When to choose Cassandra over a SQL/Semantic Store solution? - sql

I have 30-40 GB of data and 3 developer machines (Core Duo i4, 3GB). The data is a set of graph like structures and I have queries that traverse the graphs. Is there a guideline that could help me to decide to use Cassandra or a classic solution, e.g., SQL or Semantic Store? My current plan is to set up Cassandra and see how does it work but I would like to learn more before starting the installation.

I would not use Cassandra for any kind of graph level structure. It has been about 6 months since I looked into doing something similar so maybe Cassandra has moved on since then but I found it was fundamentally limited by the fact that it only has row level indexes.
For a Graph based structure (assuming a simplistic one arc per row layout) you really need column indexes as well since if you want to traverse the graph you want to be able to start from a particular node A and find all the arcs that go from that node (assuming a directed Graph) then you'd have to do a row scan of the entire dataset as there is no built in functionality for saying give me the rows that have A in a particular column.
To achieve this you have to effectively design a data layout for Cassandra that gives you an inverted index. This is somewhat tricky and requires you to know ahead of time the type of queries that you want to answer - answering new types of queries at a later data may be very difficult or impossible if you don't design well. These slides demonstrate the idea but I hope it makes it clear that you effectively have to construct your own indexes.
For Graph structures that can be decomposed to triples consider an RDF store - for more complex structures then consider a full blown Graph Database. If you really want to do NoSQL you can probably build something on top of a document database as they tend to have much better indexing but again you'll have to think carefully about how you store your data.


How to mix RDMS DB with a Graph DB

I am developing a website using Django, and PostgreSQL which would seemingly have huge amount of data as gathered in social network sites.
I need to use RDMS with SQL for tabular data for less SQL complexity and also Graph DB with Cipher for large data for high query complexity.
Please let me know how to go about this. Also please let me know whether it is feasible.
EDIT: Clarity as asked in Comments:-
The database structure can be similar to that of a social network like Facebook. I've checked FB Engineering page for their open graph. For graph DB I can find only Neo4J graph DB with proper ACID values though I would prefer an open source graph DB. Graph DB structure, I require basically for summary of huge volume data pertaining to relationships like friends, updates, daily user related updates as individual relations. Horizontal Scalability is important for future up gradation to me.
I intend to use PostgreSQL for base informational data and push the relational data updates to graph DB like Facebook uses both MySql and open graph.
Based on your reply to my queries. I would first suggest looking at TitanDB. I believe it fulfills many of your requirements:
It is open source.
It scales horizontally.
In addition to meeting your requirements it has existed for quite sometime and many companies are using it in Production. The only thing you would have to get used to is that it uses TinkerPop traversals, not Cypher queries. Also note that I believe Titan is not ACID for most backends. This is a result of it being horizontally scalable.
If you would like a more structured (but significantly less mature) approach to Graph DBs then you can look at the stack that myself and some colleagues are working on MindmapsDB which sits on top of Titan, but uses a more "sql-like" query language.
OrientDB Gremlin is also a very good option but lacks the maturity and support of Titan.
There are many other graph vendors out there such as DSE Graph, IBM Graph, etc . . . but the ones I have listed above are the opensource ones I have worked with.

Why Spark SQL considers the support of indexes unimportant?

