SQL query giving an incorrect syntax error - sql

Select COUNT(*) as 'Number'
From image
WHERE (image.current_phase = 'aggregation' AND (image.raw_filename REGEXP '%gordonpho%back%$'))
The above SQL query is giving me an incorrect syntax error. I want to get the number of rows from the table image where the column image.current_phase has aggregation as text. Also the column image.raw_filename ends with '%gordonpho%back%'.
Can anybody see the syntax error in my statement?

REGEXP isn't valid in T-SQL, but you don't need it anyway since your "regular expression" would be the same using LIKE anyway:
Select COUNT(*) as 'Number'
From image
WHERE (image.current_phase = 'aggregation'
AND (image.raw_filename LIKE '%gordonpho%back%')

SQL Server doesn't support regular expressions natively. Try using LIKE:
Select COUNT(*) as 'Number'
From image
WHERE (image.current_phase = 'aggregation'
AND (image.raw_filename LIKE '%gordonpho%back%'))
For times where you really need/want to use regular expressions, you'd have to do it via SQLCLR support (.NET code).

It's possible in your SQL implementation that image is a reserved word. Try quoting it with backticks (MySQL), square brackets [] (MSSQL) or double quotes " (most others).
Also, the %s in '%gordonpho%back%$' aren't treated as wildcards in regular expressions. Try replacing the literal with:


How would I fix these "ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended" "ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected" errors?

This Statement:
SELECT id, units, cost FROM inventory_list WHERE cost <= 20;
Gives me:
ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected
While this statement:
SELECT * FROM items WHERE ilt_id = 'il010230126' OR ilt_id = 'il010230128';
Gives me:
ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
Not sure about this and may be version dependent (below link is for oracle 10g... but you can see on this site
That cost is an oracle reserved keyword, so it is not wise to use it as a column name.
If you have no control of the table I think you may be able to surround it in double quotes eg select "COST" to avoid oracle picking it up as a reserved word.
By default Oracle creates fields in uppercase so the field name will need to be in uppercase unless when the table was created it was forced into different case by surrounding it in Quotes.
Check that you don't have invisible characters in your file and that you're using the right encoding. I sometimes accidentally introduce them because I have a non english keyboard map and accidentally hit the wrong key combination.
Just type again one of your SQL statements and test them.

select using keyword values in SQL

I am trying to do a query in a SQLite database equivalent to this:
SELECT act_unit FROM processes WHERE process='processname'
but using the keyword values, so I can specify the name, which is stored in a variable (I am actually running the query in a Jupyter notebook). I've used successfully the keyword values in insert statements, but I do not know how to do it here. I tried several combinations like this one
SELECT act_unit from processes WHERE process=values,('processname')
but I can't figure out how to do it properly.
From the SQLite documentation: https://www.sqlite.org/lang_keywords.html
It would be SELECT act_unit from processes WHERE process="values",('processname')
If you want to use a keyword as a name, you need to quote it. There
are four ways of quoting keywords in SQLite:
'keyword' A keyword in single quotes is a string literal.
"keyword" A keyword in double-quotes is an identifier.
[keyword] A
keyword enclosed in square brackets is an identifier. This is not
standard SQL. This quoting mechanism is used by MS Access and SQL
Server and is included in SQLite for compatibility.
keyword A
keyword enclosed in grave accents (ASCII code 96) is an identifier.
This is not standard SQL. This quoting mechanism is used by MySQL and
is included in SQLite for compatibility.

what is the difference between SUBSTRING and SUBSTR functions (SQL)?

before I used :
entityManagerFactory.createQuery("select p FROM Pays p where SUBSTRING(p.libeleClient, 0,1)
but when I use this query :
entityManagerFactory.createQuery("select p FROM Pays p where SUBSTR(p.libeleClient, 0,1)
I get an exception :(
who to remplace SUBSTRING by SUBSTR ?
SUBSTR is the function from Oracle
SUBSTRING is the function from MySql
depends on DB which u r using
try to edit your java code like below
String query = "select p FROM Pays p where SUBSTRING(p.libeleClient, 0,1)";
// from Connection Object (connection)
DatabaseMetaData meta = connection.getMetaData();
//If the DB is Oracle
if(meta.getDatabaseProductName()).contains("Oracle")) {
entityManagerFactory.createQuery(query.replace("SUBSTRING", "SUBSTR"));
}// If the DB not Oracle , any Other like MySql
else {
substring is the sql operation defined in the sql standard ISE:IEC 9075:1992.
substr is an old syntax used by oracle. This wrong syntax is completely inconsistent with sql usage of real english words, never abbreviations.
Oracle still does not support the standard syntax.
Did anyone wrote a hack in oracle to support the standard syntax ?
You don't say what exception you get, but I 'm guessing it's a syntax error. The correct syntax for Oracle's SUBSTR() is ...
where SUBSTR(p.libeleClient, 0,1) = 'X'
...(or whatever). That is the first occurence of a single character must equal; some specified value. SUBSTR() is not a boolean function.
Whereas SUBSTRING() is not an oracle function at all. Either you've borrowed the syntax from some other database, or you're using a bespoke function without realising it.
"I tried your suggestion but it does not work"
Do you get an error? Or do you mean it doesn't return any records? Because I have given a perfectly valid usage, as defined in the documentation. But you haven't given any examples of your data, so it's almost impossible for me to provide a solution which will return rows from your database.

Oracle: Handling a field named COMMENT

I have a table with a field named COMMENT, which appears to be a reserved word.
Using SQLDeveloper, if I try:
FROM table_created_by_idiot_developer
I get
SQL Error: ORA-00936: missing expression
How can I access this field in my select in SQL Developer? (Is this a problem with SQL Developer, or should field not be named COMMENT in oracle?)
Try "COMMENT" instead of [COMMENT]. This is alternate syntax commonly accepted by various DBMSes. I have used this syntax to refer to columns having dots or UTF8 characters in their names in SQLite.

SQL Statement using LIKE

I want to know in a column named NUMTSO if there exists data with this format "WO#############", so what I'm doing is this:
select *
from fx1rah00
where numtso like 'WO[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
but I get nothing. What am I doing wrong?
This works fine for me in SQL Server. If you are not using SQL Server you will likely need some different syntax though as the pattern syntax is not standard SQL.
;with fx1rah00 As
select 'WO1234567890123' as numtso
select *
from fx1rah00
where numtso like
MySQL allows you to use regular expressions with the REGEXP keyword instead of LIKE. I suggest the following code:
FROM `fx1rah00`
WHERE `numtso` REGEXP 'WO[0-9]{13}'
What dbms is this? Some databases don't let use use regex in like clause just wildcards. If its oracle you could checkout REGEXP_LIKE or REGEXP for mysql.
I would do something like:
where NUMTSO like 'WO%'
and REGEXP_LIKE(NUMTSO, 'WO[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]')
by using the like and the regex check you can still range scan on an index if there was one.
The SQL standard does not support REGEXP in LIKE. They have a much more primitive pattern language. You'll need to add a function, or post-filter, or discover a DBMS-specific extension.