Query Optimization - sql

That's my current query, it works but it is slow:
SELECT row, MIN(flg) ||' to ' ||Max (flg) as xyz , avg(amt_won), count(*)
(SELECT count(*)+100 as temprow FROM temporary_six_max) as row, flg, amt_won
FROM temporary_six_max
SELECT id_player AS pid, avg(flg_vpip::int) AS flg
FROM temporary_six_max
GROUP BY id_player
) AS auxtable
ON pid = id_player
) as auxtable2
group by 1
order by 1;
I am grouping in fixed (or almost fixed) count 100 ranges that are ordered by avg(flg_vpip) grouped by id_player.
Here I've pasted the results in case it may help to understand:
I wonder if there is a better function to use than ROW_NUMBER() in this case and I feel like I am doing too many subselects but I don't know how to optimize it.
I'll appreciate very much any help.
If something is not clear just let me know.
Thank you.
The reason I created auxtable 2, is because when I use (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY flg), and use other agregate commands such as avg(amt_won) and count(*), which are essential, I get an error saying that flg should be in the aggregate function, but I can't order by an aggregate function of flg.

I generated some data to test with like this:
create table temporary_six_max as
select id_player, flg_vpip,
random()*100 * (case flg_vpip when 0 then 1 else -1 end) as amt_won
from (select (random()*1000)::int as id_player, random()::int as flg_vpip
from generate_series(1,1000000)) source;
create index on temporary_six_max(id_player);
Your query runs successfully against that, but doesn't quite generate the same plan, I get a nested loop in the lower arm rather than a merge and a seq scan in the init-plan-- you haven't turned off enable_seqscan I hope?
A solution just using a single scan of the table:
select row, min(flg) || ' to ' || max(flg) as xyz, avg(amt_won), count(*)
from (select flg, amt_won, ntile(100) over(order by flg) as row
from (select id_player as pid, amt_won,
avg(flg_vpip::int) over (partition by id_player) as flg
from temporary_six_max
) player_stats
) chunks
group by 1
order by 1
The bad news is that this actually performs worse on my machine, especially if I bump work_mem up enough to avoid the first disk sort (making player_stats, sorting by flg). Although increasing work_mem did halve the query time, so I guess that is at least a start?
Having said that, my queries are running for about 5 seconds to process 10E6 input rows in temporary_six_max, which is an order of magnitude faster than you posted. Does your table fit into your buffer cache? If not, a single-scan solution may be much better for you. (Which version of Postgresql are you using? "explain (analyze on, buffers on) select..." will show you buffer hit/miss rates in 9.0, or just look at your "shared_buffers" setting and compare with the table size)


Google Bigquery Memory error when using ROW_NUMBER() on large table - ways to replace long hash by short unique identifier

For a query in google BigQuery I want to replace a long hash by a shorter numeric unique identifier to save some memory afterwards, so I do:
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY null) AS id_numeric
FROM hash_table_raw
GROUP BY my_hash
I don't even need an order in the id, but ROW_NUMBER() requires an ORDER BY.
When I try this on my dataset (> 1 billion rows) I get a memory error:
400 Resources exceeded during query execution: The query could not be executed in the allotted memory. Peak usage: 126% of limit.
Top memory consumer(s):
sort operations used for analytic OVER() clauses: 99%
other/unattributed: 1%
Is there another way to replace a hash by an shorter identifier?
One does not really need to have populated over clause while doing this.
e.g. following will work:
select col, row_number() over() as row_num from (select 'A' as col)
So that will be your first try.
Now, with billion+ rows that you have: if above fails: you can do something like this (considering order is not at all important for you): but here you have to do it in parts:
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER () AS id_numeric
FROM hash_table_raw
where MOD(my_hash, 5) = 0
And in subsequent queries:
you can get max(id_numeric) from previous run and add that as an offset to next:
, previous_max_id_numberic_val + ROW_NUMBER() OVER () AS id_numeric
FROM hash_table_raw
where MOD(my_hash, 5) = 1
And keep appending outputs of these mod queries (0-4) to a single new table.

