Binary Search in D 2.0 (Phobos)? - binary-search

Is it just me, or is there no binary search function in Phobos? I have a pre-sorted array that I want to search with my own comparator function, but I can't find anything in std.algorithms or std.containers.

Use SortedRange from std.range:
Cribbed from
auto a = [ 1, 2, 3, 42, 52, 64 ];
auto r = assumeSorted(a);


numpy append in a for loop with different sizes

I have a for loop but where i has changes by 2 and i want to save a value in a numpy array in each iteration that that changes by 1.
n = 8 #steps
# random sequence
rand_seq = np.zeros(n-1)
for i in range(0, (n-1)*2, 2):
curr_state= i+3
I want to get curr_state outside the loop in the rand_seq array (seven values).
can you help me with that?
thanks a lot
A much simpler version (if I understand the question correctly) would be:
np.arange(3, 15+1, 2)
where 3 = start, 15 = stop, 2 = step size.
In general, when using numpy try to avoid adding elements in a for loop as this is inefficient. I would suggest checking out the documentation of np.arange(), np.array() and np.zeros() as in my experience, these will solve 90% of array - creation issues.
A straight forward list iteration:
In [313]: alist = []
...: for i in range(0,(8-1)*2,2):
...: alist.append(i+3)
In [314]: alist
Out[314]: [3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15]
or cast as a list comprehension:
In [315]: [i+3 for i in range(0,(8-1)*2,2)]
Out[315]: [3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15]
Or if you make an array with the same range parameters:
In [316]: arr = np.arange(0,(8-1)*2,2)
In [317]: arr
Out[317]: array([ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12])
you can add the 3 with one simple expression:
In [318]: arr + 3
Out[318]: array([ 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15])
With lists, iteration and comprehensions are great. With numpy you should try to make an array, such as with arange, and modify that with whole-array methods (not with iterations).

Range with step in Ramda

What's the best way to do the following in Ramda:
_.range(0, 3, 0);
// => [0, 0, 0]
Thank you.
If you need to repeat the same number n times, then Ori Drori already provided a good answer with repeat.
However if you need to support step, you would have to build a function yourself. (Ramda has a range function but it does not support step.)
So where Lodash would return:
_.range(1, 10, 2);
//=> [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
You can achieve a similar functionality with Ramda unfold function:
const rangeStep = curry((start, end, step) =>
unfold(n => n < end ? [n, n + step] : false, start));
rangeStep(1, 10, 2);
//=> [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
You can use R.repeat to create an array of multiple instances of a single item:
const result = R.repeat(0, 3)
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Python pandas json 2D array

relatively new to pandas, I have a json and python files:
"id": 123,
"data": [["2015-10-16",1,2,3,4,5,6],
import pandas
x = pandas.read_json('sample.json')
y =
print x.dataset
Printing x.dataset and y works fine, but when I go to access a sub-element y, it returns a 'buffer' type. What's going on? How can I access the data inside the array? Attempting y[0][1] it returns out of bounds error, and iterating through returns a strange series of 'nul' characters and yet, it appears to be able to return the first portion of the data after printing x.dataset...
The data attribute of a pandas Series points to the memory buffer of all the data contained in that series:
>>> df = pandas.read_json('sample.json')
>>> type(df.dataset)
>>> type(
If you have a column/row named "data", you have to access it by it's string name, e.g.:
>>> type(df.dataset['data'])
Because of surprises like this, it's usually considered best practice to access columns through indexing rather than through attribute access. If you do this, you will get your desired result:
>>> df['dataset']['data']
[['2015-10-16', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
['2015-10-15', 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
['2015-10-14', 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]]
>>> arr = df['dataset']['data']
>>> arr[0][0]

Changing the elements of a C-style array in Objective-C

I am trying to change the elements of a C-style array. Using an NSArray/NSMutableArray is not an option for me.
My code is as so:
int losingPositionsX[] = {0, 4, 8...};
but when I enter this code
losingPositionsX = {8, 16, 24};
to change the arrays elements of he array it has an error of: "expected expression" How can I make the copy?
In C (and by extension, in Objective C) you cannot assign C arrays to each other like that. You copy C arrays with memcpy, like this:
int losingPositionsX[] = {0, 4, 8};
memcpy(losingPositionsX, (int[3]){8, 16, 24}, sizeof(losingPositionsX));
Important: this solution requires that the sizes of the two arrays be equal.
You have to use something like memcpy() or a loop.
#define ARRAY_SIZE 3
const int VALUES[ARRAY_SIZE] = {8, 16, 24};
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++)
losingPositionsX[i] = VALUES[i];
Alternatively, with memcpy(),
// Assuming VALUES has same type and size as losingPositions
memcpy(losingPositionsX, VALUES, sizeof(VALUES));
// Same thing
memcpy(losingPositionsX, VALUES, sizeof(losingPositionsX));
// Same thing (but don't use this one)
memcpy(losingPositionsX, VALUES, sizeof(int) * 3);
Since you are on OS X, which supports C99, you can use compound literals:
memcpy(losingPositionsX, (int[3]){8, 16, 24}, sizeof(losingPositionsX));
The loop is the safest, and will probably be optimized into the same machine code as memcpy() by the compiler. It's relatively easy to make typos with memcpy().
I do not know, whether it is a help for you in relation to memory management. But you can do
int * losingPositionsX = (int[]){ 0, 4, 8 };
losingPositionsX = (int[]){ 8, 16, 32 };

Swift Equivalent of removeObjectsInRange:

Having a little trouble tracking down the Swift equivalent of:
//timeArray and locationArray are NSMutableArrays
NSRange removalRange = NSMakeRange(0, i);
[timeArray removeObjectsInRange:removalRange];
[locationArray removeObjectsInRange:removalRange];
I see that Swift does have a call in the API: typealias NSRange = _NSRange but I haven't got past that part. Any help?
In addition to Antonio's answer, you can also just use the range operator:
var array = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
// array is now [0, 3, 4, 5]
The half-closed range operator (1..<3) includes 1, up to but not including 3 (so 1-2).
A full range operator (1...3) includes 3 (so 1-3).
Use the removeRange method of the swift arrays, which requires an instance of the Range struct to define the range:
var array = [1, 2, 3, 4]
let range = Range(start: 0, end: 1)
This code removes all array elements from index 0 (inclusive) up to index 1 (not inclusive)
Swift 3
As suggested by #bitsand, the above code is deprecated. It can be replaced with:
let range = 0..<1
or, more concisely: