Simple Properties in Objective-C Classes - objective-c

I've bene working with Objective-C for a while now, and so far I have never really needed to craft my own classes, properly.
I am a bit confused with the two arguments you can give the #property(a, b) declaration in a header file. When creating outlets to Interface Builder I usually do #property(nonatomic, retain) but I have no idea what this means.
I'm writing a simple class which has a set of properties which will be set from the outside, like [instance setName:#"Bla Bla Bla"]; or I guess like = #"Bla#" but I would rather the first option.
How would I declare this kind of property on a class?
Thanks in advanced!
Sorry for the n00bish question :-)

The #property parameter gives you a hint on the property behavior:
nonatomic tells you that setting/getting the property value is not atomic (wrt to multiple thread access)
retain tells you the object will be retained by the property (i.e. The receiver will take ownership of the object). The othe options are "copy" (the object is copied using -copy. This is generally the good choice for value objects like NSStrings) and "assign" (the object is just assigned to the property without retaining it. This is generally the good choice for delegates or datasources). These 3 options are only useful for ObjC objects, not simple C type properties.
See for more info.
For your case, you'll likely use:
#property(copy) NSString* name;
#property(nonatomic, copy) NSString* name;
If you don't need the property setter/getter to be atomic.


Objective-C property attributes best practices

After multiple searches and reads about property attributes, I still can't understand them completely and create a reflex of using them correctly.
I have multiple questions:
1) What does a default attribute mean?
As I understood, not specifying an attribute in a "group", the default one is used, so this:
#property NSString *string;
is atomic, right?
By this logic, this article says that strong and assign are defaults, so if I have:
#property (nonatomic) NSString *string;
is the string property strong or assign?
How are the available attributes "grouped"? Or as Xcode words this, what attributes are mutually exclusive?
2) Are there any generic rules that one should follow?
For example, I saw one comment that said that you should use copy for classes with mutable variants like NSString, NSArray.
And another one that said that you should use assign for C objects.
So, is it a good idea to always use:
#property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *string;
#property (assign, nonatomic) CGFloat float;
What other standard practices exist for property attributes?
3) What problems could arise if I use "wrong" attributes? What if I just use nonatomic for all the properties in a project?
1a) The default attributes for a property are atomic, and strong (for an object pointer) or assign (for a primitive type), and readwrite. This assumes an all ARC project.
So #property NSString *string; is the same as #property (atomic, strong, readwrite) NSString *string;. #property int value; is the same as #property (atomic, assign, readwrite) int value;.
1b) Attributes are grouped as follows:
Pick one and only one from each of those three groups.
Actually, the latest Objective-C adds support for nullable/nonnull with the default being nullable.
2) General rules are as you say.
Object pointers should usually be strong.
Primitive types should be assign.
weak should be used in child/parent references to avoid reference cycles. Typically the parent has a strong reference to its children and the children have a weak reference to their parent. Delegates are typically weak for the same reason.
copy is typically used for NSString, NSArray, NSDictionary, etc. to avoid issues when they are assigned the mutable variant. This avoids the problem of the value being changed unexpectedly.
There's a big "gotcha" using copy with NSMutableString, NSMutableArray, etc. because when you assign the mutable value to the property, the copy attribute results in the copy method being called which gives back a non-mutable copy of the original value. The solution is to override the setter method to call mutableCopy.
3) Using the wrong attribute could have serious problems depending on the needs of the property and the attribute being used.
Using assign instead of strong for an object pointer is probably the worst mistake. It can lead to app crashes due to trying to access deallocated objects.
Using nonatomic instead of atomic on a property that will be accessed concurrently on multiple threads may lead to really hard to find bugs and/or crashes.
Using strong instead of copy for NSString or NSArray (and other collections) can possibly lead to subtle and hard to find bugs if mutable variants were assigned to the property and other code later modifies those values.
#rmaddy's answer is a good one.
I would add the following.
If you are creating (or have inherited) classes that interoperate with Swift, it is very useful to include nullable or nonnull property attributes. If you add it in any part of a header file, you will need to specify it for all parts of the header file (compiler warnings will help you). It's even quite useful for Objective-C callers to know from the method signature what may and may not be a nil value.
Another property of note is class. You can add a property to the class.
Adding these two items together, and if you are implementing a singleton,
+ (MyClass *)sharedInstance;
it's quite useful to define it as a property:
#property (class, nonatomic, nonnull, readonly) MyClass *sharedInstance;
(In which case you are required to add a backing variable for it as described in this article)
This will let you access the shared instance via dot notation.
[MyClass.sharedInstance showMeTheMoney:YES];
And in Swift, the rather annoying
turns into
‡ maybe it's just 3 characters to you, but it keeps my head from exploding mid-day.
I would add, try out
+ (instancetype)shared;
This 1) shortens the naming to concur with modern Swift convention, and 2) removes the hardcoded type value of a (MyClass *).

