NSURLCredential and NSURLConnection - objective-c

I have been trying to search for a way to unset the credentials once you set a NSURLCredential with a NSURLConnection that is using NSURLCredentialPersistenceForSession, but I couldn't find a working solution. Removing the NSURLCredential from the NSURLCredentialStorage only removes it from the storage and not from the NSURLConnection cache. I tried turning cache off and it still keeps it. I need it to be NSURLCredentialPersistenceForSession as I don't want it to be uploading the large data then getting back the you need to authenticate message then authenticating with NSURLConnection and then resending the large data, I just want to authenticate once and send the large data once. I have a way to authenticate before sending the large data by checking some properties, but that doesn't allow me to logout or re-ask for authentication. I'm writing a WebDav client just so you understand where I stand, and the reason I need to unset the credentials is if someone has multiple accounts on the WebDav server and wants to login to another account. I tried looking into the cookies to see if it set something there, but it doesn't. I know it's only for the session, which means once your quit and relaunch the application, you can login as the other user. But that may confuse some people. I thought about writing my own Authentication system, but I wouldn't know how long that'll take.
Sorry if the above message is too long, I am just making sure I explain everything in detail so someone can try to help me with a valid answer and not a, go here leading me to something I tried.
Thanks for any help,
Mr. Gecko.
Update: Example code.
CFHTTPMessageRef message = [self httpMessageFromResponse:response];
authentication = CFHTTPAuthenticationCreateFromResponse(kCFAllocatorDefault, message);
CFHTTPMessageRef message = [self httpMessageFromRequest:request];
CFStreamError error;
CFHTTPMessageApplyCredentials(message, authentication, (CFStringRef)[credentials user], (CFStringRef)[credentials password], &error);
NSLog(#"%d", error.error); // Returns -1000
CFStringRef value = CFHTTPMessageCopyHeaderFieldValue(message, CFSTR("Authorization"));
NSLog(#"%#", (NSString *)value); // Returns NULL
if (value!=NULL)
Update: Code that I tried with removing credentials.
- (void)resetCredentials {
NSURLCredentialStorage *store = [NSURLCredentialStorage sharedCredentialStorage];
NSDictionary *allCredentials = [store allCredentials];
NSArray *keys = [allCredentials allKeys];
for (int i=0; i<[keys count]; i++) {
NSURLProtectionSpace *protectionSpace = [keys objectAtIndex:i];
NSDictionary *userToCredentialMap = [store credentialsForProtectionSpace:protectionSpace];
NSArray *mapKeys = [userToCredentialMap allKeys];
for (int u=0; u<[mapKeys count]; u++) {
NSString *user = [mapKeys objectAtIndex:u];
NSURLCredential *credential = [userToCredentialMap objectForKey:user];
NSLog(#"%#", credential);
[store removeCredential:credential forProtectionSpace:protectionSpace];

I'm working with a webdav server and had a similar issue. I found a solution within the sample code for apple's AdvancedURLConnection's project. It appears that the secret is to iterate over the protection spaces and then the credentials for each space. It's probably needlessly over complex but it works for me.
NSURLCredentialStorage *store = [NSURLCredentialStorage sharedCredentialStorage];
assert(store != nil);
for (NSURLProtectionSpace *protectionSpace in [store allCredentials]) {
NSDictionary *userToCredentialMap = [[NSURLCredentialStorage sharedCredentialStorage] credentialsForProtectionSpace:protectionSpace];
assert(userToCredentialMap != nil);
for (NSString *user in userToCredentialMap) {
NSURLCredential *credential = [userToCredentialMap objectForKey:user];
assert(credential != nil);
[store removeCredential:credential forProtectionSpace:protectionSpace];


