Change User Agent and Headers in pyWebkitGTK? - webkit

I've read the suggestions for making your own data handler, for example:
web_view.connect('resource-request-starting', resource_cb)
def resource_cb(view, frame, resource, request, response):
print request.get_uri()
#get data using urllib with different user-agent...
will let you download using custom header/useragent. However, sometimes it will complain if set_uri is given string with null-char, or it will give an error like "** Message: console message: (http://url) #linenumber: SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18: An attempt was made to break through the security policy of the user agent."
Is there a better way to set a browser useragent for pygtk code? This says you can add/remove/replace headers using SoupMessage, however that documentation is missing...

This code sets a special user-agent:
webkit.WebSettings() allows user-agent switching, and a few other settings, but it seems it doesn't have the option to add other headers.


In karate mocking (karate-netty), how can we override request header value?

We want few API calls should go to mock-server(https://192.x.x.x:8001) and others should go to an actual downstream application server(
Setup :
On local, mock server is up with standalone jar on port 8001. e.g https://192.x.x.x:8001
In application config file ( system(which need to mock) defined with mockserver IP i.e https://192.x.x.x:8001
Testing scenario and problem:
Scenario: pathMatches('/profile/v1/users/{id}/user')
* karate.proceed('')
* def response = read ('findScope.json')
* def responseStatus = 200ˀˀ
* print 'created response is: ' + response
Now, when we hit API request via postman or feature file then it does karate.proceed properly to instead of 192.x.x.x. However, in this request, host is referring to https://192.x.x.x:8001 instead of which create a problem for us.
How can we override request header in this case? I did try with karate.set and also with header host=https://192.x.x.x:8001 but no luck.
Please see if the 1.0 version works:
Unfortunately https proxying may not work as mentioned. If you are depending on this, we may need your help (code contribution) to get this working
If the Host header is still not mutable, that also can be considered a feature request, and here also I'd request you to consider contributing code

Flask Error: If something fails in the flask backend, how does the error propagate to the front end?

Consider a simple application where a user fills a form to divide two numbers, in the routes the form data is proceeded [made into float] and then passed as parameters to a python script's function that has the division logic.
The logic fails due to division by 0 is handled as a custom message in the terminal. How does one send this custom message back to the front end UI along with a 500 error message? Trying to make a restful flask app here.
So far I can abort and show a custom message but not the one that propagated from the backend. Also looked into custom error handling but I want to writer of the external python script to be able to write the custom message.
You can Flask errorhandler(errorcode) to manage your errors and display those on the frontend.
def code_500(error):
return render_template("errors/500.html", error=error), 500
You can put whatever else you want in the html template.
You can also call the code_500(error) func directly.
Same principle applies for any other HTTP error code if you want to customize the page and the message (401, 403, 404, etc...).
If you're inside a blueprint, you can use app_errorhandler instead.
You could use the abort() function. From the docs:
When using Flask for web APIs, you can use the same techniques as above to return JSON responses to API errors. abort() is called with a description parameter. The errorhandler() will use that as the JSON error message, and set the status code to 404.
You could implement it like this
def divide():
x, y = request.form['x'], request.form['y']
result = x / y
except ZeroDivisionError:
abort(400, description="Your message here")
# Proper response
From there, the important step is properly catching that message on your frontend.

Extract report results with CloudConnect

I would like to extract raw report results within the CloudConnect process.
So far I have managed to get response from the raw report API end point -{project_id}/execute/raw/
This response contains URI to the file and if I put that URI to browser, file is uploaded.
I have tried passing this URI to the following readers without success:
CSV Reader produces the following error:
------------------- Error details ------------------
Component [CSV Reader:CSV_READER] finished with status ERROR.
Parsing error: Unexpected end of file in record 1, field 1 ("date"),
metadata "outOfStock";
value: Raw record data is not available, please turn on verbose mode.
File Download - I don't know how to pass the URI through the port to "URL to Downlaod" parameter.
HTTP Connector again I don't see how to pass URI from the port.
What is the way to do this?
If I use the HTTP Connector as suggested by #Filip, I get the following error:
Error details:
Component [HTTP connector:HTTP_CONNECTOR] finished with status ERROR. hostname in
certificate didn't match: != OR
I have tried setting header to X-GDC-CHECK-DOMAIN: false with no effect.
The HTTP connector is the right component to go with. Leave the URL property empty and use the component’s property called “Input mapping”, where in the graphic editor you can assign the input edge field to the URL field.
Solution from GoodData support:
HTTP connector can be also used, but it is very complex, because
logging in to GoodData has to be created. REST connector has it built
If you want to run the example graph, you have to be logged in in
CloudConnect with a user who has access to the project from where you
would like to export the report. You also have to change URL to
the one of white-labeled account in both REST connector components and change project
and report definition in the first REST connector.
So the graph that works looks like this:
Here are the main fields that you will need to set for each element:
Get Results URI - set params for POST request:
Request URL =${GDC_PROJECT_ID}/execute/raw/
Request Body =
"report_req": {
"reportDefinition": "gdc/md/${GDC_PROJECT_ID}/obj/${OBJECT_ID}"
Get URI from Response - just map uri value to corresponding field:
<Mapping cloverField="uri" xpath="uri"/>
Load Results - make sure it is connected to metadata with two fields, one for response with data, other to pass through the uri.
Load Results - you will need to exclude uri field to process the data:
Exclude Fields = uri

How to retrieve a list of all articles of Fogbugz-wiki that have a certain tag?

Via the Fogbugz REST API I try to get all articles with a certain tag. I wrote some code in python to get it but I got "zero" as result. Here is my code:
import requests
some code to log in
req_params={"cmd": "search", "token": self.token,"q":"tag:\"my_cool_tag\""}
response = requests.get(req_url, data=req_body, headers=req_header, params=req_params, verify=False)
print (response.text)
as response I got:
...cases count="0"...
Is there a way to get all articles with a certain tag in a list via REST-API and how I can achieve this?
I am using FogBugz Version
Try the search with curl or directly in your web browser to check that it works, then see if you can debug your Python.
In a browser I can successfully query FogBugz Online with something like:
Although I entered quotes around my tag, the browser url encoded them to %22. Obviously <domain>, <token> and <my_tag> should be replaced with your own values.
Your basic parameters look OK, but I haven't used Python so am not sure whether escaping the quotes around the tag translates well to the GET request? Maybe try url encoding "my_cool_tag".

Why does PHPUnit interfere with setting HTTP headers in this code?

I have a function that creates CSV data and lets the user download it in the browser, basically like this:
function f() {
if ($fp = fopen('php://output', 'w')) {
header("Content-Type: text/csv");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"foo.csv\"");
fputcsv($fp, $someArrayGoesHere);
// debugging, explained below
error_log(print_r(xdebug_get_headers(), true));
The code works, presenting the user with a download dialog.
Now, I'm trying to write a PHPunit test to confirm that the two HTTP headers get set. Realizing that headers_list() doesn't work in CLI context (php_sapi_name() == 'cli'), I'm using xdebug_get_headers() to retrieve the headers for testing.
Now comes the trouble. The debugging line in my code above, when run on the web, always prints the headers I expect:
[0] => X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
[1] => Content-Type: text/csv
[2] => Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="foo.csv"
But when I run this code in phpunit, the PHPUnit_Util_Printer::write function appears to be producing output before my code sets the headers, and prevents them from being set, producing this debug output:
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started
at /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Util/Printer.php:172)
[0] => Content-type: text/html
This earlier write is not being produced by me, so is there a way around it? How do I test for my CSV-related headers using phpunit?
I've already read the advice given in these questions, but it hasn't helped:
Headers already sent by PHP
PHPUnit - test for expected headers
PHPUnit - Unit Testing with items that need to send headers
Test PHP headers with PHPunit
Setting HTTP headers to be able to run test cases
I also tried using #runInSeparateProcess with the unit test, but the test crashes horribly: ".Unexpected non-MediaWiki exception encountered, of type "Exception", exception 'Exception' with message 'Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed' in /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Util/GlobalState.php:354". (This is a MediaWiki unit test for a custom extension.)
The answer to your literal question "Why does PHPUnit interfere with setting HTTP headers in this code?" is given fairly clearly in the answer to Test PHP headers with PHPunit. PHP's header() will fail with the Cannot modify header information warning if anything has been written to stdout. When running your code via PHPUnit, content has been sent to stdout long before your code under test has been reached.
You noted a separate issue when using the #runInSeparateProcess annotation to fork a clean PHP process for your test:
Unexpected non-MediaWiki exception encountered, of type "Exception", exception 'Exception' with message 'Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed' in /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Util/GlobalState.php:354
By default PHPUnit attempts to backup all of the $GLOBALS data before each test and restore it afterwards. MediaWikiTestCase turns this behavior off but it looks like your extension's tests are not. It seems likely that the configuration for your extension includes a closure and is causing the serialization failure. Adding a #backupGlobals disabled annotation to your PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase class should get you past this problem.