How to transpose recordset columns into rows - sql

I have a query whose code looks like this:
SELECT DocumentID, ComplexSubquery1 ... ComplexSubquery5
FROM Document
ComplexSubquery are all numerical fields that are calculated using, duh, complex subqueries.
I would like to use this query as a subquery to a query that generates a summary like the following one:
Field DocumentCount Total
1 dc1 s1
2 dc2 s2
3 dc3 s3
4 dc4 s4
5 dc5 s5
dc<n> = SUM(CASE WHEN ComplexSubquery<n> > 0 THEN 1 END)
s <n> = SUM(CASE WHEN Field = n THEN ComplexSubquery<n> END)
How could I do that in SQL Server?
NOTE: I know I could avoid the problem by discarding the original query and using unions:
SUM(CASE WHEN ComplexSubquery1 > 0 THEN 1 END) AS DocumentCount
SUM(ComplexSubquery1) AS Total
FROM (SELECT DocumentID, BLARGH ... AS ComplexSubquery1) T
SUM(CASE WHEN ComplexSubquery2 > 0 THEN 1 END) AS DocumentCount
SUM(ComplexSubquery2) AS Total
FROM (SELECT DocumentID, BLARGH ... AS ComplexSubquery2) T
But I want to avoid this route, because redundant code makes my eyes bleed. (Besides, there is a real possibility that the number of complex subqueries grow in the future.)

WITH Document(DocumentID, Field) As
SELECT 1, 1 union all
SELECT 2, 1 union all
SELECT 3, 2 union all
SELECT 4, 3 union all
SELECT 5, 4 union all
SELECT 6, 5 union all
SELECT DocumentID,
(select 10) As ComplexSubquery1,
(select 20) as ComplexSubquery2,
(select 30) As ComplexSubquery3,
(select 40) as ComplexSubquery4,
(select 50) as ComplexSubquery5
FROM Document
SUM(CASE WHEN RIGHT(Query,1) = Field AND QueryValue > 1 THEN 1 END ) AS DocumentCount,
SUM(CASE WHEN RIGHT(Query,1) = Field THEN QueryValue END ) AS Total
UNPIVOT (QueryValue FOR Query IN
(ComplexSubquery1, ComplexSubquery2, ComplexSubquery3,
ComplexSubquery4, ComplexSubquery5)
)AS unpvt
Field DocumentCount Total
----------- ------------- -----------
1 2 20
2 1 20
3 1 30
4 1 40
5 2 100

I'm not 100% positive from your example, but perhaps the PIVOT operator will help you out here? I think if you selected your original query into a temporary table, you could pivot on the document ID and get the sums for the other queries.
I don't have much experience with it though, so I'm not sure how complex you can get with your subqueries - you might have to break it down.


multiple top n aggregates query defined as a view (or function)?

I couldn't find a past question exactly like this problem. I have an orders table, containing a customer id, order date, and several numeric columns (how many of a particular item were ordered on that date). Removing some of the numberics, it looks like this:
customer_id date a b c d
0001 07/01/22 0 3 3 5
0001 07/12/22 12 0 50 0
0002 06/30/22 5 65 0 30
0002 07/20/22 1 0 19 2
0003 08/01/22 0 0 99 0
I need to sum each numeric column by customer_id, then return the top n customers for each column. Obviously that means a single customer may appear multiple times, once for each column. Assuming top 2, the desired output would look something like this:
column_ranked customer_id sum rank
'a' 001 12 1
'a' 002 6 2
'b' 002 65 1
'b 001 3 2
'c' 003 99 1
'c' 001 53 2
'd' 002 30 1
'd' 001 5 2
(this assumes no date range filter)
My first thought was a CTE to collapse the table into its per-customer sums, then a union from the CTE, with a limit n clause, once for each summed column. That works if the date range is hard-coded into the CTE .... but I want to define this as a view, so it can be called by users something like this:
SELECT * from top_customers_view WHERE date_range BETWEEN ( date1 and date2 )
How can I pass the date restriction down to the CTE? Or am I taking the wrong approach entirely? If a view isn't possible, can it be done as a function? (without using a costly cursor, that is.)
Since the date ranges clearly produce a massive number of combinations you cannot generate a view with them. You can write a query, however, as shown below:
p as (select cast ('2022-01-01' as date) as ds, cast ('2022-12-31' as date) as de),
a as (
select top 10 customer_id, 'a' as col, sum(a) as s
from t cross join p where date between ds and de
group by customer_id order by s desc
b as (
select top 10 customer_id, 'b' as col, sum(b) as s
from t cross join p where date between ds and de
group by customer_id order by s desc
c as (
select top 10 customer_id, 'c' as col, sum(b) as s
from t cross join p where date between ds and de
group by customer_id order by s desc
d as (
select top 10 customer_id, 'd' as col, sum(b) as s
from t cross join p where date between ds and de
group by customer_id order by s desc
select * from a
union all select * from b
union all select * from c
union all select * from d
order by customer_id, col, s desc
The date range is in the second line.
See db<>fiddle.
Alternatively, you could create a data warehousing solution, but it would require much more effort to make it work.

