Why prefix sql function names? - sql

What is a scenario that exemplifies a good reason to use prefixes, such as fn_GetName, on function names in SQL Server? It would seem that it would be unnecessary since usually the context of its usage would make it clear that it's a function. I have not used any other language that has ever needed prefixes on functions, and I can't think of a good scenario that would show why SQL is any different.
My only thinking is that perhaps in older IDE's it was useful for grouping functions together when the database objects were all listed together, but modern IDE's already make it clear what is a function.

You are correct about older IDEs
As a DBA, trying to fix permissions using SQL Server Enterprise Manager (SQL Server 2000 and 7.0), it was complete bugger trying to view permissions. If you had ufn or usp or vw it became easier to group things together because of how the GUI presented the data.
Saying that, if you have SELECT * FROM Thing, what is Thing? A view or a table? It may work for you as a developer but it will crash when deployed because you don't grant permissions on the table itself: only views or procs. Surely a vwThing will keep your blood pressure down...?
If you use schemas, it becomes irrelevant. You can "namespace" your objects. For example, tables in "Data" and other objects per client in other schemas eg WebGUI
Function. You have table valued and scalar functions. If you stick with the code "VerbNoun" concept, how do you know which is which without some other clue. (of course, this can't happen because object names are unique)
SELECT dbo.GetName() FROM MyTable
SELECT * FROM dbo.GetName()
If you use a plural to signify a table valued function, this is arguably worse
SELECT dbo.GetName() FROM MyTable
SELECT * FROM dbo.GetNames()
Whereas this is less ambiguous, albeit offensive to some folk ;-)
SELECT dbo.sfnGetName() FROM MyTable
SELECT * FROM dbo.tfnGetName()
With schemas. And no name ambiguity.
SELECT ScalarFN.GetName() FROM MyTable
SELECT * FROM TableFN.GetName()
Your "any other language" comment doesn't apply. SQL isn't structured like c#, Java, f#, Ada (OK, PL/SQL might be), VBA, whatever: there is no object or namespace hierarchy. No Object.DoStuff method stuff.
A prefix may be just the thing to keep you sane...

There's no need to prefix function names with fn_ any more than there's a need to prefix table names with t_ (a convention I have seen). This sort of systematic prefix tends to be used by people who are not yet comfortable with the language and who need the convention as an extra help to understanding the code.

Like all naming conventions, it hardly matters what the convention actually is. What really matter is to be consistent. So even if the convention is wrong, it is still important to stick to it for consistency. Yes, it may be argued that if the naming convention is wrong then it should be changed, but the effort implies a lot: rename all objects, change source code, all maintenance procedures, get the dev team committed to follow the new convention, have all the support and ops personnel follow the new rules etc etc. On a large org, the effort to change a well established naming convention is just simply overwhelming.
I don't know what your situation is, but you should consider carefully before proposing a naming convention change just for sake of 'pretty'. No matter how bad the existing naming convention in your org is, is far better to stick to it and keep the naming consistency than to ignore it and start your own.
Of course, more often than not, the naming convention is not only bad, is also not followed and names are inconsistent. In that case, sucks to be you...

What is a scenario that exemplifies a
good reason to use prefixes
THere is none. People do all kind of stuff because they always did so, and quite a number of bad habits are explained with ancient knowledge that is wrong for many years.

I'm not a fan of prefixes, but perhaps one advantage could be that these fn_ prefixes might make it easier to identify that a particular function is user-defined, rather than in-built.

We had many painful meetings at our company about this. IMO, we don't need prefixes on any object names. However, you could make an argument for putting them on views, if the name of the view might conflict with the underlying table name.
In any case, there is no SQL requirement that prefixes be used, and frankly, IMO, they have no real value.

As others have noticed, any scenario you define can easily be challenged, so there's no rule defining it as necessary; however, there's equally no rule saying it's unnecessary, either. Like all naming conventions, it's more important to have consistent usage rather than justification.

One (and the only) advantage I can think of is that it a consequently applied prefixing scheme could make using intellisense / autocomplete easier since related functionality is automagically grouped together.

Since I recently stumbled over this question, I'd like to add the following point in favour of prefixes: Imagine, you have some object id from some system table and you want to determine whether it's a function, proc, view etc. You could of course run a test for each type, it's much easier though to extract the prefix from the object name and then act upon that. This gets even easier when you use an underscore to separate the prefix from the name, e.g. usp_Foo instead of uspFoo. IMHO it's not just about stupid IDEs.


Are there conventional synonyms used to replace keywords reserved in programming languages?

