Advanced Cocoa Category - catching all file access - iOS - objective-c

Hey Guys,
In my app i need to verify that the file actually exist on the device before its being accessed by some file access methods (UIImage imageNamed, Cocos2d CCSprite method and so on).
I need to be sure that the file is on the device (and if not try to fetch it from the servers).
Can I do it without changing all the code to support it?
I thought on something like a 'Super Category' on the file system...
Is it possible???
I saw this idea, what do you think

it's often best to attempt the file/url read and fail gracefully - filesystems have a way of changing.
if you know the image's bundle, then use NSBundle.

You could use NSFileManager fileExistsAtPath: but from the docs:
/* The following methods are of limited utility. Attempting to predicate behavior based on the current state of the filesystem or a particular file on the filesystem is encouraging odd behavior in the face of filesystem race conditions. It's far better to attempt an operation (like loading a file or creating a directory) and handle the error gracefully than it is to try to figure out ahead of time whether the operation will succeed.
So probably just try to get the resource, if it fails, fetch and then retry.


Prevent NSDocument saving in temporary dictionary

I have an app with subclass of NSDocument that has overridden method writeToURL:(NSURL *) ofType:(NSString *) error:(NSError **) which saves data at given NSURL location, but also can save additional file (with appended .my2ext) with debug information. Previously it worked well (I created the app several years ago), but now I see that instead of user selected location the method gets some temporary directory:
Then, as I understand, the framework relocates the main file (at given url), but the additional file gets lost. So, can I somehow obtain the user selected path to save directly into it? Or prevent using temp directories at all?
I've already turned off the SandBox mode, but this didn't help. I also know that I can use "File Package" approach, but my app is created for a few people only, so, there is not interest in good production approach, only in simplicity.
I tried to google any possible solution, but found nothing helpful or just related. Even the documentation says nothing about using temporary directories! So, I decided to override different NSDocument methods. After several experiments I almost lost hope, but then I found that the method
saveToURL: ofType: forSaveOperation: delegate: didSaveSelector: contextInfo: provides real, user selected location. And this finally solved the problem.

Cocoa (OSX) drag & drop promised files - when are they ready for use?

I am trying to DnD promised files from Mac OSX applications to my own application. I am using the following:
NSArray *filenames = [info namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:path]];
(info is of NSDraggingInfo)
And indeed I get a list of filenames, which I can copy into my application.
However, I see the files aren't always complete - meaning, they are not guaranteed to be fully copied to the file system by the time I process them.
I am now looking for the right solution - how should I tell when to start processing the files? Is there some other method that returns the file names and their status?
Any help is highly appreciated!
Promised files don’t even start writing until you accept the file, so it’s normal that you’re seeing them only half-written.
As far as I know there’s no way to know when a file’s finished writing. Are the apps you are accepting these files from not also advertising a suitable ‘file contents’ or ‘file’ or other plain, non-promise pasteboard type? Mostly apps advertise they’ll create “promise” types are just so the Finder can drop a file into a folder the user selects without the app having to write the whole (potentially huge) file ahead of time—it’s not supposed to be for applications talking to other applications.