Dialogflow V2 (beta1) SDK for Obj-C

I would like to use dialogflow service in the app written using obj-c. Have been using api.ai library for a while but could not seem to find a library for obj-c for dialogflow v2(beta1) apis. My agent is upgraded to v2 already, but the api.ai internally is using /v1/ endpoints and I need to use v2beta1 specific features like access to knowledge bases. (https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/docs/reference/rpc/google.cloud.dialogflow.v2beta1#queryparameters - knowledge_base_names).
The dialogflow api is a standard REST API, so all I need to have is OAuth2.0 & REST client, but coding this sounds like re-inventing the wheel.
Please advice. Thank you
I don't think there's a library written specifically for Dialogflow v2; however, the library google-api-objectivec-client-for-rest is a generic library provided by Google, that simplifies the code to consume their Rest APIs.
This library is updated to be used with Dialogflow V2. In order to use it, you'll need to match the Rest API, with the "Queries" (API methods) and "Objects" (API types) in the library, which is not that difficult because the names are basically the same.
For example, the detectIntent method full name is:
In the library, it is the equivalent to the Query:
Here's an example of a detectIntent request:
// Create the service
GTLRDialogflowService *service = [[GTLRDialogflowService alloc] init];
// Create the request object (The JSON payload)
GTLRDialogflow_GoogleCloudDialogflowV2DetectIntentRequest *request =
[GTLRDialogflow_GoogleCloudDialogflowV2DetectIntentRequest object];
// Set the information in the request object
request.inputAudio = myInputAudio;
request.outputAudioConfig = myOutputAudioConfig;
request.queryInput = myQueryInput;
request.queryParams = myQueryParams;
// Create a query with session (Path parameter) and the request object
GTLRDialogflowQuery_ProjectsAgentSessionsDetectIntent *query =
[GTLRDialogflowQuery_ProjectsAgentSessionsDetectIntent queryWithObject:request
// Create a ticket with a callback to fetch the result
GTLRServiceTicket *ticket =
[service executeQuery:query
completionHandler:^(GTLRServiceTicket *callbackTicket,
GTLRDialogflow_GoogleCloudDialogflowV2DetectIntentResponse *detectIntentResponse,
NSError *callbackError) {
// This callback block is run when the fetch completes.
if (callbackError != nil) {
NSLog(#"Fetch failed: %#", callbackError);
} else {
// The response from the agent
NSLog(#"%#", detectIntentResponse.queryResult.fulfillmentText);
You can find more information and samples, in the library wiki. Finally, the library also has a sample code using Google Cloud Storage which ilustrates its use with GCP services.
I think that without a specific library for Dialogflow V2, this might be the next thing to try before implementing it from scratch.
Oops, I was missing the fact that the generated service for Dialogflow does not contain v2beta1.
In this case, it is needed an additional first step, which is to use the Dialogflow v2beta1 DiscoveryDocument and the ServiceGenerator, to create the service interface for v2beta1. Then you can continue working the same as I mentioned before.
Following #Tlaquetzal example, I ended up doing something like below
In pod file
pod 'GoogleAPIClientForREST'
pod 'JWT'
Using ServiceGenerator and Discovery Document as mentioned above, generated set of DialogFlow v2beta1 classes. Command line
./ServiceGenerator --outputDir . --verbose --gtlrFrameworkName GTLR --addServiceNameDir yes --guessFormattedNames https://dialogflow.googleapis.com/\$discovery/rest?version=v2beta1
And added them to the project.
#import "DialogflowV2Beta1/GTLRDialogflow.h"
Next step is to generate JWT Token. I have used this library JSON Web Token implementation in Objective-C. I want to connect using a service account.
NSInteger unixtime = [[NSNumber numberWithDouble: [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]] integerValue];
NSInteger expires = unixtime + 3600; //expire in one hour
NSString *iat = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%ld", unixtime];
NSString *exp = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%ld", expires];
NSDictionary *payload = #{
#"aud": #"https://dialogflow.googleapis.com/",
#"iat": iat,
#"exp": exp
NSDictionary *headers = #{
#"alg" : #"RS256",
#"typ" : #"JWT",
NSString *algorithmName = #"RS256";
NSData *privateKeySecretData = [[[NSDataAsset alloc] initWithName:#"<IOS-ASSET-NAME-JSON-SERVICE-ACCOUNT-FILE>"] data];
NSString *passphraseForPrivateKey = #"<PASSWORD-FOR-PRIVATE-KEY-IN-CERT-JSON>";
JWTBuilder *builder = [JWTBuilder encodePayload:payload].headers(headers).secretData(privateKeySecretData).privateKeyCertificatePassphrase(passphraseForPrivateKey).algorithmName(algorithmName);
NSString *token = builder.encode;
// check error
if (builder.jwtError == nil) {
JwtToken *jwtToken = [[JwtToken alloc] initWithToken:token expires:expires];
else {
// error occurred.
MSLog(#"ERROR. jwtError = %#", builder.jwtError);
When token is generated, it can be used for an hour (or time you specify above).
To make a call to dialogflow you need to define your project path. To create a project path for the call, append to the code below your unique session identifier. Session is like a conversation for dialogflow, so different users should use different session ids
#define PROJECTPATH #"projects/<YOUR-PROJECT-NAME>/agent/sessions/"
Making dialogflow call
// Create the service
GTLRDialogflowService *service = [[GTLRDialogflowService alloc] init];
//authorise with token
service.additionalHTTPHeaders = #{
#"Authorization" : [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Bearer %#", self.getToken.token]
// Create the request object (The JSON payload)
GTLRDialogflow_GoogleCloudDialogflowV2beta1DetectIntentRequest *request = [GTLRDialogflow_GoogleCloudDialogflowV2beta1DetectIntentRequest object];
//create query
GTLRDialogflow_GoogleCloudDialogflowV2beta1QueryInput *queryInput = [GTLRDialogflow_GoogleCloudDialogflowV2beta1QueryInput object];
//text query
GTLRDialogflow_GoogleCloudDialogflowV2beta1TextInput *userText = [GTLRDialogflow_GoogleCloudDialogflowV2beta1TextInput object];
userText.text = question;
userText.languageCode = LANGUAGE;
queryInput.text = #"YOUR QUESTION TO dialogflow agent"; //userText;
// Set the information in the request object
//request.inputAudio = myInputAudio;
//request.outputAudioConfig = myOutputAudioConfig;
request.queryInput = queryInput;
//request.queryParams = myQueryParams;
//Create API project path with session
NSString *pathAndSession = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#", PROJECTPATH, [self getSession]];
// Create a query with session (Path parameter) and the request object
GTLRDialogflowQuery_ProjectsAgentSessionsDetectIntent *query = [GTLRDialogflowQuery_ProjectsAgentSessionsDetectIntent queryWithObject:request session:pathAndSession];
// Create a ticket with a callback to fetch the result
// GTLRServiceTicket *ticket =
[service executeQuery:query
completionHandler:^(GTLRServiceTicket *callbackTicket, GTLRDialogflow_GoogleCloudDialogflowV2beta1DetectIntentResponse *detectIntentResponse, NSError *callbackError) {
// This callback block is run when the fetch completes.
if (callbackError != nil) {
NSLog(#"Fetch failed: %#", callbackError);
//TODO: Register failure with analytics
failure( callbackError );
else {
// NSLog(#"Success");
// The response from the agent
// NSLog(#"%#", detectIntentResponse.queryResult.fulfillmentText);
NSString *response = detectIntentResponse.queryResult.fulfillmentText;
success( response );
This is a basic implementation, but works and good for demo.
Good luck