The main examples of the words I mean are "object", "value" etc. In many (well, not really, but the chances are on some occasions at least) cases you may happen to find yourself willing to name a variable etc. of yours this way.
Another example I have stumbled upon in my practice is "try" which represents both the keyword (in many C-like and other languages) used in exception handling and the currency of Turkey. But this is an example just for fun, I doubt there are any common practices known for this particular case (though I feel like there may be for the previous).
What do people do in such cases? What are some synonyms for an object, a value etc reasonable in the programming and data modelling context?
For example imagine you are developing an object database, manipulating objects, properties and values (rather than documents, fields and... eh... values) is, for some reason, among the key ideas of its philosophy and you really don't want to use words too distinct from these semantically. What words would you use to replace the reserved ones while keeping the sense very close to that of theirs?
The easiest solution to come into my mind so far it to use misspelled (or spelled in a different language orthography) varieties of the same words like "objekt", "walue" etc. but although this can do the job this just disgusts me so much I really don't want to accept going this way ever.
UPDATE: Indeed, in some specific cases (particular languages) using a different case (which, some times, may go against the case aspect of the commynity and/or the company naming convention by the way) and/or namespaces (which have been introduced almost exactly for this) may solve the problem at least partially but I am still interested in alternatives as I believe actually duplicating a system keyword is a thing one should at least think about avoiding (might there be a way to do it easily without accepting compromises considered too serious) in every case.
I am even considering writing script that would scrape through GitHub to analyse the common code elements naming vocabulary but I think it is always a good idea to ask first rather than to "reinvent a bicycle", perhaps somebody has done something like this already.
UPDATE2: Please do me a favour and consider the following with applicable degree of objectivity before voting to close. With all do respect I would like to emphasise that the actual degree of subjectivity of this question is excusably low (though, I admit, somewhat above zero anyway). The only real flaw of it is that it might perhaps fit the English site better but I believe the audience of StackOverflow is much more relevant (generally informed in a much more relevant way) to the context. The actual goal of publishing this question is to highlight a problem that is fairly easy to understand clearly enough and which can not be denied of existence (though its importance may be questionable so far) but is spoken of too little (as importance of code clarity and semantic relevance is increasing, IMHO, code as a media is quickly moving towards obtaining bigger cultural (in the broad meaning of this word) importance than of books). And to let people share the ways of addressing it in practice they know of.
Capitalization: Often, a different capitalization instead of a synonym does the trick, as most language keywords are case-sensitive. E.g. object = new Object();
Prefix / Postfix: Another often encountered solution is to write myObject = new Object(). Which one you chose really depends on the naming conventions you follow. For private class fields, some developers use an underscore, e.g. this._object indicating a private access modifier.
Specification: In most cases however, you can find a more specific word describing the role - such as instance, parent, child or argument - or the subclass - such as integer or n instead of a generic number datatype - of your object.
In addition to the above, many language communities follow de-facto conventions such as cls for Class, obj for Object, me or self for this etc.

In non-procedural languages, what specifies how things are to be done?

If you compare C vs SQL, this is the argument:
In contrast to procedural languages
such as C, which describe how things
should be done, SQL is nonprocedural
and describes what should be done.
So, the how part for languages like SQL is specified by the language itself, is it? What if I want to change the way some query works. Suppose I want to change the way a SELECT is handled. Is that possible?
So, the how part for languages like
SQL is specified by the language
itself, is it?
Not strictly by the language (ie. SQL), but normally by the database and its optimiser. As such, even where the same data is being queried from tables with the same structures and the same indexes, some databases will build the resultset in a different way to others.
Suppose I want to change the way a
SELECT is handled. Is that possible?
To some degree, yes. You can either:
Rewrite the query, to achieve the same result a different way, or
Use hinting - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hint_%28SQL%29
Neither of these directly instruct the database engine which approach to use, but both of them will affect how the resultset is returned - this is likely to vary between databases.
Additionally, I understand that some databases have additional interfaces that allow more low-level interaction with the database engine, enabling greater control over how a query is built than is possible from plain SQL. (However, your question did specify SQL.)
This is actually exaggerating the difference. There is no clear-cut point at which one is telling how things are done and the other only telling what it done. Rather, one may have to specify what/how things are done at a greater level of detail than the other. A typical SQL implementation allows the user to control such things as what indexes are used (or ignored), what kind of locking to do, and so on.
If you were to do the same job in C, you would (at some point) have to specify a great deal more detail (unless you used something like ODBC). Nonetheless, you're still telling what should be done, not all the details of how it should be done (e.g., despite being about as low-level as possible short of assembly language, C will still do some type conversions automatically, so you don't have to tell it how to do something like adding an integer to a floating point number -- you just tell it to add them, and it handles the details).
Bottom line: trying to talk about one as procedural and the other as non-procedural is misleading. SQL doesn't always require as much detail, but it's a difference of degree, not really "how" versus "what".

What is the purpose of tbl_Product, tbl_Order naming conventions?

