WCF 4: Passing Empty parameters on a GET request - wcf

I'm creating an API which will just use a get request to return some search results from the database, I'm trying to make it so that optional parameters can be passed (easy with WCF) but also so that if parameters are specfied in the query string as long as they are empty they will be ignored by the service.
However if you have the a query string with empty parameters it will return a bad request (400) by the server e.g.
Using a end-user point of your choice pass the following querystring
Note that maxSalary and minSalary are not passing values
You then have the following WCF service:
[WebGet(UriTemplate = "basic/?apiKey={apiKey}&noOfResults={noOfResults}&maxSalary={maxSalary}&minSalary={minSalary}&ouId={ouId}&keywords={keywords}", BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare)]
public List<SearchResultsDto> BasicSearch(string keywords, string apiKey, int noOfResults, int maxSalary, int minSalary, int ouId)
//Do some service stuff
This will cause a 400 error, please can someone explain how you pass empty parameters across to a WCF service or is this just not possible?

Currently passing null or an empty parameter is not supported in WCF, the main solution to this problem is to override the querystringconverter which handles the url as it comes through the pipe but before it reaches the operation contract.
An excellent example of implmenting an extension of the querystringconverter is found here:
In the WCF web programming model, how can one write an operation contract with an array of query string parameters (i.e. with the same name)?
sadly there is a bug in WCF 4 where you cannot override the querystringconverter, this has been addressed by Microsoft and will be fixed in the SP1 release coming this year.
Until then there is no clean way to deal with this situation other than to handle the exception and return a status code of 400 (bad request) - good documentation of the api should handle this in the interim.

Is it just the integers giving you trouble? Maybe you can try making them nullable?
int? MaxSalary
hope this helps

You could send in "-1", and treat that in your business logic as not sent.

It can be handled in multiple ways. Since you are talking about a REST service that can have optional parameters, my suggestion will be do the something like this.
Create a DataObject that will be accepeted as parameter to this method.
public interface IService1
RequestObject BasicSearch(RequestObject apiKey);
public class Service1 : IService1
public RequestObject BasicSearch(RequestObject obj)
//Do some service stuff
return obj;
public class RequestObject
public string Keywords {get; set;}
public string ApiKey {get; set;}
public int NoOfResults { get; set; }
Advantages (am going to be short, ping me back for details)
No change in service signature
contract does not change
you will get the flexibility of have
null parameters
you can always extend the number of
parameters without any impact to
existing services
below is the sample input and output from fiddler
note: in the request part i havent passed anything to NumberOfResults intentionally to prove


How to serialize complex model to xml format wcf

I am developing a wcf application which is taking c# request model as an input and returning complex response c# model after populating data in it from database. I am using SOAP UI client tool to test my service.
Earlier i had decorated my contract with XmlSerializerFormat attribute and after submitting request i was able to get the response in Result tab of SOAP UI tool. Below is the code snippet of it :
public interface IService1
Employee GetData(Employee value);
public class Employee
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
But now due to some reasons i have removed XmlSerializerFormat attribute from contract and i want default serializer to take care of it. But when i am submitting the request from client , my response model is populating with results but Response tab of SOAP UI shows empty response.
During Response model population when i am removing certain properties from response model, i am able to see result in response tab of SOAP UI tool.
Is Default serializer in facing some issues while serializing some of property of my model. Any other attribute apart from XmlSerializerFormat ?
Please let me know where i am lacking or is there any alternative of XmlSerializerFormat attribute.
Thnx in Advance
Try adding DataContract attribute to the Employee on the class level and DataMember attribute to its properties that you want to be serialized. If it has complex property types of its own they also may need to be decorated similarly. Default serializer in WCF is DataContract serializer FYI.

A data contract that simply takes a string

Newbie in WCF, I am to define a restful interface for taking in requests in xml. The xml can belongs to any type of schema, instead of defining a data contract describing every data member, I want to my data contract to a simple string, which basicaly says you can send me anything, ideally, it looks below,
void SubmitESBMessage(string data);
Tried to define the contract to be
public class OnRampData
public string Data { get; set; }
But I don't want to tell my users to escape their xml and put into the OnRampData.
Anyone please help. Thanks in advance.
If you want to take any XML as your input, then you can use XmlElement or XElement as the parameter type. WCF treats those types as "all the XML from the request body".
void SubmitESBMessage(XElement data);

Pass multiple parameters into WCF Web API-service

I'm wondering about the behind the scenes magic that's happening when you create a WCF-Web service.
In one old project I got methods that I can call from JavaScript that look like this
[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
IEnumerable<Result> SearchObjects(string x, int y, double z);
And this works when I send { "x": "something", "y": 1, "z": 1.5 } from JavaScript.
A couple of months after the creation of that webservice, I found the WCF Web API and tried to make something similar.
Difference was that I created the route in my Global.asax with the HttpServiceHostFactory()
Now when I try to call the method, I get an exception like this
Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException:
The HttpOperationHandlerFactory is unable to determine the input parameter that should be associated with the request message content for service operation 'Invoke_LoginRequest'. If the operation does not expect content in the request message use the HTTP GET method with the operation. Otherwise, ensure that one input parameter either has it's IsContentParameter property set to 'True' or is a type that is assignable to one of the following: HttpContent, ObjectContent1, HttpRequestMessage or HttpRequestMessage1.
And to get it to work, I need to declare the method like this (VB.Net)
Public Function Invoke_LoginRequest(ByVal request As HttpRequestMessage(Of JsonValue)) As HttpResponseMessage(Of String)
But then I need to parse the JsonValue manually. So how does the old version really work? And is there any way I could get that behaviour back?
Best regards
1) Define a class containing the data that you want to receive, i.e,
public class Model
public string x { get; set; }
public int y { get; set; }
public double z { get; set; }
2) Define the operation parameter as an ObjectContent<Model>
public HttpResponseMessage Post(ObjectContent<Model> c){
Model m = c.ReadAs();

WCF method that updates object passed in

Am I correct in thinking that if I have a WCF OperationContract takes in an object and needs to set a property on that object so the client gets the update, I need to declare it to return the object.
e.g. given a datacontract:
public class CompositeType
public int Key { get; set; }
public string Something { get; set; }
this will not work with WCF:
public void GetDataUsingDataContract(CompositeType composite)
composite.Key = 42;
this will work:
public CompositeType GetDataUsingDataContract(CompositeType composite)
composite.Key = 42;
return new CompositeType
Key = composite.Key,
Something = composite.Something
IMO, authoring methods that produce output via side-effects is a "bad" thing. Having said that however, are there circumstances that necessitate this model? Yes.
Certainly C# programming model permits this, is WCF broken? No. At a certain point, one must realise they are consuming WCF, and as a framework it attempts to satisfy a majority of use-cases [for instance, replicating all input parameters on all round trips to preserve implicit side effect semantics is, in a word, silly].
Of course, there are ways to work around this - C# also provides for explicit declaration of these scenarios and WCF supports these as well!
For instance
// use of "ref" indicates argument should be returned to
// caller, black-eye and all!
public void GetDataUsingDataContract (ref CompositeType composite)
composite.Key = 42;
Give it a go!
Hope this helps :)
If you use 'out of the box' WCF, you are actually using a form of webservices, that uses serialized versions of the objects that are sent from client to server.
This is the reason you cannot 'by reference' change properties on objects. You will always have to use a request / response pattern.

WCF DataContract Upcasting

I'm trying to take a datacontract object that I received on the server, do some manipulation on it and then return an upcasted version of it however it doesn't seem to be working. I can get it to work by using the KnownType or ServiceKnownType attributes, but I don't want to roundtrip all of the data. Below is an example:
public class MyBaseObject
public int Id { get; set; }
public class MyDerivedObject : MyBaseObject
public string Name { get; set; }
[ServiceContract(Namespace = "http://My.Web.Service")]
public interface IServiceProvider
List<MyBaseObject> SaveMyObjects(List<MyDerivedObject> myDerivedObjects);
public class ServiceProvider : IServiceProvider
public List<MyBaseObject> SaveMyObjects(List<MyDerivedObject> myDerivedObjects)
... do some work ...
myDerivedObjects[0].Id = 123;
myDerivedObjects[1].Id = 456;
myDerivedObjects[2].Id = 789;
... do some work ...
return myDerivedObjects.Cast<MyBaseObject>().ToList();
Anybody have any ideas how to get this to work without having to recreate new objects or using the KnownType attributes?
I think that your problem is that you are trying to send over a generic list.
It will work if you encapsulate the list in an object. That is create an object with a single public property which is the generic list.
You also need to make sure that all classes that are not used directly in the contract are marked as serializable.
If you want to return the derived objects then there will always be a round trip because the client and the service are separate. In order for the client to update its own list of MyBaseObjects it has to deserialize the list of MyDerivedObjects that came from the server.
The use of KnownType and/or ServiceKnownType is needed because this leads to the addition of that type information into WSDL, which is in turn used by the client to deserialize the messages to the correct type.
For starters, a useful tool for testing the scenario you've described: http://www.wcfstorm.com
You might try creating a DataContractSurrogate (IDataContractSurrogate) and returning your base type for the call to GetDataContractType. I'm not really sure that's how it was intended to be used so you still may be better of with "the extra work", but maybe I don't understand the scope of that extra work.
One of the problems with WCF (and .net remoting) is that it they tries to make “message passing” look like method calls.
This fall down when you try to use too many “oop” type designs.
The fact that the messages are
represented by .net classes, does not
make all of their behaviour like .net
See this, and this, for more on the problem of Leaking Abstraction.
So you need to start thinking about message passing not object when designing your WCF interfaces, or you will hit lots of problems like this.