"property is backed by an ivar" ? What technically does that mean?

So ... I'm still fairly new to Objective C ... taking some iTunes U corses ... doing some exercises and all ...
But when you uses to do #synthesize myProperty = _myIvarPropertyNameToUse; ... iOS 5 would create an ivar that would "back" the property.
What exactly is going on here as far as where things sit in memory ...
(1) Is the ivar a true variable? ... or is it a pointer to the location of the property in the object?
(2) The property is on the heap, (being part of the object), right? Is the ivar on the heap as well?
I think I may be losing the big picture ... what's the point of having a property backed by an ivar?
An Objective-C object is just a C struct that is allocated on the heap (well, more or less). When you declare an instance variable (ivar), it is defined as an offset into that struct. So if you manually declared some ivars like this (don't do it this way anymore, but it illustrates the point):
#interface Foo : NSObject {
NSString *ivar1;
NSString *ivar2;
Then when you +alloc a new instance (call it foo), the struct will be some header followed by the ivars of NSObject followed by memory for ivar1 followed by memory for ivar2. ivar1 will be the foo point plus some offset. (This isn't exactly true anymore, but stay with me; it's simpler to understand the old implementation.)
Since foo is a pointer to a struct, you can actually refer directly to this offset pointer as foo->ivar1. It really is a struct. Never do this, but it is legal syntax.
Inside of the #implementation block, ivar1 is automatically translated to self->ivar1. Don't worry too much about how self is implemented, but trust that it's a pointer to your struct. Again, never use this -> syntax. It's an underlying implementation detail (and isn't always possible anymore; see below).
OK, so that's what an ivar is. In the old days (ObjC 1.0), that's actually all we had. You declared your ivars, and then you hand-created accessor methods that would set and return their values.
Then ObjC2 comes along, which in some cases also gave us something called the non-fragile ABI. That changes the underlying implementation of ivars somewhat, so you can't always actually use -> anymore. But you shouldn't have been using it anyway. Even so, it's simpler to pretend things are the old way. More to the point, ObjC2 added this new thing called "properties." A property is just a promise to implement certain methods. So when you say:
#property (nonatomic, readwrite, strong) NSString *property;
this is almost identical to saying the following:
- (NSString *)property;
- (void)setProperty:(NSString *)aProperty;
(The difference is very seldom important.) Note that this doesn't provide an implementation. It doesn't create ivars. It just declares some methods.
Now in ObjC1, we wrote the same accessor code over and over and over again. You had 20 writable ivars, you wrote 40 accessor methods. And they were almost identical. Lots of opportunities to mess up. And a lot of tedium. Thank goodness for Accessorizer.
With ObjC2, the compiler would give you the most common implementation for free if you added #synthesize. It would automatically make an ivar with the same name as the property, and write a getter and (if needed) setter to read and write that ivar. Passing =_property just changes the name of the ivar used. We call this the "backing ivar."
Now, in the latest version of the compiler, you don't even need #synthesize. This pattern is so insanely common, and has been for decades, that it is now the default unless you tell the compiler not to do it. And it automatically synthesizes an ivar with a leading underscore (which is best practice).
The one other piece of information you should know is that you should always use the accessor to access the ivar, even inside of the object. The only exceptions are in the init and dealloc methods. There you should directly access the ivar (using the leading underscore).
Just to be clear, when you do #synthesize myProperty = _myIvarPropertyNameToUse;, your only changing the name of the backing ivar. The line #synthesize myProperty; would also create a backing ivar, but it would be called myProperty, instead of _myIvarPropertyNameToUse...
The backing ivar is part of the object, so yes it's on the heap. It can be used as a true variable, meaning you can get and set it in the object code.

