherwise, nHibernate becomes its own little infrastructure project. Check out some questions in the nHibernate tag to see what I'm talking about.
The only thing I might change about AR is to return results of SELECT operations as List instead of T[]. Of course, with the source code in C# I can do that if I want.
With ActiveRecord, the mapping information is saved in attributes you decorate your classes with. It's genius and I am a huge proponent of the pattern and this particular library.

Would you use NHibernate for a project with a legacy database, which is partly out of your control?

For me the answer is currently: No, I would use iBatis, because NHibernate is a pain, when the database model and the object model are not in synch. If I don't have full control over the database I end up with a lot of work.
Why do I ask?
Well, first of all: I never used NHibernate. I just know it from the surface. I have read about the advantages of iBatis for legacy databases.
Second: Recently I had a discussion with someone who worked with Hibernate (jep, without 'N' before Hibernate). He told me that the ORM frameworks are now pretty advanced and advocated Hibernate. Since I was not interested in NHibernate, I didn't keep track of the recent developments.
Maybe I its time to rethink my answer, or not?
iBatis is certainly easy to map objects to legacy database systems.
More recently NHibernate 1.2 and 2.0 have a feature set that may make you rethink iBatis.
NHibernate works with composite keys, which can occur frequently in older databases, they aren't always pleasant to work with but support is there for this.
NHibernate can utilise Stored Procedures for CRUD operations on entities, also database views.
Collections can be custom stored procedures or SQL queries. Collections can use the property-ref attribute when the Foreign Key relationship doesn't map directly to the Primary Key on the other side.
Some of these features may take away from the performance/power of nhibernate, ie Lazy Loading with property-ref doesn't work (at all?), but is most cases there are reasons for this.
Other points: (which aren't really related to your legacy database but still can help decide on a technology choice)
The Nhibernate community appears much richer than the iBatis. I'm on both lists and the volume of support for NHibernate is quite large compared to the iBatis group. So support should be easier.
Also there is a growing amount of contrib/3rd party tools for NHibernate. Things like The NHibernate Profiler, the Nhibernate Query Analyzer, NHibernate Contrib, Fluent NHibernate to name a few.
Perhaps you can expand on what advantages you believe iBatis currently has. NHibernate has certainly been quite active recently and has gained many new features, a lot of which do assist in legacy/hard to modify schemas.
And to answer the question, yes we do use NHibernate with legacy databases that have awful relationships, composite keys, broken relationships. We still also have a small amount of code based on iBatis. We no longer write any more iBatis code though.
Yes, consider NHibernate. It's the gold standard for a reason. I have heard that iBATIS supports crazy mapping possibilities, but with NHibernate's IUserType you can map anything, even really strange columns.
#Ahmad, the entire point of ORM is to prevent a tight coupling between your objects and your schema. If you have this problem you're doing it wrong.
Also, with NHibernate there are plenty of options for custom queries, formula properties and stored procedures. HQL is extremely powerful and Criteria is flexible.
I think you'll be doing your clients a disservice if you don't at least spike NHibernate.
I've been using nHibernate in an existing application. I use it for all new development, I have no intention of porting the existing stuff over either there just isn't a compelling reason but for new stuff on the project it works great.
If you are going to port the code over then you should be able to change the database to match better with your domain model, without much impact (depending on how leaky your database is ie who access it). Changing the domain model would impact the application however.

When choosing an ORM, is LINQ to SQL or LINQ to Entities better than NHibernate?

I find I can do more with NHibernate, and even Castle than with the Linq to Entities, or linq to SQL.
Am I crazy?
No you're not crazy. nHibernate is a full OR Mapper, Linq to SQL and Linq to Entities don't implement everything you'd expect from an OR mapper and targeted at a slightly different group of developers.
But don't let that put you off linq though. Linq is still a pretty good idea.. Try Linq to nHibernate :-)
The big drawbacks to NHibernate, Castle, etc., is that they're not exactly light-weight (especially NHibernate.)
Linq to SQL is good for a light-weight, limited use ORM.
I've used both NHibernate and LINQ to SQL. From my point of view it depends on the project, if I need something quick, I would choose L2S, it's so simple to create the dbml mapping and start using it. If I'm developing a more highlevel enterprise solution I would go for the tried and trusted ORM - NHibernate, I find the logging & transaction features simple to use.
LINQ to SQL has a relatively short learning curve, NHibernate has a much steeper learning curve.
LINQ to SQL only supports SQL Server, so if you've an Oracle database then the decision is already made - NHibernate.
I'd recommend checking out for excellent screencasts on learning NHibernate.
One thing to bear in mind is that NHibernate can be an absolute pig to configure - especially since its based mainly on XML config files because of its roots as the original Hibernate.
Fluent NHibernate goes some way to making this less painful.
Linq certainly though fits in with the general 'way' in which .NET works.
Blockquote Linq certainly though fits in with the general 'way' in which .NET works
Yikes, this kind of sentiment scares me. The RAD stuff built into .net is NOT how dot net works, it's just a tool set for getting prototypes up. .NET allows us to do full DDD applications, w/ high levels of cohesion, seperations of concerns, and allows us to write decoupled code, despite all the attemps ms makes to couple things. I would strongly disagree that .net likes to be coupled, certian tools like to be coupled, i'll include linq to sql in this fray. linq to sql destroys the idea of having a seperate domain model. I cringe at the thought of using my database schema as the underlying model objects. Proper ORM tools should allow us to model our domain first, then link our relational database to these models. NOT the other way around.
I have not tried the Entity Framework, but I definitely would recommend NHibernate over Linq to SQL; The biggest reason I can give is just the control. Linq to SQL likes to have a lot more control over everything, loading the object and maintaining all kinds of tracking information about the object. If you serialize/deserialize, the tracking information can be lost and strange things can happen when saving it again. NHibernate works more as a repository should - You hand it whatever object you want (that you have configured it to understand, of course), and it puts it away in the database, regardless of what you've done with it.