I want to create a ViewController where user can change there existing password. I m using Parse API

PFUser *user = [PFUser currentUser];
// I can see the details of the users when this is called including password
if (user) {
if ([_login_txtpassword.text isEqualToString:user[#"UserPasswrod"]]) {
user[#"userPassword"] = _login_txtnewpassword.text;
[user saveInBackground];
this code is not working.... i have put blocks to test my code ... it doesnt pass the if statement
A little conflict in my concepts related parse (so consider me as a noob)
P.S i have read the documentation and search internet but couldnt find a solution.
Many Many thanks in advcance
The right way to do this is to try to log the user in with the old password, then set the new password if successful. (notice this code uses the parse User password attribute, not #"userPassword" as in the OP code, which won't work under any circumstances)...
NSString *username = [PFUser currentUser].username;
NSString *oldPassword = self.oldPasswordTextField.text;
NSString *newPassword = self.newPasswordTextField.text;
[PFUser logInWithUsernameInBackground:username password:oldPassword
block:^(PFUser *user, NSError *error) {
if (user) {
user.password = newPassword;
[user saveInBackground];
} else {
// update UI to tell user that the old password is incorrect
Actually you can't override the password of the current user directly from your ViewController. The user should request a new password, that will by sent to his/her email by Parse.
PFUser *currentUser = [PFUser currentUser];
NSString *userEmail = [NSString stringWithFormat: #"%#", currentUser.email];
[PFUser requestPasswordResetForEmailInBackground:userEmail];
[PFUser requestPasswordResetForEmailInBackground:self.userEmailTextfield.text];

