AppFabric caching's local cache isnt working for us... What are we doing wrong? - nhibernate

We are using appfabric as the 2ndlevel cache for an NHibernate application comprising a customer facing website and an admin website. They are both connected to the same cache so when admin updates something, the customer facing site is updated.
It seems to be working OK - we have a CacheCLuster on a seperate server and all is well but we want to enable localcache to get better performance, however, it dosnt seem to be working.
We have enabled it like this...
bool UseLocalCache =
int LocalCacheObjectCount = int.MaxValue;
TimeSpan LocalCacheDefaultTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3);
DataCacheLocalCacheInvalidationPolicy LocalCacheInvalidationPolicy = DataCacheLocalCacheInvalidationPolicy.TimeoutBased;
if (UseLocalCache)
configuration.LocalCacheProperties =
new DataCacheLocalCacheProperties(
// configuration.NotificationProperties = new DataCacheNotificationProperties(500, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(300));
Initially we tried using a timeout invalidation policy (3mins) and our app felt like it was running faster. HOWEVER, we noticed that if we changed something in the admin site, it was immediatley updated in the live site. As we are using timeouts not notifications, this demonstrates that the local cache isnt being queried (or is, but is always missing).
The cache.GetType().Name returns "LocalCache" - so the factory has made a local cache.
Running "Get-Cache-Statistics MyCache" in PS on my dev environment ( app running local from vs2008, cache cluster running on a seperate w2k8 machine) show a handful of Request Counts. However, on the Production environment, the Request Count increases dramaticaly.
We tried following the method here to se the cache cliebt-server traffic... but the log file had nothing but the initial header in it - i.e no loggin either.
I cant find anything in SO or Google.
Have we done something wrong? Have we got a screwy install of AppFabric - we installed it via WebPlatform Installer - I think?
(note: the IIS box running isnt in yhe cluster - it is just the client).
Any insights greatfully received!

Which DataCache methods are you using to read from the cache? Several of the DataCache methods will always make a hit against the server regardless of local cache being configured. You pretty much have to make sure you only use Get if you want the local cache to be leveraged.
This is one my biggest nits with AppFabric Caching. They don't explain any of this to you and so when you begin to rely on local caching you begin to fall into these little pitfalls because you do not think you're paying a penalty for talking to the service, transferring data over the wire and deserializing objects, but you are.
The worst thing is, I could understand having to talk to the service to make sure the local cache represents the latest data. I can even understand transferring the data back so that multiple calls are not made. What I can not understand for the life of me though is that even if the instance in the local cache is verified to still be the current version that came back from the cache, they still deserialize the object from the wire rather than just returning the instance that's in memory already. If your objects are large/complex this can hurt a lot.

After days and days of looking into why we get so many Local Cache misses we finally solved it:
There is a bug with local cache in AppFabric v 1.1 that is fixed in CU4, see
Make sure that the Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.Client.dll used by your application is also updated. We had CU4 installed on the machine but got the Client.dll without CU4 from a NuGet package in our application. In our case a simple NuGet package update made everything work.
After installing CU4 and making sure that the Client.dll was also updated we reduced our reads towards the AppFabric Host by a lot, due to Local Cache hits increasing. yay!

Have you tried using a nhibernate profiler?
There is also this:
It's a nice way to manage and view the cache.
Both of these may help in debugging the issue.


HttpRuntime.Cache has "2 versions" in my project

So in my company we have this huge website project in Visual Basic. On this problem we have two parts involved, the admin, running at one port in local, and the website, running on another port.
The problem I have is that when I change a user's property in admin, it calls the function to save the user and adds the changes to the database. After that, we run a HttpRuntime.Cache.Remove(key) and it is removed successfully. BUT when the website part tries to get the user from cache (before doing so from the database), it gets it successfully, even though it was removed previously. So my question is if this is a thing, if it's possible that even though using the same code, there are 2 different caches, I've done several tests and the cache is removed successfully from the admin part, it's definetly not a code problem.
So apparently, that's how it works. If the same project has 2 or more applications running at the same time, each one has its own cache, even if they share the code that removes or adds things to cache. There is no mistake, the answer would be to create a function that clears the cache from the other applications.

