How to activate a custom screensaver preview in Cocoa/Obj-C? - objective-c

I have created a fairly simple screensaver that runs on Mac OS 10.6.5 without issue.
The configuration screen has accumulated quite a few different options and I'm trying to implement my own preview on the configureSheet window so the user (just me, currently) can immediately see the effect of a change without having to OK and Test each change.
I've added an NSView to the configureSheet and set the custom class in Interface Builder to my ScreenSaverView subclass. I know that drawRect: is firing, because I can remove the condition for clearing the view to black, and my custom preview no longer appears with the black background.
Here is that function (based on several fine tutorials on the Internet):
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect
if ( shouldDrawBackground )
[super drawRect:rect];
shouldDrawBackground = NO;
if (pausing == NO)
[spiroForm drawForm];
The spiroForm class simply draws itself into the ScreenSaverView frame using NSBezierPath and, as mentioned, is not problematical for the actual screensaver or the built-in System Preferences preview. The custom preview (configureView) frame is passed into the init method for, um, itself (since its custom class is my ScreenSaverView subclass.) The -initWithFrame method is called in configureSheet before returning the configureSheet object to the OS:
[configureView initWithFrame:[configureView bounds] isPreview:YES];
Maybe I don't have to do that? It was just something I tried to see if it was required for drawing.
I eventually added a delegate to the configureSheet to try triggering the startAnimation and stopAnimation functions of my preview via windowWillBeginSheet and windowWillEndSheet notifications, but those don't appear to be getting called for some reason. The delegate is declared as NSObject <NSWindowDelegate> and I set the delegate in the configureSheet method before returning the configureSheet object.
I've been working on this for days, but haven't been able to find anything about how the OS manages the ScreenSaverView objects (which I think is what I'm trying to emulate by running my own copy.)
Does anybody have any suggestions on how to manage this or if Apple documents it somewhere that I haven't found? This isn't really required for the screensaver to work, I just think it would be fun (I also looked for a way to use the OS preview, but it's blocked while the configureSheet is activated.)

OK, there are a couple of 'duh' moments involved with the solution:
First of all, I was setting the delegate for the sheet notifications to the sheet itself. The window that the sheet belongs to gets the notifications.
Secondly, that very window that the sheet belongs to is owned by System Preferences, I don't see any way to set my delegate class as a delegate to that window, so the whole delegate thing doesn't appear to be a viable solution.
I ended up subclassing NSWindow for the configureSheet so that I could start and stop animation on my preview by over-riding the makeKeyWindow and close methods.
- (void) makeKeyWindow
if (myPreview != nil)
if ( ! [myPreview isAnimating])
[myPreview startAnimation];
[super makeKeyWindow];
I also had to add an IBOutlet for my preview object itself and connect it in Interface Builder.
Still working out a couple of issues, but now when I click on my screensaver Options button, my configureSheet drops down and displays its own preview while you set options. Sheesh. The hoops I jump through for these little niceties. Anyway, I like it. Onward and upward.


How to get an NSDocument subclass to print custom views

What needs to be hooked up for an NSDocument subclass to call its print methods when File->Print... is chosen?
How does the File->Print menu get hooked up? (Right now the selector/action is hooked up to first responder's print method. That's in a storyboard, while my NSDocument subclass has its own xib.)
I've tried implementing all of:
-(void)printDocumentWithSettings:(NSDictionary *)printSettings showPrintPanel:(BOOL)showPrintPanel delegate:(id)delegate didPrintSelector:(SEL)didPrintSelector contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo;
-(NSPrintOperation*)printOperationWithSettings:(NSDictionary *)printSettings error:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)outError;
But none of them are ever called when I choose Print. Where are these methods supposed to go/who calls them? (I also tried a basic app with a custom view and didn't have luck there either.)
Okay. Looks like the problem is due to a bug in Xcode: When creating a Document based app using storyboards the file menu is by default hooked to print: and printDocument: is not available.
The strange part is that my print: call is getting hijacked somewhere along the line but I can't figure out where (at the application level, not the document, because the print dialog is a window not a sheet). printDocument: works as expected, but must be defined manually in order to hook it up.
This is for a document-based app, targeting 10.10, and using storyboards.
In the storyboard with Main Menu, add a User Defined Action for printDocument: (This is where storyboard based differs, and I feel is a bug. Xib based do not require this User Defined Action.)
Hook up the selector for File -> Print to First Responder and choose printDocument: instead of print:
Don't define printDocument: in your NSDocument subclass. If you want to, then be sure to call super or perhaps one of the methods below.
From NSDocument.h
/* The action of the File menu's Print... item in a document-based application.
The default implementation of this method merely invokes
[self printDocumentWithSettings:[NSDictionary dictionary]
- (IBAction)printDocument:(id)sender;
The default implementation of printDocumentWithSettings in turn calls printOperationWithSettings, so you can use either of those methods to draw custom information prior to the print sheet appearing.
The accepted solution of setting the menu item to -printDocument: is correct, but not (technically) because of an Xcode bug. (It is very a poor default setting, though.)
The menu item is calling the -print: of the whatever is the first-responder. NSView implements -print:, so if anything has been set as first-responder you will print with NSView's -print:, not your document's -print:. If editing your document requires text editing, the control you are using to implement editing will be set to first-responder, and that control will get the -print:.
Take a look at the TextEdit sample code from Apple (
In my non-document based app I have set a custom action for the print menu item. In that method I notified my controller about the print operation via NSNotificationCenter. Maybe that works for you too :)

