This is strange. I've got a WCF Message and I'm trying to read the contents of the body into an XmlDocument. The contents of the message body look like this on the wire (when inspected with WCF tracing turned on):
<timeZone>(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)</timeZone>
The code for the reader looks like this:
XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
settings.IgnoreWhitespace = false;
settings.CheckCharacters = false;
XmlReader bodyReader = XmlReader.Create(
message.GetReaderAtBodyContents().ReadSubtree(), settings);
XmlDocument messageDoc = new XmlDocument();
The resulting XML in messageDoc looks like this:
<timeZone>(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US &Canada)</timeZone>
So where did the extra whitespace after the original & go?
You can simplify the code by removing the XmlReader. Then set the PreserveWhiteSpace on the XmlDocument. You can replace all of your code with:
XmlDocument messageDoc = new XmlDocument() { PreserveWhitespace = true };
I have my below code which works proper on 106.15, I get a succesfull status. Project is Visual Studio 2022 (.Net 4.8)
accessToken = GetAccessToken()
Dim rRequest As RestRequest
Dim rClient As RestClient
Dim rResponse As RestResponse
Dim data() As Byte = File.ReadAllBytes(fileSource)
rClient = New RestClient("")
rRequest = New RestRequest(uploadURL, Method.Put)
rRequest.AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " & accessToken)
rRequest.AddHeader("Content-Range", New ContentRangeHeaderValue(0, data.Length - 1, data.Length).ToString)
rRequest.AddHeader("Content-Length", data.Length)
rRequest.AddParameter("application/binary", data, ParameterType.RequestBody)
rResponse = Await rClient.ExecuteAsync(rRequest)
When I execute the code on 107.15 it fails with the following error : There was an error sending the request (translated from dutch)
Any idea what could be wrong or should be changed?
Looks like 108.0.1 fixes the issue, it is working now.
This commit from 03 Mar 22 shows the fix.
Please read the documentation.
Don't use this:
rRequest.AddHeader("Content-Range", New ContentRangeHeaderValue(0, data.Length - 1, data.Length).ToString)
rRequest.AddHeader("Content-Length", data.Length)
rRequest.AddParameter("application/binary", data, ParameterType.RequestBody)
use AddFile instead.
You can still add the Content-Range header manually using AddHeader. As you aren't uploading the file (although you kind of do), you might not the file name to be there. In that case, you can try this:
.AddHeader("Content-Range", New ContentRangeHeaderValue(0, data.Length - 1, data.Length).ToString())
When AddBody gets a byte array, it will use the application/binary content type, and set the length correctly.
I have to put my list data in a table in a pdf file. My data has some Arabic words. When my pdf is generated, the Arabic words don't appear. I searched and found that I need itext7.pdfcalligraph so I installed it in my app. I found this code too and tried to do something similar to allow Arabic words in my table but I couldn't figure it out.
This is a trial code before I apply it to my real list:
var path2 = global::Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory.AbsolutePath;
filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(path2.ToString(), "myfile2.pdf");
stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create);
PdfWriter writer = new PdfWriter(stream);
PdfDocument pdf2 = new iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument(writer);
Document document = new Document(pdf2, PageSize.A4);
FontSet set = new FontSet();
document.SetFontProvider(new FontProvider(set));
document.SetProperty(Property.FONT, "Arial");
string[] sources = new string[] { "يوم","شهر 2020" };
iText.Layout.Element.Table table = new iText.Layout.Element.Table(2, false);
foreach (string source in sources)
Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph();
Bidi bidi = new Bidi(source, Bidi.DirectionDefaultLeftToRight);
if (bidi.BaseLevel != 0)
table.AddCell(new Cell(1, 1).SetTextAlignment(iText.Layout.Properties.TextAlignment.CENTER).Add(paragraph));
I updated my code and added the arial.ttf to my assets folder . i'm getting the following exception:
System.InvalidOperationException: 'FontProvider and FontSet are empty. Cannot resolve font family name (see ElementPropertyContainer#setFontFamily) without initialized FontProvider (see RootElement#setFontProvider).'
and I still can't figure it out. any ideas?