Quoting the Spark DataFrames, Datasets and SQL manual:
A handful of Hive optimizations are not yet included in Spark. Some of
these (such as indexes) are less important due to Spark SQL’s
in-memory computational model. Others are slotted for future releases
of Spark SQL.
Being new to Spark, I'm a bit baffled by this for two reasons:
Spark SQL is designed to process Big Data, and at least in my use
case the data size far exceeds the size of available memory.
Assuming this is not uncommon, what is meant by "Spark SQL’s
in-memory computational model"? Is Spark SQL recommended only for
cases where the data fits in memory?
Even assuming the data fits in memory, a full scan over a very large
dataset can take a long time. I read this argument against
indexing in in-memory database, but I was not convinced. The example
there discusses a scan of a 10,000,000 records table, but that's not
really big data. Scanning a table with billions of records can cause
simple queries of the "SELECT x WHERE y=z" type take forever instead
of returning immediately.
I understand that Indexes have disadvantages like slower INSERT/UPDATE, space requirements, etc. But in my use case, I first process and load a large batch of data into Spark SQL, and then explore this data as a whole, without further modifications. Spark SQL is useful for the initial distributed processing and loading of the data, but the lack of indexing makes interactive exploration slower and more cumbersome than I expected it to be.
I'm wondering then why the Spark SQL team considers indexes unimportant to a degree that it's off their road map. Is there a different usage pattern that can provide the benefits of indexing without resorting to implementing something equivalent independently?
Indexing input data
The fundamental reason why indexing over external data sources is not in the Spark scope is that Spark is not a data management system but a batch data processing engine. Since it doesn't own the data it is using it cannot reliably monitor changes and as a consequence cannot maintain indices.
If data source supports indexing it can be indirectly utilized by Spark through mechanisms like predicate pushdown.
Indexing Distributed Data Structures:
standard indexing techniques require persistent and well defined data distribution but data in Spark is typically ephemeral and its exact distribution is nondeterministic.
high level data layout achieved by proper partitioning combined with columnar storage and compression can provide very efficient distributed access without an overhead of creating, storing and maintaining indices.This is a common pattern used by different in-memory columnar systems.
That being said some forms of indexed structures do exist in Spark ecosystem. Most notably Databricks provides Data Skipping Index on its platform.
Other projects, like Succinct (mostly inactive today) take different approach and use advanced compression techniques with with random access support.
Of course this raises a question - if you require an efficient random access why not use a system which is design as a database from the beginning. There many choices out there, including at least a few maintained by the Apache Foundation. At the same time Spark as a project evolves, and the quote you used might not fully reflect future Spark directions.
In general, the utility of indexes is questionable at best. Instead, data partitioning is more important. They are very different things, and just because your database of choice supports indexes doesn't mean they make sense given what Spark is trying to do. And it has nothing to do with "in memory".
So what is an index, anyway?
Back in the days when permanent storage was crazy expensive (instead of essentially free) relational database systems were all about minimizing usage of permanent storage. The relational model, by necessity, split a record into multiple parts -- normalized the data -- and stored them in different locations. To read a customer record, maybe you read a customer table, a customerType table, take a couple of entries out of an address table, etc. If you had a solution that required you to read the entire table to find what you want, this is very costly, because you have to scan so many tables.
But this is not the only way to do things. If you didn't need to have fixed-width columns, you can store the entire set of data in one place. Instead of doing a full-table scan on a bunch of tables, you only need to do it on a single table. And that's not as bad as you think it is, especially if you can partition your data.
40 years later, the laws of physics have changed. Hard drive random read/write speeds and linear read/write speeds have drastically diverged. You can basically do 350 head movements a second per disk. (A little more or less, but that's a good average number.) On the other hand, a single disk drive can read about 100 MB per second. What does that mean?
Do the math and think about it -- it means if you are reading less than 300KB per disk head move, you are throttling the throughput of your drive.
Seriouusly. Think about that a second.
The goal of an index is to allow you to move your disk head to the precise location on disk you want and just read that record -- say just the address record joined as part of your customer record. And I say, that's useless.
If I were designing an index based on modern physics, it would only need to get me within 100KB or so of the target piece of data (assuming my data had been laid out in large chunks -- but we're talking theory here anyway). Based on the numbers above, any more precision than that is just a waste.
Now go back to your normalized table design. Say a customer record is really split across 6 rows held in 5 tables. 6 total disk head movements (I'll assume the index is cached in memory, so no disk movement). That means I can read 1.8 MB of linear / de-normalized customer records and be just as efficient.
And what about customer history? Suppose I wanted to not just see what the customer looks like today -- imagine I want the complete history, or a subset of the history? Multiply everything above by 10 or 20 and you get the picture.
What would be better than an index would be data partitioning -- making sure all of the customer records end up in one partition. That way with a single disk head move, I can read the entire customer history. One disk head move.
Tell me again why you want indexes.
Indexes vs ___ ?
Don't get me wrong -- there is value in "pre-cooking" your searches. But the laws of physics suggest a better way to do it than traditional indexes. Instead of storing the customer record in exactly one location, and creating a pointer to it -- an index -- why not store the record in multiple locations?
Remember, disk space is essentially free. Instead of trying to minimize the amount of storage we use -- an outdated artifact of the relational model -- just use your disk as your search cache.
If you think someone wants to see customers listed both by geography and by sales rep, then make multiple copies of your customer records stored in a way that optimized those searches. Like I said, use the disk like your in memory cache. Instead of building your in-memory cache by drawing together disparate pieces of persistent data, build your persistent data to mirror your in-memory cache so all you have to do is read it. In fact don't even bother trying to store it in memory -- just read it straight from disk every time you need it.
If you think that sounds crazy, consider this -- if you cache it in memory you're probably going to cache it twice. It's likely your OS / drive controller uses main memory as cache. Don't bother caching the data because someone else is already!
But I digress...
Long story short, Spark absolutely does support the right kind of indexing -- the ability to create complicated derived data from raw data to make future uses more efficient. It just doesn't do it the way you want it to.

