Maven Release Plugin deployment of sources.jar and javadoc.jar - maven-2

I use maven release plugin for generating release of my project. I do not want to generate Javadoc all time I build. On the other hand when I call release:perform I would like if maven would generate sources.jar and javadoc.jar and would deploy it to maven release repository. Just because I am curious how deploying source.jar can be disabled, since It looks like it is deployed by default.

From the documentation of Maven Release Plugin, there is a useReleaseProfile parameter, which determines Whether to use the release profile that adds sources and javadocs to the released artifact, if appropriate. This is true by default. You can try changing this as appropriate to enable/disable source/javadocs.

Use the releaseProfiles parameter (example: src,javadoc) to turn on one or more profiles, and in these profiles, define the source and javadoc generation:


Filter maven resources with filter-file from external dependency

Given a property file in maven project A
I want to use them in project B for resource filtering.
So in Project B I use
To filter my resources based on values in This file is stored in project A. So I include it with
Problem is that the resource filtering happens before the dependency is copied. So filtering does work when copying manually to ${} but it does not work with a mvn clean ...
How can I copy the filterFile before the actual filtering happens?
Maven plugins are executed in the order they appear in the pom. AFAIK the plugins configured in the parent (and the super pom) are executed before the plugins of the pom.
My suggestion is declaring the resources plugin explicitely after the dependency plugin:
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->

Not able to generate client code with wsdl2java and maven using CXF

I'm using maven cxf-codegen-plugin to generate client files from wsdl but not able to do so.
I want that all the wsdl files in the folder src/main/wsdl should be scanned and corresponding clients should be generated in separate folders. Please help.
My pom.xml is :
here's how I'm doing it with version 2.7.4, and having the generated code created in different packages :
Here's where you can find out more about the extra-args :
For an automatic scan of the wsdl folder, this works good too :
Hope it helps!
I realize this is an old question, but I just ran into this, so I wanted to reply for the benefit of others. You are right on commenting out the <pluginManagement> tag see here. However for the error in Eclipse that says:
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration
You will need to install the m2e connector for build-helper-maven-plugin (click on the error, and Eclipse should guide you to install it)
I put plugins tag inside pluginManagement tag and error disappeared:

yuicompressor-maven-plugin not bounded to process-resources

I have been trying to figure out why yuicompressor-maven-plugin is not executed during "mvn package". I can execute it in an independent task as described in the link below but somehow the plugin does not get called from maven life cycle.
and here is the sample pom.xml I use,
<!-- yuicompressor-maven-plugin -->
I have read similar posts but could not figure out why it's not bounded to "process-resources". Phase and Goal are explicitly set so not sure why it's not called. Is there a way to debug why yuicompressor-maven-plugin is not called during "mvn package"? I use maven 2.2.1. Perhaps the version of my Maven won't work with the plugin?
thanks for your help,
You simply need to put the running out of the pluginManagement area into the usual plugins area like:
In pluginManagement you define only the default for plugin in particular the verison but you really don't bound to real execution. For other plugins etc. this works cause the are alreay defined in the build area of the supoer pom so this give you the opportunity to redefine them via pluginManagement but not with a plugin which never has been part of any build area.

Maven: add a folder or jar file into current classpath

I am using maven-compile plugin to compile classes. Now I would like to add one jar file into the current classpath. That file stays in another location (let's say c:/jars/abc.jar . I prefer to leave this file here). How can I do that?
If I use classpath in the argument:
it will not work because it will override the current classpath (that includes all the dependencies)
This might have been asked before. See Can I add jars to maven 2 build classpath without installing them?
In a nutshell: include your jar as dependency with system scope. This requires specifying the absolute path to the jar.
See also
The classpath setting of the compiler plugin are two args. Changed it like this and it worked for me:
I used the gmavenplus-plugin to read the path and create the property 'cp':
Use Groovy to read classpath and store into
file named value of property <cpfile>
In second step use Groovy to read the contents of
the file into a new property named <cp>
In the compiler plugin this is used to create a
valid classpath
<!-- any version of Groovy \>= 1.5.0 should work here -->
def file = new File(
/* create a new property named 'cp'*/ = file.getText()
println '<<< Retrieving classpath into new property named <cp> >>>'
println 'cp = ' +
From docs and example it is not clear that classpath manipulation is not allowed.
But see Java docs (also
-classpath path Specifies the path javac uses to look up classes needed to run javac or being referenced by other classes you are
compiling. Overrides the default or the CLASSPATH environment variable
if it is set.
Maybe it is possible to get current classpath and extend it,
see in maven, how output the classpath being used?
Read file (Read a file into a Maven property)
def file = new File( = file.getText()
and finally
We mixed two of the answers found here to solve a similar problem. Our project needs a JAR only in compile stage, but add a local dependency, using system scope, it is unuseful because Maven refuse the artifact publication with an error related to a missing dependency.
The snippets used are the following:
def file = new File( = file.getText()
Maven is able to compile and successfully deploy the artifacts.
If anyone is interested the full POM is available in GitHub under project NuReflector, defaultPOM.template under src/NuReflector.

How do I make a Maven module not export a jar?

I have a Maven build with three modules.
Module A exports a jar.
Module B depends on A and exports a jar.
Module C is a set of regression tests that depend on A and B.
The reason the regression tests aren't just part of module B is that they should be able to run against multiple versions of A and B to ensure backwards compatibility. I want to be able to run deploy from the top level build to create A.jar and B.jar, but not C.jar. Is this possible?
If you don't need to create a JAR at all, you might want to add two more properties:
Note that you still need maven.deploy.skip, otherwise the build will fail during deployment.
The maven deploy plugin includes a skip options that prevents artifact deployment.
You can try adding that to project C.
Use below for module C:
Use a packaging of type pom for C and rebind all required plugins: