Local declaration of tableView hides instance variable? - objective-c

I understand why I get the warning in the title when I define my own tableView property in my own class and then use a local variable name tableView.
What I want to know is why DON'T I get this warning when I derive my class from UITableViewController, which has it's own tableView property? Does the compiler/editor only look at my class and not the parent class?

When you’re implementing a method, parameters/local variables share the same namespace as instance variables. However, they don’t share the same namespace as declared properties, which means that a class can declare a property named someData (or inherit it from one of its superclasses), have the backing instance variable with some other name, and the implementation of a method of that class can also have a parameter/local variable named someData — the compiler won’t give a warning in that case.
I assume you have a declared property named tableView and also an instance variable named tableView, the latter being either explicitly declared in the interface or automatically created when synthesizing the property. In that case, if you define a method that takes a parameter named tableView or declares a local variable named tableView, this local declaration will hide the instance variable named tableView (but not the property).
In the case of UITableViewController, there is no instance variable named tableView. There is a declared property named tableView which, because it’s in a different namespace, won’t be hidden by a local (variable) declaration.
One easy fix to avoid the compiler warnings is to give a different name to the instance variable. For instance, the instance variable can be named _tableView, and the property would still be named tableView but synthesized as #synthesize tableView = _tableView.

Post the exact code that is generating the warning.
"Local declaration" typically implies that you have something like:
- (void) foo {
int thisIsTheNameOfAnInstanceVariable;
There are likely other permutations via which you could cause this to happen, though.

I'm not exactly sure if I'm answering this correctly, but if you want to access variables in the super classes (e.g. UITableView, since your class is deriving form it) you have to use "self." then the variable name form the super class. Whenever you directly call a variables, e.g. 'myVariable', it will only look for local instances.


How to define a property only visible to a method in Objective-C

I need a variable to describe UISegmentedControl last selected index in view controller. But it is only used in one method.
Can I set the property variable scope within the method only?
Like static variable or closure.
No. A property is always scoped at the class level. Though it may be either public or private. Just make it private. There is no need to have a method level property.
AFAIK properties cannot be method scoped.
You could create a private ivar in your #implementation
If you really need or want the convenience of properties and auto synthesis, that private ivar could be an instance of a private class. But that's overkill probably.
Otherwise you could declare a static variable inside the method itself.
It wouldn't have visibility outside of the scope of the method.

In Objective-C, do we have to use self.var or just var to reference a property of self?

If I add a property to the ViewController
#property (strong, atomic) UIView *smallBox;
and synthesize it in the .m file, the variable can actually be referenced just by smallBox inside of any instance methods.
But then, self.view cannot be replaced by view, even though view is defined as a property of UIViewController too. Why the difference and what is the rule?
self.view and view/_view are not the same thing. Depending on how you create your instance variables, view or _view refer to the actual object instance variable. It is dangerous to access this directly, and you should only do so in init, dealloc or in accessors. Everywhere else, you should use self.view.
self.view is exactly the same as [self view], which passes the message "view" to the object "self" an returns the result. By default, when an object receives a message, it executes the method with that name, and the default implementation of view will return the value of the related instance variable (either view or _view).
In older versions of Xcode, #synthesize view would create an instance variable called view. In the latest versions of Xcode, declaring a property view will will automatically create an instance variable called _view in many cases, even without #synthesize. This change makes it easier to notice when you are accessing the ivar directly.
In short:
except in init, dealloc and the view accessors (if you custom write them), always use self.view.
In those methods, you should refer to it as _view.
If you are writing for the latest Xcode, do not include #synthesize at all. If you are writing for a slightly older Xcode, use #synthesize view=_view;
self.view does not mean "the value of the instance variable." It means "the result of passing the message 'view'" which is generally implemented as returning the instance variable.
You can't access the view member directly because it's declared as #package visibility in UIViewController. This prevents your code from accessing it. (Normally, you wouldn't want to access instance variables of your superclasses directly anyway.)
For your class's own properties, you can access the instance variable directly, but you need to be aware of the memory management implications of this. (As well, as Rob points out, as any other behaviours you're side-stepping by avoiding the accessor.)
Apple defined properties usually contain an underscore before their name, so when you use self.view, it is actually getting the instance variable _view from the object. You cannot use _view in code, as it will cause a linker error on compiling, but Xcode will still highlight it for you. Another way of accessing the instance variable for self.view is by self->_view, but again, this causes a linker error. The reason for these linker errors is because the compiled libraries do not contain the symbols for _view; even if its declaration can be found in UIViewController.h.

Declaring or not declaring in Objective c

I'm starting with obj-c and there's a few things I don't get.
First of is I (oh I'm coming from an AS3 coding perspective) thought that if you wanted to have a variable in your class, you needed to declare it first in the header with the #property operator, and then #synthesize in the .m file, and also you had to declare the method in the header as well, but I've come across situations where variables are just defined in the methods in the .m file, without any declaring anywhere, and the same for the methods, methods that are just written straight into the .m file with no declaring and they work fine.
So what's the point of the #property/#synthesize for variables and declaring the methods in the header files? it is all to do with scope?
What you are talking about is not referred to the declaration of a variable but to expose it from outside of the class through a getter and a setter.
The #property/#synthesize are just a shortcut to automatically create two methods which are
- (void) [class setVariable:(type)var]
- (type) [class variable]
that can set and get the variable from other classes.
Not every variable needs to be set or got from outside the class.
The header (.h) file should contain what you want other classes to know about this class. A class extension -- an interface section inside the .m file -- is a good place for private declarations. (If a method is defined before it is used, that serves as a declaration. It isn't optimal but it works.)
There are three main categories of variables in Objective-C:
Instance variables
Static-scope variables (static, global, and function-static)
Automatic-scope variables (locals and function/method parameters)
When you declare and synthesize a property, an instance variable is created for you. Local variables, on the other hand, are declared in the scope of a code block, and cannot be declared through a property.

Where should I initialize variables in objective c?

In objective c, should I overwrite the init method to initialize my variables? If the variables are properties can I still access them the usual way to set their initial value?
In objective c, should I overwrite the init method to initialize my variables?
Yes. Specifically, the designated initializer(s).
Your subclass may also specify another construction stage (e.g. viewDidLoad). Also, the object's memory is zeroed when it is allocated, so you do not need to set them explicitly to 0/nil (unless you find it more readable).
If the variables are properties can I still access them the usual way to set their initial value?
You should avoid using the object's instance methods/accessors, and access ivars directly in partially constructed states (notably the initializer and dealloc). There are a number of side effects you will want to avoid - Example Here;
you can initialize you variables in viewDidLoad method of a view controller.
Variables declared in the classes interface will automatically be initialized to there default value, 0 for integral values and nil/NULL for classes and pointers. If you need to initialize the variables to other values then you need to override a guaranteed entry point for you class. A custom class inheriting from NSObject for example you will simply override init. If you are working with a view controller loaded from a NIB file then you could override initWithCoder: or – awakeFromNib. You should always check the documentation for whichever class you are inheriting from and find the designated initializer for that class. Sometimes you will need to set a common initializing method and call it from various initializers. Also if you have a variable that is also a property it is recommended that you should set the property and not the variable directly.
should I overwrite the init method to initialize my variables?
Instance variables: yes, although they are by default initialised to 0/nil/false already.
If the variables are properties can I still access them the usual way to set their initial value?
Yes you can. Apple advises against it because of the danger that a subclass has overridden the set accessor to do something unexpected. In practice, this is rarely a problem.

Scope of an instance Variable in Objective C

The question might sound pretty naive, ut this is really troubling me.
I am trying to set an instance variable by calling an instance method method of a ViewController from another view controller. Basically here are the steps
I am in ViewController1
Initialized an object of ViewController2
Called an instance variable to set some values to the instance variable of ViewController2
Then finally called the presentModalViewController to load the view controller
Using the variables in viewWillAppear method, But the app crashes and on debugging it shows BAD_EXEC
I have tried printing the same in instance method and it prints there but crashing when trying to use somewhere outside the method.
I have also defined the property and also ynthesized the variable.
The only problem I can figure out is I am initializing the variable in methos ...Does that limit the scope of the variable.
Any kind of help would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!!
Most likely you're running into a memory management error, and without code all I can advise is to make sure you are familiar with Cocoa's memory management system:
If you are creating the properties for the instance variable and synthesizing the getters and setters, you should be able to set the instance variable using dot notation:
viewController2.variable = foo;
or by using the setter method:
[viewController2 setVariable:foo];
You should not be trying to access the instance variables directly. By default, the scope is set to Protected, meaning that you can only access it by methods in the class, it's subclasses, and in category extensions.