What is the correct way to declare a readonly property for ios using ARC

I am new to iOS development in general and have never dealt with manual reference counting (retain, release, autorelease). As such I don't have a good understanding of what magic ARC is performing.
I thought I understood until I was asked what type of ownership (weak, strong, assign, etc) should be given to a readonly property pointing at an object, such as:
#property (readonly,nonatomic) NSString* name;
I read here
Questions about a readonly #property in ARC that leaving off the strong/weak won't actually compile unless you specify a backing variable when you #synthesize the property; I just so happened to be specifying a backing ivar like this:
#synthesize name = _name;
Now I understand that the default 'lifetime qualifier' of a variable is strong, from here:
So to cut a long story short - I am indirectly defining my property as (readonly,nonatomic,strong) as the _name ivar is implicitly declared as __strong.
I have a few questions:
Is strong the correct lifetime qualifier to use? I assume that it is, otherwise the object backing my NSString* wouldn't be owned anywhere and would thus be freed automatically (coming from Java land this makes sense as all references are strong by default).
Are there any other modifiers which make sense in this situation, such as copy or assign?
Does declaring the property as (readonly,nonatomic,strong) and (readonly,nonatomic) make any difference to the code which consumes the property? eg. does declaring it without the strong keyword cause the object pointer to be stored as __unsafe_unretained where the strong property would be stored in a __strong pointer?
So as I understand now, the following applies to readonly properties:
For non-NSObject* types (int, float, void*, etc) use (readonly, assign).
For object pointers, use (readonly, strong) or (readonly, copy) - these function the same for readonly properties but you may want the copy semantics if you extend/subclass and redeclare the property as readwrite.
For object pointers, (readonly, weak) only makes sense if you are going to be storing an already weak pointer in that property (that pointer must be strong elsewhere or the object will be deallocated).
strong is correct to use if you want to keep a strong (owning) reference to whatever it is that you are pointing to. Usually, you do want strong, but in order to prevent circular references (particularly in parent/child relationships where if the parent points to the child and the child points to the parent, they will never be released) you sometimes need to use weak references. Also, if you want to keep a pointer to an object that you don't own but want it to be valid only as long as it exists, then you want to use a weak pointer because when it gets deallocated by the owner, your pointer will automatically get set to nil and won't be pointing to memory that it shouldn't be.
assign is used with scalar values, and is the default setter. copy makes sense if you want to automatically make a copy of the object and set your pointer to the copy instead of pointing to the original object. It only makes sense to do this if you have a specific need (usually because you don't want the object to mutate on you).
The link that you provided which shows that __strong is the default (and therefore you don't need to specify it) refers to variables and not to declared properties. The default for declared properties is assign so it certainly will make a difference. If you were wanting assign however, it makes no difference whether you specify it or not (other than just to be clear that it is what you wanted).
EDIT: However, as Jacques pointed out, this is changing with LLVM 3.1 and the default is changing from assign to strong. In this case, it makes absolutely no difference whether or not you specify strong and can leave it out if you want. Personally I think that it is good to spell it out (especially since there is a conflict between different versions) so that everyone looking at the code is on the same page. Others may disagree on this point though. :)
I would suggest reading the Declared Properties section of The Objective-C Programming Language here: <document removed by Apple with no direct replacement>.
One additional point: properties can get redeclared from readonly to readwrite. For example, a subclass may make a read-only property from the superclass read-write, similar to how many Cocoa classes have subclasses that add mutability. Likewise, a property may be publicly read-only but the class may redeclare it read-write for internal use in a class extension. So, when the class sets its own property it can take advantage of a synthesized setter that does memory management properly and emits appropriate Key-Value Observing change notifications.
As things currently stand, all of the other attributes of the property have to be consistent. It's conceivable that the compiler could relax this requirement. (Some consider it a bug.) Anyway, that's one reason to declare a readonly property with an ownership attribute like strong, copy, or weak – so that it will match the readwrite redeclaration elsewhere.
With regard to your question 3, are you asking if the ownership qualifier affects code which calls the getter? No, it doesn't.
These 2 lines of code work for me:
.h file:
#property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString *username;
.m file:
#property (nonatomic, readwrite, copy) NSString *username;

Objective-C coding guidelines

So in the guidelines it says:
For code that will run on iOS only, use of automatically synthesized instance variables is preferred.
When synthesizing the instance variable, use #synthesize var = var_; as this prevents accidentally calling var = blah; when self.var = blah; is intended.
// Header file
#interface Foo : NSObject
// A guy walks into a bar.
#property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *bar;
// Implementation file
#interface Foo ()
#property(nonatomic, retain) NSArray *baz;
#implementation Foo
#synthesize bar = bar_;
#synthesize baz = baz_;
Question is, does this apply to public variables only or private too? It's not really clear on the documentation, but would like to have some thoughts or perspective on why "if" this is only for public or private only? I think that it just makes sense for all public/private so that you don't mess up ivars and using the property
I don't think it particularly matters whether the variables in question are public or private. The practice of synthesizing under a different name makes it explicit when you are accessing the variable directly instead of using the generated accessor method.
Perhaps there's a different question underlying what you're asking: should I typically access private ivars via the accessor or directly? I think most skilled iOS devs tend to use accessors unless there is some particular reason not to (performance, avoiding side effects like KVO, etc.). Doing so is more future-proof and allows for flexibility in the underlying implementation. In a very small way, you're coding to an interface rather than an implementation.
It also might be worth pointing out that the default behavior of Clang is going to change in the future so that property-backing ivars are synthesized named _foo by default. Clearly the powers-that-be consider consider underscoring ivars to be a best-practice.
I am pretty sure much of it comes down to personal preferences, so here are mine, for what they are worth:
I like to distinguish between public properties and "private" instance vars.
Properties are always accessed through their accessors, except for initialization (and within a manually created accessor method, for obvious reasons). Hence, the underscore in the backing ivar is useful, and not really an issue in my daily use of the properties.
Instance vars are used to hold state that is used internally in the methods, but not (directly) by other classes.
I have become very fond of declaring my instance variables in the .m file. Nice, clean and easy (no switching back and forth between .h and .m to declare ivars).
I find that this distinction helps me clear my mind and determine if a property is something outside agents should get and/or set directly (a property in .h), or if it is really just a help to get my method implementations to work (an ivar in .m).
I'd agree with Paul.s. that consistency is your friend, but to me, distinction is a friend, too.

