Unable to load dialect 'org.drools.rule.builder.dialect.mvel.MVEL DialectConfiguration:mvel - axis2

I am using drools for processing rules. Web-service calls a method in a class which is in jar included in lib directory of web-service. And this method in turn uses drools. Now the problem is web-service is able to find jar that is using drools but not the drools-compiler jar which is residing in same lib directory. And it gives Unable to load dialect 'org.drools.rule.builder.dialect.mvel.MVELDialectConfiguration:mvel' error. It works if I copy all jars in web-service.aar/lib to axis2/WEB_INF/lib. I also tried to set classpath in a way to take web-service.aar/lib jars first then the one's in axis2/WEB_INF/lib by setting classpath in setenv.sh and catalina configurations. But that didn't help either.
What can be the reason/solution?

You probably need to add a newer version of the mvel jar. I added the mvel-1.3.3-java1.5.jar and it did the trick for me, but just remember to restart your IDE.


How to add a jar to the external library for a project w/o disappearing after sync and with imports working?

Presently having an annoying time getting a jar added to the external library for the project, then in turn not disappear when syncing and the imports working. Adding I figured out and answered in another question. The issue is to keep persistent and accessible to a jar I create within the project for import.
I am not sure if I am missing a step or forgot to set something. I am using a modified gradle (forgegradle) to create the project. Have not found a solution with the documentation, or any for IntelliJ yet. I am generally new with IntelliJ, choosing to use it instead eclipse which I have previously used.
The goal is a to create an add-on for a mod to another jar. The main jar already in the external library from the start, now attempting to add the mod to it. I could modify the mod, but it is not my code, so rather not simply modify it directly and repackage it.
a jar added to the external library for the project, then in turn not disappear when syncing and the imports working
If you are using an external build tool / system that syncs with IntelliJ it is recommended to use that build tool / system to add dependencies.
IntelliJ will always take a backseat, and treat the build tooling / system as the source of truth for the project model as best it can.
You mention you are using gradle, I would recommend adding the dependency as a managed dependency that is, let gradle download it from a repository, and resolve the dependency/library itself.
If you can not do this, and you can't host a repository yourself, The next best recommendation I have, is creating a 'libs' folder inside the project, that contains jars that can't be found in repositories (They may be mods or plugins that were never published)
You can read up on how to add a library folder to gradle here: How to add local .jar file dependency to build.gradle file?

IntelliJ Spring Boot: How to create an executable jar

I'm trying to create an executable jar from IntelliJ.
First I got the Java Security Exception and I changed sqljdbc4-4.0 to unsigned. First problem solved.
Then I got Manifest not found. Added META-INF dir to output. Second problem solved.
Next I got the BeanCreationException (unsolved):
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Cannot determine embedded database driver class for database type NONE. If you want an embedded database please put a supported one on the classpath.
In IntelliJ it is working.
I think the resources are not in the output. (application.properties, ...)
In which way do I add the resources or where are they stored in the jar.
I'm using gradle and on the spring boot homepage are only instructions for maven.
You should use spring-boot-maven-plugin or spring-boot-gradle-plugin, depending on your preferred build system.
Just run ./gradlew build
I suggest to dive into this getting started guide. It clarifies a lot of stuff for beginners.
A typical Spring boot project is a Maven project or a Gradle-Project (I only know how to do it with Maven, for Gradle see [luboskrnacs answer][1]). So you just need to run the maven targetpackageand pick the jar form the (created)target` folder
use a shell, go to the project root directory (where the pom.xml file is) and type
mvn clean package
cd target
the there is the xxx.jar file.

