How to bundle JNLP API with Maven Project - maven-2

I have a project where I need the JNLP API. I did not find an artifact for that on Maven Central, so I added an external Repository which offers that to my pom. That repository went offline this weekend. This is the second time something like this happened to me.
I know this is pretty much what Maven is not about, but really I just want that tiny jnlp-api-1.5.0.jar file to be
In my SCM (I don't want to roll my own Maven repository for just one dependency).
In the compile scope when the project builds.
Which knobs do I have to turn to accomplish this?

As of JDK 7.0, the JNLP API is being provided by the javaws.jar file in your JRE's lib directory, i.e., ${java.home}/lib/javaws.jar. It is possible to use the maven dependency scope system.

You can put the JAR in your local repository using the install-file goal of the maven-install-plugin and reference it as you normally would in your POM. The command would be:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/path/to/jnlp-api-1.5.0.jar -DgroupId=<group-id> -DartifactId=<artifact-id> -Dversion=1.5.0 -Dpackaging=<packaging>
Place this command in a script and check it into your SCM. That way, you (and anyone else working on this project) can install it easily to the local repo.


how to download and install jar in my local repo Maven

I am trying to download a jar for an internal repo with I have under tomcat and then install it to my local maven repo.
The jar file can be found under the path:
I edit my pom.xml providing the link of the internal repo and also add a dependency in the pom.xml but the maven cannot download the jar.
Could you please anyone help me?
It's not just the jar only to make a Maven repository, there are a bunch of other stuffs required to be regarded as Maven repository. From the URL I think it is not a standard Maven repository layout.
So you have at least 2 options:
Setup your own local network Maven repository, either using Artifactory, Nexus or other similar software systems.
Download the file and add it to your local machine repository.
For option 2, just download the file, and then run the Maven mvn command as follow (assuming the file is at your current directory):
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=JSErrorCollector-0.2.jar -DgroupId=strepo.ext -DartifactId=JSErrorCollector -Dversion=0.2 -Dpackaging=jar
After that you can refer to that using:

Activate profile in depended-on POM?

My company writes companion products for project management software that uses that software's Java API. They release new API versions with new releases of their products, and also point releases for bug fixes etc. We need to support clients using various versions of their software (and by extension, their API). In order to do this without unnecessary code duplication, we have defined profiles in our products that include the necessary dependencies for each API version.
I have a war project built using this technique with the "api70" profile activated, and another project that depends on that war project with a type of pom, in order to pull in the war's dependencies. The problem is that when building this second project, the profile-specific dependencies are not being included, even though I'm defining -Papi70 on the maven command line when building the depending project.
Is there any way to get this to work?
In the war project:
<!-- API 7.0 profile. -->
In the depending project:
<!-- Depend on war as type=pom for dependency mediation. -->
Command line used for building depending project:
mvn -P api70 clean package
The resulting build does not include integrationlibrary or any of its transitive dependencies.
I think that your problem doesn't apply to profiles at all. It's about how transitive dependencies work for war packaging. By design they doesn't work :) War archive contain its dependencies in WEB-INF/lib folder or if it is packaged in ear it can share libraries with ear libs. More of the problem you can read on this wiki article. It's about Skinny Wars but topic relates also your problem.
For you interesting is also this JIRA issue.
Quick but not elegant solution is to change packaging form war to pom (or create duplicate pom with pom packaging).
Why don't you create an api70-deps pom project and let your war and dependant project both pull that in, profile activated or otherwise?
This approach works wonders for me... my poms become so much more tidier.

Maven: Including jar not found in public repository

If I was to use a 3rd party library that was not in the maven public repository, what is the best way to include it as dependency for my project so that when someone else checks out my code it will still be able to build?
My Application "A" depends on jar "B" which does not exist in the public repository. I, however, wish to add "B" as a dependency to "A" such that when a person on the other side of the world could check out the code and still be able to build "A"
You can install the project yourself.
Or you can use the system scope like the following:
systemPath requires the absolute path of the project. To make it easier, if the jar file is within the repository/project, you can use ${basedir} property, which is bound to the root of the project.
If you have a parent project with a module that is in this situation (requires a dependency not in a repository) you can setup your parent project to use the exec-maven-plugin plugin to auto-install your dependent file. For example, I had to do this with the jar file since it is not publicly available.
Parent POM:
In the above example, the location of the jar is in the lib folder of the "service" module.
By the time the service module enters the validate phase, the jar will be available in the local repository. Simply reference it in the way you set up the groupid, artifact, etc in the parent pom. For example:
Using system scope may work but it is not recommended even in the Maven specification.
it is not portable.
from Maven book:
system- The system scope is similar to provided except that you
have to provide an
explicit path to the JAR on the local file system. This is intended to allow compilation
against native objects that may be part of the system libraries. The artifact is assumed
to always be available and is not looked up in a repository. If you declare the scope to
be system, you must also provide the systemPath element. Note that this scope is not
recommended (you should always try to reference dependencies in a public or custom Maven
The best approach is to install to your local repository or to your enterprise repository to be accessible to all your peers.
this is very easy if you are using a repository manager such as Nexus.
This solution worked for me;
1. Created a local-maven-repo in my project's root directory and copied all my jars in the
2. Executed the following command to generate the necessary pom files and metadata etc for each and every jar that I needed to use;
mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=<somegroupid> -DartifactId=<someartifact> -Dversion=1.0.0 -Durl=file:./local-maven-repo/ -DrepositoryId=local-maven-repo -DupdateReleaseInfo=true -Dfile=<path to jar file>
This generated a new jar file with a pom file inside the local-maven-repo and I was able to include into my project as a dependency like this;
Then mvn package ensured that my project dependencies are resolved and packaged with my war file.
If you are using groovy/grail tool suite (GGTS) then you can directly import that third party dependency (but be sure you have that third party dependency in your local repository) using below steps :
Go to the Project Explorer and right click on project.
Click on import option.
Expend the maven option and select Install or deploy an
artifact to a maven repository and click next.
Brows and select that third party dependency using Artifact File
option and enter the detail of Group Id, Artifact Id and Version
using POM.xml file and click on finish
Wait some moment and possibly error would have gone for that problem.
Generally speaking, you should first put the 3rd party jar into your local repository. After that you can use it by adding the dependency into pom.xml.
For example.
1.put the jar into your local repository first:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=<path-to-file>
Note: this command requires maven-install-plugin version 2.5 or later. If not, You can refer to Here
2.use the jar by adding the dependency into you project's pom.xml.
just add this into the pom.xml of your project:
<groupId>${the groupId in the jar's pom.xml}</groupId>
<artifactId>${the artifactId in the jar's pom.xml}</artifactId>
<version>${the version in the jar's pom.xml}</version>
</dependency> can then package or deploy your project by running mvn package or mvn deploy
The 3rd party jar will also be included in the package.

Maven - add dependency on artifact source

I have two maven modules, one that ends up as a jar, and one war that depends on that jar.
I want the jar module to package it's source code together with the compiled classes in the jar, so that the second module is able to access it. I have tried using the maven-source-plugin, but I am confused as to how to add a dependency on the output of that. It seems that the dependency by default goes to the compiled jar, and not the source-code jar (ending with "-source.jar") that maven-source-plugin creates.
How do I add the "-source.jar" as a dependency, while still preserving the dependency on the compiled sources?
I've not tried this, but I think you need to create two profiles in your project. One which builds the main jar. The other which builds the sources jar. Unfortunately, I'm not exactly sure how you would build that profile. I couldn't find a good example of it so far.
(Accoding to the comments, you don't actually need a profile. You can just use the sources-plugin which will deploy the sources and make them available via the sources classifier)
In theory, you'd use the 2nd profile to attach the sources to the project. This creates a 2nd entry in your repository for the sources using that classifier. Once you install/deploy the sources to your repository, you should be able to include the sources as a dependency by using the classifier tag on the dependency to specify the sources directly.
So you'd have something like this in your webapp POM:
Did you try adding the src directory as a resource directory in the build section? That should copy the source into the jar on build.

Maven classpath order issues

Does anyone know of a way to set a specific classpath order in Maven2, rather than the random ordering I appear to experience at the moment?
There are a number of legitimate reasons for wanting to do this:
A vendor has supplied a patch jar, which contains overriding classes for a previously released jar and therefore the patch jar must appear first in the classpath ordering.
Two jar's found on the classpath discovered by traversing pom dependencies contain the same class in the same package with different signitures. For example:
both contain:
org.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper.class, but the jbossall-client version is missing the getFastClass method.
From googling I see that this is perhaps a point of contention between maven enthusiasts and people facing this particular issue, but surely there are legitimate reasons for classpath ordering.
Any advice from anyone that has solved this particular quandary would be much appreciated!
As of version 2.0.9 maven uses pom order for classpath, so you can actually manipulate it now. We mostly supress transitive dependencies to external libraries that we also include directly.
From the release notes of maven 2.0.9:
MNG-1412 / MNG-3111 introduced deterministic ordering of dependencies on the classpath. In the past, natural set ordering was used and this lead to odd results. The ordering is now preserved from your pom, with dependencies added by inheritence added last. In builds that had conflicting or duplicate dependencies, this may introduce a change to the output. In short, if you have weird issues with 2.0.9, take a look at the dependencies to see if you have conflicts somewhere.
Maven 2.0.9 adds correct ordering so you absolutely must have that version or higher for the below to work.
Secondly you need the an updated plugin. The Maven guys are working on a fix, its in their jira to fix but this is something I urgently needed. So in the meantime I have fixed this myself and you can pull the Modified plugin source code from github.
Edit: Refer to
There are two ways to install it, either pull my modified code and install it or download the prebuilt jar and just add it.
Building the plugin
Run maven install from the plugin directory you checked out and then add the following in your plugins section of your projects pom:
Download the jar
Alternatively if you don't want to download and compile yourself then you can just get hold of the jar file and install it yourself.
Once you have the file run
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=<path-to-file> -DgroupId=org.apache.maven.plugins \
-DartifactId=maven-eclipse-plugin -Dversion=2.8-cpfix -Dpackaging=jar
Regardless of how you installed it now when you run mvn eclipse:eclipse it will pick up the modified code and order the dependencies based on the order you defined in your pom file, no alphabetical ordering. It will also put the JRE container at the top of the dependencies.
Hopefully the real version of this code will come out soon, but in the meantime this fix has worked for me on my project and I hope it can help some others as well.
Rather a further qualification of the question than an answer:
under "Maven Dependencies" Eclipse does not seem to honour the POM-order.
(it does use the POM-order under "Java Build Path" & in the Classpath)
Is that the expected behaviour?
I'm using Eclipse 2021-09 (which has Maven 3.8.1 embedded) under Windows 10.
Here's the POM:
<name>Maven Dependency Order</name>
The Maven Dependencies looks like this:
If you have problem starting with IntelliJ IDEA, you can change the dependencies order from project structrue.