How is a graph database different to a graph represented in a relational database?

I can represent a graph trivially in a relational database with two tables: vertex and edge. Richer structure like "properties" and "labels" (in Neo4j terminology) can be represented as more tables. Have I misunderstood, or does a graph database like Neo4j allow me to represent anything that is not easily representable relationally?
I can query this graph using SQL, with recursive subqueries if necessary, and with multiple separate queries in a transaction if necessary. Have I misunderstood, or does a graph query language like Cypher provide greater expressivity than SQL?
The relational model of a graph is stored and queried efficiently, AFAIK. Does a graph database structure its storage, or optimize its queries, in some way that provides performance characteristics that cannot be gained from a relational database?
My relational database provides ACID guarantees, and allows me to write fairly expressive constraints on my graph data (and even more constraints if I break out the single vertex table into a properly normalized schema). Have I misunderstood, or does a graph database provide some guarantees or verify some kind of correctness properties that are not available in my relational database?
I am struggling to see how a graph database such as Neo4j is anything but a subset of the relational model. (Apologies for using Neo4j as representative of all graph databases here; it's the only one I've looked at.)
In short: Is graph database ⊆ relational database?
Is One a Subset of the Other?
Definitely no; both are eventually modeled on the mathematical concepts of relations or graphs. Both models being super-general, there is basically no information content that you can't represent using either one. This means that while they might differ in many syntactic sugar ways, and in the way they encourage you to model/think of data (just like programming languages differ) they both have the same "expressive power".
What you describe in your question is one way of modeling a graph (vertex and edge tables). That implementation of a graph is a subset of what relational can express. Similarly, I could mock up tables and rows using a graph database, but I would have chosen a particular implementation - this wouldn't demonstrate that relational data is a subset of graph data.
So the first insight is that they have roughly equal expressive power. You can model anything in either. So the real question you should be asking is why would you choose one over the other?
Why Would you Choose One Over The Other?
All databases exist to facilitate data access. Simply put, you store it so that you can get at the data. But exactly how do you need to get at the data? There are many different access patterns. The design space for databases in general is enormous. Any time a database makes a certain decision, that tends to automatically make it better at some things, worse at others. For example, when you create an index in a relational database, you've just sped up reads -- but you've degraded the performance of writes, because the index has to be maintained.
So, when approaching the question, "Graph or Relational?" - you should first figure out what does your data look like, and what do your data access patterns look like. If you knew what those things were, then you could evaluate a bunch of databases, see the choices they've made, and pick the one that's a good fit for what you need. And then if a DBMS made a choice that would make certain access patterns difficult, buggy, or slow -- you could avoid that DBMS for that data set.
It's (Partly) About Data Access Patterns
Graph databases tend to be better than relational when the data being stored is a graph, when the data access pattern involves a lot of graph traversal, or both. (See this other answer I wrote for a more in-depth discussion of why this is). That link there also provides the answer to your specific question: "Does a graph database structure its storage, or optimize its queries, in some way that provides performance characteristics that cannot be gained from a relational database?"
You say: I can query this graph using SQL, with recursive subqueries if necessary, and with multiple separate queries in a transaction if necessary. -- So technically this is true, but let's take an example to see why relational might not be good enough. Say I have a graph (in RDBMS, a table of nodes, a table of edges, with a join key between them). Let's say I pick out one node, and I want to identify everything that is between 6 and 8 hops away from that node. Here's the cypher to do that:
match (myChosenNode {id: 'foo'})-[r:relationshipType*6..8]->(y) return y;
I really want to see you write that up as SQL. It's possible, but it's hard and complicated. And it will also perform like a dog, because of the sheer quantity of joining you'll be doing on non-trivial quantities of data.
OK now on the ACID guarantees, Neo4J provides transactions with ACID guarantees. The answer will be different for different graph databases though, particularly the ones implemented on top of Hadoop/HBase. YMMV there, so check the fine print with each database.
It is true that there are a number of features of RDBMS that you typically won't find in graph databases, examples being triggers and certain kinds of constraints. As a long-time RDMBS nerd myself, I'm not so happy about those things being missing, I think they are valuable.
What this mostly boils down to for me, and many other engineers I work with is:
What is your data?
What are your access patterns?
If your data is a graph, or your access patterns involve a lot of graph traversal, you should probably use a graph DB. If your data is more tabluar, or your access patterns are more oriented around bulk scans, then you should use RDBMS. At the end of the day, they're two different tools with different niches. If you use them in their area of strength, you'll be happy. If you use RDBMS to model a graph just "because you can", you'll suffer. If you use a graph database to do a lot of bulk scans of every node in every graph, you'll suffer. Like most of tech, it's just about using the right tool for the job.

Are there any REAL advantages to NoSQL over RDBMS for structured data on one machine?

So I've been trying hard to figure out if NoSQL is really bringing that much value outside of auto-sharding and handling UNSTRUCTURED data.
Assuming I can fit my STRUCTURED data on a single machine OR have an effective 'auto-sharding' feature for SQL, what advantages do any NoSQL options offer? I've determined the following:
Document-based (MongoDB, Couchbase, etc) - Outside of it's 'auto-sharding' capabilities, I'm having a hard time understanding where the benefit is. Linked objects are quite similar to SQL joins, while Embedded objects significantly bloat doc size and causes a challenge regarding to replication (a comment could belong to both a post AND a user, and therefore the data would be redundant). Also, loss of ACID and transactions are a big disadvantage.
Key-value based (Redis, Memcached, etc) - Serves a different use case, ideal for caching but not complex queries
Columnar (Cassandra, HBase, etc ) - Seems that the big advantage here is more how the data is stored on disk, and mostly useful for aggregations rather than general use
Graph (Neo4j, OrientDB, etc) - The most intriguing, the use of both edges and nodes makes for an interesting value-proposition, but mostly useful for highly complex relational data rather than general use.
I can see the advantages of Key-value, Columnar and Graph DBs for specific use cases (Caching, social network relationship mapping, aggregations), but can't see any reason to use something like MongoDB for STRUCTURED data outside of it's 'auto-sharding' capabilities.
If SQL has a similar 'auto-sharding' ability, would SQL be a no-brainer for structured data? Seems to me it would be, but I would like the communities opinion...
NOTE: This is in regards to a typical CRUD application like a Social Network, E-Commerce site, CMS etc.
If you're starting off on a single server, then many advantages of NoSQL go out the window. The biggest advantages to the most popular NoSQL are high availability with less down time. Eventual consistency requirements can lead to performance improvements as well. It really depends on your needs.
Document-based - If your data fits well into a handful of small buckets of data, then a document oriented database. For example, on a classifieds site we have Users, Accounts and Listings as the core data. The bulk of search and display operations are against the Listings alone. With the legacy database we have to do nearly 40 join operations to get the data for a single listing. With NoSQL it's a single query. With NoSQL we can also create indexes against nested data, again with results queried without Joins. In this case, we're actually mirroring data from SQL to MongoDB for purposes of search and display (there are other reasons), with a longer-term migration strategy being worked on now. ElasticSearch, RethinkDB and others are great databases as well. RethinkDB actually takes a very conservative approach to the data, and ElasticSearch's out of the box indexing is second to none.
Key-value store - Caching is an excellent use case here, when you are running a medium to high volume website where data is mostly read, a good caching strategy alone can get you 4-5 times the users handled by a single server. Key-value stores (RocksDB, LevelDB, Redis, etc) are also very good options for Graph data, as individual mapping can be held with subject-predicate-target values which can be very fast for graphing options over the top.
Columnar - Cassandra in particular can be used to distribute significant amounts of load for even single-value lookups. Cassandra's scaling is very linear to the number of servers in use. Great for heavy read and write scenarios. I find this less valuable for live searches, but very good when you have a VERY high load and need to distribute. It takes a lot more planning, and may well not fit your needs. You can tweak settings to suite your CAP needs, and even handle distribution to multiple data centers in the box. NOTE: Most applications do emphatically NOT need this level of use. ElasticSearch may be a better fit in most scenarios you would consider HBase/Hadoop or Cassandra for.
Graph - I'm not as familiar with graph databases, so can't comment here (beyond using a key-value store as underlying option).
Given that you then comment on MongoDB specifically vs SQL ... even if both auto-shard. PostgreSQL in particular has made a lot of strides in terms of getting unstrictured data usable (JSON/JSONB types) not to mention the power you can get from something like PLV8, it's probably the most suited to handling the types of loads you might throw at a document store with the advantages of NoSQL. Where it happens to fall down is that replication, sharding and failover are bolted on solutions not really in the box.
For small to medium loads sharding really isn't the best approach. Most scenarios are mostly read so having a replica-set where you have additional read nodes is usually better when you have 3-5 servers. MongoDB is great in this scenario, the master node is automagically elected, and failover is pretty fast. The only weirdness I've seen is when Azure went down in late 2014, and only one of the servers came up first, the other two were almost 40 minutes later. With replication any given read request can be handled in whole by a single server. Your data structures become simpler, and your chances of data loss are reduced.
Again in my own example above, for a mediums sized classifieds site, the vast majority of data belongs to a single collection... it is searched against, and displayed from that collection. With this use case a document store works much better than structured/normalized data. The way the objects are stored are much closer to their representation in the application. There's less of a cognitive disconnect and it simply works.