Adding Member Variables in Objective C

First I have to do
#property (retain) aMember;
Then in implementation file I got to do
#synthesize aMember;
Then in dealloc, I got to do
self.aMember= nil; (or [aMember release])
That's 3 times writing what essentially is the same
Is there a way to speed this up?
I mean I can drag drop a control from a IB and xcode automatically generate those codes why I can't do that for more normal codes?
As someone coming from C# and managed languages for my day job I completely agree with you in questioning this 3 step process. In fact its almost crazy easy to create properties in C# in MS Visual Studio, but I digress.
Even though there are these 3 lines you have to write there is a huge amount of work going on under the covers for your.
Your declaration of the #property tells objective-c some important attributes (atomic, nonatomic, retain, copy, etc) in how to deal with your property when it is set by users of your class. When you think about this, these attributes (without you writing any code) are; helping you create thread safe code, handling references to objects so you don't have to worry about them disappearing on you, or copying values so you have your own copy of an object. The #property is also important since it is declared in your header file (typically). This give other developers an idea of the properties of your class and some small hints as to how objects they pass into those properties will be handled during its lifetime.
The #synthesize is also doing quite a bit of work by creating the getters and setters for that property, that also handle all sorts of memory management for you. You don't need to worry about releasing the old references and correctly referencing the new object. This alone to me is a great feature, especially when you are new to objective-c and it is easy to forget to deal with memory management at every turn. The #synthesize just does it for you and you don't have to write all the get and set code yourself.
The dealloc call is just life in a non-memory managed environment. While it adds additional steps, I appreciate the benefits that explicit memory management allows in a constrained environment such as the phone.
So all 3 steps are required, are different and when you think about it actually do quite a bit of work for you under the covers.
Unfortunately, that's how it is (for now). Apple had recently toyed with allowing Clang to implicitly synthesize your properties, which would have reduced your work to:
#interface Blah : NSObject
#property (retain) Blorg *blorg;
#implementation Blah
- (void)dealloc {
[blorg release];
[super dealloc];
When you didn't want an instance variable to be synthesized, you'd just explicitly put #dynamic blorg in your implementation. But this feature was removed due to some unforeseen complications, despite mostly positive reactions from developers.
So, I think it's safe to expect that Apple's still working on this. But for now, you do need to explicitly synthesize.
A few other notes:
If you are using garbage collection, you don't need to implement -dealloc: just make sure to do any last-minute cleanup in -finalize (such as notification unregistration).
You could also avoid the -dealloc bit by wrapping your instance variable in a C++ class which performs memory management during construction and destruction: #property prop_wrapper<Blorg> blorg; would work. Then, when your object is destroyed, ~prop_wrapper() would be called on your object. I've done this, and it works, but I recommend against it, since it doesn't play nice with KVO and KVC.
You could iterate through the properties of an object, and release those that are annotated with copy or retain. Then, in -dealloc, you'd have something like [self releaseProperties]. I've also done this, but I also recommend against it, since it can cause subtle problems which may result in inexplicable crashes if you're not careful.
To actually add a member variable in objective-c you don't need to do any of that.
What you're doing in those 3 steps is:
Declare properties for a member variable. (In your case you are indicating that you want the property setter to 'retain' the object that it sets your member variable to)
Declare the property getters and setters in a default way for your property.
Release the object that your property is retaining.
IF you only wanted to declare a member variable, all you had to do was declare it inside your class:
#interface SomeClassObject : NSObject {
int someMemberVariable;
That's 3 times writing what essentially is the same
No it isn't.
#property (retain) aMember;
The above line declares a property so that the compiler knows it is OK to send the messages -aMember and -setAMember: to objects of your class. It also tells the compiler (and developers) that the property is a retain property (i.e. the object you set the property to will be retained), that it is read/write and that it is atomic.
#synthesize aMember;
The above line tells the compiler that it should automatically generate the setter and getter methods for the declared property. You can leave that out but then you have to write your own setter and getter.
[aMember release]; // in dealloc
Is there to tell the runtime that when the object is being deallocated, it no longer needs to hold a reference to that instance variable. This is necessary because, when you use reference counting rather than garbage collection, the runtime does not automatically clean up unwanted objects.
Each of those lines does a different thing. So you are not doing the same thing three times.