I've seen tbl_ prefixes decorating all tables in the last two code bases I've worked with. I can't think of any reason they'd be useful for application developers or database administrators.
If a DBA needs to see what objects are tables they can always join up to DMV's or the schema tables in master right? I can't think of how they'd be useful to a programmer either, even more so if the project is using an ORM tool.
Still even while writing stored procs they just seem to get in the way.
Can anybody explain how they'd be useful in a non-subjective way? Ex ( having tbl_ helps me perform x task )
I’ve heard the same thing over and over again the reason being, it helps them to know the type of the object.
Inside a query, using prefixes could help them separate tables from views for instance.
I really don’t agree with that. After getting used to the database schema, prefixes become redundant and as happens with everything that is redundant, it can become desynchronized or make changes harder to do.
Let’s say you have a table that for whatever reason you have to split into two tables.
Let’s say you decide to create a view that emulates the original table selecting data from the two new tables.
Are you going to rename throughout you code base or are you going to stick with a view prefixed as tbl_?
So my point is database object names should not have any prefixes for inferring their types.
I can't think of many benefits. You could definitely see cleaner SQL like this:
select post.id, post.subject, post.body from tbl_post post where post.author="eric"
Makes your variables easier. Otherwise, this just looks like you've been dealing with people who learned databases on MS Access.
This is hungarian notation, or rather a misuse of it. The original use was to put some important aspect of the use of a variable as a prefix. The fact that a table is a table is hardly a useful way to use hungarian notation.
In ASP hungarian notation is used to specify a data type, as VBSCript only has variants. I've seen ASP programmers apply this to tables and fields in the data base too, that is one way that this misuse come into use.
the one benefit of it is that you can tell the difference between view, table, and materialized view. Of course, this doesn't really matter when you are writing the code, it is maintaining it that matters. If someone realizes that they are pulling from a view, they might be able to optimize the code better. Views based on views based on views can be very inefficient. Without the tbl_ or view_ prefix, it might be more difficult to tell if this is happening.
I think that when using an ORM such as Entiry Framework, it may make it easier to tell which side the the mapping is dealing with tables and which side is dealing with objects (entities). My tbl_Employee maps to Employee, for example. There is no way to get the layers of abstaction confused.

Naming database table fields

Exists any naming guideline for naming columns at Sql Server? I searched at MSDN, but dont found anything, just for .Net
There are lots of different conventions out there (and I'm sure other answers may make some specific suggestions) but I think that the most important thing is that you be consistent. If you are going to use a prefix for something, use it everywhere. If you are going to have a foreign key to another table, use the same column name everywhere. If you are going to separate words with underscores, do that everywhere.
In other words, if someone looks at a few tables, they should be able to extrapolate out and guess the names of other tables and columns. It will require less mental processing to remember what things are called.
There are many resources out there, but nothing that I have been able to truly pin down as a SQL Server specific set or anything published by Microsoft.
However, I really like this list.
Also, very important to NOT start out stored procedures with sp_
To be 100% honest though, the first part of my posted link is the most important. It must make sense for your organization, application, and implementation.
As always, google is your friend...
I find the following short list helpful:
Name tables as pluralnouns (or singular, but as a previous response stated, be consistent) for example "Customers", "Orders", "LineItems"
Stored procedures should be named without any prefixes such as "sp_" since SQL Server uses the "sp_" prefix to denote special meaning for system procedures.
Name columns as though as you would name attributes on a class (without using underscores)
Try not to use space characters in naming columns or database entities since you would have to escape all names with "[...]"
Many-to-many tables: for example "CustomerOrders"

Where can I find/learn industry standard SQL Conventions?

I work at a company that has some very non-standardized SQL conventions (They were written by Delphi Developers years ago). Where is the best place that I can find SQL industry standard convention definitions that are most commonly used?
In his book "SQL Programming Style," Joe Celko suggests a number of conventions, for example that a collection (e.g. a table) should be named in the plural, while a scalar data element (e.g. a column) should be named in the singular.
He cites ISO-11179-4 as a standard for metadata naming, which supports this guideline.
there aren't any
it there were, they'd be obsolete
if they're not obsolete, you won't like them
if you like them, they're insufficient
if they're sufficient, no one else will like them
seriously, strive for readability, i.e. use meaningful field and table names; nothing else is really necessary
(ok some common prefixes like usp and udf and udt may be useful, but not required)
This is the best one I've ever seen... Naming Conventions
However, standards should really be all about clarity, simplicity, and ease of adoption among your team.
There shouldn't be a bunch of incredibly strict naming guidelines, it should focus on style.
The point is not to torment developers, it is to create a congruent style throughout the system so that it is easy to move from one section to another.
There are no exact industry-wide SQL standards. The best option is to google for SQL standards because several knowlegable people have posted some rather good, extensive, and complete documents on the subject. Read through them and absorb the items that apply to your environment.
Here you can find a lot of Rules to better SQL /SQL Server.
Yes, it's the company that I am working for, but they are good!
And these rules come from experience with client projects.
Have a look and take what you like!