Interoperable Fluent NHibernate + NHibernate + Linq To NHibernate - nhibernate

I would like to get all 3 of these libraries working together but have a version problem.
Latest version of Linq To Hibernate (1.0) came out on 2009-07-26 and works with NHibernate 2.1.0 afaik. Fluent NHibernate's oldest release on the other hand is for NHibernate 2.1.2.
Google search yielded this zip file of binaries compiled together but it's somewhat outdated (2009-07-19). I'm not sure downloading the latest source code of each project and trying to build them together will work or not, I'd rather not to go that way unless I have to.
I guess the weakest link in this combination is Linq To NHibernate and maybe I should think of leaving it outside if there isn't an active community effort.
In short: Does anyone use these libraries together and if so, how did you solve this issue? Do you build it all yourself?
Looks like a duplicate of this question but it has been 1 year since it's answered, and the links given in the accepted answer don't work anymore.

NHibernate ver 3 has been released which already has the linq libraries. Download the latest binaries.
I don't think Fluent has been updated to use 3 yet so download the latest source for fluent and replace the NHibernate assemblies with the new NHibernate version 3 assemblies. You will need to tweak the source ever so slightly so that it compiles. Compile it in release mode and grab the output from the project bin folder.
It has been working fine for us.
As Kohan pointed out you can download the latest version of Fluent 1.2 with the latest version of NHibernate 3 from the link to Fluent NHibernate I provided earlier.


Pre-generating proxies for NHibernate 3.x?

Is it possible to pre-generate lazy-loading proxies under NHibernate 3?
NHibernate 2 supported this via NHPG but NHPG hasn't been updated for NH3 that I can see. Downloading the NHPG sources and blindly changing the assembly reference from NH2 to NH3 blows up; NH3 has built-in proxy generation and stuff has been reorganized.
How are people (pre) generating lazy proxies under NH3?
I've updated NHPG to support NHibernate 3.3.1 GA.
You could grab the sources here:
You have to build it by hands (download the sources and run package.cmd) for now until we release an official version.
I don't know if this answers your question since I do not see any tag related to language that you are using.
In .NET, I use Fluent NHibernate and POCO objects. Don't know if there is a tool to upgrade your XML files to POCO classes to use with Fluent NHibernate.

Fluent NHibernate with NHibernate 3.0

With NHibernate 3 going GA today, I was wondering if I can upgrade a project that is using Fluent NHibernate. Can i simply swap out the 2.1 DLL for the 3.0 and have it work? - Or is there more to it than that?
I know there will be some work with the change in Linq syntax but i am not concerned with that, I just want to know if the DLLs are interchangeable for Fluent.
Many thanks,
The Fluent guys have done it themselves now:
drlongnecker has built Fluent NHibernate for NHibernate 3.0GA. You can grab the source here.
Update: Fluent Nhibernate now officially builds pre-release binaries with NHibernate 3.0.
You need to build them together. Can wait for NuGet to be updated or you can build them yourself.
Or you can put assembly redirect

Where to find NHibernate Jet driver

I don't know if it's just me, but I just can't seem to find the NHibernate Jet driver anywhere.
I have not yet looked into the source, but looking at the main project files or the NH Contrib files, did not give me any results.
Enough time wasted, who can show me the way?
You can find more information about configuring NHibernate to work with MS Access in this post from my blog: NHibernate and MS Access - it's simple, but...
You can get the Jet Driver on NuGet now:
PM> Install-Package NHibernate.JetDriver
It seems to work out the versions automatically.
It is in NH Contrib, you must have missed it. It's called NHibernate.JetDriver
here is the svn url, you can check out the entire source and compile the newest dll

NHibernate Current Version

What is the current "production ready" version of NHibernate? I get conflicting answers on the hibernate site vs some other posts. Is it 2 or 2.1?? If it's 2.1 where do I get that binary?
The latest production version of NHibernate is 2.1. However there was a large change in 2.1 that is probably preventing people from making the jump right away. Maybe that is why you are getting conflicting answers.
You can always get the latest version from
Details about the removal of the proxy framework here
Don't forget to grab yourself a copy of NHibernate Linq while you are at it

LinFu version in NHibernate 2.1

I'm migrating the data layer of our application to NH version 2.1.0 (from 2.0.1) and noticed the use of LinFu. I discovered that framework and want to use it in other pieces of the application, especially I want to use the LinFu.Reflection.dll, which requires a reference to LinFu.DynamicProxy and here comes the trouble, the 1.0 final version of LinFu that I can find on google.code is not the same version used by NHibernate itself. Do I need to rebuild NHibernate.ByteCode.LinFu.dll changing the reference to the available version? If not, what else?
I have faced the same problem a few days ago. There's a tool named ILMERGE that merges .NET DLL-files, and that way you should be able to have several versions of the same DLL in your application.
Unfortunately I haven't tested the tool yet, I didn't get around to it, but I'll test in the next week.
But Rhino Mocks for example, has a binary with all dependencies included:, so it seems doable.