EF4: using Add Service Reference causes issues with STE(self tracking entities) not remember there changes? - wcf

I found an issue but it refers to the BETA version of VS 2010. I am interested in knowing if this issue has been fixed in RTM?
Basically it states (saw it via EF 4 Self Tracking Entities does not work as expected )
Make certain to reuse the
Self-Tracking Entity template’s
generated entity code on your client.
If you use proxy code generated by Add
Service Reference in Visual Studio or
some other tool, things look right for
the most part, but you will discover
that the entities don’t actually keep
track of their changes on the client.
I am very used to using Add Service Reference, and its always worked great for me in the past but of course I wasn't using STE (Self tracking entities). Is this problem still apparent with VS 2010 RTM and the STE template?
If I do create the proxy via code instead of add service then all the classes won't be created will they?

This is not an issue and it never was an issue. It is absolutly expected and correct behavior. STEs are classes which contains data and logic (the logic tracks changes).
When adding service reference your client proxy code is generated from service's metadata. Metadata are exposed in form WSDL. WSDL is XML based description of the service which also contains XSD description of transfered data types. XSD can describe only data format but not related logic implemented by the type. By default all unknown data types described in WSDL are generated on the client. So when you generate client proxy with all data types by Add service reference the tracking logic is lost.
To overcome this issue you have to do two things:
Create separate assembly and place all your STEs to this assembly. Then share this assembly among all involved layers (yes you have to use Add reference in your client).
Then you can use Add service reference with "Reuse types in referenced assemblies" checked.


Steps to use Entity Framework in WCF

I have a question using Entity Framework in WCF. I am using .NET 4.5 with EF DbContext.
Here are the things I know to do to use EF in WCF. May be they are insufficient or some are not required.
Create EF ADO.NET Model.
Seperate the POCO classes to a seperate project (ProjectName: Entities) by using DbContext template generator.
Point the TT template of the POCO project to the edmx file in the data project (ProjectName: Data). "..\Data\MyEdmx.edmx"
Add [DataContract(IsReference(True))] and [DataMemeber] attributes in the .TT file of the POCO project so that the classes and properties will have the serialization attributes. Add Runtime.Serialization reference to the project and add the namespace to .TT file. This enables not to lose your attribute declaration while recreating the classes on a save of the .TT file or adding new entities.
Add ProjectName: Entities reference to Data project.
Turn off ProxyCreation and LazyLoading in the Context.tt file in the data project.
Add (ProjectName: Entities) and (ProjectName: Data) to your wcf service project.
Copy the EntityFramework connection string to your WCF project.
All your select methods in the service, must use .Include if you want the navigation objects to be populated. This gives better control when you want to load or or when you want limit data to show. Also, you don't get the child/related automatically due to lazyloading turned off.
Insert or Update or Delete, the service has to create the context and manually set the object state to be modified or added? Otherwise the changes will not be saved. Use the DbContext.Attach to attach and set the state of the entity appropriately Added,Modified, etc.
The problem I had was I could not find a good example of the steps to perform to use EF with WCF. I was able to see only bits and pieces. May be I am a late entrant to the WCF EF world hence could not find.
Not sure if I can use proxies WCF. I haven't understood completely the advantage of proxies yet.
I also read recommendations to use DTO as a layer between EF and the service. This requires a mapper to be in place. I don't know if I need it right away. But the idea is clear that it helps hide any unnecessary database columns showing in the business object. For example, audit columns such as created by, updated by etc we dont to show in the client.
I did not choose to use DataServices as I lose other binding options that I get from WCF. I don't know if it is a good thing to lose the simplicity of DataServices thinking about the future requirements of clients that require/support other binding mechanisms.
Any recommendations is appreciated.
Additional Update
I did find this in MSDN http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee705457(v=vs.100).aspx. Some of the links were pointing to pre-release documentation. But this gives some more ideas for me in using EF and WCF.
This articles shows how to use proxies with WCF, change tracking of POCO. This is a good start for me. If any one has more advise please provide your thoughts.
Update 2
*Another Excellent Link for N-Tier*
I am glad that the time I am spending is really educating me!
I progressed on using EF with WCF after lot of reading here and in other forums.
I followed the steps ahead. I was able to see the advantage of using DTO. This really allows you to hide fields that you don't need to expose to the client or other services. But I am holding back on introducing DTO due to time constraints.
I used context.Attach, context.Add and context.Entry.
I also did a small prototype to use WCF Data Service. That was very fast paced development. I am holding back on using WCF data services for now due to time constraint in learning its features.

Multiple WCF services referencing the same data contracts

I am building a set of WCF services that share common data contracts (or entities if you prefer). These are simple data transfer objects that are decorated with DataContract and DataMember attributes. I am explicitly specifying the name and namespace. In trying to follow the principles of IDesign's recommendation of averaging 12 members per service contract, I am breaking my service project into multiple services.
My data contracts are in a separate assembly that I can provide to our clients if they are using .Net. They can tell their service reference to reuse types in referenced assemblies. However, if they are not using .net and they use 2 services that both use the same entity then they will, I assume, get an ambiguous reference message. I can see this in Visual Studio if I don't reference the data contract dll.
My question is, is there anything I can do in my services, or they can do in a client app to get around having to qualify which proxy the data contract came from?
Nice article that describes how to solve this issue.
Sharing DataContracts between WCF Services
I also tend to keep all my Data Contracts in one assembly which is referenced by multiple services and numerous client apps, which works great but I've never tried consuming the service outside of .NET.
It might be helpful to know what technology they are using to consume the service other than .NET? What is throwing the ambigious reference message?
I happen to have multiple services that share objects on my end. I am not certain why you are having this problem. In my case, I am able to access the objects in this way. . . .
SERVICE1 client = new SERVICE1()
client.CommonLibrary.Address. . .
SERVICE2 client2 = new SERVICE2()
client2.CommonLibrary.Address . . . .
It depends on what tools they are using on the client side. For instance, with Axis2 for Java the wsdl2java tool can share types by using the -u switch.
how can I share proxy objects across multiple Axis2 web service clients?
From my understanding and working with WCF, either one of the data contract used by the client app would not matter as long as the fully qualified name is the same and has the same data members. Internally it just create the object dynamically and reassign those data member property using the public setter.
A better approach I think is to refactor your data contract so that you will put all the common across more than one service into one assembly and refer to them hence you will not have this ambiguious or conflict issues regardless how many services are used by the client app.
We generate our service proxies not through the Visual Studio assistant but by custom batch files calling slsvcutil.exe (as we use Silverlight). There you can specify a namespace mapping using the /n parameter like this:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Silverlight\v5.0\tools\slsvcutil.exe "^
/r:"%ProgramFilesFolder%\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\Silverlight\v5.0\System.Windows.dll"^
So all data contracts having the namespace http://youruri.org/CustomerService/DataContracts are generated to the clr namespace CLR.Namespace.CustomerService in the proxy file and so on. Given you have generated this proxy in advance in the same proxy assembly, you can cut this whole namespace out of your second file and everything works fine - we wrote a small tool for the last step. All other contract namespaces will be generated to the CLR.Namepsace.MyService namspace (see the asterisk meaning catch all)
The process is some hazzle to set up because you have to hand craft the batch files, but once this is done it works well.