thanks in advance
- C #
I have a similar situation for Turkish characters, and I've followed these
steps :
Create a folder under projects root folder which is : /wwwroot/Fonts
Add OpenSans-Regular.ttf under the Fonts folder
Path for font is => ../wwwroot/Fonts/OpenSans-Regular.ttf
Create font like below :
public static PdfFont CreateOpenSansRegularFont()
var path = "{Your absolute path for FONT}";
return PdfFontFactory.CreateFont(path, PdfEncodings.IDENTITY_H, true);
and use it like :
.SetFont(FontFactory.CreateOpenSansRegularFont()); //set font in here
table.AddCell(new Cell(1, 1)
This is how I used font factory for Turkish characters ex: "ü,i,ç,ş,ö"
For Xamarin-Android, you could try
string documentsPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
var path = Path.Combine(documentsPath, "Fonts/Arial.ttf");
Look i fixed it in java,this may help you:
String font = "your Arabic font";
//the magic is in the next 4 lines:
FontProgram fontProgram = FontProgramFactory.createFont(font, true);
PdfFont f = PdfFontFactory.createFont(fontProgram, PdfEncodings.IDENTITY_H);
LanguageProcessor languageProcessor = new ArabicLigaturizer();
//and look here how i used setBaseDirection and don't use TextAlignment ,it will work without it
com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfDocument tempPdfDoc = new com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfDocument(new PdfReader(pdfFile.getPath()), TempWriter);
com.itextpdf.layout.Document TempDoc = new com.itextpdf.layout.Document(tempPdfDoc);
com.itextpdf.layout.element.Paragraph paragraph0 = new com.itextpdf.layout.element.Paragraph(languageProcessor.process("الاستماره الالكترونية--الاستماره الالكترونية--الاستماره الالكترونية--الاستماره الالكترونية"))
I am using the CSharp Java target - i am parsing some Csharp code like this:
List<Token> codeTokens = new ArrayList<Token>();
List<Token> commentTokens = new ArrayList<Token>();
//CharStream cs = CharStreams.fromString(contents);
CharStream cs = CharStreams.fromPath(path);
CSharpLexer lexer = new CSharpLexer(cs);
// recognition error happens here:
List<? extends Token> tokens = lexer.getAllTokens();
List<Token> directiveTokens = new ArrayList<Token>();
ListTokenSource directiveTokenSource = new ListTokenSource(directiveTokens);
CommonTokenStream directiveTokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(directiveTokenSource, CSharpLexer.DIRECTIVE);
CSharpPreprocessorParser preprocessorParser = new CSharpPreprocessorParser(directiveTokenStream);
If my source code is ASCII encoded, it works fine. But if it's UNICODE, even if there's nothing in the file, I always get this error:
line 1:0 token recognition error at: ''
Do I need to configure my Lexer differently? The error comes from => getAllTokens() => nextToken() => getInterpreter().match(_input, _mode);
Again, I get this even with an empty UNICODE-encoded file - but it still contains the U+FEFF character:
$ less ApiUserInfo.cs
ApiUserInfo.cs (END)
Thank you
I am working on Adobe Echo sign,I have downloaded the sample code from their website, I am using this sample code for sendingdocument, it has some code missing in sendDocument method so I have changed it. It's giving SoapHeader Exception,with nothing in InnerException,
below is my code of sending document
public static void sendDocument(string apiKey, string fileName, string recipient)
ES = new EchoSignDocumentService16();
FileStream file = File.OpenRead(fileName);[] fileInfos = new[1];
fileInfos[0] = new, null, file);
SenderInfo senderInfo = null;
string[] recipients = new string[1];
recipients[0] = recipient;
DocumentCreationInfo documentInfo = new DocumentCreationInfo(
"Test from SOAP: " + fileName,
"This is neat.",
DocumentKey[] documentKeys;
senderInfo = new SenderInfo(recipient, "password", "APIKEY");
documentKeys = ES.sendDocument(apiKey, senderInfo, documentInfo);
Console.WriteLine("Document key is: " + documentKeys[0].documentKey);
its giving exception on this line
documentKeys = ES.sendDocument(apiKey, senderInfo, documentInfo);
Can anyone suggest some sample code of Adobe Echo Sign?
On the account page of your login there is an API log you can check. If you check the log entry for your request you may find more information there.
I can't see anything immediately wrong with your code however the EchoSign API guide says that the 'tos' field is deprecated and that the recipients field should be used instead. Helpfully this means you can't use the paramaterised constructor. Try creating your document creation info as such (this is C# but if you need Java it should be straightforward to figure out):
RecipientInfo[] recipientInfo = new RecipientInfo[1];
recipientInfo[0] = new RecipientInfo
email = "recipient",
role = RecipientRole.SIGNER,
roleSpecified = true
DocumentCreationInfo documentCreationInfo = new DocumentCreationInfo
recipients = recipientInfo,
name = "Test from SOAP: " + fileName,
message = "This is neat.",
fileInfos = fileInfos,
signatureType = SignatureType.ESIGN,
signatureFlow = SignatureFlow.SENDER_SIGNATURE_NOT_REQUIRED
Note that when using the recipientInfo array it seems that the roleSpecified field must be set to true. This little field tripped me up for ages and I was receiving errors similar to yours.
I have written an ActiveX control which supports drag-drop of email attachments and disk files and uploads files to a web server.
I used the samples available at this link for Uploading files
Upload files with HTTPWebrequest (multipart/form-data)
I am sending data in chunks by setting the following properties
wr = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(UploadUrl);
wr.ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary;
wr.Method = "POST";
wr.ContentLength = contentLength;
wr.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = false;
wr.Timeout = 600000;
wr.KeepAlive = false;
wr.ReadWriteTimeout = 600000;
wr.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version10;
wr.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
wr.SendChunked = true;
wr.UserAgent = "Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; My Browser/1.0)";
rs = wr.GetRequestStream();
With the above settings I am getting an error (411) Length Required.
After reading the following article I realized, I dont need to set Content-Length property when I set SendChunked = true;
But the Microsoft example code here doesn't do so
After further digging I came to know that Chunked encoding is supported in HTTP version 1.1 only. So I changed the property as follows
wr.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version11;
Now I don't see that 411 error any more.
Now, can someone with better knowledge verify my understanding here and please let me know if I am doing right.
They are both just mechanisms to let the receiver know when it has reached the end of the transfer. If you want to use Content-Length, it is pretty simple. Just take your encoded byte array of POST data, and use the Length property.
ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding ();
byte[] postDataByteArray = encoding.GetBytes (postData);
wr.ContentLength = postDataByteArray.Length;