PouchDB corruption detection

I am building up a webapp with offline functionality. I am using combination of webcache and pouchDB to achieve it.
Currently I am testing recovery mechanisms against DB corruption. My premise is that since pouchDB is running in client, it is exposed to anyone who by mistake or on purpose can corrupt the DB. Also maybe in case of bugs or similar, DB could get corrupted. Then, if DB gets corrupted, unless it gets detected and clean by webapp, this will never work correctly.
Test is quite simple:
- Create PouchDB:
var dbOptions = {
auto_compaction : false,
cache : false
var db = new PouchDB('myDB',dbOptions);
With Developer Tools delete part of the database.
On loading the application it tries to read all documents:
db.allDocs({include_docs : true}, function(_err,_response){
(certain code here)
It is at this point when "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property '_rev' of undefined " is thrown. I tried to catch exception and using provided promise by pouchDB but none did work.
Did any of you fellows have similar problem? How did you solve it?
When PouchDB returns 500 Internal error, how is the application supposed to recover from it? I tried to destroy the database
but it does not work. It returns 500 Internal error as well.
It indeed sounds like your database got corrupted. Sorry about that; we try to write bulletproof code, but since we're working against the WebSQL/IndexedDB APIs, there's always the possibility that something goes wrong at that interface, the browser crashes, lightning strikes your computer, etc.
500 errors indicate an internal PouchDB error, so you're not supposed to recover from them. Probably the best way to protect against corruption like that is just to set up continual sync with a CouchDB server (kind of the point of PouchDB anyway). CouchDB is a full database implemented from top to bottom and is very robust – since it uses append-only database files, your database can never get corrupted. So if you use continuous sync, you can always delete the PouchDB database and recover from CouchDB.
That being said, if you could let us know which version of PouchDB you're running, which browser you saw this on, or even a code snippet to reproduce, that would be really helpful. If you're using Firefox, you can also send us the storage files themselves for IDB by following the instructions here to find the Profile folder and then sending us the contents of the storage/persistent/<my_site>/idb folder. Thanks!
I got this error while adding a new schema to my RxDB database. It turned out I included the primary key and wrong property names into encrypted fields. I removed the primary key and put proper names and it worked fine after that.

Data changes in RavenDB by itself

I have set up a RavenDB for evaluation. I wrote some code which pushed some documents into it. I then have a web site which renders those documents.
Throughout the day, I used the Raven Studio to modify some text in those documents, so that I could see the changes come through in my web site.
Problem: It seems that after going home for the night, when I come in the next day my database has changed - my documents have reverted to the 'pre-changed' versions... what's going on??
I've looked through the Raven console output, and there were no update commands issued on my developer machine overnight (nor would I expect there to be!!)
Note: this is just running on my development machine.
As far as I know, RavenDB has no code in it that would automatically undo commited write operations and honestly, this would really scare me. Altogether this sounds really weird and I can't think of a scenario where that could actually happen. I suggest you send the logfiles to ravendb support if it happens again, because this would be a really serious issue.
My colleague had this very problem with updates being reverted. The update we made was to add a property, and then also a document specific value for this property, to all the documents. We called SaveConfiguration() and saw the change being done in the Raven Studio. A while later some of the documents had lost it's new property.
I decided to turn on the logging and therefore added an NLog.config file, to get the logging started I touched the web.config. This of course restarted the application, and "voila", the updates appeared in the Raven Studio again.
After a while they disappeared from the Raven Studio, so I assumed that this was a studio problem. I therefore tried to retrieve the objects from the database in a test controller, unfortunately the objects were lacking the property value here too, so it wasn't just a studio problem.
With the logging turned on we updated the documents of the specific type again, and according to the logs and also the studio we actually updated the documents. Not long thereafter the documents reverted by losing it's added property yet again (my colleague started crying at this point - true story)..
Later I came to realize that this was all because of our live web application still had the old version of the object. When it was read in the web application the data was returned without the extra property. Because of this it seems like our DocumentSession thought that the object had changed (in all fairness), so when we called SaveChanges even these objects was written to the database - without it's extra property.
Is my conclusion correct? What is the solution to this problem? I'm thinking CQRS, because then we will never call "SaveChanges()" on the DocumentSession for reads.
Just making sure, did you call SaveChanges() after you made your modifications?
There is absolutely nothing in RavenDB that would cause this behavior.

SPWebService.RemoteAdministratorAccessDenied - How to use it in a proper way?

We have created a SharePoint web part with creates and updates SharePoint Timer Jobs automatically. The web part runs from the content web applications and not from the central admin.
I've learnt that MSFT has made some minor changes in updating SPPersistedObject. So I'm getting Access Denied while calling Update().
But here are my questions -
I understood that we cannot set
= false from the code running in content web applications. Is there a
STSADM command for it other than
I can turn it off from a FARM
feature but is that secure if I
don't turn it off immediately?
What is the best way to use it?
I don't believe so - you need to set the property from code running in CA or set it from a Powershell script.
I honestly am not sure what security loophole Microsoft was trying to close with this one - but I'm also not a security guru - in fact quite the opposite.
My suggestion is to disable the security feature, do what you need to do, then turn it back on. Since it's a very simple Powershell script (or farm feature receiver if that's your thing) it should be pretty simple to disable/reenable each time you need to do something (which hopefully won't be that often anyway).

Nhibernate Profiler - Shows no information other than "session"?

So I am having problems getting NHibernate intergated in my MVC project. I therefore, installed the NHProfiler and initialized it in the Global.asax.cs file (NhibernateProfiler.Initialize();).
However, all I can see in the NHProf is a Session # and the time it took to come up. But selecting it or any other operations doesn't show me any information about the connection to the database or any information at all in any of the other windows such as:
- Statements, Entities, Session Usage
The Session Factory Statistics only shows Start time, execution time, and thats it.
Any thoughts.
Do you have any custom log4net configuration? Just thinking that might be overwriting NHProf's log4net listener after startup. If you refresh the page (and hence start another session*), does NHProf display another Session start? Also verify that your HibernatingRhinos.Profiler.Appender.dll (or HibernatingRhinos.Profiler.Appender.v4.0.dll if you're using .NET 4) is the same one as the current version of NHProf.
* I'm assuming that you're using Session-per-Request since this is a web app.