The fact is that SQL JOIN operations kill performance, especially when aggregating data across those joins. For a single query for a single user it's fine, even with a dozen of them. When you get to dozens of joins with thousands of simultaneous users, it starts to fall apart. At this point you have several choices...
Caching - caching is always a great approach, and the less often your data changes, the better the approach. This can be anything from a set of memcache/redis instances to using something like MongoDB, RethinkDB or ElasticSearch to hold composite records. The challenge here comes down to updating or invalidating your cached data.
Migrating - migrating your data to a data store that better represents your needs can be a good idea as well. If you need to handle massive writes, or very massive read scenarios no SQL database can keep up. You could NEVER handle the likes of Facebook or Twitter on SQL.
Something in between - As you need to scale it depends on what you are doing and where your pain points are as to what will be the best solution for a given situation. Many developers and administrators fear having data broken up into multiple places, but this is often the best answer. Does your analytical data really need to be in the same place as your core operational data? For that matter do your logins need to be tightly coupled? Are you doing a lot of correlated queries? It really depends.
Personal Opinions Ahead
For me, I like the safety net that SQL provides. Having it as the central store for core data it's my first choice. I tend to treat RDBMS's as dumb storage, I don't like being tied to a given platform. I feel that many people try to over-normalize their data. Often I will add an XML or JSON field to a table so additional pieces of data can be stored without bloating the scheme, specifically if it's unlikely to ever be queried... I'll then have properties in my objects in the application code that store in those fields. A good example may be a payment... if you are currently using one system, or multiple systems (one for CC along with Paypal, Google, Amazon etc) then the details of the transaction really don't affect your records, why create 5+ tables to store this detailed data. You can even use JSON for primary storage and have computed columns derived and persisted from that JSON for broader query capability and indexing where needed. Databases like postgresql and mysql (iirc) offer direct indexing against JSON data as well.
When data is a natural fit for a document store, I say go for it... if the vast majority of your queries are for something that fits better to a single record or collection, denormalize away. Having this as a mirror to your primary data is great.
For write-heavy data you want multiple systems in play... It depends heavily on your needs here... Do you need fast hot-query performance? Go with ElasticSearch. Do you need absolute massive horizontal scale, HBase or Cassandra.
The key take away here is not to be afraid to mix it up... there really isn't a one size fits all. As an aside, I feel that if PostgreSQL comes up with a good in the box (for the open-source version) solution for even just replication and automated fail-over they're in a much better position than most at that point.
I didn't really get into, but feel I should mention that there are a number of SaaS solutions and other providers that offer hybrid SQL systems. You can develop against MySQL/MariaDB locally and deploy to a system with SQL on top of a distributed storage cluster. I still feel that HBase or ElasticSearch are better for logging and analitical data, but the SQL on top solutions are also compelling.
More: http://www.mongodb.com/nosql-explained
Schema-less storage (or schema-free). Ability to modify the storage (basically add new fields to records) without having to modify the storage 'declared' schema. RDBMSs require the explicit declaration of said 'fields' and require explicit modifications to the schema before a new 'field' is saved. A schema-free storage engine allows for fast application changes, just modify the app code to save the extra fields, or rename the fields, or drop fields and be done.
Traditional RDBMS folk consider the schema-free a disadvantage because they argue that on the long run one needs to query the storage and handling the heterogeneous records (some have some fields, some have other fields) makes it difficult to handle. But for a start-up the schema-free is overwhelmingly alluring, as fast iteration and time-to-market is all that matter (and often rightly so).
You asked us to assume that either the data can fit on a single machine, OR your database has an effective auto-sharding feature.
Going with the assumption that your SQL data has an auto-sharding feature, that means you're talking about running a cluster. Any time you're running a cluster of machines you have to worry about fault-tolerance.
For example, let's say you're using the simplest approach of sharding your data by application function, and are storing all of your user account data on server A and your product catalog on server B.
Is it acceptable to your business if server A goes down and none of your users can login?
Is it acceptable to your business if server B goes down and no one can buy things?
If not, you need to worry about setting up data replication and high-availability failover. Doable, but not pleasant or easy for SQL databases. Other types of sharding strategies (key, lookup service, etc) have the same challenges.
Many NoSQL databases will automatically handle replication and failovers. Some will do it out of the box, with very little configuration. That's a huge benefit from an operational point of view.
Full disclosure: I'm an engineer at FoundationDB, a NoSQL database that automatically handles sharding, replication, and fail-over with very little configuration. It also has a SQL layer so you you don't have to give up structured data.