Count half of rest of a partition by from position

I'm trying to achieve the following results:
now, the group comes from
SUM(CASE WHEN seqnum <= (0.5 * seqnum_rev) THEN i.[P&L] END) OVER(PARTITION BY i.bracket_label ORDER BY i.event_id) AS [P&L 50%],
I need that in each iteration it counts the total of rows from the end till position (seq_inv) and sum the amounts in P&L only for the half of it from that position.
for example, when
seq = 2
seq_inv will be = 13, half of it is 6 so I need to sum the following 6 positions from seq = 2.
when seq = 4 there are 11 positions till the end (seq_inv = 11), so half is 5, so I want to count 5 positions from seq = 4.
I hope this makes sense, I'm trying to come up with a rule that will be able to adapt to the case I have, since the partition by is what gives me the numbers that need to be summed.
I was also thinking if there was something to do with a partition by top 50% or something like that, but I guess that doesn't exist.
I have the advantage that I've helped him before and have a little extra context.
That context is that this is just the later stage of a very long chain of common table expressions. That means self-joins and/or correlated sub-queries are unfortunately expensive.
Preferably, this should be answerable using window functions, as the data set is already available in the appropriate ordering and partitioning.
My reading is this...
The SUM(5:9) (meaning the sum of rows 5 to row 9, inclusive) is equal to SUM(5:end) - SUM(10:end)
That leads me to this...
cumulative AS
SUM([P&L]) OVER (PARTITION BY bracket_label ORDER BY event_id DESC) AS cumulative_p_and_l
cum_val - LEAD(cumulative_p_and_l, seq_inv/2, 0) OVER (PARTITION BY bracket_label ORDER BY event_id) AS p_and_l_50_perc,
cum_val - LEAD(cumulative_p_and_l, seq_inv/4, 0) OVER (PARTITION BY bracket_label ORDER BY event_id) AS p_and_l_25_perc,
NOTE: Using , &, % in column names is horrendous, don't do it ;)
EDIT: Corrected the ORDER BY in the cumulative sum.
I don't think that window functions can do what you want. You could use a correlated subquery instead, with the following logic:
select sum(t1.P&L]
from mytable t1
where t1.seq - t.seq between 0 and t.seq_inv/2
) [P&L 50%]
from mytable t

How to join records by date range

I need to match scrap records in one table with records indicating the material that was running at the same time on a machine. I have a table with the scrap counts and a table with records showing whenever the material changed on a machine.
I have a working query of which I will include a simplified version below, but it is very slow when applied to a large data set. I would like to try one of Oracle's analytical functions to make it faster, but I can't figure out how. I tried FIRST_VALUE, and ROW_NUMBER in a few different forms, but I couldn't get them right. Looking for any suggestions.
Please let me know if you would like more details.
Following are simplified versions of the tables:
Scrap readings table (~41m rows)
Material numbers (~3m rows)
SELECT Scrap.Machine,
FROM Scrap, Materials
WHERE Scrap.Machine = Materials.Machine
FROM Materials M2
WHERE M2.Materials.Machine = Scrap.Machine
I think this is what you are trying to do. You can use the FIRST_VALUE window function.
--or you can use the `MAX` window function too.
FROM Scrap s
JOIN Materials m
WHERE s.Machine = m.Machine AND m.MEASUREMENT_TIMESTAMP <= s.ReportTime
I may be misunderstanding your requirements but I believe the following query should work in terms of implementing using ROW_NUMBER:
FROM Scrap, Materials
WHERE Scrap.Machine = Materials.Machine
AND Materials.MEASUREMENT_TIMESTAMP <= Scrap.ReportTime
) q
Edit: if you need the measurement timestamp before (rather than on-or-before) the Scrap ReportTime, you could just change the <= sign to a < sign in the query above.