count zeros between 1s in same column

I've data like this.
1 0
2 0
3 1
4 0
5 1
6 0
7 0
I want to count the zeros before the value 1. So that, the output will be like below.
1 0 0
2 0 0
3 1 2
4 0 0
5 1 1
6 0 0
7 0 2
Is it possible without pl/sql? I tried to find the differences between row numbers but couldn't achieve it.
The match_recognize clause, introduced in Oracle 12.1, can do quick work of such "row pattern recognition" problems. The solution is just a bit complex due to the special treatment of a "last row" with ID = 0, but it is straightforward otherwise.
As usual, the with clause is not part of the solution; I include it to test the query. Remove it and use your actual table and column names.
inputs (id, ind) as (
select 1, 0 from dual union all
select 2, 0 from dual union all
select 3, 1 from dual union all
select 4, 0 from dual union all
select 5, 1 from dual union all
select 6, 0 from dual union all
select 7, 0 from dual
select id, ind, out
from inputs
order by id
measures case classifier() when 'Z' then 0
when 'O' then count(*) - 1
else count(*) end as out
all rows per match
pattern ( Z* ( O | X ) )
define Z as ind = 0, O as ind != 0
---------- ---------- ----------
1 0 0
2 0 0
3 1 2
4 0 0
5 1 1
6 0 0
7 0 2
You can treat this as a gaps-and-islands problem. You can define the "islands" by the number of "1"s one or after each row. Then use a window function:
select t.*,
(case when ind = 1 or row_number() over (order by id desc) = 1
then sum(1 - ind) over (partition by grp)
else 0
end) as num_zeros
from (select t.*,
sum(ind) over (order by id desc) as grp
from t
) t;
If id is sequential with no gaps, you can do this without a subquery:
select t.*,
(case when ind = 1 or row_number() over (order by id desc) = 1
then id - coalesce(lag(case when ind = 1 then id end ignore nulls) over (order by id), min(id) over () - 1)
else 0
from t;
I would suggest removing the case conditions and just using the then clause for the expression, so the value is on all rows.

SQL query count (recursive)

I have the following table on my database which contains some transactions for which I need to calc points and rewards.
Every time a TxType A occurs I should record 10 points.
Then I have to subtract from these points the value of the PP column every time a TxType B occurs.
When the calculation goes to zero a reward is reached.
ID TxType PP
1 A 0
2 B 2
3 B 1
4 B 1
5 B 1
6 B 3
7 B 1
8 B 1
9 A 0
10 B 4
11 B 3
12 B 2
13 B 1
14 A 0
15 B 2
I have created the sql query to calc points as follow
WHEN TxType = 'A' THEN 10
WHEN TxType = 'B' THEN (PP * -1)
FROM myTable
This query return the value of 8, which is exactly the number of points based on the sample data.
How do I calculate the rewards occurred (2 in the given example)?
thanks for helping
One way to do the calculation (in SQL Server 2008) using a correlated subquery:
select t.*,
(select sum(case when TxType = 'A' then 10
when TxType = 'B' then PP * -1
from mytable t2
where <=
) as TheSum
from mytable t;
You can then apply the logic of what happens when the value is 0. In SQL Server 2012, you could just use a cumulative sum.
To complete Gordon Linoff's the answer, you just need to count the records where TheSum is 0 to get how many rewards occurred:
FROM #myTable t2
) AS TheSum
FROM #myTable t1
) Result
WHERE TheSum = 0

SQL union same number of columns, same data types, different data

I have two result sets that look approximately like this:
Id Name Count
1 Asd 1
2 Sdf 4
3 Dfg 567
4 Fgh 23
But the Count column data is different for the second one and I would like both to be displayed, about like this:
Id Name Count from set 1 Count from set two
1 Asd 1 15
2 Sdf 4 840
3 Dfg 567 81
4 Fgh 23 9
How can I do this in SQL (with union if possible)?
My current SQL, hope this will better explain what I want to do:
(SELECT Id, Name, COUNT(*) FROM Customers where X)
(SELECT Id, Name, COUNT(*) FROM Customers where Y)
select *
SELECT 'S1' as dataset, Id, Name, COUNT(*) as resultcount FROM Customers where X
SELECT 'S2',Id, Name, COUNT(*) FROM Customers where Y
) s
(sum(resultcount) for dataset in (s1,s2)) p
You can do something like:
;WITH Unioned
SELECT 'Set1' FromWhat, Id, Name FROM Table1
SELECT 'Set2', Id, Name FROM Table2
SUM(CASE FromWhat WHEN 'Set1' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) 'Count from set 1',
SUM(CASE FromWhat WHEN 'Set2' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) 'Count from set 2'
FROM Unioned
GROUP BY Id, Name;
SQL Fiddle Demo

one sql instead of 2 for counting

I have read a thread on this but when I tried it I can`t manage to make it work.
I want to count all the male and females from a table like so:
count(case when substr(id,1, 1) in (1,2) then 1 else 0 end) as M,
count(case when substr(id,1, 1) in (3,4) then 1 else 0 end) as F
from users where activated=1
The ideea is that a user having an id starting with 1 or 2 is male
My table has 3 male entries and 2 are activated and it returns (the case statement doesn`t work)
Any input would be appreciated
id activated
123 1
234 0
154 1
You should use SUM instead. COUNT will count all non null values.
SUM(case when substr(id,1, 1) in (1,2) then 1 else 0 end) as M,
SUM(case when substr(id,1, 1) in (3,4) then 1 else 0 end) as F
from users where activated=1
COUNT will give you the number of non-null values, whatever they are. Try SUM instead.
If your Oracle version is 10g or later, as an alternative, you can use regexp_count function. I assume that the ID column is of number data type, so in the example it explicitly converted to varchar2 data type using TO_CHAR function. If the data type of the ID column is varchar2 or char then there is no need of any type of data type conversion.
Here is an example:
SQL> create table M_F(id, activated) as(
2 select 123, 1 from dual union all
3 select 234, 0 from dual union all
4 select 434, 1 from dual union all
5 select 154, 1 from dual
6 );
Table created
SQL> select sum(regexp_count(to_char(id), '^[12]')) as M
2 , sum(regexp_count(to_char(id), '^[34]')) as F
3 from M_F
4 where activated = 1
5 ;
---------- ----------
2 1