Stuck Uploading (Google Drive Objective-C API on OS X)

I am trying to upload simple .txt file as a test. It's only 4kb. Here is my code:
if (![self.credentials canAuthorize]) {
GTMOAuth2WindowController *windowController;
windowController = [[[GTMOAuth2WindowController alloc] initWithScope:scope clientID:kClientID clientSecret:kClientSecret keychainItemName:kKeychainItemName resourceBundle:nil] autorelease];
[windowController signInSheetModalForWindow:self.window
NSLog(#"Credentials already authorized.");
GTLDriveFile *driveFile = [GTLDriveFile object];
driveFile.title = #"myfile";
driveFile.descriptionProperty = #"Uploaded by Google Drive API test.";
driveFile.mimeType = #"text/plain";
NSData *data = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsAtPath:#"/Users/Blake/Downloads/glm/util/autoexp.txt"];
GTLUploadParameters *params = [GTLUploadParameters uploadParametersWithData:data MIMEType:driveFile.mimeType];
GTLQueryDrive *query = [GTLQueryDrive queryForFilesInsertWithObject:driveFile uploadParameters:params];
NSLog(#"Starting Upload to Google Drive");
[self.progressBar setHidden:FALSE];
[self.progressBar startAnimation:sender];
[self.driveService executeQuery:query completionHandler:^(GTLServiceTicket *st, GTLDriveFile *df, NSError *error){
[self.progressBar setHidden:TRUE];
if (error == nil) {
NSLog(#"File upload succeeded");
NSLog(#"Uh-oh: File upload failed");
The GTMOAuth2Authentication is authorized and the completion handler block never executes.
I looked at Activity Monitor and it says my application has sent 54 packets in the beginning. So I guess something is being sent.
How can I tell what's going wrong here, if the block never finishes to give me an error?
Could someone please help me understand what I am doing wrong?
I've recently got problem with sticking on GTMOAuth2WindowController. It was unable to present self window. I spent a lot of time in debugger and found that I forget to add WebKit.framework. It was not documented explicitly and there were no any messages in runtime (minus in google dev karma)))). So, maybe your problem also in that? Try to check your frameworks set and compare it with examples shipped with GTL.