Problem with WCF and multiple namespaces - sharing object types across multiple service references

i have two web services. One with user functionality, one with admin functionality.
Both services effectively work with the same object types, for instance:
AdminService provides functionality for deleting/modifying Customer objects
UserService provides functionality for listing/reading Customer objects
Now in the client i have two service references, Webservices.Admin and Webservices.User.
If i use the UserService to retrieve Customer objects, i cannot manipulate those via the AdminService, since the UserService retrieves objects of type Webservices.User.Customer, however the AdminService works with objects of type Webservices.Admin.Customer.
On the server side both types are identical, just belong to different namespaces in the client.
Now the question: How can i share types across different service references?
Check out https://github.com/geersch/WcfSvcMap
By tweaking the Reference.svcmap file you can make sure only one class is generated for each DataContract used by the different service references.
Note: Remember to delete the content of the node before pressing 'Update Service Reference'
If you're controlling both ends of the communication, and both ends are .NET only, you could do this:
put all your contracts, including your data contracts, into a separate "Contracts" assembly
reference that assembly in both the server side implementation code, as well as the client side code
If you do this, when adding the service references, WCF will find and use that shared assembly, and not create new types for the entitites. In your case, you'd only ever have one type Contracts.Customer or whatever you're dealing with.
This works only if you control both ends of the wire and have .NET on both ends! But in that case, it's a great way to share contracts - especially data contracts - across both the server and any number of clients.
Use the slsvcutil to create the WCF proxy on the clientside (assuming the clientside is a .net application), reference the DLL which contains your objects and it will be used for all endpoints that pass the same object in the DLL
Open Visual Studio Command prompt from the Start -> Visual Studio 2008 -> Tools -> Visual Command Prompt
goto directory similar to
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Silverlight\v3.0\Tools
type slsvcutil and follow the syntax
slsvcutil http://somewcfservice:8080 /r:CommonLibrary.dll
where CommonLibrary.dll is the dll that contains the business objects
[edit] fixed the fact that the project is a silverlight project
There is an easy way to share types between client and service, just by adding reference to shared type assembly to your client BEFORE adding the service reference.
You can find the detailed scenario and sample project there:

WCF service reference update

Right now we have around 5 service reference added to our projects in a single solution.
I am force to add service reference even for projects having indirect dependencies calling service methods. Is there a way to get around for this situation.
For every single change in the service method, I have to update every single service reference to effect those changes. It is very time consuming too.
I am just wondering, is there any way i cam manage these things globally by making single service reference for the whole solution.
help appreciated.....:)
You should be able to use the svcutil.exe command line utility to generate a single service file (.cs file for example) from multiple service URL's. The nice thing about this is that you can share clinet-side DTO's and message types accross services if they have the same schema.
SvcUtil Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa347733.aspx
In regards to the requirement of adding the service reference to projects with indirect dependencies. You should probably not consume the service reference and related types directly from your service client. To improve maintainability and adaptability, you should wrap your service reference(s) in a facade. The facade would map between local types and service reference types, and give you much more agility in terms of responding to service changes. You would then only need to have the service references in a single location (preferably an independent project) along with the facade. The facade, which should change infrequently, will buffer you from the issues you are currently having with your service references.
You won't be able to get a single reference if you have multiple service, unfortunately.I stand corrected - see jrista's answer.
What you could do is create and update the service references automatically: instead of adding them manually in Visual Studio using Add Service Reference check out the svcutil.exe command line tool which will basically do the same thing.
Since it's a command line tool, you can have it run as e.g. part of your continuous build and update the necessary proxy client files every time you build the app.
Check out these additional links for tutorials and explanations about the details of using svcutil.exe:

Sharing Collection Data Contracts

I have some WCF services and have separated out the data contracts for these services into their own assembly. I then have a client of the services that references the data contracts assembly.
I have turned on the option to Reuse types in referenced assemblies. This works, but not for collections. The proxy generator instead generates its own version of collections, even though that version is exactly the same as the one in my data contracts assembly.
Is there any way to tell the proxy generator to reuse the collections defined in my data contracts assembly rather than generating its own, redundant collection types?
If you have controll of both the server and the client, you do not need to generate a provy.
There is a good explaination in this screencast.
We have stopped using generated proxies. We have saved weeks of work compared with continually having to update the generated proxies, and debugging when the problem was that someone forgot to update the proxy.