mule anypoint studio class not found exception

If I run the application in server, which is working fine, but If i run application in anypoint studio doesn't run. Here is the error message for loading oracle driver.
error message:
2015-02-04 11:18:34 WARN DriverManagerDataSource:107 - Could not load driverClass oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:366)
I have placed all jdbc and other jars under studio->project->properties->libraries.
This is caused by the Studio's classloading policies. The workaround is to copy the JDBC Driver .jar to ${studio.home}/plugins/org.mule.tooling.server.${mule.version}.ee_${mule.version}.${release.date}/mule/lib/user
Hi there actually that's kind of a hack :P though it works.
The more proper way to deal with this is, when coding your application (that's why one should use Mule Studio), to place the jars like drivers in a particular folder, like a /lib in the root of you project.
Then add these jars to the classpath.
I know what you did is the way it should be done when running on Mule stand alone in order to share such jars but try this one if you can ;)
I was also facing the same problem. As the application runtime fails to locate the jdbc driver jar in classpath So It is unable to load the same.
the simple and easiest way to handle this error is just put your lib folder containing the ojdbc jar file inside the app resource (src/main/app) of the project. During the building of project it will automatically be place in classpath.
I have tried the same approach and It works for me.
Hope this helps.
The way I fixed the problem was removing the .classpath / .project files from my project root folder. I re-imported the project and then I saw a bin folder created. I removed this bin folder then right-click on the project -> Refresh and then Run As -> Mule Application.

Glassfishv3 not adding jars in ear to the classpath

I have been working on this problem for one whole day but in vain without any effective solution.
I have an ear file packaged with an ejb and a handful of jar files (including hibernate and the other dependent jar files).The ejb is stateless and enabled as a web service.
The ear file has been packaged using maven and has the below structure
->otherdependent. jar
The application.xml and manifest file are automatically generated by maven when I do a package.
When I deploy this ear file on glassfish it gets deployed with the ejb methods being accessible using web services. However when accessing the application (using soapui),
the ejb methods that perform some database functionality using hibernate throw java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError for the hibernate api during runtime.
It is obvious from the error that the hibernate jars are not on the classpath during runtime but since the jars are within the ear Glassfish should have
added it to the application classpath.
I tried various options like adding the classpath entries to the manifest.mf during the package (by using the element addClasspath with the maven-ear-plugin) which didn't do any good.Also with Glassfish we cannot add the dependent jars as modules to the application.xml unless the jars are application client jars
(Glassfish wouldn't deploy the ear file if the application.xml has the dependent jars declared as modules).
I also tried placing the jars in the lib directory within the ear (which isn't actually required) and with the manifest Class-Path header referencing the jars in the lib directory which also didn't fix the problem.
The quick and dirty fix which I can do to get this working is to place the hibernate and the other the dependent jars in Glassfish's lib directory.However,this is a bad practice
and I am somewhat reluctant to do it.
I would really appreciate if someone can provide me with a working solution to this problem.I have gone through the net looking for this problem
but couldn't find any solution.
Wondering if its a bug with glassfish or does glassfish need something special to reference the jars in an ear.
Thanks in advance.
I found a similar problem which is discussed here: http://www.tricoder.net/blog/?p=59.
Simply put, try putting the libraries in EAR/lib directory and according to JEE5 spec, glassfish will add them to class path automatically.
I used Server Library option to deploy application JARs and it worked for me.
Right click on your EAR-> Properties -> Libraries-> Add Library -> Create -> give name and change type in Library Type to Server Libraries then add JARs that should be deployed and confirm.
I work with NetBeans 7.0.1 and GlassFish server 3.1
When you say you added classpath entries to manifest.mf, which manifest.mf do you refer to? The one in ear-root/META-INF/manifest.mf ? Try adding a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF to your ejb module with Class-Path entries!

HSQLDB - works with external Jar - not with JRE

Using a test app to figure out problems with production application and hsqldb.
If I compile the test app with the hsqldb.jar file as an external jar in eclipse the program works. However, if I only have the jar file in my JRE system library I get a pre-9.0 client attempted to connect error from the database.
The two files are the exact same files. Only difference is one was added as external jar and the other was just in the class path. When production app builds it is using classpath to same file and generating the same pre-9.0 error.
The jar you want to use is an HSQLDB version 2.0 jar. There is a second HSQLDB jar which is version 1.8 and is in your classpath before your intended jar.
This is a classpath issue. You should be able to find where the second jar (1.8) is and how it gets into the classpath by using java -verbose or other debugging options.
[added] An additional step you could take to debug this in your application is to print out the value of the field org.hsqldb.persist.HsqlDatabaseProperties.THIS_FULL_VERSION before connecting to the database. This will print the version of the jar used as the client. A successful connection means the client and server jars are the same version.
The server instance prints out its version to the console when it starts.
I would also recommend using the latest snapshot jar for HSQLDB from the http://hsqldb.org/support/ page.
Sorted out problem by moving hsqldb.jar to first declared in classpath.