ConnectionKit and SFTP: How to authenticate CK2FileManager

For my Mac OS X Cocoa app, I am trying to
connect to a SFTP server that only accepts username/password credentials
get the contents of a remote directory
upload files
and find it surprisingly complicated.
After trying ConnectionKit (nearly no documentation), NMSSH (crashed once too often with simultaneous uploads), rsync (not supported by the server), sftp (needs key authentication if scripted, doesn't work with username/password), I am now back to ConnectionKit: https://github.com/karelia/ConnectionKit
However, I am struggling with the authentication challenge, as I don’t know what to do with my credential in the delegate method.
I downloaded and compiled ConnectionKit (apparently version 2).
I am trying to use CK2FileManager as the Readme indicates (is this the right approach at all? Or should I use the libssh2_sftp-Cocoa-wrapper instead?… however I had troubles with libssh2 blocking methods in NMSSH before)
I am successfully setting up my connection URL and
my delegates' -didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge is called
But this is where I struggle: I know how to create a NSURLCredential, however, I can’t figure out what to do with it =>
- (void)fileManager:(CK2FileManager *)manager
didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge:(NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *)challenge
NSURLCredential *credentials = [NSURLCredential
password:[self getPassword]
// what to do now?
// [manager useCredential:] doesn’t exist, nor is there a manager.connection?
// ...
I already read the header, I searched the archives of this list, but all answers seem to be outdated.
I also searched Google, Bing and StackOverflow and found one promising example from 2011 using CKFTPConnection, which doesn’t seem to be included in the current framework anymore.
Thanks so much for any pointer to the right direction.
I don't know how to respond to ConnectionKit's CK2FileManager authenticationChallenge:
see the comment in the code example
For CK2:
- (void)listDirectoryAtPath:(NSString *)path
// path is here #"download"
NSURL *ftpServer = [NSURL URLWithString:#"sftp://companyname.topLevelDomain"];
NSURL *directory = [CK2FileManager URLWithPath:path isDirectory:YES hostURL:ftpServer];
CK2FileManager *fileManager = [[CK2FileManager alloc] init];
fileManager.delegate = self;
[fileManager contentsOfDirectoryAtURL:directory
completionHandler:^(NSArray *contents, NSError *error) {
if (!error) {
NSLog(#"%#", contents);
} else {
NSLog(#"ERROR: %#", error.localizedDescription);
and than you have to implement the following protocol
- (void)fileManager:(CK2FileManager *)manager operation:(CK2FileOperation *)operation
didReceiveChallenge:(NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *)challenge
completionHandler:(void (^)(CK2AuthChallengeDisposition disposition, NSURLCredential *credential))completionHandler
if (![challenge.protectionSpace.authenticationMethod isEqualToString:NSURLAuthenticationMethodDefault]) {
completionHandler(CK2AuthChallengePerformDefaultHandling, nil);
NSString * username = #"<username>";
NSString * pathToPrivateSSHKey = #"</Users/myNameOnLocalMaschine/.ssh/id_rsa>"
NSURLCredential *cred = [NSURLCredential ck2_credentialWithUser:username
privateKeyURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:pathToPrivateSSHKey]
completionHandler(CK2AuthChallengeUseCredential, cred);
That's it.
Call -listDirectoryAtPath: and then you will get in the Completion Handler Block in contents array all the files located on the given path :)
Okay, that was easy and I could have found out that on my own; just for the reference: [[challenge sender] useCredential:credentials forAuthenticationChallenge:challenge];
Sorry to reward myself for my own question, but maybe this code snippet helps filling the missing docs, this is how I connect to my SFTP server with ConnectionKit:
- (void)connectWithCompletionBlock:(void (^)(void))completionBlock {
if(!self.cFileManager) {
self.cFileManager = [[CK2FileManager alloc] init];
self.cFileManager.delegate = self;
NSURL *sftpServer = [NSURL URLWithString:[#"sftp://" stringByAppendingString:self.server]];
self.remoteFolder = [CK2FileManager URLWithPath:self.remotePath relativeToURL:sftpServer];
// try to get the contents of the current directory
[self.cFileManager contentsOfDirectoryAtURL:self.remoteFolder
completionHandler:^(NSArray *contents, NSError *error)
NSLog(#"remote folder contents: \n%#", contents);
// invoke completion block
- (void)fileManager:(CK2FileManager *)manager
didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge:(NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *)challenge
NSURLCredential *credentials = [NSURLCredential
password:[self getPassword]
[[challenge sender] useCredential:credentials forAuthenticationChallenge:challenge]

Xcode HTTP GET Request

I am making an app in which you type a value into a textbox, and the app sends an HTTP GET request to my webserver, ie www.mywebserver.server.com/ihiuahdiuehfiuseh?' + textbox variable' However, I have no idea how to work with Xcode. I am experienced in basic PHP and HTML, and advanced C++, but I am so baffled by this Xcode stuff. In all other languages I have worked with, you could look up something like "how to play a sound file in (language)", and you will get something like "oh yeah just do play(mp3url). But, with Xcode, you have to initiate the connection, initiate the variables, etc etc. I bought 2 $30 books, but I am still so confused. So, back to the point, I just need the textbox numerical number to be parsed after the ? in the URl to be parsed as a variable.
This is an example of a non-http get synchronized
You can find more
-(void)aget:(NSString *)iurl{
NSURL*url = [NSURL URLWithString:iurl];
NSURLRequest *res = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
NSOperationQueue*que=[NSOperationQueue new];
[NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:res queue:que completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse*rep,NSData*data,NSError*err){
if ([data length]> 0 && err == nil) {
NSString* rel=[[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
Through this launch him
NSString * str = [self getDataFrom: # "your url"];
     NSLog (# "% #", str);
If you have a UITextFiled, you would do the following
NSString baseUrl = #"www.mywebserver.server.com/ihiuahdiuehfiuseh?"
NSString variable = textField.text;
NSString absoluteURL = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#", baseUrl, variable];
//Send the absolute variable now to the server
If you go for a solution like Omar Abdelhafith suggests, don't forget to url-encode your 'querystring'. There is a method in the string class for this: "stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding", but it's not perfect.
I've recently used the solution suggested here: http://simonwoodside.com/weblog/2009/4/22/how_to_really_url_encode/.