Silence Cocoa error beep

I have a Cocoa application that captures keypresses through a custom view in the view hierarchy. This view implements the keyUp and keyDown methods, and the keypresses are received. Even so, Cocoa still insists on playing the system error sound/ding every time I press a key. Any solutions?
Note: Although I tried to make this view first responder, it didn't work. That may have something to do with it.
If you have unsuccessfully tried to make the view the first responder, it's most likely because NSView returns NO for acceptsFirstResponder. You can have your NSView subclass override acceptsFirstResponder to return YES:
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder {
return YES;
That should eliminate the beeps. Alternatively, you could have the NSView subclass override NSResponder's performKeyEquivalent: method to return YES, which should also eliminate the NSBeeps:
- (BOOL)performKeyEquivalent:(NSEvent *)event {
return YES;
Not sure what to suggest. I actually wrote a "Keyboard Cleaner Helper" app that's designed to basically do something similar to what you want. (I used it on my laptop when I wanted to clean the keyboard and didn't the hundreds of key presses to randomly rename files or result in repeated error beeps).
Sample project:
Running that app, I can't get it to beep at all (notice calls are logged to Console).

Cocoa window dragging

I'm using addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask to listen to events in Cocoa:
[NSEvent addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:NSLeftMouseDraggedMask
handler:^(NSEvent *event) {
Though I would like to know if I'm dragging/moving a window (and which window that is, I can find the focused window though when holding command and dragging a window it doesn't get focus as far as I know.)
So, can I detect whether or not I'm dragging a window?
I now have a class: "SATest : NSObject <NSWindowDelegate>" in which I implement the windowDidMove method (and later perhaps windowWillMove too.) Though, now the next step would be attaching this to a window, right? So my question now is: How do I attach the delegate to all windows of all apps?
Update 2:
I now can find a list of all open windows on the screen:
AXUIElementRef _systemWideElement;
_systemWideElement = AXUIElementCreateSystemWide();
CFArrayRef _windows;
AXUIElementCopyAttributeValues(_systemWideElement, kAXWindowsAttribute, 0, 100, &_windows);
Now I have to iterate over the windows, and of each get it's NSWindow so I can add my delegate to it: [window setDelegate:self];
Update 3: To be clear, this question is about detecting the dragging of ALL windows of ALL apps. Not only the windows of my own app.
Also, I'm very new to this event and window management stuff, so no need to keep your answer short I'm happy to read a lot :P
To find out if a window is being dragged you need to have an object that acts as the delegate of the window by responding to the following messages of the NSWindowDelegate protocol:
windowWillMove - this tells the delegate that the window is about to move.
windowDidMove - this tells the delegate that the window has moved.
You can retrieve the NSWindow object in question by sending object to the notification parameter sent to these methods:
NSWindow draggedWindow = [notification object];
More information can be found here.
In response to your request about getting this information for all windows the NSApplication class provides a method which returns an array of all windows owned by the application. The typical way of getting this information is to use one of the NSApplicationDelegate methods to get a reference to your application object.
For example, in your app delegate (pseudocode):
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
NSApplication * app = [aNotification object];
// you now have a reference to your application.
// and can iterate over the collection of windows and call
// [window setDelegate:self]; for each window.
Note that you will need to add / remove you delegates as windows are added and removed. The best method for doing this is – applicationDidUpdate:.
This should be enough to get you started solving your problem.
As suggested by Benjamin the answer lies in the accessibility API. I was looking around in this for a while, even before I asked this question, but never got it to do what I wanted. I now have found a pretty nice solution.
At a high-level I do the following:
Listen to the mouse down event and remember both on which window you clicked and it's location.
Listen to the mouse up event and check if the location has changed, if so you know you moved a window
You can do something similar for the size if you also want to know if you resized. There might be a better solution, but after days of trying stuff this is the only way I got it to work the way I wanted.
Hope this helps anyone who was looking for something similar.