Sharding when you don't have a good partition function

Edit: I see that the partition functionality of some RDBMS (Postgres: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/ddl-partitioning.html) provides much of what I'm looking for. I'd still be interested in specific algorithms and best practices for managing the partitioning.
Horizontally scaling relational databases is often achieved by sharding data onto n servers based on some function that splits the data into n buckets of roughly equal expected size. This maintains efficient and useful queries as long as all queries contain the shard key and the data is partitioned into mutually irrelevant sets, respectively.
What is the best approach to horizontally scaling a relational database when you don't have any function that fits the above properties?
For example, in a multi-tenant situation, some tenants may produce barely any data and some may produce a full server's worth (or more), and there's no way to know which, and almost all of the queries you want to do are on a tenant's entire dataset.
I couldn't find much literature on this. The best solution I can think of is:
Initially partition based on some naive equal-splitting function into n groups.
When any server gets filled up, increment n (or increase by some other amount/factor), then re-partition the data.
When a tenant takes up more than some percent of the space on a server, move it to its own server, and add a special case to the partitioning function.
This is pretty complicated and would require a lot of complex logic in your application sharding layer (not to mention copying large sets of data between servers), but it seems like it wouldn't be too hard to semi-automate and if you were careful you could change the sharding function over time in a way that minimized the amount of data relocation from one server to another.
Is this completely barking up the wrong tree?