App Sandbox: document-scoped bookmark not resolving; not returning any error

I'm sandboxing my app, and trying to allow for import/export of multiple files, using an XML file to refer to them. To allow my app (or another sandboxed app) access to the files listed in the XML, I'm also including a serialized security-scoped bookmark. I'm serializing it as described in this answer, and my unit tests (which are not sandboxed) write and read the XML data without issue. When my app resolves the bookmark, the NSURL returned is nil, as is the NSError reference. Since I don't believe that should be the case, why is it happening? I can work around it by prompting the user to select a file/directory with an NSOpenPanel, but I'd still like to get the bookmarks to work as they should.
Reproduced in a test project
To reproduce at home, create a new Cocoa app in Xcode, and use the following Gist for the files in the project: (updated with a proper next-view loop)
Then, follow Apple's instructions to code-sign the project. You reproduce the problem (which I submitted to Apple as rdar://11369377) by clicking the buttons in sequence. You pick any file on disk (outside the app's container), then an XML to export to, and then the same XML to import.
Hopefully you guys will be able to help me figure out what I'm doing wrong. Either I'm doing something wrong and the framework is erroneously keeping to itself, or I'm doing it right and it's totally broken. I try not to blame the framework, so which is it? Or is there another possibility?
Sample Code
Exporting the XML to docURL:
// After the user picks an XML (docURL) destination with NSSavePanel
[targetURL startAccessingSecurityScopedResource];
NSData *bookmark = [targetURL bookmarkDataWithOptions:NSURLBookmarkCreationWithSecurityScope
[targetURL stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource];
Importing the XML from docURL:
// After the user selected the XML (docURL) from an NSOpenPanel
NSURL *result = [NSURL URLByResolvingBookmarkData:bookmarkData
I tried surrounding this call with[docURL ..AccessingSecurityScopedResource], which didn't make a difference (as expected, since the docURL is already within scope after having been selected in the Open Panel
Also, I specify the following in my app.entitlements file:
As mentioned above, the second step (resolving the bookmark) completes, but leaves both error and result nil. As I've been implementing sandboxing, most of the mistakes I've made have resulted in an NSError being returned, which helped me to resolve the bug. But now there's no error, and no URL is resolved.
Miscellaneous troubleshooting steps
I tried placing the XML file into my app's sandbox, which didn't make a difference, so access to the XML file is not the problem
The app uses ARC, but so do the unit tests, which succeed. I tried using an alloc/init instead of the autoreleased class method, too (just in case)
I pasted the URL resolution code immediately after creating the bookmark, and it runs fine, producing a security-scoped URL
I did a po on the originally created bookmark (before serialization), and then on the bookmark after deserialization, and they match 100%. Serialization is not the problem
I replaced the resolution call with CFURLCreateByResolvingBookmarkData(..), with no change. If it is a bug, it's present in the Core Foundation API as well as the Cocoa layer
Specifying a value for bookmarkDataIsStale: has no effect
If I specify 0 for options:, then I do get back a valid NSURL, but it has no security scope, and therefore subsequent calls to read the file do still fail
In other words, the deserialized bookmark does appear to be valid. If the bookmark data were corrupted, I doubt NSURL would be able to do anything with it
NSURL.h didn't contain any useful comments to point out something I'm doing wrong
Is anyone else using security-scoped document bookmarks in a sandboxed application with success? If so, what are you doing differently than I am?
OS Version Request
Can someone with access to the Mountain Lion beta verify whether or not my sample project shows the same (lack of an) error? If it's a bug that has been fixed after Lion, I won't worry about it. I'm not in the developer program yet, and so don't have access. I'm not sure if answering that question would violate the NDA, but I hope not.
In your Gist code, change the following line in AppDelegate.m (line 61):
[xmlTextFileData writeToURL:savePanel.URL atomically:YES];
[xmlTextFileData writeToURL:savePanel.URL atomically:NO];
Your code will then work.
The reason for this is likely the same reason for which it is necessary to have an existing (but empty) file that will contain the document-scoped bookmarks before calling [anURL bookmarkDataWithOptions]: While creating the NSData instance, the ScopedBookmarkAgent adds something (like a tag, probably an extended file attribute) to that file.
If you write data (i.e. the bookmark URLs) to that file atomically, in fact they're written not directly to the file but first to a temporary file that is renamed if the write operation was successful. It seems that the tag that has been added to the (empty, but existing) file that will contain the bookmarks is getting lost during this process of writing to a temporary file and then renaming it (and thereby likely deleting the original, empty file).
By the way: It shouldn't be necessary to create app-scoped bookmarks before passing the respective URLs to the xml file containing the document-scoped bookmarks.
Addition: has been renamed to in 10.7.4.

Best way to write to file a large HTTP response

I'm looking for ways of writing to file the results of a web request. In languages based on the JVM or the CLR there are appropriate Stream-based techniques I'm familiar with, however I'm clueless on how could that be done in Objective-C.
What I need is essentially a way to send an HTTP request (with a custom header set) and write the HTTP response content as I receive it (due to memory constraints I can't afford to get the whole file or even a large portion of it before persisting the contents).
Thanks in advance!
P.S.: I'm developing for Mac OS and I'm already using ASIHTTPRequest, if that can be of help.
Edit: I should specify that I don't want to write all of the contents returned by the server to disk unless I can write them directly at a certain offset of a file (which I'll then be able to manipulate), so anything that dumps straight to a new file or to the beginning of a file won't work for me.
There a few ways of doing it, depends on how you want to handle the responds
ASIHTTPRequest *request = [ASIHTTPRequest requestWithURL:url];
[request setDownloadDestinationPath:#"/Users/Test/Desktop/cool.html"];
with setDownloadDestinationPath: set, it'll save into temporary path, and when it finished, it'll move it to your downloadDestinationPath you set.
Or you can implement request:didReceiveData: delegate (see ASIHTTPRequestDelegate.h), and handle it yourself. This is similar to stream.
PS. I only ever use ASIHTTPRequest on iOS, not Mac OS, so I'm not entirely sure if it will work for you.

Is a file available to be opened?

Short version: I think I'm asking for a file too soon, but it's pretending like it's ready. Am I missing something?
Slightly longer version: I am writing files to disk. Before I do so, I have the user add some meta data, including the new file name. Once the user is done, the screen goes away and the program writes the file to disk. The user can then look at a list of files. That list is generated by reading the contents of a folder. The new file is in the list of files, but when I try to extract info from the file to display (e.g. file size) the program crashes. As best as I can tell, the crash occurs because, while the file is there in name, it's not available to be read. (By the way, these are small files - a few hundred k.)
First, is it possible that a file shows up in the directory but isn't all there yet?
And second, if so, how do I check to see if the file is ready to be read?
Thanks much.
Thanks. I'll try to add more info. I'm recording an audio file with AVAudioRecorder. The init line is:
soundrecording = [[AVAudioRecorder alloc] initWithURL:url settings:recordSettings error:&error];
The program goes through it's UI updates and metering and all that. When the audio is stopped, I call:
[soundrecording stop];
and when everything else is updated and ready to move on, I call:
[soundrecording release];
As far as I understand, this should take care of releasing the file, yes?
Thanks again.
The first thing I would do is confirm that you're right about the file not being ready yet. To do that, sleep your program for a second or two after writing and before reading. A few hundred KB should not take longer than that to be ready.
If it still fails, my guess is that you haven't closed the file handle that you used to write it. It may be unready for reading because the file system thinks you might keep writing.
Usually, the way to check to see if a file is ready is to attempt to open it. If that succeeds, you can read it. Or if it fails with an error, you can handle the error gracefully:
In a command-line utility, you might print the error and quit, and the user could try again.
If it's a background program that should not quit, like a server, you could log the error. You might also try again automatically after a delay. If it's a big deal kind of error, you might want to have the program email you about it.
In an GUI window app, you probably want to show an error dialog or panel, and then give the user an opportunity to retry.
Now that you have added sample code, I can say some more.
First, the class reference seems to say that the stop method will close the file. However it also seems to suggest that there is an underlying audio session going on, and possibly some conversion. I think I recall that the iPhone's Voice Notes app, which probably uses this API, has to do some work to compress a long recording after it's completed.
So I support your hunch. I think that your file may not be closed yet, but on another thread that is processing the recorded data into a proper format to save.
You probably want to set a NSTimer to attempt to open the file every second or so, so that your user interface can perk up when it's done. You probably want to show a "Please wait" sort of message in the meantime, or otherwise let the user know it's working.