Trouble accessing NSTextField from method called by a Custom View

I'm almost done writing an image editing program, but ran into a problem that should have a simple solution.
Basically, I've built a set of buttons and NSTextFields and a Custom View into the main xib, just dropping them straight off the Library into the default window (and then, of course, linking them up with IBOutlets and IBActions). One of the buttons is an "Open" button that calls a function. The function does several things: it runs a NSOpenPanel, and then changes some of the NSTextFields (used for changing image name and path). That code is called as follows:
- (IBAction)openButtonPressed: (id)sender {
[self runOpenPanel];
Now I also happen to be running my keyDown handler from the Custom View, as I've told it to acceptFirstResponder. (I know, it's probably bad practice to not write a separate Controller class, but that's best left for another time.) So my keyDown event looks like this (simplified, as in the actual code I have has if statements to handle certain keys separately that don't pertain to this question):
- (void)keyDown: (NSEvent *)theEvent {
[self runOpenPanel];
So they both use [self runOpenPanel] but from different contexts. The problem I'm having is that "runOpenPanel" makes a few calls to change IBOutlets, like this:
-(void)runOpenPanel {
// Omitting some of the trivial NSOpenPanel code
[myTextField setStringValue: #"The file name NSString from the aforementioned omitted code."];
So myTextField updates when the function is run by an Interface Builder button, but not when run by the Custom View's keyDown handler. Is there some way to call runOpenPanel that will allow it to access myTextField? I've tried using [[super self] runOpenPanel] (don't laugh) and a number of other things. Thanks in advance!

Using NSProgressIndicator inside an NSMenuItem

I'm trying to use a NSProgressIndicator (indeterminate) inside of a statusbar-menu. I'm using an NSView-object as view for the menuitem, and then subviews the progress indicator to display it. But whenever i try to call the startAnimation: for the progress, nothing happens. When i try do the very same thing on a normal NSWindow it works perfectly, just not when inside a menuitem.
I'm new to both cocoa and objective-c so I might've overlooked something "obvious" but I've searched quite a bit for a workaround but without success. I found something about menuitems cant be updated while shown and that you need to use a bordeless window instead. But I have not been able to confirm this in any documentation.
Ok, almost works now. When using the setUsesThreadedAnimation: and from a MenuDelegate's menuWillOpen and creating a new thread. This thread runs a local method:
-(void) doWork(NSProgressIndicator*) p{
[p startAnimation:self];
This will start the progressindicator on a random(?) basis when opening the menu. If I call startAnimation: directly without going through doWork: (still using a new thread), it never works. Doesn't setUsesThreadedAnimation: make the progress-bar create it's own thread for the animation?
Solved it by using:
[progressIndicator performSelector:#selector(startAnimation:)
Inside the menuWillOpen:, the problem seems to have been calling startAnimation: before the progressbar was finished drawing itself.
How are you referencing the NSProgressIndicator that is in the view (and the one in the window, for that matter)? For example, do you have a controller class that has IBOutlet's hooked up to the progress indicators? If you are using an IBOutlet, are you sure it's hooked up properly in the nib file?
Also, where and when are you calling startAnimation:? (We need to see some code).
One thing that can sometimes happen is that you forget to hook up an IBOutlet in the nib. Then, when you attempt to tell the object to do something in code at runtime, the IBOutlet is nil, and so what you think is a message being sent to your object is in fact, a message being sent to nil. In other words, it's just ignored, and effectively looks like it's not working.
Provided you do have a (potentially) valid reference to the UI object, the other common issue you'll see is when a developer is trying to send a message to the object at "too early" of a time. In general, init methods are too early in the controller object's lifetime to be able to send messages to user interface objects—those IBOutlet's are still nil. By the time -awakeFromNib is called, IBOutlet's should be valid (provided you hooked them up in IB) and you can then send the message to the UI object.
Have you told it to use threaded animation via -setUsesThreadedAnimation:?