Infinite Scroll with shuffle results

How do I return random results that do not repeat?
For example, I've an infinite scrolling page, every time I get to the bottom it returns ten results, but sometimes the results are repeated.
I'm using this query to get results:
Sorry, I don't know if you'll understand.
When you call the query from your application you set the seed for the RAND() function.
SET #rand = RAND(your_seed); -- initialize RAND with the seed.
SELECT * FROM table_name
ORDER BY RAND() -- Calls to RAND should now be based on the seed
OFFSET 0 LIMIT 10 -- use some MsSQL equivalent here ;)
(not tested)
Apparently, NEWID() has known distributional problems. Although random, the numbers sometimes cluster together. This would account for what you are seeing. You could try this:
FROM table_name
ORDER BY rand(checksum(NEWID()));
This may give you a better results.
The real answer, though, is to use a seeded pseudo-random number generator. Basically, enumerate the rows of the table and store the value in the table. Or calculate it in a deterministic way. Then do simple math to choose a row:
with t as (
select t.*, row_number() over (order by id) as seqnum,
count(*) over () as cnt
from table_name
select t.*
from t
where mod(seqnum * 74873, cnt) = 13907;
The numbers are just two prime numbers, which ensure a lack of cycles.
Here is a more complete solution to your problem:
with t as (
select t.*, row_number() over (order by id) as seqnum,
count(*) over () as cnt
from table_name
select t.*
from t
where mod(seqnum * 74873 + 13907, cnt) <= 10;
Or whatever the limits are. The idea is that using a large prime number for the multiplicative factor makes it highly likely (but not 100% certain) that that cnt and "74783" are what is called "mutually prime" or "coprime". This means that the pseudo-random number generator just described will rearrange the sequence numbers and you can just use comparisons to get a certain number of rows. This is part of mathematics called Number Theory.

Access 2013 - Query not returning correct Number of Results

I am trying to get the query below to return the TWO lowest PlayedTo results for each PlayerID.
x1.PlayerID, x1.RoundID, x1.PlayedTo
from P_7to8Calcs as x1
select count(*)
from P_7to8Calcs as x2
where x2.PlayerID = x1.PlayerID
and x2.PlayedTo <= x1.PlayedTo
) <3
order by PlayerID, PlayedTo, RoundID;
Unfortunately at the moment it doesn't return a result when there is a tie for one of the lowest scores. A copy of the dataset and code is here http://sqlfiddle.com/#!3/4a9fc/13.
PlayerID 47 has only one result returned as there are two different RoundID's that are tied for the second lowest PlayedTo. For what I am trying to calculate it doesn't matter which of these two it returns as I just need to know what the number is but for reporting I ideally need to know the one with the newest date.
One other slight problem with the query is the time it takes to run. It takes about 2 minutes in Access to run through the 83 records but it will need to run on about 1000 records when the database is fully up and running.
Any help will be much appreciated.
Resolve the tie by adding DatePlayed to your internal sorting (you wanted the one with the newest date anyway):
x1.PlayerID, x1.RoundID
, x1.PlayedTo
from P_7to8Calcs as x1
select count(*)
from P_7to8Calcs as x2
where x2.PlayerID = x1.PlayerID
and (x2.PlayedTo < x1.PlayedTo
or x2.PlayedTo = x1.PlayedTo
and x2.DatePlayed >= x1.DatePlayed
) <3
order by PlayerID, PlayedTo, RoundID;
For performance create an index supporting the join condition. Something like:
create index P_7to8Calcs__PlayerID_RoundID on P_7to8Calcs(PlayerId, PlayedTo);
Note: I used your SQLFiddle as I do not have Acess available here.
Edit: In case the index does not improve performance enough, you might want to try the following query using window functions (which avoids nested sub-query). It works in your SQLFiddle but I am not sure if this is supported by Access.
select x1.PlayerID, x1.RoundID, x1.PlayedTo
from (
select PlayerID, RoundID, PlayedTo
, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY PlayerId ORDER BY PlayedTo, DatePlayed DESC) AS Rank
from P_7to8Calcs
) as x1
where x1.RANK < 3
order by PlayerID, PlayedTo, RoundID;
See OVER clause and Ranking Functions for documentation.